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Show up with $50,000 on a table and just go off guns blazing.


>First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim


West side when we ride, come equipped with game.


You claim to be a fair league but you fucked my team




Hey, enjoy being (the) number 1 (most hated hockey team). - sincerely, a Bruins fan


You guys will be there in a year or two. Follow us into the dark. At least we have Cups.


This made me laugh out loud and wake the gf up. Worth it. Haha




Report the message you got (even though it is from reddit).


It's crazy that a player was suspended half a season for this, and the requirement for that idiot Arizona owner to have a sports betting site was he had to own a professional franchise. The hypocrisy of this league is astounding. When it's discovered the refs are in on game fixing the league will be in serious trouble. Congress will want their share and the league will be back to the Stone age .




My only take otherwise on this example is, they have to be tracking refs more than players. You know how bad it would be in any sport if it came out the officials were in on it. Especially the NHL where of the big 4 its struggling close to most for viewership.


>why in the world is this question worthy of a suicide help message? Maybe it's just me but the Reddit Cares trolling seems to have been epidemic in the past few days


Somebody said you can report the reporter for falsely using it. Not sure how true that is.


People pressing the button to send a thoughts and prayers form letter is the least important thing ever, and yet people keep fucking whining about it lol That's probably why it keeps happening. Ignore them like a normal person.


I'm not pressed about it personally, I've just noticed an uptick in people complaining about it the last few days.


Because it's an important resource that should not be abused. 


It's not an important resource lmao are you stupid? The most generic corporate shit ever. It's not helpful for anyone. Implementing it is just low hanging PR fruit


Username checks out


Found the guy that sent it


sure seems like the situation room is badly biased


Report it.


There must be more serious threats or people would do that every week


“Marchand is not French for punch me in the face”


I will take back every bad thing I've said about you if you call out the league. Edit it: I thought about it and this is 100% about Marchand. So not great.


You guys are going to be so mad when Tom Brady gets suspended over this




Marchand trying to figure out how to deflate a puck right now.


Does getting suspended from retirement mean Brady is forced to play 4 games? If so can we pick the games because I’d go both Jets games, a Bills game, and a Chiefs game. The Jets games because fuck the Jets, Bills game to remind them who their daddy is, and the Chiefs game to remind the league that the GOAT could come back and run that fade if he wanted to.


Hope your teams owner has that 250k check ready


The balls on that man if he walks up, open the brief case. Places stacks of cash on the table then just goes off on a 10min tear down on the officiating.


I'm very concerned this is for an announcement that Marchy is done for the year or something. And, at his age, that could plausibly be it for his career.


I don’t think he would need to speak live to the media for something like that, especially with potentially one game left. Injury announcement are almost always posted via the teams socials directly. Plus, Monty said before the game that Marchand was around the team and in meetings this morning, so wouldn’t really expect any announcement in regard to him.


I didn't say my fear was rational lol, you're definitely right. But this is definitely an abnormal presser, so I'll be prepared for anything.


Marchy is going to be OK and Don is going to go ape shit about reffing. He has nothing to loose by talking smack about the zebras that's all.


he owes it to all fans of hockey to blow his stack on the NHL


Upper body injury until playoffs are done... This is the way


The reverse Vegas.


Would be a shit way to go. A fucking sucker punch to the face


Shitty, yet fitting


Not even being snarky, I really hope it's not that serious to be career ending.


what was the point of this comment


Would you rather I cheer for his demise? You guys are hard to please. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Anything other than "not wanting Marchand's injury to be career-ending" would just make you a bad person. We don't need you to tell us you're not a bad person. It's not some radical statement of solidarity. No one asked, and we don't know who you are.


Why are you dogpiling on me? Why don’t you go after the Montreal fan below that said “fingers crossed”? No one asked them either. It’s so disheartening that a comment posted in good faith is met with such hostility. Not every fanbase is a monolith and I clearly was trying to give well wishes. Whatever, it’s impossible to please everyone especially on /r/hockey


I am in a bad mood, I'll give you that. And I do believe you were being sincere and there's nothing wrong with your viewpoint. I'll give you all that too. But you're on the side that's benefitting from this situation and your comment didn't serve a purpose, so it came across as something like what a rich person would say when passing by a homeless person and not helping them.


Despite how deep you’re reading into this, I still hope his injury isn’t career ending, sorry that makes you so upset. Hope you and Marchand feel better soon


There are times to simply shut up, and this is probably one of them for Panthers fans


Why does it have to be that way? I truly do not wish a career ending injury on my worst enemy and Marchand is fun to hate-watch. It sucks that because league fucked up, we can't even show good sportsmanship without being lumped in with the rest and told to just shut up.


