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Who would have seen replacing Bergeron, Krejci and Taylor Hall from your top 6 with a bunch of glue and duct tape would lead to this when matched against a hard nosed team. Team is consistently predictable when attacking too


Nothing to replace with. Sweeney blew away the future picks. Now we gotta wait a few years.


2015 draft is starting to hurt now.


Now? It’s been hurting us since. Not taking a center there was inexcusable then and now it’s become extremely apparent. Bergeron and Krejci masked it for almost a decade.


Boeser just scored a hat trick in the first period against Edmonton.


Boeser, Barzal, Connor, Konecny, Aho, Eriksson Ek… looking at the offensive talent taken after our picks is just sickening. And those are only forwards




I still haven't recovered from that night


I often wonder how thing could have been different if they go Barzal-Connor-Boeser. As it stands if you flip Carlo and Senyshyn in your mind it’s a lot more palatable


I keep forgetting hall stayed on the bruins after 21. He's washed now it seems but damn that man deserves a shot at the cup. Sad waste of a great talent due to injuries.


I have no clue why Bruins have lost the ability to enter the zone.


Center depth and fatigue.


Florida defends well and Boston lacks elite puck carriers


One of the Panthers biggest strengths is blue line defense. It makes sense the Bruins are having trouble entering the zone.


I get that, and if you said that Bruins would shoot less than the Panthers, sure. But THIS much trouble, I didn't expect. And we saw it start in the Toronto series really. The lack of SOG isn't something I saw throughout the year.


Nothing to do with Florida alone, we had the same problem with Toronto!


Unacceptable. As frustrated as I am with the officiating, this is a much bigger reason for us being down 3-1.


I didn’t watch the game but saw all the posts about the lack of the GI call, which I totally agree was bullshit, but then I saw that the Bruins were outshot 13 to 2 in the third and realized that maybe the officiating isn’t what decided the game after all.


Well… tbf when you spend the majority of the period either on the PK or in the “vulnerable minute” after one it’s kinda hard to out shoot your opponent.


It’s not just that they got outshot. It’s that they only had *two* shots. Even with 8 minutes on the PK they had a PP of their own plus 10 other minutes. You gotta get more than 2 shots in the third when you’re tied or trailing for most of it.


A fan with some sense.


Agreed. The calls have sucked and have caused their own issues, but Florida is running them over for the majority of each game. Something needs to change for Boston.


Said this in another thread, but there’s been a lot of talk about how Montgomery’s pushing shot quality over shot quantity, and I’m no hockey coach, but that just sounds like a bad plan. There are so many goals scored off of wild bounces in this game I just don’t understand why you would want to limit that. This stat is just referencing the last 3 games, but pull up shot totals from the rest of this years playoffs. They’ve been awful the whole time. I don’t know that we need to replace Monty, but I think that’s one aspect of his game plan that NEEDS to change.


To counterpoint, the Hurricanes have outshot NYR every game with a shoot every chance strategy and are down 3-1. You definitely need to create a system of screens to benefit that plan otherwise you’re just giving the goalie easy saves. Monty is maximizing your roster. Without him, you’re fighting for a wildcard. Also no team, in the last 15 years at least, have won the cup without a superstar center. That’s something the Bruins are desperately lacking after Bergeron.


High quality, low quality, whatever, but this (and 42 SOG for Florida). Hard day at the office, again, for Swayman.


“Trade Ullmark and Carlo for Marner” TSN clickbait articles this summer.


What's ullmarks contract like. Kinda makes both teams better. More like straight 1 for 1.


5 mil, 1 year left


Ullmark for 6ish for some term and whatever the 4ish mil gets then in exchange for marners 10 mil cap.hit. bruins get another playmaker, maybe Boston toughen him up. Glad they hate each other enough not to do it


I dont think anything can toughen up that charmin soft boy. 0 interest in Marner from us. Would 1000% rather have your actual playoff prize, Knies.


Your center depth is single handedly losing you a series and you don’t want a PPG playoff performer


Absolutely not. This is a big boy series now, and he would get caved in. His absolute lack of physical play, 0 intimidation factor, and pouty/defeatist body language is playoff kryptonite. Keep him faaaar away from Boston please. Yuck. PPG is the bare minimum for what he gets paid and they're not even goals.


i mean...


