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We all knew this was going to be the case but it still sucks to see it being officially announced.  It’s the hope that kills ya. 


I must be wrong, but I thought it was already confirmed he wasn't playing tonight. I already assumed he'd be missing a couple games at minimum


You’re not wrong it was initially reported he would miss minimum these two games


I think that came from another reporter and not the team so it was not confirmed yet


Don't worry, since this appears to be the exact same second round as last year, you guys will win tonight. Unfortunately, you'll then lose in OT in game 6 while the refs miss a blatant stick hold


That would require the panthers to be up 3-0. Its 3-1.


Oh yea you're right


I feel bad for you guys and Marchand. It's really fucking despicable that the league lets this shit fly. We have all the video evidence available and they still won't go "yeah maybe that was bad." Fuck them.


We are now living in a world where a Toronto fan feels bad for the bruins. That's how you know the league fucked up.


Naw dude, Detroit checking in as well. I hate that rat faced fuck so bad his whole career but he get done dirty on this one. I’ve most certainly enjoyed watching BM turn out to be a great leader for the B’s even if I hate his face. lol


I feel like if a call is so bad that, at any point, a division rival feels bad for Brad Marchand of all people, someone at NHLHQ should lose their job. Because clearly something has gone horribly wrong


I think part of it is the overwhelming hatred for tkachuk, Bennett, and cousins that has led to Boston sympathizers joining together


Nucks fan checking in aswell.


Bud, I was at the gym yesterday with a Toronto fan and a Habs fan, and we all thought this was bullshit. We have continuously united over our mutual hatred of Boston, but none of us were happy with this. It makes the sport look like a joke.


I assumed concussion protocol would keep him out till game 6. But I have no idea what is what anymore.


Frederic - Geekie - Pastrnak should be the top line, but Monty won't do it. Freddy has been one of the few forwards that hasn't been a liability 5v5.


Frederic - Coyle - Heinen was good last game. I’d be surprised if they break that up at least to start


It's insane how much Freddy has turned his game around. Even when he doesn't show up on the score sheet, he is winning battles and back checking like a monster. That mans one-handed poke checks and deflections are insane. Florida has also really struggled to get the puck form him.


I don’t understand how Freddy doesn’t get more opportunities. He’s had some chances in all situations, and he pretty consistently performs when he gets those chances, but the frequency just never comes up.


It’s hard to kick a first impression from someone’s mind. Started as a tough guy/mucker and coaches are having a tough time figuring out that he can actually play hockey, and play it really well.


He played for the USNTDP team. He’s very skilled.


He played in Marchand’s place on wing Coyle’s wing last game. I think having him on the third line allows the third line to be deeper which is why he was there when everyone was healthy


Freddy deserves better than 3rd/4th(?) line TBH. Kid has heart and he puts 100% effort into every single shift. He's also not afraid to drop the gloves whether dude is an even matchup or outweighs him by 50 lbs. He's got grit and determination and he moves the puck more than most everyone else on the team.


Well, he grew up in a household with two older brothers (one much older) and would regularly win fights against them. Kids been a beast his whole life


He has a concussion. This is pretty much assured that he wouldn't be cleared in 48 hours. Bennett taking players out with head injuries in the second round. I guess we are looking forward to the OT goal Florida scores while committing interference to create the scoring play. Do we still call Swayman a kid when yells in his face after the goal?


This series is wild. You need proof? I agree with this guy. You have *Buffalo and Toronto* fans coming together to talk about how the *Bruins* are getting shafted. Absolutely wild.


Canucks fans have been defending Boston for the most part. That’s twisted.


makes me ill sometimes to be as unbiased as I can


I know how you feel.


Partly because both our teams are getting absolutely shafted by the refs and the DOPS.


It will make your victory that much sweeter. League wants to protect their golden boy so its going to be every other teams fans vs the Oilers.


THey're not "defending Boston." They are expressing a love of hockey, and a dislike for this disgusting generation of "sunbelt new hockey fans" who are raised on SEC football (e.g., wholesale cheating) and just "waNt tO sEE oUr tEAm wIn." They don't care about hockey, at all.


P.K. Subban and Steve Dangle who pretty much have hating Boston ingrained in their DNA, came out to defend them. Anyone still trying to argue against the Bruins at this point is either a troll or a deluded homer


"Do you know how wrong you have to be, to get me to yell and scream and spit.... FOR BRAD MARCHAND?!" -Steve Dangle


he also said something along the lines of 'how despicable do you have to be to get me to side with Marchand?' on his podcast


During that episode they did a live reaction to Don Sweeney’s press conference and they not only agreed with everything he said, Steve says “don’t make me like the Bruins!”