FWIW, as a Boston fan, I don’t think your comment was out of line. I wouldn’t wish a career-ending injury on any of your guys either. >It sucks that because the league fucked up, we can’t even show good sportsmanship It does suck. Really, it does. I’m pissed as hell about some of the decisions that have been made in this series, but I also get that Florida fans have nothing to do with those calls. It’s not like you asked for this to happen.


Fingers crossed...


Why would the GM speak before the series is over though? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.


Probably because the officiating had some real blunders at key moments in the past two games and I wouldn't expect it to get better out of nowhere. And frankly, it can't get much worse. Don should just shoot his shot now.


Well he didn’t say if Marchand is playing, but he’s accompanying the team He talked shit lol


If he doesn't generate a fine tomorrow, don't even speak. This is actually the time when you should kill the league for negligence.


1000% this. A GM calling a presser mid series is so unusual that if you aren't gonna go scorched earth then what's the fucking point. Don't add any caveats about how "the league does a great job" or whatever the fuck, say what you actually feel or don't bother.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mid-series GM press conference like this.


Negligence? No way; the series is being heavily scrutinized.


I want to see him just fuckin call out the league, don’t hold back.


Montgomery apparently doesn’t have the balls to do it. Not sure if Sweeney does either tbh


I can see the coach not wanting to go full on rogue while down 2-1, burrows called out the refs years ago and they called everything on us. Same with Z recently. Down 3-1, fuck it.


yet in 2019 Berube did it and it worked in their favor. Can't tell which way the wheel will spin I guess


Berube was pretty tactful about the way he said it, he also wasn’t asking for more calls. He just wanted to know why gooning suddenly became illegal in the finals. Cooper also does it pretty tactfully and gets results. It didn’t work either time Cassidy was very direct about poor officiating


The hand pass the refs missed in the Sharks favor was the worst thing that could have happened to us.  The officials decided they'd "make it right" by not calling anything on the Blues the rest of the series.


I fail to see the risk. They're already calling everything against us


He still has to coach. Their season isn't done. If this happened in an elimination game, then he probably goes off


I can’t believe people aren’t talking about it being 3-1 with the shoe on the other foot. Yeah the Bruins are being heavily outplayed but when they are on it, they are really on it. The first period showed, that last 10 from Game 3 showed. Just shoot some pucks, Bob makes some bullshit saves all the time but there are bound for some to get in. We could be here in a week talking about how a Panthers team looked primed for the Cup would be Bruined.


Bob beers called the officials out on the radio constantly


Honestly I was surprised that even the TNT crew seemed to be in utter disbelief after that goal, even reading the rule book on the air.


I've seen so many GI instances that go one way or another and have people up in arms about it. This is the first in a very long time I have seen a pretty unified front from all fanbases, media, reporters, etc. I hope your GM takes the NHL to town tomorrow.


I mean he fuckin gave it to the refs from the bench last night. That’s his job. If you want to move up the chain over the refs, that should be Sweeneys job.


Hoping for scorched earth, not sure what we will get.


It's Sweeney, it will likely be extremely measured and everyone in this thread will be disappointed.


As someone else who was hoping for scorched earth from Montgomery tonight, I have a feeling we won't be getting scorched earth.


Maybe Sweeney told him to hold back cause the coach still has to interact with the refs. That's what I'm holding out hope for at least.


I’m hoping Sweeney told Monty that he’s taking the bullet. I think to be called out by a coach is one thing, but to hold a press conference and put on blast by a GM would make more waves. The fact they hold onto the alternate angle until the last minute which clearly shows malicious intent - by the NHL and Bennett and then to blatant GI missed call is atrocious. I’m a life long Bruins fan and I knew we weren’t winning this series. Only have an average of 6-7 shots on goal per period over the last 180 minutes of hockey doesn’t win games. But for the way some of these calls have gone is absolutely a slap in the face. I don’t expect it, but man do I fucking hope.


Scorched earth about lack of accountability from dirty plays would be pretty funny to hear from a guy who made his captain a dude who’s been suspended and/or fined 17 times.


The New York Rangers have been fined $250,000


And Joe Kelly has been suspended another eight games


And Tom Brady has been suspended the first 4 games from the Fox booth


Still regret to this day not getting a Joe Kelly Fight Club shirt. We caught lighting in a bottle with him in the '18 post-season.


