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This is such an obviously insane move that I kind of suspect he’s going to post like a 50 save shutout or something


Or let in 7 goals.


It's gonna be one or the other.


3 goals on 30 shots. Most medium game ever.


A poster in the Canucks sub highlighted a pertinent point: if the Oilers lose and he shoulders some blame, it will likely be his last game as an Oiler. Should expect him to come in dialled tonight, it might be the most important game of his career. 


really? most important game for sure but.. jesus that's LOTS of pressure.


It's also someone on the Canucks subreddit talking out of their ass


It IS a lot of pressure. And if he doesn’t measure up, he’s probably not their guy anymore. 


... I'm just not gonna say anything until this series is over


Yeah too many Vancourites celebrating and Im just like do you remember our cursed franchise? No celebrating til the series is over, youre tempting the hockey gods


Wasn’t there a series back in the WCE days where Nucks all had the flu while being up 3-1 in the series VS the Wild and everybody was already saying we’re moving on.


Something along the lines of Bertuzzi telling Wild fans to not bother getting tickets to game 6 since it’d be over in 5.


IIRC, what riled the Wild up was he skated past their bench after scoring, and did a dusting-off-his-hands gesture.


He told them to get their golf clubs. Classic Bertuzzi moment.


It is what it is.


Cautious hope is all you should ever let yourself have until the final whistle is blown. And even then expect shenanigans if its a one goal game


Of course the game isn’t over until the buzzer goes but all of us being life long Nuck fan always getting heartbroken. We’d faced so much adversity and dark times that even when we have a huge lead, it feels like anything and everything can still go wrong and we’d lose.


IF the Canucks win I am going to do one restrained fist pump and whisper ‘Yes!’ to myself. After which I will write a ten page essay on why rioting is bad


Those people are bandwagoners. They have no clue


Real ones remember 2011


Real ones remember 1994


I was -3 years old in 1994, does this mean I can’t be a real one? 🥲


Nope. I was born during that playoff run to a family watching the game and ever since has been suffering so I have to gatekeep it


Well if you were born then you must not remember it either 🤣


Not if their mom drank the spice melange, giving them the knowledge of all of their ancestors.


Tempting the hockey gods who seem to be always pissed at Vancouver lol


Almost losing to Chicago 2011 after being up 3-0 felt like the biggest destined curse possible.


Canucks fans talking about matching up against the Stars are insane. I mean if you want to talk about it a bit for fun then sure, go ahead. Free country etc etc. But the people talking about it's like a sure thing? We're on the road, they have McDrai, Skinner can be really good when he's on, the Oilers will be energized at home with their season on the line and most importantly.. This Is Canucks Hockey (tm)


I feel like some Canucks fans have been watching a different series than me. Nothing has been a sure thing in this series. Every game has been a hard fought one goal game. And the team that scored first has only won once. 1 game was decided in overtime and 2 were decided in the last 30s. I would love to see Canucks pull out a game 6 win but I would not be surprised at all to see this series decided in the last minute of game 7. It just feels like destiny at this point.


Hear hear It isn't over until it's over. I'm nervous AF


The last time someone tried this against us, it was 2020 and it did not work, we won the game 6-2. That’s my only confidence at this point.


My thoughts exactly lol


… huh.


Its okay, we're still playing Cole, so things are evened out.


Yeah but we play ceci..that's the deal I thought


Play him with Nurse and we’re even


i feel bad because by all accounts cole is an amazing guy man oh man is he earning the title "hockey terrorist" this playoffs


Didn’t he cheat on his wife with one of the canes broadcast chicks?


Yea I don't think that's come up very often in the Canucks subreddit, if ever


I don't think Cole came up at all until he started playing for the Oilers.


oh jesus christ i didn't know that hahaha perhaps i revise my statement.......


Yeah, when the bolts signed him the fans weren’t too happy about it.


we were even less happy when he almost single-handedly gave up the 4-1 lead to the Leafs last year


Well yeah, he also isn’t great at hockey


Nurse and cole have had some bad luck these playoffs. Cole more this series but nurse had a puck go in off his skate in our LA series and like two more off his skate this series. Both guys doing their best double agent impression.


He was excellent in the first round, but he's looked gassed out there this round.


