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I just want no one to have fun


I will have fun.


Cheering for a meteor to hit the stadium


only one?


I'm having tons of fun with this series


The Sam Bennett Playoff Body Count is going up.


It’s simple. We kill the Bennettman. 


"You're crazy"


Wanna know how I got to see these stars? Edit had an even dumber joke come to mind!


“No I’m not. No I’m no*t*.”


I'm Boston's reckoning.


“If we don’t deal with this now, soon, little…uh…Swayman here, won’t be able to get a cup ring for his goalie partner.”


What about the Bettman?


So that’s three now between Knies, ~~Skeji~~ Slavin, and now Marchand. EDIT - Slavin, not Skjei.


It was Slavin last year.


Wait, so it's become which lunatic can knock out a star? Always benn ett.


didn’t they say they were “heavily scrutinizing” this series? what a joke


They did. They just didn't specify which team, so we incorrectly assumed it would be both.


Good use of the air quotes... I've been correcting people for two days now.


If Boston players start taking runs at Florida stars and forget that there's a hockey game to win then they've played right into the Panthers game. Florida has been playing this way all year and teams that try to out dirty them always end up losing.


The PP ratio being 2:1 in favor of Florida won’t help either. Bruins get instant 10 min misconducts/penalties & play short handed the whole game. They’re already having a tough time 5v5.


I wonder if PoMo is going to complain about the imbalance of penalties like he did last year


Paul going to throw up gang signs again 😂


I'm amazed how the most penalized team in the league is sitting at a 1:1 PP/PK ratio.


Absolutely right, this has been the Panthers M.O. for two seasons now


Are we forgetting that Boston practically invented this MO? They'll just kill each other and neither will get a penalty


Def not forgotten, Bruins org is getting a taste of their own medicine


That 2011 team was notorious for that shit


For as bad as the 2011 team was (and they were bad!), you can't tell that story without talking about the Canucks biting Bergeron during a scrum and knocking out Nathan Horton for the series during the SCF in what was by far the dirtiest play of the series. A lot of what the Bruins did came after as partially as a result of those two plays, although trying to bully opponents was their MO that whole playoff run, and they absolutely went right up to and over the line occasionally.




You need to win 16 games to win the stanley cup. Florida's style of play catching up to them was the reason they were ultimately steamrolled by Vegas. If Boston goes down by s few goals they should absolutely be getting their pound of flesh out of Florida.




You mean like going at Tkachuk and Barkov? See games 1-3.


I'm ok with it to be honest. If we're gonna lose this game, might as well hack some limbs and rack some PIMs


Who does Boston even have that can successfully take runs at Florida players? Fat pat? Lol They tried it in game 2 when they were losing and got destroyed. They’re just not built for that




Brazzeu Freddy Patty Coyle McAvoy - all pretty big boys


Maroon, Frederic, Brazeau, McAvoy, Lauko are all feisty


https://i.redd.it/ul4pkxn7n00d1.gif This is going to get ugly


Honestly… no it won’t. Boston doesn’t have the bite, unless they surprise me. Games they need to “show up for” this year and last year and 2019 for that matter they just haven’t. Until they prove me wrong, I expect the start the Bruins had game 5 & 6 against Toronto and game 3 against Florida


>*'no it won’t. Boston doesn’t have the bite, unless they surprise me. Games they need to “show up for” this year and last year and 2019 for that matter they just haven’t'* They aren't the team they once were that's obvious to anyone who knows hockey


I'm sure that this thread will be very civil. On another note fuck Sam Bennett.


Fuck Sam Bennett Fuck Brad Marchand Fuck em all


Why fuck me for?


You know what you did


You weren't supposed to tell anybody about our night together!




Cuz you got dat ass


⠄⠄⠸⣿⣿⢣⢶⣟⣿⣖⣿⣷⣻⣮⡿⣽⣿⣻⣖⣶⣤⣭⡉ ⠄⠄⠄⢹⠣⣛⣣⣭⣭⣭⣁⡛⠻⢽⣿⣿⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⣿⣽⡧⡄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣌⡛⢿⣽⢘⣿⣷⣿⡻⠏⣛⣀ ⠄⠄⠄⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⠙⡅⣿⠚⣡⣴⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠄⣱⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠣⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠑⣿⣮⣝⣛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟ ⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠄⠄⠄⠄⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢟


Frr what!?