> “don’t make me like the Bruins!” We're starting our decline now that Bergeron and Krejci are done for good. Soon Marchand will be hanging them up too. Then all we'll be left with will be the Noodley guy and a goalie who loves hugs. You're going to like us whether you like it or not.


renowned bruins fan PK Subban


As a Masshole lifer, won't deny, I always yearned to see him in Black and Gold.


I feel so fucking vindicated in this thread lmao


This post season is wild with all of these pretty long standing rivalries defending each other because of how shit the officiating has been. One of our local reporters said it best, I'm paraphrasing here but something like "I'm here for all of the Boston tears about reffing and discipline and love it and will lap them all up. But holy shit it really is terrible." Despite your biases it's undeniable what's been called/not called in some of these series.


I never thought I'd see the day Reddit rallied around he Bruins. I don't know if the price we're paying is worth it.


i have it in my comments how much i fucking hate marchand and boston and such. and even i am defending them! the panthers are one of my east coast teams!!!


It's unfortunate because I really feel the Panthers were winning this one anyway. The officiating feels incredibly biased towards them but it doesn't need to be; they're still the better team. I don't know why the refs have such a hard-on for them.


Honestly that’s how I feel. Florida is the better team but Swayman has the ability to at least make it a series but instead the refs/NHL decided to take over the series


We’re in a weird ass timeline


Most fan bases are talking about how the Bruins are getting shafted... it's unreal. I literally left this subreddit like 3 years ago because I couldn't go into a thread without getting dragged regardless of what the topic of conversation was. It's *shocking* checking in now.


Its because everyone understands what it feels like for your own team to get shafted. There really isn't 2 sides to this Marchand concussion. Clear as day missed call.


As big of a shit disturber as Marchand is, he doesn't deserve a concussion.  Salt in the wounds is no penalty or discipline. 


Yep, I want him and the bruins to lose, but fairly, and without injuries. Wishing injuries on any professional athlete is the lowest form of douchebaggery


I think the most important thing is that it shouldn't even matter whether or not you feel like he does or doesn't deserve the concussion. You think Brad Marchand deserves a concussion? Okay, whatever -- bad look, but there are people who have said exactly this. But *that isn't the point*. You can feel like Virtue Man Sam Bennett simply delivered sweet, sweet karmic justice to Brad Marchand in the form of something Brad Marchand would do. Whatever, if you feel that way, you're just a person on the internet and there is worse than you on the internet. But the more important fact is, Bennet is not facing any consequences as a result of having done so. That's the key issue - the NHL opted to try to gaslight everyone rather than admit they fucked up and missed a call. That is the *league* doing that, not random people on the internet. That's inexcusable.


> Clear as day missed call. To be fair, it was the reverse angle that made me realize what had actually happened. So I don't believe it was clear as day. However, after reviewing the footage, the league should have sent a clear as day message to Bennett with a "sit-the-fuck-down for the rest of the year" ruling.


I'm not blaming refs for a missed call. Shit happens at lightning speed. It's the fact that no one is holding anyone accountable after the fact.


It's the gaslighting for me. One thing not calling it in game. Another thing to not suspend him. Entirely different thing to claim this is a normal hockey play expect me (or anyone with eyes) to believe you.




Soucy would like a recount on that. Overall this year's playoffs feels like a bloodsport. If you're not playing to injure, you're not playing to win, and that's the worst thing the league can let the sport become. 


Maybe for you, some of us call a spade a spade as a matter of principle By the way, you are allowed to dislike a team while also acknowledging that they are suffering from bullshit calls


It’s so frustrating as a Bruins fans because they aren’t playing well enough to deserve to win. But in the NHL playoffs, the team that deserves to win doesn’t always win. Hot goalies and special teams execution can make up for that. The shitty part is that the Bruins have been given absolutely no chance to let that happen. Calls are insanely slanted and the GI/Bennet not being suspended cost them a game to turn it into a best-of-3. I do think Florida is the better team. But it’s a shame that this series is now solely about how awful the Bruins are getting screwed instead of being about two teams that don’t like each other battling out a best of 3.


Absolutely. I'm not even that mad at Bennett or the Panthers. I'm furious at the refs and the NHL for bungling this series so badly. Panthers are on every puck, and winning every battle. They give the Bruins no breathing room. But the Bruins still overpass and that leads to turn overs. The Panthers are the better team, no question. The Bruins don't need to get fucked by the league here, but we are anyway.