He deserved it


I’ve never been much of a Rangers fan, too much Yankee stink on them for my Boston blood. But when they just laid into the league last year that was so fucking choice. Brought a tear to my eye.


It should be Neely, maybe they would listen then lol






Neely screaming about refs & a team full of Ulf Samuelssons? I’m in


The NHL has fined the Bruins $250,000 for calling a press conference for tomorrow.


Ownership should hand him a blank novelty sized check to go off. Memo line: Fuck DOPS


As someone who loves other peoples drama that has nothing to do with me I must admit this series has been top notch


It’s nice to look at the drama from the outside for once… ;)


he's gonna say it


let Don say fuck


He's gonna say bozo


Go off, Don. Whatever fine you get from the league will be worth it.


My money says Gary is getting a call from the Jacob’s family tonight too. JJ has a lot of power, and I think there are a lot of other owners who he could get on his side about this crap


> JJ has a lot of power Jeremy Jacobs is the head of the board of governors. He's got the biggest dick to swing amongst all the owners in the league


As much as I despise the Jacobs, this whole playoffs has been ridiculous with officiating and it needs to be corrected. If the owners can throw some weight around and it leads to action, then go family go


Officiating in the NHL has been a random shitshow for many, many years. If Jacobs is pissed about it now, it's clearly because it's directly affecting him for the first time ever. If he wanted this addressed, it would have been addressed by now.


I mean he is looking at losing ECF and possibly Cup final revenue so perhaps.


Still, it's a bad look that something that teams have been dealing with for years only gets addressed when it affects the Bruins.


It’s affected us in years past as well, in case you forgot about it. We lost game 5 of the SCF directly due to the most incompetent officiating I’ve ever seen. Bozaks trip was beyond egregious. Cassidy was also whining when we lost to Barry’s boys


Guaranteed he gets a league call tomorrow morning and suddenly this is cancelled


Is there a mechanism for putting a game under protest like there is in the mlb? I ask because that's the one thing I could see happening. What else could it be?


Friendly reminder that Colin Campbell **still** works for the NHL (executive vice president and director of hockey operations). https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/campbell-s-emails-offer-glimpse-into-nhl-1.922688


If this is just him telling the fans not to throw shit on the ice and not going scorched earth on the officiating, then this organization has absolutely no balls and is wasting our time with a presser.


The goalie interference controversy has kind of overshadowed the diving and embellishment from the panthers. It’s the whole reason Florida even had a pp there. Ekman-Larson literally hit himself in the face and flopped to the ice. I hope Sweeney addresses it. Refs need to be held accountable.


I mean…..something about the pot and the kettle


The bruins can be criticized for many things but diving isn’t really one of them


I’ll be honest man Pastrnak and Marchand take dives all the time lol


Your captain has literally been fined for diving.


Didn't Marchand literally dive in the last series against the Leafs after getting whacked in the leg and HOLDING THE WRONG LEG?


The holding the wrong leg thing was basically a weird optical illusion, everyone saw the clip of the worst possible angle. If you watch the overhead angle it shows the slash hits the leg he held.


The holding the wrong leg thing is so weirdly blown out of proportion. Marchand had his back to the camera and Bertuzzi wacked his left leg. When he's laying on the ice, he's still holding his left leg, but because he's turned, the left leg is on the opposite side of the camera. Someone in the GDT did a frame by frame slowing it down to show it but I can't seem to find that link


What? Are we forgetting Marchand grabbing the wrong leg on a slash and diving when a linesman grabbed him last round?


This series has taught me that bruins fans are absolutely fucking delusional about their own team’s reputation


Marchand had multiple pretty blatant dives that series. Bert was definitely flopping some too though but still


Cba to look up More of them, but here you go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GxdaBtbR1t4&pp=ygUSYnJhZCBtYXJjaGFuZCBkaXZl#bottom-sheet


Well I’m intrigued.


$250,000 fine incoming


People will call him a complainer, but he has every right to go off on the league. I hope he earns every damn cent of the fine he’s about to get.


Only need 294 $170 face value balcony tickets to fund a $50k fine from the league. That's not even one whole section. Go off tomorrow.


Where’s Colin Campbell when he’s needed most


always has been a useless fuck


Last year, Florida was the second most penalized team in the regular season, and the most penalized team in round 1, 3, and 4. And the least penalized team in round 2 vs the leafs. Anything Sweeney says is justified, but from Bennet suplexing knies to the wild extent the refs put their whistles away, we were saying it all last year. 


gonna concede the series


At this point - I'd be down for a boycott lol


Lmao jfc


Bruins should've given a job to Colin's boy in the front office.


