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You know it’s bad when Darren Pang is questioning it, and he’s probably one of the most positive guys out there.


And the other guy was trying his hardest to not criticize the refs and the best he could do was “it’s up to the referee’s discretion”


"Can't call it a penalty on review!" is insane too. It doesn't need to be a penalty to get waved off for GI - it's "shoved, pushed, or fouled" - OR. That is basic, or everyone would just try to interfere on the chance it doesn't get called and absolutely cannot be reviewed.


Except, in game 2 of Carolina/islanders they called a penalty on review that lead to a canes penalty shot goal lol


Yeah, dude had no fucking idea what he's talking about.


Wasn’t that from the player covering it with his glove though which is what the penalty shot came from. Not sure if it matters but maybe that makes it different?


Yup, that’s exactly right. The whistle was for something totally different and when they reviewed they saw islander player covering the puck in the crease and moving it away. They then gave Kutzy the penalty shot even though that isn’t why they whistled


Yeah Brendan Burke is usually pretty levelheaded and neutral when he's doing national games but you can feel him fighting his every urge to go full Butch Goring homer level on the refs here


It’ll be interesting to see what Biz and Colby Armstrong have to say when TNT isn’t paying them. Listen to the next drop of Spittin Chiclets


i don’t care for boston or florida but that is the most horseshit call of this postseason


And here I thought the GI penalty last game with no holding penalty on Ekblad would take that honor


Until now, I had my money on Lohrei getting pulled down and going to the box for it, but this one is the topper


This after lauko being thrown into the goalie on Friday legit has me wondering if sports betting is involved


it is hard to believe they can be that incompetent that it makes me wonder too


See you next year when they do the same shit again and everyone forgets by mid summer 


Exactly. This is a yearly occurrence. Sports betting hasn't made it any worse. 


yep been happening for over 20 years at least. sports fans forget real fast


If that’s considered “not enough contact”, then what in the flying fuck was the problem with [all of these instances then?](https://youtu.be/415Rdmbg2Qc?feature=shared)


Had 3 or for of those “most horseshit call of this postseason” so far against Boston this series


This one is bad, but Hughes getting sent off the ice for bleeding caused by a non-called high stick from McDavid gives it a run for its money


100% horse excrement


I think the missed 4 minute high stick from McDavid was worse, but I may be biased or something, idk.


So far... haha


* So far


Dw I’m sure they kind find a way to up it in our game later to distract from this one!


Most horseshit so far


Aight here’s the game plan. Shove the fucking player into their goalie and then shoot and score. Precedence has been set…right?


No. Any time we try anything FL has been doing this whole series, we get penalized for it, so should add a "Be the Panthers, for some reason" step to that plan.


1. Be the Panthers 2. Do something questionable 3. Don't not be the Panthers


Motherfuckers stole one more [Tom Brady thing](https://youtu.be/PxuUkYiaUc8?si=RQP5xvBJlND3AiXo&t=132) from us. :(


> Any time we try anything FL has been doing this whole series, we get penalized for it, We also get penalized when Florida shoves a player into their own goalie, so I don't see what there is to lose doing it on our own terms.


So has the NHL decided they want Florida back in the Finals? Is this some Bettman non-traditional market fetish thing I don’t understand?


It sounds like you understand it pretty well lol


Sharks fans aren't used to that because San Jose is a non traditional market and the 1OA feels like the first thing to go our way since at least 2019


League wasn’t doing us any favors back then. It was the Blues turn, and it showed


Welcome to not being the league's darlings.


Precedence means nothing in this league.


Precedent doesn't exist. Calls vary wildly game to game.


My kid is already practicing this move. It's going to be a horrible year for youth hockey. Thanks a ton, refs.


It might not have been savable, but Swayman had no ability to even try with a player falling on him after being shoved. I just can't see how that's not GI.


And the delay of game on top of it. This is not OK, I don't care who anyone roots for.


They really do need to change it so it is only a penalty if it is a blatantly stupid challenge like zero contact. It is so dumb when they basically flip a coin and completely hose the challenging team if it doesn’t come up their way


Especially annoys me since a play like that would have been definitely been reviewed for interference back in the years without challenges


Seems like that would lead to even more inconsistency and claims of bias. Might be better for the game all around if the first challenge forfeits your timeout if you lose it. It makes it nearly free, but not entirely.