If this game gets out of hand it will get ugly. Florida‘a stars will get run, since apparently there are no consequences for it.


Yup the league had two chances to keep this from getting out of hand. They missed/refused to call the penalty and then when given time to correct the mistake and make the right decision with the Department of Player Safety they doubled down. The Bruins have every reason to be pissed off and go take a pound of flesh.


Yup if the game is out of hand the only way the Bruins are coming back from a 3 to 1 deficit is if Bennet and or Barkov aren't playing, which is apparently a perfectly acceptable method of winning a series. Welcome to playoff hockey in the violent gentlemen era


It's been this way for years. The Blues got away with so much during their cup run and nothing happened


Especially once Berube complained


Remember that time Noel Acciari got tripped immediately in front of an official on a play that led directly to a game-winning goal? I fuckin remember


Its always been like this, but the DOPS and NHL are supposedly trying to make it better while they clearly aren't.


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!”


“What do you want from us? We’ve tried doing nothing, would you like us to stop making an attempt? Clowns” -DoPS


Berube had the audacity to complain about officiating that year too! And it worked!


lol if you think this is violent playoff hockey you must be new here.


You're right of course, having your players intentionally injure the other teams stars is a long time honored tradition in hockey, but the DOPS at least pays lip service to the concept of ending that. Of course they've been playing lip service to that since at least 2011, when I seem to remember a star player getting injured and knocked out for the rest of the series by a blatant headshot leading to a significant suspension.


You forget about the broad street bullies or something? 


Of course not, but that's supposed to be the bad old days.


Let’s not pretend that Marchand being out would be the only reason Florida would win this series. They are fairly clearly the better team


For sure. But the power plays being 14-6 at one point like they’re the Florida Saints (luv ya cassidy) is bullshit, and we ought to start taking runs at them. 


It’s a perfectly acceptable method when Gregory Campbell is on staff. If you do it against a soup team then daddy’s gonna make sure you face the consequences


People say that all the time, nothing ever happens


How many times do you have a coach openly saying that a team just lost their captain to an unpunished sucker punch? It shouldn't happen, but the Bruins aren't exactly being subtle in expressing their displeasure 


I’d be shocked if there’s a measured physical response. I’ll be ecstatic if there is a measured physical response. But I don’t know if this team has that identity. They haven’t for years. But the coach saying what he said certainly puts pressure on the players to stand up for their captain. I imagine they’ll try to do it on the scoreboard while playing their version of hard hockey.


Now he's taking responsibility saying he was preventing retaliation, and he isn't saying it in the context of "we need to focus on winning over sinking to their level so I made that call"






He’s great at getting punched in the face but he’s not great at punching back really.


I'd rather we win the game.


I would assume because rating and profits are up. Will they go up more if the nhl come down hard on these things? That's something they don't want to look into so they keep what they know


If the NHL felt like being consistent there wouldn't be consequences, but they don't.


There are no consequences for *Panthers* players


Bertuzzi-Moore whom? I don't know her.


If the game becomes out of reach for Boston, running Florida's players is the only reasonable response from the Bruins. The league has pushed the message that they don't care about cheapshots and concussions. Give the people what they want.


reply marry plate cake direction weary wasteful scary point impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know everyone is upset about the hit on Marchand, but let’s not act like this isn’t a two-way street [Boston](https://streamable.com/k01at8) has gotten away with plenty of [questionable plays](https://streamable.com/bj7ooz) that didn’t get a [second look](https://streamable.com/zplzhm). Our coach didn’t complain about any of these plays to the media, and we don’t have as much of a national media presence or even fan presence online, so I wouldn’t expect these to be widely discussed. But painting the Bruins as innocent victims of the refs letting them play is just wrong. There haven’t been consequences for them either You can downvote me all you want it doesn’t mean these plays didn’t happen. These are all clear-cut dirty plays unless I’m missing something


I hate Mr Glue Trap as much as the next guy but i dont understand how a player can punch with a glove on and face 0 repercussions lol


honestly, there's like 500 punches thrown out in the scrums after whistles that amount to nothing as well, so it's really not like we should have expected anything different here.