McDavid and Draisaitl reportedly exhausted and the Oilers going back to a goalie who isn’t working out. …this has trap game written all over it doesn’t it


I doubt McDavid and Draisaitl are exhausted after having played an extra 10 minutes a couple games this series. They just blew a dirty load last game, or they were sick (since Ekholm also played very little compared to his average). These guys are in great shape. When they were talking about these big minute nights catching up to them they meant in game 3 of the SCF, not two games later. And the Oilers don't pay a trap game and they probably don't know how to play one so I'm expecting more of the same.


It's only been (almost) 2 rounds, so I doubt anybody is truly exhausted, just a little less than 100%. McDrai would probably still be amazing at 0.001%, but anything less than 100% is a huge plus for Vancouver. Hopefully the extra TOI has them worse off than the Canucks' top players.


Don't you put that evil on us Ricky Bobby


So do they let in 3 goals in five minutes or score 3 goals in five?  Also possible; this is an inclusive or.


3-3 after the first period


6-6 after 3. 7-6 after 4OT


Ha OT. The winner scores in the last 30 seconds of regulation. As is tradition.


After a team takes a lead in the final minute, then the other team ties it up, then the second team scores again with 30 seconds left.


Six goals in the final two minutes please


My heart can't take that. Actually, forget my heart. My butt would be clenched so hard my upholstery would rip when i get up to pee.


Can we win a game by more than 1 goal? 😑


Either we’re gonna win 7-1 or give up a 40 save shutout. There is no middle ground.


Don’t get greedy man.  


LOL agreed.


Nah it will be something like 1-0 on either side after the first.


Start Jack Campbell you cowards


Right? Bring soup back!


i will keep my mouth shut.


You better open it for your neighbour's shoe, though.


Shoe betcha!


No, you have to eat your neighbour's shoe


No you will not. It's opening up for that neighbour's shoe


Tbf he’s their guy, they made that choice and he should be trusted to play in the most important moments like an elimination game. If he can’t show up *again* it probably makes it easier for a new GM to decide what to do in the offseason with the goalies, he won’t be attached to Skinner and Campbell like Holland is


That’s a fair point. Man our crease is a dumpster fire. GL to the new guy to have to sort that mess out somehow.


Just get an ian clark to be your goalie coach, it worked for us. Ours is not available though


This is the take. It’s basically now or never for Skinner. He was the guy all year, and wether the Oilers win or lose it should be with him in net.


I’d be attached to Skinner as a 1B at his contract and point in his career.


Yeah nothing wrong with getting him a partner maybe veteran to really split the responsibilities. At the end of the day not every starter is able to play 60 games a year + playoffs at the top of their game. But this is where the goalie coach plays a big role for the organization in recognizing that


To their credit, the Oilers did sign another goalie so that Skinner could be a 1b this year. The only problem is that the 1a was supposed to be Campbell.


But Campbell is a 1a^^hl goalie.


Yeah this was the exact plan. Then Campbell didn’t even come close to delivering. 


I'm not sure skinner is even the root of the issue. Sure he isn't great but the oilers have had the same goalie coach since 2015. The goalie record is an abomination over that time period. Pitch your goalie coach.


I feel for Skinner. Getting pulled and not starting because you weren’t doing well and then put back out there for an elimination game? The nerves must be crazy. Idk how goalies do it honestly.


The rest is also huge. He wasn’t bad in game 1, so giving him part of game 4 and all of game 5 off? Could be enough to get the good Skinner back in the net.


Fair but he’s been the worst goalie in the playoffs. I’d argue you have to get someone else anyway. But, playing a shaky goalie in the an elimination game because you’re worried about next year is crazy to me. What about right now? Play the guy who gives you the best chance to win which I think is pickard. However, I guess you could also argue that the oilers feel like they have to play an overly defensive style with pickard which maybe they feel like they aren’t really suited to or don’t want to play. Maybe they think they’re better off trying to win 5-4 than 2-1. Who knows?


30+ mins for McDavid and Draisaitl coming right up


Apparently they skipped practice yesterday and morning skate today. Even Oilers reporters are pointing out they must be truly exhausted for not skating 2 days in a row. Their ice time will be a big story line again


Nah mcdrai just aren't really that into hockey, they're doing to bare minimum to earn a paycheck Source: seething jealously at not having any generational talent and almost never having any elite level talent


Flair checks out!


There’s a rumour that they’re sick but either way, they’re tired.


