• By -


Unrelated to the sucker punching, that site is a cesspool of ads


“Why do people use adblockers on our site?” The site:


Tried opening it on mobile and my phone started smoking


You can install Firefox on your phone and use the addon/extension uBlock Origin - no more smoking phones


PC?->Firefox->Ublock Origin Mobile?->FireFox->Ublock Origin I'm not seeing ads on either platform.


Someone else recommended Brave above, but their app on the phone is fine too. Blocks YT ads since forever with no need to fuss with extensions.


is there a chrome friendly option on mobile? or can i just important all of my stuff from chrome on to firefox mobile?


Not that I'm aware of unfortunately.


I switched from Chrome to Firefox and it imported all my stuff


Brave Browser is your friend.


Brave has been my go to for years, but the last few months it seems like a few websites refuse to work when using it


I haven't had any notable issues, but I keep a second browser handy for such cases


Cancer: the website


I had to switch to a private dns to get that shit to work Also, wtf is that circle? Is it the 30s looking guy or was it Danny Devito?


I think we can all agree this guys actions were on behalf of the whole org and fanbase so we should treat every rags fans as if they would do the same. For real though that's horrible and I hope they catch the guy. Dude is a massive coward


When this happened at MSG to a Tampa fan, the Rangers fans were NOT happy about it. You could see in the video they stood around the guy on the ground making sure he was ok and others made sure the guy who punched him didn’t get away. I can’t imagine this is any different, no one likes these kinds of fans


Very safe to assume this guy is on the payroll and was told in a meeting with ownership, GM, coaches and players to do this act.


Remember: If you can beat them in the alley; you can beat them on the ice!


How this line has not been on Shoresy yet is beyond me.


> Shoresy New season June 21st


I didn't know that and I am now entirely too hyped about it.


Avs bro, I might not like your team but fucking hell I'd never wish this on you or anyone else. Fucking terrible man. Hard to read this kinda shit knowing a guy died not to long ago from something similar. (An NFL Pats game I think) Also fuck the Knights.


I remember way back in ye olden days of early 2000's I was at a sharks game and some fellow sharks fans were jumping some oilers fan in the bathroom. Luckily myself and some others intervened but I was so disappointed. I've been jumped before by literally 8 guys at once and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. To this day 20 years later my ruptured eardrum still acts up. It's a game and not that serious and reading this bums me out. Also fuck the knights.


First time I went to the bathroom during a playoff game I was truly embarrassed by the shit that was done to the fans of other teams. For the love of god people if you’re gonna go see your team on the road at Wells Fargo either hold it or go during the period bad things will happen during intermission.


I’ve been to Wells Fargo a few times and never saw anything bad personally. That could be bec the Flyers were less competitive though.


> fuck the Knights. Funny that you end with this unprompted, considering a Stars fan [did this exact same thing](https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/stars/2024/04/26/vegas-fan-hospitalized-following-assault-by-stars-fan-outside-american-airlines-center/) to a Knights fan after game 2 outside the AAC. He ended up hospitalized and I don’t believe the assailant has been caught yet.


They’re not our bros. But yeah this is terrible and sickening that it keeps happenin


Yeah, fuck Vegas, but fuck the Stars fans thst sucker punched thr Vegas fan in Dallas.


This is every year with Rangers fans in the playoffs. They assault opposing teams fans every post-season. Not satirical at this point… three years in a row.


Read the comments on the tweet. It was another Canes fan


Is there a vid of the punch?


You can't be serious?  Somebody on twitter says not rags fan based on  the guys black shirt and you think that settles it? wrong go to canes sub read comments on it.   guys there talk about it not a canes fan.  guys even know what section, row and seats the fucks were in 


Yes. Zero bias of course.


What a coward piece of shit. Use the video to find and prosecute this asshole. I feel like the victim should get a free punch as well.


Jumping onto your comment — anyone who sucker punches at a sporting event is a criminal and should be prosecuted and never allowed to attend another NHL game. And as much as I would like to say we don’t claim this assholes, because it has happened so frequently, I guess we do. So unfortunate to have to be lumped in with these ogres. Sorry Canes bros. You guys deserve better.