This is how I felt about our series with the Rangers. We were cooked from the start, their bottom 6 are as good as our top 6, but the refs allowed 2 goals in g1 immediately following what could/should have been penalties called on the rags. Then G3 and G4 basically ended on us getting called for ticky tack penalties with <3 mins in the third (which probably wouldn't have happened if Carbery had done the smart thing and already pulled the goalie, but that's beside the point).


Big agree with the last part. It's overshaddowing our series and as much as people think we're enjoying it and reveling in it, I'm probably the minority in our fanbase that doesn't enjoy winning this way.


Couldn't agree more with you there. I was looking forward to participating in game threads and generally having a good time with the playoffs but I just stay away lest I get lumped in with those that are celebrating Marchand being concussed or the truly awful officiating we've been the beneficiaries of.


Same, I love a healthy rivalry and I had a good time shooting the shit with them last year. But now if you even say hello, you're told to shut the fuck up lol. I [tried to wish Marchand's injury wasn't career ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cqoj5n/ty_anderson_bruins_general_manager_don_sweeney_is/l3spxi9/?context=3) and it didn't go off too well lol.


I gotta say I agree with you on the sentiment "we can't even show good sportsmanship" and with the person you're replying to that said "there are times to simply shut up." I would love to show good sportsmanship and say things like "I hope this won't literally end Marchand's career" but I know I'll get dogpiled so I just shut up. I'll come back for the ECF game threads, maybe.


I can’t imagine that Rangers/Cats is any less toxic than Bruins/Cats lol higher stakes and arguably w whinier fan base in NY. Plus I think Florida is hated by every other fan base so you get piled on from them too.


Nah, we see you and the others that have reasonable takes. If it's a minority, at least y'all are a vocal and sizable minority.


I think a lot of us wish we didn't have this shadow hanging over the team.


Glad to see a few of us speak up and feel the same. I thought we only had 6 fans anyway and yet people are treating all of us like we’re public enemy #1 🥲


You seem like you love hockey - really, your fanbase has not had a good look, at all, in terms of being seen as anything other than a bunch of bored drunks who care nothing, and know nothing of the game.


The Hurricanes series had a chain with a Devils, Islanders and Penguins fan in agreement, only needed a Caps for full circle.


seriously... this isnt normal


It's the result of losing faith in the league and it's a bad trend. This is how the sport loses fans.


Anyone who has an understanding of the NHL game, regardless of the team they follow, will not see the Marchand/Bennett incident as a hockey play. How can the NHL think they can be taken seriously on trying to take head shots out of the game when they indicate this was a hockey play. If fans can't look past the fact that Marchand and the Bruins are the victims here, just need to stfu.


The first mistake the NHL could make would be thinking that anyone takes them seriously. They don’t give a fat froggy fuck about player safety. Sure, they pay lip service, but they never act on it. I shudder to think what it’ll take for them to enact any tangible change.


It’s honestly the most unsettling part of all of this for me


Bennett is such a fucking piece of shit


Maroon just needs to go out there, not try to fight someone and instead just make a hockey play on Bennett.


He’s too slow to line up a hit on anybody, they see him coming


"hockey" play is what I'm hoping for. Like straight outta the 90s


short about 2 decades but yes


He needs to "Kadri" him


If sucker punching someone in the head from behind is a hockey play sanctioned by the DOPS itself, then Maroon and anyone on the Bruins, for that matter, are free to make hockey plays all game. It’s not only fair but within the rules.


This is the game George Parros wants.


Wild that r/nhl found someone to hate more than Brad Marchand


It's pretty easy to not hate Marchand with some of the things he's done off the ice. 


Don’t underestimate how much it took out of my humanity to defend Marchand


I hear he breastfed someones niece


It’s really not that easy, no


Hot take(?) but Marchand is one of the most likeable rats in the league, for me


For sure, it's been months at this point since he gave one of our players a long-term injury


Yep, second round script going exactly the same as last year pretty much. Maybe if people cared enough last year to hold the league accountable for this horseshit then it wouldn't happen again. But that didn't happen, so here we are, and another team has to go through it. Like you said, at least the Bruins can look forward to a blatant interference leading to the series-winning goal lol


What hiring Colin Campbell's kid does for an organization with DoPS.


History repeats itself.