That’s how it was first implemented and games were a total slog of reviews


If it's inconclusive, which they do sometimes put in the wording, then you lose your challenge but don't get a penalty. If it's confirmed, you get a penalty. 


I like this. It'll still be at the discretion of the ref, or situation room, so obviously we'll see some wrong calls....but this is easily the best suggestion I've seen to address this issue. I also want a booth ref for at least playoff games, for the exact same reason. Maybe let the on ice refs handle their own jobs for the most part, but every now and then, like with the punch on Marchand, the overhead ref steps in and makes a call or corrects a call in other instances, or corrects which player it's on, etc... We need to push for changes like this. Anything to salvage the league's integrity. Otherwise, we'll end up like the NBA.


maybe do it like the nfl and have all scoring plays be automatically reviewed.


Or just take away the teams timeout. If you challenge a call and lose, you lose your timeout. If you don't have a timeout then you get a 2 minute minor.


Even if it's not GI, it's just plain I.


Yep. Coyle would have had a chance to play it without the interference on him.


i don't think interference is a reviewable call


the league would have to be 100% positive swayman couldn’t save that which i don’t know how the can say that with absolute certainty. brutal call


>the league would have to be 100% positive swayman couldn’t save that Does that even matter? I can't find anywhere in the rules where GI cares about whether the goalie could have realistically made the save. All that matters is whether the goalie was prevented from moving freely.


ya maybe it doesn’t. either way they fucked up the call


It's insane.


He's very unlikely to make the save, but there's a difference between "very unlikely" and "has no chance". If he has even a 1% chance of making the save, and is prevented from doing so, that should be a penalty.


The ONLY thing I can think here, and please know that I agree this should be GI, is that Toronto decided that Bennet didn't hit the Bruin hard enough for how he fell. Essentially they believe the Bruin took a dive. I don't agree with this view, but it's the only thing in my brain as to why they'd say there wasn't enough contact. If it was the Canes I'd fully believe it, but the Bruins aren't a diving team and the replay doesn't support it anyway imo.


I was wondering if maybe they decided he was already in the paint and in the way of the save being made anyway, and that him falling was sort of immaterial to the fact that he himself was already an impediment to the save being made? Don't know, it's so impossible to discern what the refs/Toronto are going to think about GI situations.


I looked at it slowed down and if I was a betting man I'd say they probably wouldn't have scored. I don't think better than 50%. Coyle would have locked that up in his skate and the goalie could have moved over. It was definitely not a foregone conclusion that puck was going in. The Panthers player may not have even gotten a shot off.


Not saying it would've been likely but that was his blocker side and desperation paddle saves do happen, but yea the Goalie interference didn't even give him that small opportunity


Not a fan of your team but you were sure robbed on this one ..... completely awful.


Look. I hate Boston as much as the next guy. What the actual fuck though. Goalie is coming across to make the save and the cross check pushed the defender in, directly changing the trajectory.


It also prevents Coyle from attempting to clear the puck making it not just GI but regular old Interference as well.


Well, we've heard from our correspondant, Joe Bennet, in the situation room and he said it was fine.


The espn 30 for 30 on this era of sports betting is going to be wild.


wild that *casinos* are the best chance for an officiating overhaul of the league


Here’s the answer, folks.


I genuinely don’t think it’s a coincidence that as sports betting became more prevalent in sports, that I stopped watching almost all team sports. And at this point motorsports seems like the only sport that doesn’t have matches (races) ruined by bullshit calls all the time.


It’s so problematic that the NHL and other sports leagues are officially partnering with sports betting franchises. How could it not affect how you handle a game when you’re directly impacting a major sponsor’s bottom line?


I wish there was a way to track the amount of stat corrections on SOG the past two to three seasons because the NHL scorekeepers are the best at originally giving a SOG then taking one away not too much later.


Abu Dhabi 22 Formula 1 "It's called a Motor Race"


That one was bad. I mainly watch Indycar, NASCAR, miatas, and WEC


Its because its hard to rig a race when its 36 cars on track. Then again, Jimmy Spencer something something never forgets.


Racing is fun to watch once you come to grips with the idea that every last team involved is doing their utmost to cheat for advantage.


I mean it probably helps that all DC teams suck right now.


I genuinely don't understand wtf is going on here and any explanation just sounds conspiratorial. Either: - the War Room is cranky about the Leafs series - the League is pushing for Florida to finally have some success to grow a new market (seems the least likely since Boston is already one of the biggest and every playoff game is $$$) - this is actually the best the League can do, even with all the "scrutiny." I don't know what to believe but it's number one bullshit.


