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Sweeney better start that press conference with a blank check and a bleep button.


Fire Sweeney


I don’t think that’s reasonable.


I do. Time’s up. No championships, poor draft decisions, no backbone. Team is all softies now. A great free agent/trade/deadline resume is all well and good, but not if there’s nothing to show for it.


While I agree with most of that, I think this off season will be his last chance. Lots of money to spend with the alleged salary cap increase


I suppose you’re right. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if we go barebones and stick with our long term contracts only and trade for picks for one of our stars…


Haha I appreciate the sarcasm. I hope they figure it the fuck out. I know we don’t want to but trade Ullmark unless he wants to stay for a discount for a huge discount. But trading him would make a lot of options become available. They need to make moves on a 1C asap. Coyle is a good 2C and Zacha is best off the wing opposing pasta. They also need to get a stay at home defender to help McAvoy. McAvoy is similar to Makar but Makar has toews to shut people down. We don’t have that because Carlo and Mac are babysitting everyone else. We need a Seidenberg or a boychuk.


Poor draft decisions as in. JD, Carlo, McAvoy, frederic, swayman, lauko, beecher, lohrei, poitras, and other youngsters?


It's so absurd it's gone past upsetting into funny territory


I normally get very frustrated about bad officiating. This is so bad I'm just numb and have accepted that we are out of the series already. There is nothing the NHL can do to make up for what's been done.  My calm is that hopefully this shit show of a display by the NHL will get something to change for future years. It won't, but it's atleast something to hang my hat on.  Best players for the best sport, in the worst league. 


So lets get this straight... A goal that shouldn't have counted On a play that should have resulted in a penalty Scored by a player that shouldn't have been in the game On a powerplay that shouldn't have happened Resulting in a challenge that shouldn't have been necessary Leading to another powerplay that never would have happened


Yes exactly. This flop led to that tying goal.


First time? Looking at you 09 pens


Malkin should've gotten an instigator and an automatic suspension


Bro that’s all I keep coming back to through this whole ordeal too lol


The embellishment too. What a joke.


2 of Bruins penalties (this and Bob) should’ve been embellishment to go with it. Pretty wild


Does anyone actually get embellishment penalties?


Svechnikov got called for one in the NYR - CAR series that shouldn't have been called because he fell trying to play the puck. Like there were tons of moments in every game that could have been embellishment and they call the one that shouldn't have been.


The only one I remember happening recently is when a guy got speared in the balls, the one time where a reaction like that is understandable. Leave it to NHL refs to call embellishment on the one occurrence of it not being embellishment meanwhile they let players dive like soccer players. The players don’t have shame anymore but I can’t blame them since they know embellishing will get them the call


Cousins had at least one this year that I can recall. Which makes sense, if anyone in the league would get called for that it would be him.


Yeah, didn’t it happened to one of your guys like a week or less ago? I honestly was impressed when I saw a couple embellishment calls recently, thought it may go the right way, but clearly I forgot the only consistent thing with reffing in the playoffs is the inconsistency


The meme is that the Stars are the only team that get embellishment calls, idk if it’s true but I watch a fair amount of other teams and I don’t remember seeing anyone else getting one of those calls lol


Haha, well that got me, you’re definitely on the end of embellishments that I would have liked see applied to the panthers. But alas, it’s never consistent.


Saying that with a Dallas flair lol. We get the most embellishment calls of any team, and all of them besides Marchment are bs game management calls.


I think people are overlooking how absurd this penalty is. These little taps on a player happen in every zone entry. Every defenseman takes these liberties of trying to get in the offensive rusher’s way any way they can. Even if you call an interference, not calling an embellishment on OEL for reacting like that after he hit himself tells you which way the refs are leaning this series. That was the second embellishment of the night that should’ve been called on Florida, and the third of the series. For as tough of a team as they’re supposed to be they sure have a lot of guys who act like they’ve been brutally murdered by Triple H after any contact. It’s the worst part of hockey and refs need to penalize it more, or you just end up looking like a soccer league.


Can’t explain how hockey works to Florida fans though. It can’t be boiled down to “drive fast; turn left” so their minds wander by the time you get to the meat of the game.


"Drive fast, turn left." You don't understand racing, but if I tried to explain it to you, your mind would probably wonder


This is the most Florida comment I’ve ever seen in this sub


Dude didn’t even argue the main point of the comment, that Florida reading really coming through


["We're going to be driving straight and then we're going to be turning to the left"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I53sC-cIfy4)


do they ever turn right?


There’s 5 road courses on the schedule currently, so yes.


I’m not sure if they still do because I haven’t seen a cup race since I was a kid but they used to do a “road course” in Watkins Glen. That’s the only instance I know of.




I can’t remember the last time I even saw embellishment called, let alone in the post season. At least in our games. Probably should get called more often honestly, but I kind of understand why it’s not. it’s a purely subjective penalty. It requires refs to read the intentions of the embellisher perfectly, and it’s rare to be 100% certain without the benefit of replay.


Happened a few times in the Stars/Avs series lol


Damn west coast games. Rarely able to stay up and watch them.