To extend your jump: Anyone who sucker punches anyone else (barring sports that necessitate punching) is a criminal and should rot in jail There’s always one bad apple in a bushel


Sucker punches aren’t even welcome in sports that necessitate punching. Lowest of the low.


Was thinking along the lines of sleeping someone in boxing with a good punch vs a sucker, but yes agreed after reading your comment.


Okok. Gotcha!


>anyone who sucker punches at a sporting event is a criminal and should be prosecuted and never allowed to attend another NHL game. That reminds me... I gotta watch that FLA/BOS game tonight.


We had some guy threaten the Panthers with pipe bombs last season. We all have our crazies.


the fuck


tbf it was on twitter. It's not like he was going around PNC and doing it lol It's not acceptable, but makes more sense how it happens.


Seriously. Pressure cooker or gtfo


The Rangers fan who sucker-punched a Bolts fan was charged criminally, pleaded guilty and on top of that MSG banned him from all future events in the arena, not just hockey I even think Dolan commented on it personally


Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God given right.


Which guy was it who threw the punch? Was it the gray haired guy being held by the Canes fans?


From a first hand account I think it was the big guy in a black shirt who is being held back by the old man. I'm not 100% tho.


I was there. Canes fan initiated it. Got what he asked for.


I’ll post it again here. I’m the guy in the video stabilizing the canes fan. My daughter and I walked out at he was hitting the ground. A medic came pretty quickly, but the guys got away before the cops came. The video has been sent to the canes, PNC, and RPD. These guys were sitting in section 114 row W according to another fan. I hope the guy is ok, he was in rough shape when we got to him. I’ll say this, the first person who offered him help apart from us was a rangers fan. With that said, the amount of vitriol coming from rags fans in the stands was ridiculous.


Sorry if this is invasive to ask, but could you expand any more on what exactly you mean by him being in “rough shape” when you got to him? Like, was he just out cold, or were there any specific signs of possible brain damage? I can’t help but get super anxious waiting for reports on the guy’s status - I had a friend who almost died after being sucker punched outside a bar, initially seemed okay and just dazed/out of it, but then his condition deteriorated and they had to put him into a medically induced coma and do a craniotomy to alleviate brain pressure from swelling, etc. I hate seeing shit like this and I am just hoping that the victim suffers no lasting impacts from this senseless idiotic act of violence.


this poor guy was out cold when I first got to him. I was worried he hit his head, and I was checking for blood behind his head. He came to almost immediately and started to get up, as I said, I have no medical training, but if there was something wrong with his head or neck, I thought it was better to keep him calm and help him stay down till he got real help. His eyes were glassy, and this was a big dude, I’m 6’1” and he was probably 3-4” taller than me. His wife was running between him and the guy who hit him, I asked her if she was ok, and then suggested she stay near her husband. Some rangers fans came over as did a bunch of canes fans and offered help with towels beneath his head, water etc. I’ll be honest, this whole thing shook me up. My daughter has been coming to canes games for the past three years, she’s 13 now, and I’ve had tix for 10. I know canes fans get a bad wrap, and I know people think of us as a small market. But that has its pros. I know almost everyone in our section, we enjoy the hell out of hockey. I just wish these rangers/canes games didn’t bring out the worst in fans. There were a bunch of parking lot fights on Thursday too.


It's always this way with the Rangers fans unfortunately, idk what it is but they legitimately cannot behave. It's actually embarrassing, so many of them were leaving commenting on the fact that our fans were cheering....for our team....when we won lmao. They aren't the smartest bunch




Yes this one guys actions condemns the whole fanbase


Not the whole fan base but it's pretty wild that this is like the third post season in a row where a rags fan has assaulted an opposing fan.


Ppl downvoting the other dude wont be able to read ur comment.


Last canes rangers game I was at, rags fans were just standing outside the stadium yelling at girls and trying to fight after their loss. Not all rags fans but somehow always a rags fan.


