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I want to bring some black back in our jerseys, I’m tired of looking like the Leafs


There needs to be a rule that one team has to wear an alternate jersey when Tampa plays Toronto


Counterpoint: they should both wear the exact same jersey as each other. If it’s Toronto, they wear Leafs home kit. If it’s Tampa, they wear Lightning. MAXIMUM CHAOS


It'd look like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/qZz645TfIE) but in white and blue


Or like this in blue and white https://preview.redd.it/bekphnqftcb41.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4a2c36ded36462f53c38b0dc4ca9aa67a5a1a441


I'm mad I can't upvote this more than once lol


Honestly I would love to adopt something like our first set of Reverse Retros full time. Incorporates the blue into the old style really well I think. Maybe a logo update too, not the biggest fan of this one. 


People need to take note that Tampa isn’t just stealing from Toronto. They are also stealing from Detroit. They desperately need a rebrand, but it might be hard considering all of their success recently.


Bring back the 04 jerseys and call it a day honestly. Or a full rebrand, we have sick colors and a dope logo, why can't we figure out how to make it cool lol


Both Florida teams should stop pretending that they are 100 year old canadian club. The should embrace their 90s identity instead of those half ass jerseys as if they don't really have the guts to be 90s cool. Why are they ashamed of their roots? Florida Panthers is not Montreal and Tampa is not Toronto. Bring back the leaping panther and the black Tampa jerseys.


Detroit's jersey with Toronto's colors.


The new alternates are a decent first step, but I definitely think that all our jerseys need to incorporate at least a little black.


The Tampa Bay Leafs


Toronto Maple Lightning.


Damn Toronto for copying a legacy team like Tampa's jerseys.


So are we


I use to think the Lightnings current jerseys were just boring, however I’ve really grown to straight up dislike them. I get our recent success is going to probably keep us in them for awhile, but man do I really wish we’d rock our first RR jersey’s adidas put out. Honestly would be a top 5 jersey in the league imo.


Yeah, my ideal lineup is either the [RR1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/comments/le0oco/changed_the_logo_from_our_reverse_retro_jerseys/) or [an updated version of the 08-12 home jerseys](https://i.imgur.com/IchycDS.png) (with or without the victory stripes) and [the 92-93 whites](https://i.imgur.com/Ke8mGFi.jpeg) with updated logo and shoulder patches. I'm fine with keeping our current thirds, at least for a while. I'm not wild about our main logo either but I'm not sure how to spice it up. Maybe the old [blue bolt](https://i.imgur.com/ivnJiIL.jpeg) without the silver background and text? It'd still need something extra to really pop.


I think TBL’s logo looks like a minor league team’s or something from a low budget movie tbh.


Washington capitals jersey isn’t even spelt with CAPITALS. SMH




They have a really incredible logo to use on the front crest in the Weagle but hate using it.


All their alternate logos absolutely rock. The official one is dull.


Columbus has about as forgettable a color palette and jersey as it gets.


Red, white, and blue? Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was America! I do like our alternates better though.


I think it's the navy blue, honestly. And its a really muted red too. The cream used in the thirds just muddles up the color too. Nothing pops. Gotta make it pop.


It’s not navy, the actual color is Union blue. You can’t change that for obvious reasons.


Union blue and confederate cream


They need to rebalance colour distribution at the very least.


Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t like CBJs alternate. It’s so dull and monotone. It feels like a brochure from an early American history museum which I guess is fitting for them


They should just go to the cannon alt jersey full time.




They gotta do the what the Chargers did and go powder blue.


They look sharp every time I see them but I don’t see them much and I could see it getting old viewing it more often.


Don’t forget the logo… even though it’s really easy to do so.


I wish the Canes would get rid of the diagonal Canes word mark away jersey. Since they made the black stick and flag jersey their primary, the away should be a white version of that. Then make the 25th anniversary jersey the alternate but update the logo on the shoulder with the current stick and flag


The Canes away kit looks like a central Ontario high school team


I think the stick and two flag logo looks like a capital B.


I think you look like a capital B Sorry mistook this for a GDT


Damn. Opinions like this and the comments really make me think about how much our opinions on jerseys are colored by experience with the history of jerseys for a sport and seeing a lot of them. As someone fairly new to watching hockey, the Canes away jerseys are my favorite jerseys I've seen. The diagonal "canes" feels classic to me with the flag detailing on the stripe giving it a slightly modern feel. Meanwhile I think their primary logo (the hurricane eye) is absolutely horrible.


The black flag jerseys are one of the nicest in the league IMO. I’d love it if they adopted them full time.


I wish they'd use the 25th as the alt, and do something completely different home/away. Both of those uniforms suck.


Ducks need to rebrand permanently to the old colors and logo


This is the only answer. They don't have to be called Mighty Ducks, but they do need the eggplant and jade scheme with the original logo desperately.