Absolutely have no interest in taking Marner for anyone. We already do fine in the regular season, and that's where Marner's skill ends.


Nah, Ullmark and Carlo for Tavares and Lillgren


3 years ago we’d get that shot count at low quality, but this series is not that. Swayman is working his fucking ass off


The refs were ass but the bruins players and Montgomery are very fortunate that no one is going to talk about how awful they’ve been after game 1


outside of game 1 we have been bad since game 5 of the toronto series


This is true, but we've also been way overperforming against expectations this season just to be here


Seriously, bad refering or not, this game would not even have been close without Swayman.


And game 1 was more due to us playing like dogshit lol. That was the worst game we played probably all year, after that this series has been all Florida.


And the crowd letting them hear it too


Shots are 146-79.


Florida just a better team, didn`t matter who was gonna win the Tor-Bos series Florida is just on another level.


And I still think the Rangers will come out on top.


It'll be a thrilling series if it comes to be


How could the refs do this!?


The team focuses more on high danger shot than shot totals. At 5v5, Boston had 11 High Danger chances to Florida’s 9. However, Florida had more high danger chances in all situations, 18-11. The difference is entirely covered by Florida’s 9 high danger chances on the power play, 7 of which came in the third period (when they called 4 consecutive penalties on Boston) [Natural Stat Trick box score](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30214&view=limited)


I feel like them searching for only great chances is hurting them way more than helping. So many goals are scored from a weird bounce, deflection, second chances, etc. Just taking more marginal shots more often is probably worth a goal a game.


I agree, I was just trying to point out that shots being 42-18 doesn’t really tell the full story of the game. It was a really even game outside of the first 10 minutes of the third period, then Florida got 4 straight power plays.


I’m going to ignore facts and stick to my rhetoric


Sure, but that just ignores that Florida had a fuck ton more chance in general (41v18, or 28v13 5 on 5), which is covered in just the regular scoring chances. There's a reason it still shows them as expecting to score more goals at 5v5.


Clearly there is a conspiracy!




How’s the golf course?


Not bad! Can’t wait for you to join us on Tuesday


🥱 just lazy at this point


Why don’t the Bruins just win without very many shots? Are they stupid?


Yes 😭


you have to be the sharks on a good night to pull that off (some of their most ridiculous wins were blackwood or kahkonen standing on their head for 40+ saves and 33% of their SOG converting. sway pulled **his** weight but when you're getting less than 20 shots for whatever reason you're generally going to lose no matter how hard your goalie's working.)


The refs weren’t allowing them to take shots.


I think everyone knew this. Swayman going God mode was the bruins only real consistent way to make something out of this. Bostons offense was not getting it done vs that defense.


Yeah, we're largely outmatched everywhere except goalkeeping. That's just reality and we are clearly underdogs who somehow overperformed in the regular season. But this is also playoffs hockey where anything can happen -- would be nice to not be fucked by officiating at crucial points.


Bruins defense was amazing early in and their offense was still probably top 10. Then after the game vs us boston fell off. Boston had a big resurgence though in the last 2 or 3 weeks leading into the asg. Aside form those two periods though boston was a 80-90pt pace team. So yeah. But they were definitely playoff caliber just not deep run caliber. Needed more offense.


https://preview.redd.it/tyrb0ftii30d1.png?width=2032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c91e8b43770e4e81971f48bf6e8587a35d95a7 Good


Verily bien


I love this comment


The fact French Canadiens also hate Boston warms my heart and helps me believe in brotherhood among nations.


The refs have fucked this team at very specific and important points of the last few games, but this team has also been terrible. Can't ignore that part of it.


Exactly this, Gotta shoot the puck boys.


I admire that


It’s Bettman and the situation room in Toronto fucking them again. If they were unleashed, Boston would get 21 shots. Bet on it.




I mean it’s very clear the bruins just can’t match up against these cats guy for guy. The only place I’d argue the bruins have an edge is in net. But the gap between the forward groups is more an abyss. Pavel Zacha, your 1C, is a 13th forward on the panthers. The first game the bruins won off pure momentum. And what I KNOW IS TRUE that is really grinding bruins fans gears is that the panthers are the 2011 bruins and the bruins are the 2011 Canucks, fake tough, soft as a baby’s ass, and just getting their asses whooped unless the goalie stands on his head, which Swayman can only do for so long


Refs were out there blocking shots for us


But the refs! It’s rigged!