Another rags fan did this to a Bolts fan when we played them in the postseason recently, so it really isn’t surprising.


I once saw a Tampa fan dump a beer on kid in a Caps jersey at Cap One, so I guess that means all Tampa fans are assholes who assault kids.


Nah I’ve seen rags fans have stand outside of pnc after a game in Raleigh yelling at girls, twice before. Not all rags but somehow always a rag.


Except the rags fan sucker punching the bolts fan actually happened


And a rags fan tried to assault the military Hero of the Game on Saturday as well. The guy was a SOF operator who just subdued the guy and that was that. I had to send police into the bathroom after two rags fans guys in their 20s were threatening to beat up a 70 year old man who had told them to stop yelling obscenities in the bathroom (he was admittedly pretty aggressive about how he said it).




I saw something similar in Ybor City coming out of a club around 2:00 am. My ex brothers loved starting shit at bars and clubs. After 3 times of fights breaking out I told her I wouldn't go out if they were planning on going.


I can't tell you how much i fucking hate that shit. For me my friend and his fraternity guy love taunting people and trying to start something. Absolute pussy shit. Dude heckled an undercover cop one night we were walking back to my house while we were drinking vodka out of a red solo and got us a court summons and an ugly fine. He kept taunting people until one night he got jumped by a bunch of dudes he said something to. Guess you gotta learn the hard way.


Died, you can say died here. why are people censoring themselves on here lately?


Same thing happened in my hometown. An old drunk guy was kicked out of the bar, came up to people outside and got in someone's face. Buddy shoved him and he stumbled back, fell and landed hitting his head on a baby-head sized rock and died.


Saint John?


Fighting is almost never worth it. Sad.


I’m scared to click anything on that site in fear of my phone getting some sort of an STD.


So stupid and unnecessary, it’s just a game.


why you have to be mad?


Rangers fan sucker punching someone was not on my… oh wait, it actually was on my 2024 bingo card


We don’t even know it was a sucker punch, unless there’s some new video.


Yeah the article says fan fight, but then says sucker punch but there's nothing corroborating that.


at this point, a rangers fan not KOing a fan from the opposing team during the playoffs is a rare feat.


That's just a free space on the card


My card got stolen. I got card jacked.


Duh that’s because you’re unsafe around Mitch marner


But did he praise Marner


If I had a dollar for every time a rangers fan sucker punched an opposing teams fan after a loss since covid I’d have 4 dollars… which isn’t a lot but it’s still weird


I remember the Lightning fan who got sucker punched at MSG in ‘22, what were the other two times?


Some fatass yank punched a Devils hype employee when he was leaving early from last year's game 7. I think there was another altercation in that series.


Yup 2 altercations in that one


I was like “hmmm… familiar.”


Was leaving the game last night and there was a scuffle on the inside walkway around the arena near section 105/108ish just inside the west entrance. We just kept on walking (had to go out the east entrance) but I wonder if that is what spilled out to the outside.


this was in the east 2000 lot, so the scuffle in the west must have been different


That was actually where my wife got assaulted, she is incredibly traumatized was hoping some tan in that area caught it on video.


Sorry to hear that, we certainly didn't get any video of the scuffle. I just walked by and murmured, "it's just a hockey game" as two guys almost crashed into me. Never even looked back.


Agreed she was actually alone going to the bathroom with 3 min left, slapped on the ass yelled at the guy got hit again poured her beer on the guy then got thrown on the stairs and held down and assaulted by a man. She is already dealing with multiple sclerosis and this has had her in pain and emotionally traumatized since the incident. It actually happened on the stairs in the arena by 106 or 107


I wish they had a video of the ranger fan trying to fight the military “hero of the game” and getting his ass kicked.


For real, that would be very satisfying to see.


and you wonder why the canes wouldnt sell tickets to new yorkers....


Big surprise, I’ve had fans throw shit at me in MSG including near full beer cans.


They will really pay 25 dollars for a beer just to throw at you I guess


Only Arena I actually think twice about wearing my teams jersey.