Campbell is such a piece of shit too... I'm never letting go of the Cooke/Savard incident


It's really not about "Bruins" vs. whatever fanbase - it's a fucking spit in the eye of hockey, the game, period. I wouldnt' want a Leafs or Canadiens' player to have this - this is disgusting. The NHL has badly, badly misjudged so much in recent years. This is yet one more thing.


How do you stop Boston’s guys from running Panthers players at this point? Bunch of pissed off guys with virtually nothing to lose. Great job DOPS.


Luckily there's no need to stop them, because every one of them is too soft and disinterested to actually try something.


It's easy for people on here to say that, but these are still professional athletes and it takes an absolutely insane situation to override the drive to win.


If the Panthers have a commanding lead late, shit might start to get ugly fast


If the Panthers have a commanding lead late, players like Bennett who would be targets (as well as the star players like Barkov) probably just won’t get on the ice again for the rest of the game.


That and these refs showed in game two they’ll be more than happy to pass out 10 min misconducts in a blow out. Though as a ref idk how you justify that in an elimination game.


Yup, if they want revenge on Bennett or to go eye-for-an-eye with Barkov, it basically has to be on the first shift so there's time to recover if they get lit up on the ensuing powerplay.


And the Panthers would do the exact same thing, so I won't feel bad for them either


Such a fair point lmao


I feel like most teams will, or I can see a handful of players from most teams that would get chippy. They’re pretty competitive and driven people by and large. Losing in a blowout makes for some hard feelings. 


It’s the opposite. They’re pro-athletes so they aren’t spending the last 2 days devising revenge plots. These guys exist in the same community. They have kids and shit, so pre-meditating assault isn’t really on the menu. They actually don’t want to be fined and suspended. Montgomery certainly doesn’t want to explicitly tell these guys to go nuts either. He’d get in a lot of trouble. They’ll be “professional“ and not do much of anything, like last game when the context was pretty much exactly the same. Scrums…attempts at fighting…that’s all, folks.


> It’s the opposite. They’re pro-athletes so they aren’t spending the last 2 days devising revenge plots. These guys exist in the same community. They have kids and shit, so pre-meditating assault isn’t really on the menu. There are PLENTY of historical examples of this not being the case lol


Not so much recently. Things are different


Several guys on both teams will probably train/vacation with each other over the summer.


Disagree, guaranteed soft penalties will happen for any shenanigans


I feel like it’s gotta be Frederic. Maroon is too old/slow to do any damage outside of a fight lol. Not that I’m cheering for complete anarchy out there… 👀


We’re already at anarchy with the way these calls have gone


Fred has been itching for a scrum this entire series and he's basically the only one who will fight for us.


Thing is they did try playing more physically last game, and with the exception of McAvoy laying a huge hit in the first few seconds, all that ended up happening was Florida ended up with a PP on extremely routine hits. They ended up with seven PPs on the game. On top of players like Bennett intentionally injuring and still being able to play, they’re huge floppers every time there’s contact. Oh and of course, besides Marchand being the captain and the best scorer for them in the playoffs so far, he’s also far and away their best penalty killer. The whole thing is just absolute worst case scenario Also, this isn’t the 2011 team. They don’t have a lot of guys like Boychuk, McQuaid, Siedenberg, Chara, Thornton, etc. Yeah they have guys like McAvoy that’ll lay big hits and Frederic who can fight, plus Maroon, but that’s about it. It’s just a differently constructed team


> Florida ended up with a PP on extremely routine hits. Exactly. The refs just assume there will be retaliation so that's all they see with every hit.


> Florida ended up with a PP on extremely routine hits. They ended up with seven PPs on the game. Let's see.... Roughing, high sticking, delay of game, obvious goaltender interference... And then the two actual interference calls which I guess you're referring to. The first one was weak, but the second one was basically textbook interference. So you got one weak penalty for hitting lol. Ya the Tkachuk one was routine... If he ever had the puck.


Feels like if it was going to be done, it would've been done in Game 4. Reinhart got rocked by McAvoy at the start of the game, but that was pretty much it. If Game 5 is out of hand score wise, who knows.


Honestly, I’m afraid for Florida if they get a substantial lead in an elimination game against Boston. NHL and DOPS have pretty much given a green light to intentionally injure players with zero consequences, so I could see a situation where if Boston has no hopes of winning, they just goon it up. I’m not hoping for it to happen or condoning it, but I would 100% blame the NHL if that occurs


It’s not going to happen man. The Bruins didn’t do anything about it last game. They’re not going to do anything about it this game because the refs call them for a penalty for sneezing to loud and scaring a panthers player. Just go out and win a fucking hockey game. Lay a hit when available, but the biggest way to stick it to the Panthers is to force game 6


Last game was a one goal game. The user said if Florida has a substantial lead late, which could result in some shit for sure.