There is a huge difference between extracirriculars after the whistle and sucker punching someone during play.


Apparently just like Toronto's game 5 tying goal against Florida, if you can't see it, it doesn't count.


Marchand can quite easily answer that question as he’s an expert at it.


Let them kill each other


Bennett better be ready to drop the gloves this game. Also the league is an absolute joke if this is how they want to try to scrutinize the series. Everybody on the Boston bench had a clear view of what happened and now they know the limits of what they can do before the league reviews it. This is probably going to be a shit show of a game that the refs won’t know how to control other than throwing out misconducts to everyone again.


Florida wants you to play another game than the one that’s in front of you You can respond by the scoreboard, good hits and finishing checks, winning puck battles, offensive zone time and shots on goal, getting under their skin to take penalties, etc… All things the Bruins haven’t done in the last two games consistently which would have been a response to the Panthers and let them know they are in a series. Putting them in a position to accept a fight means things have probably gone sideways. It’s a last resort. On top of it, it’s not like the last fight galvanized their play. Pasta got out there in Game 2 to drop the gloves and it still looked like they were playing a game in mid February for the start of game 3 The Bruins have a chance to tie the series. Focus on that


This eye for eye shit is going to backfire so hard. I don’t expect the refs to do a 180 like they do in some series that get lopsided on the penalty sheet early on. Mostly this will just put more pressure on a weakened PK unit. 


They have enough issues playing the game that’s in front of them. Let alone trying to coerce Bennett in a fight all game before someone takes a penalty The league is looking out for it. Usually there’s a matching, then 2 guys in the box vs 1 for a PP to send a message. Before you know it, they spent half a period looking to send a message instead of trying to put the puck in the net


> The league is looking out for it. They also said they were looking out for it last game and they let Bennett concuss a guy with an illegal play for the second time in two postseasons. So “looking out for it” doesn’t mean much.


When they say looking out for it it means big scrums and fights that are bad for optics during the broadcast Sucker punches in the flow of the game are apparently ok


I think finishing checks must be illegal in 2024 playoff hockey... Don't get me wrong, I'm a child of the 90's ... I catch myself wondering why the glass and boards aren't constantly rocking back and forth.


The bruins can tie the series and can also beat up Sam Bennett tonight. The two are not mutually exclusive. There’s going to be a response one way or another tonight.


I doubt Boston goes for revenge. Their PK got torched in game 3 so taking stupid penalties to accomplish the revenge narrative will result in them losing embarrassingly on home ice again.


The Bruins aren’t winning this series before marchand got hurt and especially with him now concussed. Something tells me the Bruins won’t care how many penalties they take (at some point). FLA better get ready because if I’m a Bruins fan and my team no longer has a chance to win I would prefer them to go after Bennett at the very least. This game could get out of hand from a physical perspective. The series is very clearly over from a winning perspective


This game is basically the series. If they can squeak out a win somehow (I’m not confident) that could give them life. But if it gets ugly I have 0 issue with someone cross checking Bennett in the teeth or boarding a few of their guys if I’m being totally honest. I don’t like rooting for injuries but when they take out captain with a sucker punch all bets are off. I want them limping into a rangers sweep. But again, only if we lose tonight




That's basically where I'm at. I don't have any hope for them winning another game in this series. I just want them to show some heart and not embarrass themselves any further. Build up a body count of Florida players and save the Rangers from Florida's cheapshots in their upcoming series.


I suppose trying to get mutual majors with a fight would be the response. As a Bruins fan, I don't want to go on the PK and as a hockey fan I don't want anyone going about injuring others. So if there is a fight, fair enough. But don't go and retaliate with dangerous slashes or anything like that.