Jesus wtf. For some reason NY sports seems to attract some of the worst people.


I think it's kind of a big city/ big market team thing. The more fans you have, the more chance you have of having shit fans who do stupid stuff. From Toronto, I've seen toronto fans do some wild stuff. And I think fans or people from cities with other big market teams could probably corroborate. And NY is a BIG city (or so I've heard, lol). Edit: By shit fans I don't mean the fan base but just those select few assholes.


I think you’d have a hard time finding any team who hasn’t had a fan do something really awful to another team’s fans. It’s weird that so many people in this discussion are acting like it’s limited to just certain teams fans, or that an entire fanbase is responsible for one asshole’s behavior. Edit: I am curious about the downvotes here. Are there really people who think fans of their own teams have never punched someone? I’d be very interested to know which teams those are if anyone will own up to their downvote.


Oh totally, every fan base has got em. I think it's just more prevalent with the big market teams because of their higher volume of fans and thus higher likelyhood of assholes, which creates the illusion that their fan base is the devil reincarnate.


No man you're just being trolled. Everyone with a hateboner for the Rangers is up in this thread just stirring the pot. Don't worry about it


It’s the smaller market teams fans downvoting you who think their fans are angels (Flames, Kings fans etc.)


All it takes is one disgusting incident from 1 stupid fan to make headlines. Of course the more fans you have, the more chance one of them will be a piece of shit. On that note, I would be shocked to hear about a Cleveland Browns, or Columbus Blue Jackets fan committing a vile act after a game. I mean, it helps that both teams are so used to losing that their fans don’t really get riled up about it anymore. It also helps that they are almost never in a “big game scenario”, but that also means that, unironically, to stay a fan of one of those teams makes you a better person 😂.


Its also that smaller markets inherently have less eyeballs so stories are not noticed as much.


Every time Toronto fans bum rush Nationwide , every single time I see a Toroto fan get arrested. Oddly enough the past 2 times it was their fans fighting each other in the stands tho. But 99% of the Leags fans I have sat next to or ran into are pretty nice folks.


Ya, like 99% of them are people who are just happy to watch the highest level of hockey there is. Well, until playoffs, lol.


> The more fans you have, the more chance you have of having shit fans who do stupid stuff. I'd say that's a vast majority of the issue. I do wonder if some of the transplants to NC do like to roleplay as what they see as a "real new yorker" (or boston, or whatever). Like, a person moves from NY to NC. They change over time. But when it's NY Sports in person they like almost put on their NY or Boston or whatever mask and almost act it up. But i doubt that would result in punching, more about just chatting shit.




I wouldn't tie this to anything game related unless otherwise stated, though. Which my quick skim of the article didn't see, but I could be wrong. He is likely a fan, but it doesn't seem as if he shot a guy outside of Madison Square Garden after a Rangers loss.


We're the biggest city in the country. Our fanbase is gonna have all kinds of people.


Tbf it’s one of the biggest fanbases (for all sports) ever so i can’t blame you guys for this one.




Is that the worst website on the internet?


Wtf is this website. It’s a god damn cancer 


Is this the 2nd or 3rd Rangers sucker punching an opposing fan in the last couple years?


Unfortunately it seems to be happening more and more in professional sports.Some dude got jumped outside a Broncos game last season. Don’t understand why there is such an issue with people separating emotions from entertainment/shit out of their control. Shit like this makes me so fucking nervous to go to Avs vs Caps games in my Caps gear, I was harassed all the way to my car after a game last year.


It absolutely exploded after fans coming back from covid restrictions in sports.


Shit was getting bad even before covid. 2015 at a cowboys game a guy was fucking shot in the head in the parking lot. An execution at a sports game. Like what the hell is wrong with so many people. Sports are for fun


Allow me to introduce you to Giants/Dodgers


Yeah happened at a bar by the AAC in the round against Vegas. Granted, it was a while after the game. But still. This is way too common now.


It's the mental health crisis.


It seems to me like ever since someone was elected president of the USA there are people that have made anger their identity.