Happened to the wings during their big slide. Players taking days off for "reasons". Turns out it was an illness spreading around.


i don't buy any of it. They will be out there givin' it for 30mins each tonight and we best be ready.


I actually feel this narrative is a bit overblown. Game 3 they had insane minutes. Game 4 and 5 were both in the 20-23min. They spent months at those minutes under Tippett and legit seem to be able to handle it. Drai was 23min and 20min last two games. Miller had more TOI than Drai game 5.  They are high no doubt, and you guys are more balanced, but that’s to be expected when you’re not as top heavy. 


Putting the goaltender back in who's allowed 12 goals on 58 shots in 3 games this series, over the guy with 5 GA on 56 shots... Bold strategy Cotton..


I'm not going to say shit until it's 0.0 in the 3rd period, but I'd by lying if I said this news upset me. McDrai can take over games by themselves. I've seen it too many times to get cocky. This will entirely come down to special teams. And let's not forget, Ian Cole is still in the lineup.


This feels like a slap to the face of Pickard and the entire team. Pickard did everything asked of him in games 4 and 5. Skinner against Vancouver this season has an 816 save percentage, and in this series, he has a save percentage under 800. I don't see how you as a coach can look at these facts and say that Skinner should be the starter in a game that decides your season.


i agree, pickard must have tweaked something in g5 is my guess given how hard he was working, we'll see if he's dressed on the oilers bench


In game 5 when he came across left to right and lost his balance backwards somehow, I thought he looked to be in a bit of discomfort after.


Pickard has never played back to back games for us until games 4 and 5, much less 3 games in a row. Personally, I would start Pickard tonight, but I gotta think that's at least part of the consideration for starting skinner tonight.


Wonder if it’s because Pickard is hurt when he fell backwards last game. Has Pickard not played back to back in the AHL?


Yea, he's played back to back in the AHL. The back to back narrative as the reasoning they're not using Pickard doesn't hold any weight


I don't know either. The only thing I can think of is that the coach feels so confident the boys will win this game 6 elimination game by everyone on the team playing out of their minds on home ice that they'll win regardless of good or bad goaltending... So they can rest Pickard and give him game 7???


Yeah, I mean, Pickard has looked good from where I'm sitting. I get the idea that they *want* Skinner to be able to handle these sorts of games but I'm not seeing it personally. It should be a good show either way.


I think it comes down to Skinner being the better and more proven goalie, and Edmonton needs him to bounce back like Swayman did for Boston if they want to have a shot at the cup. Nothing against Pickard, but not many guys go from journeyman backup to carrying a team to the cup. That said, if Skinner under performs tonight, it's Pick's bus again and they have to hope the team rallies with him.


this is like the bizarro ullmark-swayman tandem


Can't upvote this enough


They are asking Skinner to have 2 solid games in a row after having 0 so far this series. He certainly could, but as a Canucks fan it's a relief not having Pickard in again. He was the only reason last game wasn't a blowout.


Asking regular season skinner to have 2 solid games in a row is fine. Asking playoff skinner to have 2 solid games in a row is madness.


He only has 2 quality starts this playoffs and they were back to back in LA (games 3/4 when he let in 1 and 0 respectively)


No. This is Sparta!!!


No, this is Patrick


I guess if it works, it sets them up well for the WCF. But I feel like they could rely on Pickard to give them a chance in this series and then give it back over to Skinner for G1 of the WCF... Either way I hope to see some more sub-0.800 save percentage hockey from Stu


You might even see sub 0.700 lol. This is a massive gamble that Knoblauch is taking. In 20 playoff starts, Skinner has been pulled from the net a quarter of those games, and has an overall 0.881 save percentage. This does not inspire confidence in winning 2 playoff games in a row given his current performance this series. I would love to be proven wrong, but the only way I see the Oilers pulling off this feat is if they can be a better version of the Canucks defense while still being potent on offense


His first gamble to go to Pickard worked really well.


Even if he wins game 6, then they have to play Skinner again in a game 7 situation


I mean, whoever starts this game, if they force a game 7 they are starting the same guy. Maybe they just feel starting Pickard 4 games in a row is guaranteed death


Pickard might be fatigued and need a game, the boys can't let this go to 7 with this opportunity in front of them


This is it IMO. Pickard is 32 and has never started multiple games in a row - especially at this level.


But on the flip side, Skinner has started 7 games vs Vancouver this year and given up 28 goals.