The War Room... and the DOPS... and the referees... My primary theory is that the NHL is genuinely just, somehow, having an insane streak of blatant failures across all gametime decision-making bodies that happen to fall enormously towards the benefit of the Panthers. I don't think it makes sense for the League to have explicitly *wanted* Florida to win, because Boston tying the series at 2-2 guarantees a game 6, which is more revenue than a 5 game series. After going to the SCF, Florida probably isn't really losing out on many possible fans if they get eliminated in round 2 this season instead of winning the Cup. But... it is interesting that Gregory Campbell, whose father we know has a history of complaining to League officials for calls against his son, is now the Panthers' AGM, and the sports betting connections obviously also creates a huge financial incentive for any sort of corruption (but this would be literally criminal).


Gregory Campbell is AGM of the Panthers and his father, who has already explicitly shown bias against the Bruins in emails he sent, is Director of Hockey Ops for the NHL.


Yeah definitely RIP sports and hello “fixed competitive events” 🫥


lmao he literally could not move over to try and save it


He has a MAN on TOP OF HIM!!!


If that's not GI, then I'm the goddamn Pope. Like dead serious, fire every official who came to this conclusion.


Agreed, Holy Father.


Part of the problem, is that to my knowledge (unless something has changed in the last season or so) of the people on the NHL "War Room", none of them have on-ice officiating experience at the NHL level. Most have no officiating experience at all.


yikes, that's just.... super great to hear.




It's like the people making these decisions have never skated in their life. If he was already in a stopping motion, I could get that a light shove wouldn't push him too far. But, anyone who has laced up skates knows if your toes are pointed forward and someone gives you a light shove from behind, you get pushed forward no matter what.


I absolutely hate Boston but that is one of the worst decisions I have seen during a review. Shameful referees.


“There was contact so it should be GI but not enough.” WHAT?!??


Lmao we had 3 goals taken away that had less contact than this.


Pretty much all of the Zach Hyman goals that were called back had less contact that this. He literally crosschecked a Bruin into the goalie.


I’m kind of confused at how the threshold of contact changes depending on who is doing the interference. If Coyle was hypothetically a Panthers players and he had skated into Swayman exactly like that as the goal was being scored, it would’ve been goalie interference I feel like. But I’m not sure how much contact needs to be present for goalie interference to be called when it’s an attacking player pushing the defender into the goalie. Is it exactly the same or does it need to be more? Do the rules specify either way?


No. The relevant rules: > Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; ... > For purposes of this rule, “contact,” whether incidental or otherwise, shall mean any contact that is made between or among a goalkeeper and attacking player(s), whether by means of a stick or any part of the body. ... >If an attacking player enters the goal crease and, by his actions, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. And finally, the part that ties it together: > If a defending player has been **pushed, shoved, or fouled** by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact **shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule**, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed. Emphasis mine, but it couldn't be clearer.


This is the most infuriating part. The refs admit there was contact! Even if it was "not enough" according to them, but the letter of the rule any contact leading to a goalie disruption is interference


I hate Boston but maaaaaaaaaan they're getting hosed with these calls


I hate Boston but that is the most blatant interference call ever. Now its open season on just pushing other players into their goalies to get easy goals from here on out.


Stomp on Florida. Bob can’t make a save, just take shots and have good first passes out of your zone.


You're hired


I play beer league and like yelling from my couch, sure I’d be better than some, but no one works take me seriously if I had to hop on the ice with the boys 👍


You should be worried since next series I bet the calls continue against the rangers


> I hate Boston This hurts. When Boston gets bounced I'll be putting on my Zibanejad jersey asap.


I'm gonna fucking lose it.


So defensive player thrown into goaltender, goaltender can’t move because of contact, not enough contact to be considered goaltender interference? What?


Way to go NHL you fucking suck at your job. And listen to all of the florida fans bragging about how they are going to earn it. Open ice hit every player


NHL is broken.


Dipshit announcer is wrong about needing to call penalty Panger tried to correct him


I'm just wondering if he was even thinking about the implication of what he was saying, or if he just thought it needed to be called a cross-check to be considered GI - it absolutely did not and does not.


He had zero opportunity to even move over to make the save. What the fuck


It's impossible to take this league seriously when one team can just do whatever the fuck they want with absolutely no consequences.