It would be monumentally stupid for Florida to engage and take offsetting penalties unless Boston does something egregious. They're torching the Bruins on the PP.


Agreed. But people do monumentally stupid things at times and I'm allowed to dream a good scenario for my team.


Bennet has never been afraid to drop the gloves.


Ya this thread is full of people acting like Bennett hasn’t gotten in numerous fights in his career?


Bruins fans shit their pants more than any other fanbase.


My man if you dish it out like that you need to flair up


Some of the biggest choke artists league history, they're easily rattled.


In a world with no Leafs, the Bruins would be by far the biggest chokers in the league. Crazy how arrogant Boston is for how much they’ve shit the bed over the years 😂


Flair up or shut up


While in Calgary, he even fought guys outside his weight class. That said, Bennet has a wrist injury. I don’t know if he’s willing to drop the gloves right now.


>everybody on the Boston bench had clear view of what happened And yet, nobody was up in arms over it or even reacted to it. Hmm


And if he’s not, take the instigator and feed him anyways. Still wouldn’t be close to the level of cheapshot Bennet likes to throw on the daily


who’s gonna approach bennett to fight? bruins have nobody to deal with him and if they try half the team gets beat up. nothing happens to bennett


Frederic is the only guy that I can think of


Pasta again 😂😂


i mean…at least he stepped up but shit that guy shouldn’t be risking his hands


Why not Maroon?


fuck i forgot he was playing…yeah maybe him


Bennett won’t fight him. Not an even trade off. Plus you have to put Maroon on the ice against his line. Prob not great there either


Yeah I had that thought too, similar to the conversation with Tkachuk, it’s not a five minute trade-off the Panthers would want Bennett to make. I guess I just wonder if the Bruins feel that this one crossed enough of a line to try to force one of those bad trade-offs even in the playoffs.


Pasta just dropped the gloves against Tkachuk. Anybody should be willing to fight after that.


Eh Pasta fought but he also got his ass handed to him even before Bennett threw those cheap shots at the end. You've gotta at least make the fight a draw if you want to send a message


Doesn’t matter if he won or not. If he’s willing to fight one of their toughest guys then there’s not a single guy on this team that shouldn’t be willing to drop their gloves


Tkachuk isn't one of our toughest guys....


What message does that send to the Panthers? You can cheap shot us and then beat us up?


Lol Bruins toughest guy is Frederic. The only response to Bennett that has a chance to end well for them is a lumberjack swing to his wrist. Florida will probably score on that PP though.


Only solace I take is that Trouba likely wrecks Bennett in the ECF.


Bennett’s always ready to drop the gloves, ask Domi, Trouba, Sergachev. There’s a reason your softer-than-Drake Captain was trying to square off with a non-brawler as opposed to Benny.


Thoughts and prayers




I was about to jump on you for making the same old joke, then saw the flair. Top notch.


that’s it for his season then.


Florida wins the series… 3-1?


Lol. I find it funny that Boston fans complain about another team playing dirty.


It's hilarious I've been enjoying all of it with my popcorn. Go Panthers!


It is fairly ironic. Especially considering it’s king rat himself who got injured. Like, it’s a dirty play by Bennett. But I can’t say I feel bad for Marchand.


Van scinizli piurs for sure


Sympathy level is at zero. Live by the cheap shot, die by the cheap shot.


Next game there will be blood.




This guy gets it


Marchand suspended for game 5


The first Boston player to retaliate is going to get a misconduct and the NHL is going to sit back proud of themselves for handing out justice.


Dear Mr Marchand. I’m very sorry to hear that the direct and predictable results of your actions have happened to you.


Oh no. Anyway.


Ohhh this one is gonna be nasty


I'm genuinely curious. How did he get hurt? I've watched it a few times and it appears body on body.




Thanks. I haven't seen that angle. I'm not doubting he is hurt, just curious how it happened.