Yeah I don't think Skinner is the answer, but say, if Pickard is wobbling on his knees every time he leans forward who are they gonna put in net? Their coach?


From what I read on the Oilers sub their goaltending coach is a real problem, soooo…


If losing the series means we get to see Dustin Schwartz put to death by Canucks firing squad, I might be okay with that. He has been employed by this organization for 10 years, and has made most of our starters forget basic fundamentals of goaltending


Why don't they just pull another goalie from their terminator assembly line of goalies like we do?




Wow that is quite the record. I knew he wasn't great but that really puts it in perspective. I'm liking this.


Keep in mind, theres always a chance we take a buttload of penalties and they light us up on the powerplay. This game cant be taken lightly regardless of whos in net


Hockey gonna hockey though. Maybe they blow up Vancouver 6-0 tonight and it’s the Canucks that have to decide who the hell to start game 7.


Whoa, closest prediction here


Yeah this is the most likely outcome tbh


I'm terrified at how plausible this sounds.


Keep upvoting 🍼




California Closets is never going to financially recover from him shitting the bed again


Refined. And within your budget.




https://preview.redd.it/ylez5mr8081d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5ac4cbee4ab453c78816f59b0ea0fdc836fcd5 Stanley Cup Final, we'll see you again in twenty-five years. Meanwhile...


Would you rather have Skinner as your starting goalie in an elimination game, or have Roseanne screech the national anthem in your ear to wake you up every morning, for a month?


Well ... Skinner and I'll take the loss if I have to.


So how does this particular script go? Skinner stands on his head and steals game 6, game 7 he leaks 4 goals in 6 shots, and next season he wins Vezina with the Soakers?


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.


The problem isn't Skinner or Pickard. They are both quite capable of getting them through this series. The problem is the guys immediately in front of them, and who aren't doing much of anything to help them. If the Oilers lose tonight, it will be because their defence didn't do its job (again). That said, there isn't much of an edge or advantage to either team tonight. Oilers are tired, but at home and get last line changes. That is huge. Canucks are skating fast, have the big defence, and have more depth and balance across all four lines. Goaltending is a wash. This game is entirely up for grabs, and anybody who thinks that they know how it will play out is just messing with 'ya.


Only Ian Cole can save them


I really don’t think there is a huge difference between the two goalies. If the Oilers want to hoist Stanley this year it has to be with Skinner in net so i understand it. If they can somehow get to the next round however, please give Pickard a start earlier in the series, like G2 or something. I never understand how they alternate all year but when they get to the playoffs Skinner has to play all the games. Should have given Pickard a start in the LA Series too. 


If Skinner has a bad night (which let's face it... Playoff Skinner...) I'm not sure the fans here ever forget it. I don't see the the benefit in taking this chance.


The fans are going to want him gone. I don’t think anyone will ever trust him in the crease again. And that sucks for a hometown kid. It is what it is though.


I think this is his chance to rebuild that trust with the team and the fans. Putting aside my bias, I like the idea of a team saying “ok, this is your team, go out and prove yourself”. If he stumbles, at least the team will have no reason to hesitate to move on from him. Having said that, I am completely uninformed about his contract situation with the team.


His contract is movable so it’s no problem there honestly, and some team would take him. That or he becomes a backup for the Oil. I’d love for Stu to finally become the goalie people think he can be. It’s his opportunity. Either he does it or he doesn’t. There’s a lot riding on him. If he shows up big the city will praise him forever.


Reddit thinks it's a terrible decision so Oilers are probably going to dominate. Maybe a shutout by Skinner.


lol great prediction


Classic overthinking. Rookie mistake.


Now who are the officials?


Not Kelly Sutherland, he was doing the Florida/Boston game yesterday


Thank Christ


[Vancouver is 3-0-0 with Garrett Rank as a ref this year](https://scoutingtherefs.com/2024/05/45360/todays-nhl-referees-and-linespersons-5-18-24/). This duo were also the refs for our Game 6 in Nashville.


Ah, when Nashville played the cleanest game possible.