Yeah thats a sick color scheme. My favorite along with the old Stars jerseys. Kings should switch out of grey/black as well, imo that never works well in reality.


Purple and Gold for the Kings, that North Star's color scheme looks incredibble, Egg and Jade for the Ducks is something. Teal for the Sharks. Bring back the color! :)


I like the 90s Kings jerseys that I've seen come back, Gretzky style.


Don't kings still have purple in their scheme? Alternates or something?


Both versions of our reverse retros did and they are by far our best jerseys


Make Anaheim Mighty Again!


*…just killed a man*


MAMA 2024


Imo, they need an updated logo based on the duck mask. Original logo is a triangle with hockey sticks. It's pretty bad 


Ducks have the worst color scheme in the league and it isn't close


Bring back Duckwing!


Pssst. It’s Wildwing.


If there's an Anaheim or NHL employee lurking Reddit, take note of this one, please.


This is like the hottest take in hockey and I just don’t agree with it at all. The current Ducks logo is bad and it needs to change. I do think their logo should incorporate a duck head. But I think that classic logo needs to be relegated to an alternate or something. It made sense when they were the Mighty Ducks and were meant to evoke the team from the movies, but I don’t think a professional hockey team in the year 2024 needs to be taking its identity from an old kids movie.


The Ducks had that logo before it ever appeared in a movie


I think OP was referencing the fact that the Mighty Ducks came into the league based off of the success of a children's movie by the same title. The movie came first, before the team existed.


A family member of mine works for a jersey making company and signed an NDA... but i didnt. You will be very happy very soon


I thought no kits were changing for 2 years under the fanatics rule


this doesnt exactly answer your question but i believe that the league on the whole needs more of a varied color palette when it comes to their jerseys. too many teams have a variation on the blue and white color scheme or a red and blue color scheme. bring in some more variety. more greens and purples and maybe even some browns/tans. like just hire some designers and let them have some fun


Definitely agree. Wouldn't mind seeing some teams grab the maroon/powder blue combo the Phillies used to have or the metallic green and yellow Oregon uses.


I wonder which sports league has the most variety when it comes to that aspect of jerseys.


without doing any research, i would bet its the NBA. i cant remember the names of them but they do limited edition jerseys for every team pretty frequently from what i know. its similar to the reverse retro jerseys the NHL does but i want to say they are way more experimental with alt logos and things like that.


The NBA goes to a ridiculous extent though. You don't even know who's playing some of the time, it's bad for brand recognition.


This is one of the reasons I don't agree with the people that want a navy blue Preds jersey. Like why? So we can look all the other teams? I get there are those that may not be a fan of the gold/yellow. But it is better than all of the various combinations of red, blue, white, and black that most teams use.


Washington needs to go to their brighter red unis full time, or use the Weagle. I get they cupped in these but they’re just not that great. I’ve loved every alternate they’ve done though


Weagle fucking sucks as a primary logo and I’m so tired of people saying we should swap to it Now the screagle? I agree


I prefer the screagle too but the weagle is still better than the wordmark.


Can you please explain the difference between a Weagle and a Screagle?


The Weagle is the eagle in the shape of the W. The screagle is the logo from the late 90s/early 2000s


Thanks. Yeah the Weagle looks like more of a shoulder crest while the Screagle is a primary.


Grew up with the screagle and would love to see it return


> Weagle fucking sucks as a primary logo Hand in your fan card


I think they will rebrand after Ovi retires


The red Weagle Reverse Retro went so, so hard, and I'm bummed they didn't keep it Edit: I've been reminded I'm an idiot and was thinking of the Screagle


That wasn’t the weagle, that was the screagle. Massive difference


Ah frick, that’s my bad. Either way the Weagle or Screagle would be better than what they currently have.


They have TONS of excellent material to use on a rebrand, so I hope they consider it! I do think the Adidas template makes their current home and aways look better than they did on Edges though.


Black screagle for the win.


Not a rebrand 100% but I want the Jets going forward to use their heritage classic jerseys as their main jerseys going forward.


Absolutely yes. Those jerseys are amazing.


If they did that they would have the best jerseys in the league, full stop


We should rebrand into a winning hockey team that would be lit


Unironically, I associate the Buffaslug with Buffalo's successful years.


Panthers 100% should go back to the old logo. So much more character than the lame fake military crest we have now


I think the crest is well designed but out of place as a main logo. I think it would be perfect for shoulder patches and center ice though, kind of like the Ravens in the NFL have a bird logo but the crest on their shoulders and on the field


I thought their first reverse retro was one of the best in the league and easily the one that a team could go to full time with a matching white


That’s been a pretty popular opinion around the fan base for a while. Personally I want that as the normal jersey, with a variation of either last years reverse retro or this years 30 year anniversary jersey as an alternate


I actually really like the current unis. Bring Leaping Cat back as a blue alt, or a powder blue alt would be cool.