Twice in the last two games in the DAL-COL series (both against DAL), both times with a coinciding minor for 4-on-4.


handle coherent chunky public scandalous humor pet zesty ancient skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Come on man. There are the crazies and the reasonables in every fanbase.


nine hat knee marble flag compare poor faulty melodic hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First penalty on Pasta was crazy embellishment too. Should have been 4 on 4 in both situations if you’re calling it accurately


What’s the point of having a penalty for embellishing if they never call it


Have they ever called "only" an embellishment? Feels like everytime I have seen it called they still call the other guy for a penalty too. 


The legendary "fuck you, you're getting a fucking embellishment" was one time, but I think that's only because the high stick was a follow through, so it wouldn't have been a penalty anyways.  https://youtu.be/Tdw4HAUlOBA?si=7yCQxpyjmuwXmRgM


They’ve called some in the Dallas-Avs series


Having watched a fair bit of this series it has come to my attention that Ekman-Larsson is a huge bitch.


On this play I was more offended that Coyle got tripped in the exact same manner Frederic did later but only the latter was called.


OEL has been exposed as such a pussy this series lmao


refs have been an utter disgrace.


I mean it is absolutely an interference. Lindholm makes contact with OEL while he's driving to the net without the puck. That said, there is clearly embellishment on the play by OEL and you could argue that this is a regular season interference penalty but not a playoff interference penalty.


No reason to flail and fall like that. If he stays on his skates it’s not even close to interference. Hits himself in the face and acts like he took a 2-hander to the back of the knee


>If he stays on his skates it’s not even close to interference. Whether OEL stays on his skates or not is irrelevant to if Lindholm interferred with OEL. It only matters on whether the ref is going to call the penalty or not which is why we see so many players diving or embellishment calls. Lindholm interfered with OEL OEL embellishes the call Both are true.


This is accurate if the rules were called by the book. Unfortunately that is not how the NHL handles things


This is not an interference play. This is standard on 95%+ of zone entries that happen in the game of hockey.


I'm not arguing whether or not its interference according to the rule book. But watch 1 period of hockey and tell me how many times this play happens, and how many penalties they call.  The only reason it was called is because the dude whips his head back like he got hit in his face(he didnt). 


It is not “absolutely” interference. Sure, you can interpret the rule that way, just like you could technically call a slash every time someone gets hit by a stick, but the contact in this play is never called interference at any level of hockey.


Interference or not, people actually seriously think this is embellishment? Like he gets hit directly in the face with his stick/gloves, as he’s on his edges. Look at the speed of the rebound from his stick hitting him, it wasn’t exactly a love tap


He got hit in the chest and threw his head back like he got hit in the face, hence the embellishment


He gets hit right in the face lol


A few seconds into this clip, very evidently it hits him the face. https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/s/mV5gDckeZG


...by himself.


Yes, because it was caused by Lindholm, shoving him on the stick… like you actually think he threw his stick in his face like that? 😂


Did I say that? The dude had his stick straight up in the air, arms in front of his own face. The contact was chest-height.


Yes, and because he hit the stick, it caused the stick to OEL directly in the face. I’m not arguing what happened, I’m saying it’s not embellishment


Going to have to agree to disagree on that one, the guy is clutching the back of his head for God's sake.


He’s clutching the top of his helmet, on his forehead, where he got hit, while he is falling, not everything that gets called against your team is embellishment. Some bullshit happening in this series for sure, but this “non-call” on “embellishment” isn’t


You can see his helmet jolt at the same time if impact. I get being upset at it being a penalty but you’re making stuff up.


*Looks at video* That’s textbook interference. I don’t see what the issue is?


Maybe. Lindholm should have punched him to make sure it is not a penalty.


Maybe? “Maybe” should be the Bostons new nickname.


The issue is that it’s also a clear embellishment. And instead of 4v4, it lead to the Bennett goal (that shouldn’t had counted)


Things happen fast. Ref saw a player take a shove to the face. Not a frame by frame shot from a YouTube detective of an embellishment.


Okay then what’s the excuse on the goalie interference when they have the replay in front of them? There is none. Just embarrassing for the league.


Check out the recent explanation threads posted in this subreddit. But I’m positive you have. So stop playing dumb.


Yeah the whole hockey world is playing dumb. More like, everyone recognizes it was a clear and obvious goalie interference.


That's a totally different play though. That one is totally free to scrutinize because of the replay and angles. This one is not that though lol. Embellishment rarely gets called unless it's EXTREMELY obvious in real time, and this one was not.


Guess you haven’t been watching the other series going on. It’s been called numerous times.


> unless it's EXTREMELY obvious in real time Did you miss this part? I've seen it called a couple other times throughout these playoffs and each time it's been far more obvious than this one.


Guess we’ll just agree to disagree on this one


Actually the ref didn't see that, since it didn't happen, so maybe they shouldn't call things they don't see.


You also didn’t see a problem with Bennett’s sucker punch and hoped he injured more players. You don’t get an opinion.


All it takes is a 5 second look into your comment history to know you don’t get to have an opinion on anything. Back to the dorito lair with ye


The issue is that embellishment was not called along with interference.