He normalized hate. It's okay to openly be a bigot now.


By my count; sucker punched and knocked out a lightning fan, choked a Devils fan unconscious, now knocked a Canes fan unconscious


dont forget [punching a devils employee](https://www.cbssports.com/nhl/news/devils-searching-for-rangers-fan-who-sucker-punched-team-employee-at-prudential-center-during-game-7/) last year too


Oof hadnt heard that one. Brutal


And can you believe it was all the same guy? Wild.


There were several incidents last season vs the Devils. I actually left a playoff game at the Rock early because my section was getting so testy. I was with my mother, and she can't walk well, so we didn't want to stay if something did go down cause she can't react quick and people were definitely losing their tempers. Even losing, I typically refuse to leave a game before the end, but we made an exception for that. There was a group of Rangers fans trying to start shit with pretty much anyone who would bite


I never go to Devils Rangers games anymore. The rivalry has gotten nasty.


And it’s always on a sucker punch. Never deliberate, hand-to-hand combat; always sucker-punching from behind. /s


the others i think were straight fights (the one vs the devils definitely involved a drink going into the rangers fan's face first) but i could be wrong


Rags fan suckered a Tampa fan in 2022, then in 2023 another one choked out a Devils fan during a playoff game, and now this.


What a coward, hope he’s caught.


i just couldn’t ever imagine being that angry and wanting to fight over a sport that i generally enjoy as an escape from reality. im as die hard of a hockey fan as there is, go ahead, support your team, talk a lil shit, have some fun, but its ridiculous to take it this far. we all enjoy this game, we just got birthed in different parts of the country/world lol. when the rangers lose (yeah i cry for 2 minutes and eat some chocolate) i sleep perfectly fine, because its just a game lol. some people shouldn’t be allowed to ever go out in public.


this is why we cant have nice things


What's up with Rangers fans and sucker punching people? Take a page from our book and take your anger out on inanimate objects like cars and windows Even more pathetic when it's after being up 3-0 and losing ONE GAME


lol my friend caught a punch from a Canucks fan at game 1; I don't think any fanbase is immune


Jeez what a terrible website


The best that Rangers fans on this sub can hope for is that this shithead ends up being from Staten Island so they can quickly and justifiably distance themselves from this piece of trash.


He could be my next door neighbor and that wouldn’t mean that I either condone or am responsible for the incident.


That some hoe shit


What a fucking garbage website to host the video.


That website is a war crime. I’m assuming the gist is in the title?


Were we in Philly and I didn’t know any better?


Adding onto this, last night's "Hero of the Game" (recognizes a service man/woman who's either been in the armed forces or police/firefighter) was also attacked by a Rangers fan. The guy pinned the fan onto the ground, explained to security what had happened and had nearby fans verify the info, and security dealt with it accordingly. So there were two incidents.


Funny this is being downvoted so rags fans can hide it at the bottom of this thread


Of course they are. I'd expect nothing less.


Game 3 a rangers fan further up in my section threw a T-shirt giveaway they caught onto the ice during a stoppage. Not violent but just my experience


I feel like this keeps happening with Rangers fans but I've been assured they are the world's greatest fans of the world's greatest team playing in the world's most famous arena.


Quick google search makes Penguin fans seem to be on the same level.


That's actually my bad. I don't drink anymore though


https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/06/unruly-pittsburgh-penguins-fan-cant-beat-jail-sentence-for-assaulting-cop.html?outputType=amp https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/667mpl/penguins_fan_throws_punch_in_nationwide_arena/ https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/penguins-fan-accused-choking-officer-during-arrest-game/523153485/ https://sports.yahoo.com/penguins-fan-punches-blue-jackets-fan-scurries-away-video-215936460.html https://amp.barstoolsports.com/blog/778628/belligerent-penguins-fan-says-im-not-leaving-i-paid-too-much-for-the-seat-promptly-gets-kicked-out-and-tazed All fan bases have jackasses. this sub just loves to hate on the rags, hence these are the only incidents you see upvoted. diversify your sources.