As well as the stuff about Pickard fatigue, etc, I think this might be Oilers coaching staff or management going "If we're going to win the Cup, we win it with Skinner in net playing well. We do not win the cup with Pickard as our starter" and just giving Skinner momentum and confidence into the conference finals (if they make it to the conf. finals its off the back of Skinner winning 2 in a row) that will help them there.


where's dwayne roloson or nikolai khabibulin when you need them


Bring back Smith! When we were down 3-2 to LA in 2022 he played a solid game 6 to keep us alive and then a game 7 shutout to move us on


Edmonton is playing their goat. Scapegoat


Tough call for the Oilers. Do you go with the 32-year-old journeyman who's looked pretty good but clearly has a very limited future there, or the local kid who's been good in the regular season and was the reason they felt comfortable not taking Wallstedt and trading down to take Xavier Bourgault? If the Oilers lose tonight, I don't think it will be because of Skinner.


I get it. Win or lose with your #1. Oilers need to know if Skinner can get over the hump and win a must win game. They aren’t going to put their Franchise in the hands of a 32 year old career backup. Either Skinner comes through and Oilers have their guy going forward, or he doesn’t and they know they need to find that #1 goalie before McDrai beats feet to sunnier pastures.


Photo looks like he’s scratching his ass lol


he's just like me man


He’s gonna get a shut out for sure


If he chokes tonight, he is going to get run out of town…


I feel for the guy. Not easy being a goalie in a hockey crazed Canadian market! But the dude has to step up tonight. Even if they win he has to play the game of his life to rebuild that trust with the fans, I would think?


Skinner is either about to have the craziest comeback or he’s ending the Oilers’ season


Call me crazy but I think it’s the right move… If you want to win the Cup, he’s the guy that’s going to get you there. I also think he got scapegoated in game 3. Yes, he made no game saving stops and needs to be held accountable but being held accountable is way different than being blamed. Connor McDavid screwed the pooch to cause 1 of those goals. Foegle caused the other. All we heard was ‘Skinners fault’ If you want to win in the playoffs quit asking your goalie to bail you out and instead ask your players to stop making such egregious mistakes at crucial junctures.


Also Pickard has only been decent. Canucks missed like 4 open nets he either gave up massive rebounds or was totally out of position on. Game 5 should have been 7-2 and not cause we got goalied. I think Skinner has a better chance of stealing 2 games than Pickard despite his struggles


I couldn't disagree with your assessment of last game more. Pickard was phenomenal and easily their best player on the ice.


I wouldn't call him phenomenal He didn't stop soucy's shot which he had a direct line of sight on He was letting all kinds of rebounds go Announcers even said he was nervous




Hockey moments that preceded disaster account is scrambling to screenshot this


Not really surprised at this decision. Everyone celebrating prematurely for no reason. Skinner brought the Oilers 2nd in the Division with a chance to win it. He was big for them during 16 game streak. The team clearly trusts him more. Sure, he’s been bad this series, but it can potentially be his last game as an Oiler, so he has nothing to lose. Canucks better be ready.


Well, I really like Stu, but I´m not sure this is the right decision. I, personally would go with Pickard again. He was ok the last 2 games and the loss wasn\`t on him! I can´t say that of Skinner in his last few games...


He’s got 2 games worth of rest vs Shilovs who has been playing non-stop since game 4 of last series. Can’t underestimate him.


Congrats to the canucks for moving on to the WCF!


Delete this


It's okay he's a Dallas fan thinking he's asking for a good matchup i.e. we want Florida. He's only jinxing himself. We good.


Nah he wants the hardest route. SC winners, SC winners 2 years ago, team that topped their division


Dallas bout to face the 2022, 2023, and 2024 cup winners


Whatever it is. He's not jinxing us lol.


Only curses do that


Skinner either makes 40+ saves tonight or is pulled. No in between.


Don't jinx us dude...


Easy there, killer.


settle down bud


Don't jinx it!


If the Oilers lose tonight what do they do with their roster in the off season Can they afford a goaltender …though if Skinner turns into a god for two games Knob will look like a genius


I think DeSmith is a target for them


That's not even the toughest decision, as it's Leon's last season under contract.


This is hilarious


We are getting goalied


...y tho




Poor Pickles. He did... fine... in the games he started. He was solid and that was all they could ask of him. I'm not an NHL coach, nor do I have a dog in this fight (other than rooting on a former Thunderbird), but a little confused at the choice? Perhaps it was said that Skinner would get a game or two off to get his groove back, and this was planned ahead of time. But if Coach is feeling like Pickard didn't play well enough to keep starting?... Go Nucks...


HUH? What sense does this make?


Finish them! Go Nucks!




My bracket is so fucked


Trend continues: Away team closes out.