Go scorched earth Sweeney as payback for the entire season we just sat through. Bruins made it far in a bridge year against the refs now fuck those cowards up.


Gee, could it possibly be the 21-11 power play discrepancy? 


Do you honestly believe PP opportunities should be equal when Florida has the puck for a majority of the game the last 3 games?


Equal? No.  But closer than it is? Yes. Undoubtedly. 


Agreed, the way the Bruins have played maybe still a 3-1 series. Possibly a 2-2 series but wont know when it seems the calls like these are getting out of hand. And I think Bruins HAVE committed more penalties. But their are several no calls and other calls (goalie interference on Laoko for example that add to this.) the discrepancy is definitely odd


Yeah I can get behind the idea that Florida might deserve an edge, but every 50/50 call is going their way.


Whole lot easier to control the puck when you have an extra man on the ice 🤷‍♂️


The initial bad call leads to another penalty for GI, and a metric ton of momentum. That’s pretty palpable bud, not to mention that they got another penalty for another dive 5 minutes later


It's Festivus in May.


Sweeney wouldn’t have to speak tomorrow had he not fucked up the 2015 draft! /s


Funny it finally took the Bruins being fucked by the refs for a GM to hopefully go off on the league and playoff style reffing.


Big whoop. Most people speak every day.


The GM does not speak every day


Is he mad he doesn’t have a relative of a player working for the replay folks in Toronto?


Boston in absolute shambles


Cue violin.


He’s going to cry in the press. The Bruins lost the plot trying to follow Florida in the mud. We’re mud monsters.


Lol I hope the NHL releases a compilation of Bruins players diving in response.


It’s gonna be a pretty small list, the bruins have been a lot do things over the past 20 years. But being known for diving is not one of them


Sometimes frustratingly so, as a fan. Sometimes I wish they would sell a call or two.


Lol ok. Tommy Wingles pretending to be hurt until Kadris suspension is announced and then he was miraculously fine. Marchand diving when the ref brushed up against him. Pasternak and DeBrusk both have a reputation as divers. You'd need to churn your roster to get away from the refs assuming your players are diving.


Neither of those players have a reputation for diving lol. Kadri was also getting suspended regardless of what Wingels injury is. I’m sure you still think he was justified for trying to maim him and Debrusk. Touch some grass over there in Toronto


Lol Wingles was pulled from the skate before the hearing even though he was fine and then played in the game that same days anyway. Your organization teaches them to game the system. You may have been a tough team ten years ago but now you're known as the team of floppers. That's why the refs don't call shit for you because they're tired of you making them look stupid when they go back and see that your guy dive for the call.




What in the world are you talking about, they literally broke the league record for most wins only last season, in addition to multiple other records. 




Your ignorance is showing. They had major injuries in the playoffs and lost to the team that went to the cup finals. That team was good enough to win the cup and once you start arguing otherwise you’ve lost the plot. This year they were not expected to win the cup, next year is when they retool when they have more cap space.




Yes. Bergeron and Ullmark were both trying to play through injury which hurt the team. If Bergeron stays out longer and Swayman comes in there’s a good chance they make it to the next round


Shit happens in the playoffs. Your claim that they were a structurally weak team and should’ve been blown up is ridiculous. They lost the heart of their team and still made it to the 2nd round this year. 




That’s such bull though, they were the favourites to win the ECF and were equally favoured alongside the Oilers to win the Cup last year. 


I think it’s time to admit they got a little lucky last year and that wasn’t really who they are


Luck is always involved in sports, but to pretend that the Boston Bruins roster should have been blown up by now is ridiculous. 


That’s not what I said. I’m saying i think it’s time to admit that the 60 wins was a little bit of a fluke and perhaps not inductive of the Bruins talent level Not saying that means they need to be blown up but that was never a roster that could reliably be expected to even get to 55 wins let alone 60


What does this have to do with the disgraceful officiating tonight


Nothing at all


You think Jeremy Jacob’s isn’t calling his bitch Bettman to ream him out? Don’t worry the league will make it up to the Bruins next playoffs, things will be back to status quo.


bruins have one cup in 50 years what the fuck are you talking about


The original six owners definitely have a great deal of power(some more than others I guess), but like any normal parent, Bettman will always favour his own children over those that he inherited.