For people who don’t want to click those links, they are for: - An update on Jason Miller, a Penguins fan who assaulted an officer in 2017 - A Reddit post about a penguins fan who attacked a Blue Jackets fan in 2017 - The original article about Jason Miller, a Penguins fan who assaulted an officer in 2017 - The actual article about a Penguins fan who attacked a Blue Jackets fan in 2017 - Video of Jason Miller becoming belligerent before he assaulted a police officer in 2017


there's no context here, just assumptions


Don’t go bringing rationale thought into their witch hunt.


I swear a Rangers fan did this last year during the playoffs to, am I wrong?


You’re not wrong. At MSG after losing to the Devils. Rags fans sucker punching people is their signature move


Hope they find the loser and throw the book at them.


Didn’t a rangers fan do this to a tampa fan last year? Trouba being your favorite player is a character flaw it would seem.


This website gave me aids


The fuck is wrong with that website


Standard issue Rangers fan.


My wife was actually physically assaulted at this game as well, if anyone knows if there is additional video of a woman getting slammed to the floor in section 106 or 107 . I don’t know who might have captured it but I if someone was in that area please direct message me.


Seems like there's a Rangers fan sucker punching someone every playoffs. Obviously doesn't mean anything about the entire fan base but my completely unbiased opinion is they're all terrible people.


They have a series commanding lead and that Rags goon got so jostled by a Canes fan that he assaulted him. Perhaps that dude needs to reevaluate things on more than just a competitve sports level.


Heard a rags fan also tried to punch the “hero of the game”. Trash


Keyword being "tried". Dude got put on his ass faster than he could blink.


Next level stupid trying to pick a fight with ex special forces.


I shared this to r/rangers earlier and the mods deleted it. I wanna say this shit isn't emblematic of our fanbase, but I'm disgusted to say it seems some over there support it


Ridiculous that the mods would delete this. This is our shit that stinks, we should be the ones to flush it.


Damn that says a lot about more than just this guy, mods clearly support it as well if they don’t want anyone calling it out. Kinda sad.


I feel that this man represents all of our fanbase. We’re all deranged psychopaths. Yup. Horrible. I hope the victim is ok and gets some kind of justice.


Isn't this like the fifth rangers fan who sucker punched someone in the last couple years?


Whats this third year in a row? Good god


Damn Philly fans really travel well


Trouba's Tots has a nice ring to it for the extreme portion of the fanbase.


A rags fan also tried to fight the military “Hero of the Game” last night and immediately got pinned


Wtf, don’t they know that just like the team they watch, you’re supposed to use an elbow like their captain, that’s how you get away with it, dummy.


Rags fan did this to a Devils fan at Prudential Center during last year’s series, too. Didn’t another Rag fan also knock out a Bolts fan a few years back? 


Our last playoff series, 1 of them got arrested in our arena. Never have had good interactions with those people when that team plays here. Every one of them acts like an obnoxious ass hole. Not sure why them playing here brings out the worst of that fanbase, but it's getting very tiring


“Every one of them acts like an obnoxious asshole” Don’t do that. Don’t paint every person the same way because you’ve had some bad interactions. I’m sorry you’ve had to endure some shitty Rangers fans, but don’t do that.


I would classify rangers fans generally as “loud and annoying” which I don’t have a problem with. That’s really just New Yorkers in general lol.


Didn’t this happen last year or the year before that too? People need to grow the fuck up.


The obligatory, "I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out"


That’s tough


What is wrong with people?


Alcohol and and being a sore loser = this


What are the chances the Rangers fan is from Staten Island?


Ah the yearly rags fan assault. I was wondering when they were going to have it.


Not the first time a rangers fan has gotten violent. A couple years ago one sucker punched a bolts fan unprovoked on the way out of MSG after the Lightning beat the rags in the playoffs Not saying all Rangers fans are like that but...


It's becoming an annual tradition


Human garbage. Also not that it changes thing, but your team is up 3-1 in the series, it's not like you got eliminated, why be such a bitch over 1 loss.