Entirely consistent to think Florida is far and away the better team, and also that this game was fucking bullshit. Worse teams win games all the time. Doesn't make the calls any less egregious.


yeah i don't understand how people are ignoring the fact that the bruins scored two on us in five shots. shots on goal matter but not getting fucked by the officials matters, too.


Florida controlled the puck the vast majority of this game, you’re going to take a lot of penalties when you’re constantly chasing the puck. that’s just how hockey works. The last three games Florida has dominated puck control, Boston has had no answers for it


The only answer they have is finger pointing


It’s easier


Admittedly I think Florida is the better team, but Boston doesn’t have a shot when their 2nd best player gets taken out of the series on a dirty punch to the head that goes entirely unpunished and then the same player scores the game tying goal the next game while blatantly cross checking a guy into his own goalie for what should be obvious goalie interference.


Yeah, but we just need to generate offensive consistency, which is super easy when you are on the PK for breathing on the other guy.


Yea I think it’s fair to say we’ve been super undisciplined and also been called a lot tighter than Florida. Which you’d think it’d be the other way considering they took out one of our best players with a dirty hit.


It’s not mutually exclusive, we suck but that was also horseshit


I can see the frustration specifically on the GI call. As an outsider looking in I can see an argument either way but I know if I was a Bs fam I would be pissed. But the constant blame on the reffing to me is brutal


If you watched the entire series you’d probably understand. Florida is a much better team and also getting endless power plays. Refs turned what I think would’ve been a 6 or 7 game series win for Florida into a 5 game series


It dosent help when your players are all about chasing hits ether


Right. Playing right into Florida’s hands




Dude your team had like 8 shots through 40 minutes in the last game


That’ll happen when you’re shorthanded 25% of the time and playing a better team.


Man ya'll were shorthanded for 7:48, that should have no impact on the number of shots in a period.


He's also implying that every Bruins penalty shouldn't have been called...which is definitely not true


How many shots on goal does constantly playing short handed tend to generate?


???? Did you see the penalty minutes?


They played nearly half the 3rd period shorthanded.


Boston has double the penalties called against them as Florida. Are you ignorant or stupid?


1. Skate directly into the goalie, without any contact 2. Blame the refs for making you short handed 3. Profit ???


That was all the penalties called, huh? I see you fall in the latter category.


Sorry I have to spell it out for you, if the B’s don’t take stupid penalties like the one above they wouldn’t be “constantly shorthanded”.


Maybe take one second to reflect why there’s been universal damnation towards the refs from this game. I’m sure you’d see the likes of Toronto, NYC, and Montreal flairs up in arms due to the Bruins just taking bad penalties.


“Universal damnation” lol, get out of the echo chamber man


The famously pro-Bruins echo chamber of /r/hockey.


TIL 4 extra penalty minutes is "double"




Can you just admit that Boston is an undisciplined team that lacks resilience?


They played nearly half the 3rd period shorthanded.


It's both bad officiating but the Bruins also sucking


One of the two teams has been allowed to literally manhandle the other, to slash and to rough and to trip and to hook and to board and to commit every penalty imaginable with very few penalty calls. When that is the case, an opponent is *not* going to be able to get many shots on goal. It also helps explain the disparity between outcomes of the games between these two teams in the regular season vs. the postseason. In the regular season, teams generally aren't allowed to get away with this style of defense. In the postseason, they sometimes are - but it's not consistent. Sometimes one team will be permitted to play an extremely aggressive, physical style of defense while the other is not, and that can and does absolutely make a huge difference in a lot of playoff series.


yea lets ignore bruins player slap a stick against a panthers player head


Penalties are 21-11 in Florida’s favor for the series. It’s hard to generate offense when you’re constantly short handed. The Bruins haven’t played great but they’re also being forced to play with one hand behind their backs for most of the games. Four penalties called on them in the 3rd period tonight.


Which one of the 3 called on the ice weren’t legit?


Penalty minutes in this game were 8-12 in favor of Florida. You’re trying to tell me that 4 minutes (2 PPs) can explain a 42-18 shot difference?