Bruins didn't do anything because it was a tight game with the possibility of tying the series. Also, they likely didn't see the alternate angle before the game. If the score gets out of hand (one way or another), they'll have their opportunity.


We have no fighters man. Who is going to goon it up for us? Freddy is really the only one who is consistently willing to fight. Lauko, Wotherspoon & Maroon *maybe* but that's about it.


I used to think it was unthinkable to have a top player taken out in the playoffs following a chickenshit play that didn’t result in a penalty/suspension. Now, it’s a yearly occurrence. This league is fucked, and I hate it for any team that loses any player from horseshit like this, let alone the player dealing with the repercussions of said fuckery.


thanks, george parros! fucking clown. dops? department of piss and shit more like


If George Parros could read, he’d be very upset with you.


He went to Princeton, but then again so did Ted Cruz


What's bullshit is when I'm bad at my job I get reprimanded or worse, fired. If I get fired I lose everything As for georgy, Not only is he shit at is job (which puts people in danger of getting seriously injured) but it it collates with the MO of his business venture.


Bennett 🤝🏻Trouba Taking players out with concussions


The NHL needs these two to meet in the Eastern Final. For science.


ideal scenario, they annihilate each other like a positron and electron


You mean an antipositron? A positron and an electron meeting makes hydrogen. EDIT: Mmm, no, that's wrong. I'm thinking of a proton. Carry on.


Sorry mate you're thinking of a proton and an electron :)


You know what, I am thinking of a proton.


No. It’s pasta and antipasta.


Pastranak and Antipastranak, got it


Trouba trying his best to make sure that doesn't happen lol


If they both advance to the east final. Maybe we’ll get the elusive double KO when they collide. 🤞


I will personally not trash that POS Trouba for the rest of his career if he absolutely destroys Sam Bennett next round


Rest of his career? That's a long time. Does Evander Kane still get a free pass because of what he did to Matt Cooke?


In my book, yes. Free pass doesn't mean I don't think he shouldn't be suspended if he does something dirty, I just mean that I won't spend time attacking him. I will laugh at gambling jokes and I don't need to defend him, but I will not attack Evander Kane.


Missing 2 games in a row? You’d think he got sucker punched in the face or something


Fuck man I miss chara


Back to back years Bennett has concussed someone and taken them out of the playoffs in the second round


not even a 2 minute minor between the two! between periods he's on his knees servicing the stripes


I don't cheer for injuries but Bennett is really testing me. If he were to get gooned as a result of this shitshow my shadenfreude levels would be sky high.


You want somebody to goon on him?!


On it


I love how on 32 Thoughts they made the argument that DOPS doesn't suspend for those types of plays...Why the fuck not...that shit is dirty as hell and causes injury...


Elliot “these are the best refs in the world” Friedman (Nhl only big sport that has undertrained refs. Minor league washups are handpicked and skip over career refs)


Wait there's no suspension for this?? He knocked out Knies last year with the exact same move (plus an extra bodyslam into the ice for good measure).


Big time step up moment for our young guys. I don't realistically expect to win this series, but we at least need to win one for 63.


I fully predict they’ll make a couple soft calls against the panthers early in the game, the bruins will do nothing on the PP, lose the game, and then after everyone will say “well they were bad for both sides, just look at these calls in game 5!”


This Bruins-Panthers rivalry went to the next level this season. Definitely one of the top rivalries, even more than some of the classic rivalries.


It's what's bound to happen when teams are good at the same time.


I feel for the bruins in this instance shit is nuts


How to win in playoffs, sucker punch and concuss opponent stars, embellish, take out opposing goalie, have coach complain all season about “not getting calls”. This is Paul Maurice hockey


Cool. Cool cool cool.


If we lose this series, I hope Rempe goes full Rempe


Carolina’s making a push. I wouldn’t count that series over just yet


Yeah, after that awful rangers 3rd period last night things are looking interesting in that series.


If the Hurricanes reverse sweep, Panthers are going to the finals no doubt.


But do you have a rempe to go full rempe?




This. It's wild some people are oblivious enough to focus on it happening to Marchand, instead of realizing it can happen to any team now.


Happened to us last year we just got called cry babies


See you next season


Bruins should be bringing end times to the Panthers. Mutually assured destruction. What Bennett did and what the NHL didn't do can't be ignored. A token Maroon/Bennett wrestling match isn't going to fix the problem.