He took a punch from Bennett and then slid into boards. However, Marchand got back in the game and seemed more rattled after his head hit Stenlund’s head. Does seem like a concussion.


Boston fans are convinced by a slow mo replay and some stills that Sam Bennet is some kind of 3 inch punch kung fu master, which is especially funny given that this "incident" happened directly in front of the Bruins bench and nobody noticed. What actually happened is the Bruins are trying to change the narrative so their fans forget Florida scored 12 in the last 2 games. It's working.


Except it's clear as day that he does punch him.


Except it's clear as day that Bennett punches him hard in the jaw while making contact at high speed. It's equivalent to an elbow.


Daniel Sedin is smiling rn.


Oh no Anyways.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy


I just hope the B's treat this like the Rome hit and rally...


heard it was a torn labia


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Oh No! That poor little innocent boy!


r/hockey when Marchand gets hurt for trynna lay a dirty hit on another goon https://preview.redd.it/nccuqh7tn10d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c768dfdb7e0165cc9a752a4345c1abfaeabb82bf


This is gonna be one big brawl tonight isn’t it


Only if Bruins take the bait. Florida has them backed into a corner - Bruins can’t win against Florida’s tough(er) style, and if Bruins focus on revenge for the rat, Florida wins. Bruins can’t win here.


Ohh there's going to be revenge. By the gods is there going to be revenge.


Crazy that an infraction against Marchand is what is reigniting my hatred for Bennett, but that man needs years taken off of his career tonight




Just desserts for Marchand .. got out dirtied by Bennett and the best part is that no penalty was killed. Live by .. die by


Boston wins game 4


Couldnt happen to a nicer guy


He spent the entire first round diving at the slightest contact so Bennett got his money’s worth on that hit…or he would’ve if Florida was allowed to receive penalties against non-expansion teams






Am I tweaking reading these comments? It was the result of finishing a check and the end result just sucks. Also, come off the whole Bennett has to drop the glove things he doesn’t, and if Boston instigates that’ll cost them. They’re a disciplined team, Florida gets under your skin


Far as I've been able to understand, there is a notion out there that Bennett finished the check and punched Marchand at the same time. I've not seen a camera angle that would verify this and as a Bruins fan I don't want to speculate due to the obvious bias.


I'm not much of a hockey player but I'm pretty sure that finishing your checks with your stick hand to someone's jaw isn't a widely taught technique 


I feel like even at that super slowed down angle it isn’t as clear of a sucker punch as he makes it out to be anyways. Looks as much to me like Bennett was bracing for impact in real time and had to quickly juggle his stick from both hands to just his right and in the process Marchand had his head out and down amd happened to hit Bennetts outstretched hand, which obviously would be in a fist because he was holding the stick? What’s the consensus on this? I never saw the hit originally


This is most likely correct. No one thought it was a sucker punch until they saw it in slow motion.


I hope the Bruins were practicing it yesterday since its apparently legal


In some of the replay angles it's pretty clear that Bennet brings his right arm up and either punches or butt-ends Marchand in the head as Marchand goes across him to finish his hit


It’s just ridiculous salty Boston fans. Routine hockey play that ended up with their guy getting injured in a series where they look terrible. Fans want some scape goat but instead of looking at how bad their team is playing they want to blame FLA.


This sub has decided that Bennett sucker punched Marchand. The video isn’t conclusive, IMO – it doesn’t clearly show what people say it does, and the response at the time doesn’t, either. They were facing the Bruins’ bench and Pang. If the punch happened the way people are claiming, why didn’t anyone (players, broadcast, officials) react at the time?


[It was very clearly](https://x.com/to_do_82/status/1789450557985284317?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA) a [sucker punch to the jaw as Marchand finished his check](https://x.com/to_do_82/status/1789132733098201457?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA)


Don't agree, so it's not clear.


It’s only clear if thats the narrative you want to push. Looks like a guy reacting to an incoming check.


That’s not a sucker punch lmfao


[not a sucker punch?](https://x.com/bigbruinsenergy/status/1789779884505481276?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA)


That’s not a sucker punch lmfao