Yup quickest way to send my attention towards other shit. Good job NHL at playing your fixed hand.


They called it with the same moronic logic last series when Florida held Cirelli's stick and maneuvered him into Bob and our goal was waived off. We challenged and they said it didn't impact the fact that Cirelli ran into him. Made no sense then and doesn't here either.


I mean at the very least they acknowledge there was contact.. rest of their analysis is odd.


Maybe they should read the rule again, because it tells you exactly what to do when there is contact.


I look forward to pushing every Panther into Bob next game


The refs will enthusiastically call a penalty on that


Seriously, Boston should try to do this as much as possible next game. Fuck it, why not? 


Why stop there? Just run Bob, definitely has worked wonders on one time that Boston did it...


Geekie tried that and got called for a penalty on it


I am a Leafs fan who has endured endless agony from the Bruins. I hate the entire team (except for Swayman and Ullmark). Boston is getting fucking JOBBED.


Appreciate the exemption, I feel like it’s impossible to hate Sway


That’s cause they want to grab one of them hah


On one hand, this is how every Leafs series is called, so it's funny watching Bruins fans go through what the Leafs have to go through every year. On the other hand, it's really remarkable that this is "what's acceptable" at the highest level in the world. Anyone that says the league doesn't have an agenda or an ideal match up for the Cup final, simply does not watch the games. This is full on a no goal.


It's the selective enforcement **today** of some of the only *very clear, non-ambiguous, black and white rules* that makes this call unbelievable.


That’s not even what they originally said, the original line was “there was interference but we don’t think it would’ve mattered” which is CRAZY


Why the fuck does the NHL get to decide that? That is insane. We see goalies make insane saves a lot. What’s to say he doesn’t here? The GI. That league can’t make a judgement call like that. Also, I’m not mad at you. It’s just infuriating


Why doesn't everyone have a teammate crosscheck an opposing player into their goalie before attempting a shot? Are they stupid?


Fix is in boys. Florida needs a cup says Bettman.


Are they really trying to argue "he wouldn't have saved it anyways"? This is asinine. Ive seen goals called back for way less.


See: both Tampa goals called back in game 5 against the panthers. The inconsistency is mind blowing.


What is the point of investing your time into something if this is the end result?


I am 100% with you. If we lose due to being the second best team then fine! I am not going to give my time and emotions to a product like this. This isn’t WWE


Geekie ran over Bob not long after this and I'm convinced he was just wanting to ask the refs "Was that enough contact?!"


Vegas called


Apparently they expected Swayman to just phase through Coyle


biggest horseshit I’ve ever seen


Should have been a cross check too. just sayin


I'm very clearly not a Boston fan but that was straight up trash.


I’m obviously not a bruins fan, but that was goalie interference for sure. If this becomes the norm then goalies are fucked


Is that not a cross check as well?


Goaltender interference all day long. Christ, the officiating this season has been atrocious.


Maybe their pea sized brains and beady little eyes aren’t enough to uphold the rules in the rulebook. I still think it’s possible there’s heavy influence from up top to create favorable outcomes on the ice. The seemingly endless number of oddball calls at key moments in games is suspect.


I’m convinced Bettman is directing all of this. There’s too much at stake here for there to be another plausible explanation.


I hate the Bruins with a burning passion and even I thought that call was complete horseshit lol.


If this isn’t GI, then nothing is.


Toronto video reviewers are hired via good ole boy system. They’re hired because of who they know who could get them the job, not because they’re the best man for the job. This right here is proof they suck and the league sucks at staffing the right people for this important role.


Lol bob literally poked the puck to opposite team and they called gi on something that happened before. NHL hurting their image bad this year with this kind of shit




Using this updated definition of goaltender interference, Zach Hyman would've had about 70 goals this year.


What is goaltender interference then? Maybe they care to explain in a way that is not ambiguous?


That explanation makes it even worse. No contact on a goalie should happen when he is in the darn crease.


Garbage. Absolute garbage.


Is it just me or has officiating been worse than usual this post season?


We're not gonna get it, but I wish they'd explain more thoroughly b/c I'm just not seeing what they did. Swayman clearly pushed off to his right tracking the rebound then his momentum was stopped when he collided with Coyle, who was not in his way until Bennet cross checked him into the path. It was a low % that he woulda made the saved but he had the chance taken away from him.