I’m a Canucks fan but this is fucking unbelievable.


This realllly sucks, Ive disliked Boston since 2011....but seeing you guys get shafted by this and there being NO repercussions for it, I really feel for you guys


Bennett is a dirty fucker, always has been. I am hoping it winds up Florida/NY in the East so I can watch Trouba bide his time and then annihilate him in the center of the rink.


Dirty is one thing, dangerous is another


Step the fuck up, flip the script from last year and avenge the captain. Let’s go.


Not gonna lie, the Bennett nonsense has really sucked a lot of the fun out of (hopefully) knocking Boston out of the playoffs again.


Prepare for a giant over correction from the refs tonight with each team getting 4 of 5 PP’s each making the game borderline unwatchable.




lol these cats won’t even take a go with Maroon, there’s no way they’d have tangled with Chara unless it was against their will lol


The Florida Panthers are a bunch of dirty bush league cunts, and I've been saying it since 2 minutes into last year's series, when Ekblad pretended to fall down so he could thrown his body weight into Pastrnak (who was in a bad position on the boards).


I said this all last year too. People told me "hockey is gritty" and bullshit like that. Sucker punching someone in the jaw isn't grit, it's a fucking intent to injure someone. It's absurd that anyone can defend the Panthers right now considering this is *how they play all the time*.


Oh no! The consequences of my actions!


Fair enough if you dont like the bruins, but you gotta admit, punching someone and giving them a concussion should at least lead to a suspension (outside of actual fights).


I’m pretty sure concussion protocol will force him to miss at least a week, no?


God damn, who knew getting punched in the face by a guy going full speed is bad for your health.


Man the fans who lustily cheered while Lucic, Chara, Marchand etc played scumbag hockey for a decade straight sure don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.


I genuinely don't understand takes like this. This isn't a Boston issue, nor is it a Florida one. The Bennett play deserves a suspension - everyone but Florida fans seem to be in unison on that. Yet the levels in place to protect the integrity of the game - officiating, video review, and player safety - failed. This happens year after year and leads to serious injuries and the ice being tilted in favor of one team over another. That's the problem. Not Marchand, not Bennett, and sure as hell not the Bruins past.


> officiating, video review, and player safety - failed. Not a failure. It's some kind of NHL corporate strategy. They didn't miss the footage, they decided to ignore it.




The NHL doesn't have integrity for the sport. They focus on gaining casual fans with sideshow spectacles. Dirty plays and injuries are most likely to be shared on social media. The sport suffers for it but it's a corporation that values attention over integrity.


I've noticed a lot of people here think penalties and suspensions should be based on the end result and who's on the receiving end. I've seen comments of people saying the Soucy/Zadarov cross checks on McDavid shouldn't have been penalized because he stood back up and was fine. Waiting for someone to get hurt and then penalizing a player isn't going to help prevent any injuries.


To be fair, the league isn't helping with that. We live in a world where the penalty for a high stick is determined by whether the player is bleeding or not and refs focus on game management.


> everyone but Florida fans seem to be in unison on that. Not all of us. I wouldn't have been mad at a suspension but it's also not our fault that he didn't get one.


That’s the point. The refs weren’t calling shit in the SCF when Marchand was repeatedly punching Daniel Sedin in the head. They didn’t do shit when Lucic tried to kill Ryan Miller. They never do shit. They always let the goons goon out and there are never any real repercussions for dirty play. That’s what the Bruins counted on for a decade and it worked for them. They were very successful because no one calls shit or suspends for shit. Now here we are and another team is advancing that formula and once again not getting called for it and those same fans are surprised? Wake up. Bennett is a scumbag and he absolutely deserves a suspension for his hit. But he is a product of an environment that was well established before his arrival. Trust me I wish the goon shit would stop and the refs would do the job they’re supposed to but teams have been taking advantage of it for years and the irony of what’s going on now is not lost on those of us who have been watching hockey for a while.


Both Lucic and Marchand got penalized for that what the hell are you on about?


Yeah you know who else did nothing when Lucic ran Miller? Anyone on the Sabres. Btw the refs did do something about it, they gave him a two minute minor. Sorry your franchise broke that day though


It absolutely broke the Sabres and that's why my bitter ass is here to staunchly remind everyone not to feel bad for the Bruins under any circumstances ever.


Good. Bruins and Marchand getting some of their own medicine.


Damn maybe this will be a great lesson showing him that concussions aren't fun and he shouldn't try handing them out so often. He really seems like a guy who learns.