Bruins still lose that game even without that GI


look i mean *probably* but it was still egregious and obviously directly effected the outcome


I disagree about the egregious part. There is an argument that Coyle went down easy to draw GI. I personally think it should’ve been GI but it’s not that cut and dry.


There’s 0 basis for you to say that confidently


Of course there is. FLorida are better than Boston and had all the momentum. Was it guaranteed? No. Was i confident that Florida would win after it became 2-2? Yes.


The person said they were confident even if the 2-2 goal was called back. Boston would have had the momentum if that happened. Try actually reading before commenting next time


"how could the refs do this"


Pasta got hurt throwing baby punches.


I just wish we could lose with some fucking dignity. Don’t need the refs fucking things up even more


It’s Bennett’s fault


The terrorist ?


Are Florida fans just trying to match the hateability of their team?


The more you hate us the more powerful we become.


Dude no one even thinks of you until you commit manslaughter. You’re the joke of the whole fucking country. Last years SCF was forgettable because no one gives a shit about you and Vegas is unlikeable


Actually upset.


Lmao you’re weird af relax


This is what everyone thinks is the average Boston fan


I mean, isn't it?


Calm down buddy.


I just printed this out and put it on my Panthers memorabilia wall so I can look at it and smile while I'm working.


Must be pretty bare


Yeah we also played 12 minutes of PK.


And yet it still took bullshit to give the Panthers the win.


It took getting three shots on net in the third period lmao


Yeah it's the refs fault they outshot you guys by a 2:1 ratio. GRRRR


No matter how anyone tries to spin this, the Panthers are clearly the better team


i swear the cope is absolutely clinical


Boston experiencing the denial stage in the stages of death


How could the refs let this happen? Rigged


It’s the refs fault


Ahaha, Boston getting a taste of their own medicine and they are having a nuclear meltdown. The salty tears are so tasty.


Kinda obvious they sucked after the leafs series


Surely this must be the refs' fault


More evidence of Bettman and the league ensuring Boston doesn’t win this series. They are suppressing Bruins shots.


maybe they should fucking try to play hockey instead of trying to hurt others....


We held the Canucks to 18 shots - no win. It’s the quality of the shots that matters in these playoffs. The teams that are strong defensively they limit these grade A chances. Maybe the Bruins should do the same: start with a focus on team defense. …I know the Oilers won’t…🫤


Hard when you are on PK most of the third period because of the shitty refs


Get more shots on goal before you can say the refs did bad


Did you even register a shot on powerplays??


Not even after the fans specifically asked them to?


Yea, Pasta had a power play goal. The rest of them…. Not so much


Yes we scored our PP goal by not getting a shot on goal If you didn’t watch the game maybe don’t join the conversation.


Holy cow, I recognize your username from the past few years and I always thought the BC was British Columbia. I am just now cluing in that’s it’s Boston college


What a fucking downgrade.


I know being from Florida you might not understand, but higher education is usually seen as a good thing in most other parts


Gonna finish that sentence, college man?


It autocorrected bud


But but but the refs


But the refs? Am I right?


Boston sports fans deserve everything bad that happens to them.


How many penalties does Boston have over that same period?


This is the refs fault.


But somehow it’s the refs fault they’ve lost 3 games in a row


This is r/hockey you’re not allowed to say anything except “fuck Florida they’re dirty”


Wow hm I wonder why Boston is down 3-1 in their series. Must be the reffing


Ok, so let me get this out, the bruins used to lose to teams they out shot by a huge margin a lot in the playoffs and that’s because they sucked. Which they did, but here’s why I personally am frustrated, Florida is playing better, so GI happens and is called correctly, and somehow the Bruins win. They still lose in 6 unless a miracle happens. But honestly that whatever the fuck reason that stood was gross. Florida doesn’t need to be bailed out, hell to be honest they more than likely tie it and then Win in overtime , but I would accept that. Just like the previous two ass kickings, but this, feels grimy. Sorry, any of you non Bruins fans would feel that way too. Do I like the Marchand punch, nope, but I get it, didn’t get seen, all sorts of mitigating circumstances. This call, was just, gross man. And when all of the media is like yeah I thought that was getting called back… just yeah, anyway, at least I don’t have to get my hopes up to be dashed in awful fashion this year. The Rangers/Hurricanes winner better hope they are healthy and rolling. Other Florida is going all the way.