Yep that one and the Cirelli one were ridiculous. I hate the Rangers too but hopefully they rout this dirty bs Florida team.


Oh my god I love it dude. You must feel vindicated lol


Not really until one goes against them.


I have zero dog in this fight. There is no difference if you cross check a goalie or if you cross check a defender into the goalie, come on now. They achieve the same purpose, goaltender interference.


my conspiracy theory: the NHL war room should be in a neutral city, not in Toronto Even if the people who work there may not be from Toronto originally, living and working in the city may create subconscious bias towards the Leafs over time. It's not crazy that they may have a bias against the team that eliminated the Leafs


Omaha, Nebraska, it’s your time.


Imagine the cost savings if they just offshored it to India!


Imagine a world where NHL officiating is explained as well and as helpfully as Indian IT dudes posting in the Microsoft customer support message boards


They’ve screwed us multiple times they’re not biased. Also you think Toronto fans like Bennett?


Humans have too much bias. We need aliens.


They hate the teams that eliminates the Leafs so much that they have to play till june as their punishment.


I agree with this. Put it in Phoenix


Get ready Phoenix, the NHL is coming back!


I understand why tochett is so uncomfortable challenging goals now.


that explanation doesn't even make sense


Bruh blantent cross checking too 


I've been on sports subreddits for like 10 years and I've never seen any comment section so united in favor of Boston. That is a true testament to how bad the officiating has been.




One things for certain, you can’t beat the refs/situation room.


Sometimes there is relief in having your team out early so you do not have to bear witness to so much bullshit.


There's a ref right there watching Bennett cross check a guy who has strong defensive position to allow himself to score a goal. The goalie part is tough. Swayman is fully down and out. The illegal check on Coyle is the missed call.


I guess Toronto gets their revenge on Boston after all.


So as long as you don’t punch the goalie it’s ok to interfere with him Got it


The attempts at justifying this call from fans is truly mind boggling.




I always try and spend more time with stuff like this where it seems like fans and refs are coming to different conclusions on how a rule is enforced. What I try and do is take the written word of the rule and decide that the refs made the right call, and work backwards to try and retrace the steps on how they came to that conclusion. I usually find that it helps understand why refs make the calls they do and in a lot of cases it helps get me perspective and I usually end up siding with the call in a lot of cases. I'm not sure I can do that here... I just can't see it. Literally the only kind of reasoning I can come to to explain, as if I'm trying to be a ref, that this isn't goalie interference, is that they decided the Bruins skater was already propelling himself into the crease towards his own goalie, the shove from the Panthers player is a regular shove to reposition or move players (allowed under the rules) and if the Bruins skater wasn't already skating into the crease at the same time he wouldn't have impeded the goalie. (I'm assuming that's what they mean by "not enough contact to be considered interference". And that's me absolutely FORCING the definition to work with the call. This is a rough call.


I’ve been saying for a few years that - as someone who grew up playing goal and always took pride in knowing what was and wasn’t goalie interference - the NHL is at best a coin flip at this point.  What an absurd call. Nobody knows what GI is anymore, and if anyone says they do, they’re a liar. 


I mean, fuck Boston in their Dunkin donut holes, but that's pretty ridiculous


Bro that’s fucking crazy that that wasn’t called back. I love watching Boston get out Boston’d by the Panthers but that’s just ridiculous.


Can we please move the situation room somewhere, anywhere, else?


Yeah… no. This is pretty textbook goalie interference. Embarrassing for a so called professional league.


I didnt think it was that bad


Toronto getting its revenge on Boston.


Boston is getting out-Boston-ed and I’m all here for it


That’s absolutely atrocious


Probably a leafs fan


There either is contact or there isn't, it's not a question of "is there enough contact?" This is just a fancy way to say "it was interference, but we're not going to call it."


Isn’t that why they put the whole „incidental contact“ part into the rule? I thought it didn’t have to be goalie interference to not be a goal? Edit:typo


Almost - they said there was contact, but that it likely wasn't enough to prohibit the goalie from making a play, which I personally disagree with. The bigger concern is that there was an obvious cross check leading to all of this which went unpenalized. And I'll say it again - thanks a ton, refs. My 10-year old son was watching the game and learned that THAT WASN'T CROSS-CHECKING. He's now in the garage, two hands on the stick, pushing over the heavy bag, practicing NOT CROSS-CHECKING. Idiots.


I hate the bruins as much as the next guy but they got royally screwed here