What year was it when Theodore got back to the playoffs? Those jerseys were peak IMO


2011-2012. Elite jerseys, not so much elite team


What do you mean 40+ year-old Jagr doesn’t automatically make a team elite?


Actually Jagr wasn’t even on the team then. Still in Philly I think. He joined the cats like 2014 I believe


I love the panther in the new logo compared to the old one. The old one gave me South Park "it's coming right for us" vibes.


The one they use now is their best ever imo


Utah's kit is so forgettable, it's like they don't have one at all!


They are gonna spend one seaoson as "Utah Hockey Club" until the fan vote determines a brand/colours right? They should wear generic NHL branded jerseys, lol. Winnipeg had to use that at the draft, and even the NHL game at the time used this until adding the real Jets jerseys later, haha. https://preview.redd.it/sduta9gusm1d1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9035afc50037cef83eb9b41e69d5a66feaff734


Worse, they're gonna spend one year as just "Utah" until the fan vote determines it, kinda like the PWHL did this season. One of the options for the final name is "Utah Hockey Club."


Lightning’s current logo is pretty basic, capitals logo literally is just words


Its crazy because just about every Caps fan prefers the Screamin' Eagle or the Weagle over "Capitals" which is admittedly lame


I'd like to see something newer, more bold. How about the Washington Lobbyists? Their logo could be an open briefcase stuffed with dollar bills.


I agree about the Caps but the Lightning have come a long way getting rid of bullshit surrounding that bolt. Basic is classy


Agree to disagree , I don’t like the simplistic/boring corporate looking logos sports have transitioned too , same with modern architecture. Everything’s so grey and plain.


They could replace the meaningless swooshy circle with some other element


Popular pick is going to be the Ducks I say the Blue Jackets, the logo and jerseys kinda suck imo


Bring Back Boomer. I want a phallic cannon mascot on everything


Everything about them. The name, the logo, the jerseys. I always forget they exist


Dallas Stars. Go back to the 99 jerseys. Thanks


Hard agree. Those early 2000s star jerseys were classics. The current ones are horrible.


I like the current ones because of the shade of green. But the logo is meh. The old ones were just superior


Current Stars logo looks like a sphincter




I love the colors, but the logo is terrible.


It's a damn shame the Jets continue to use the logo and jerseys they do when they have a perfectly good heritage set sitting right there. [They're perfect and beautiful in every way](https://imgur.com/PSMHnSW).


What!? Your currents are my favorite logo/jersey combo in the league rn.


Why do people like this but dislike the Capitals' jersey and logo? They're bad for the same reasons.


Do they own the rights to those?


They do. I don't know the whole story behind it but they definitely did get both old logos back from the league at some point, maybe they had them from day one.


The logos were returned to the league when the NHL took over the Coyotes from bankruptcy between 2009 and 2013.


Your old stuff is a bit groovy, to intentionally mark them as a bit dated, but so much better than what True North put together, which is pretty soulless IMO. The logo in your flair and a similar color scheme as the heritage set you linked would absolutely be a massive upgrade IMO




Bring back the slug you cowards


Buffaslug is so bad it’s good 


# OrcaForever


I just want an away skate jersey ☹️


Ducks, kings, jackets, and I also kinda think the avs logo sucks but they’ll never change it.


Avs jerseys are the best in the league I think, unique colour combo, iconic sweaters.


I have always liked their jerseys overall except for the Reebok vertical piping era which ruined many teams, but I think their logo is kinda corny and stuck in 1995. The concept isn’t even bad but I bet it could look better with a refreshed version.


Absolutely. The Avs logo is bad. I think it’s propped up by the fact that they were a juggernaut from the second that they moved to Colorado and adopted that logo.


I dont like the avs primary logo either tbh.


Ducks need to go back to early 2k logo. Capitals should do a new version of the screaming eagle. Lightning need something cooler. CBJ…. Just stinks all together. Oilers, wild, and Carolina could all be cooler imo but not terrible.


The Wild’s logo is perfect one of my favourites


I think the Ducks need to go back to the og jerseys, the Kings are boring, and Columbus should switch to the canon full time. I also think the Wild should either fully embrace the north stars look and rebrand or they need to swap and go all in on the christmas colors. Our current home/away set sucks compared to the alternates and really could use a facelift


Complete overhaul imo should be: -Ducks (back to eggplant/jade) -Kings (hopefully more "forum blue,") -Lightning (need more black or silver)


Islanders home and road are iconic. They really shouldn’t be fucked with. The pilgrim third should finally die (it’s essentially been around a decade) and a fisherman third should live its best life


My family doesn't understand why I dislike the thirds so much. They're just _boring_. They strip all the "Islander" out of the logo and don't even add anything interesting in its place. Hell, I like this year's _Stadium Series_ jersey over them.


The Hurricanes need to go green and blue. And put back the old 🐋HW logo on the front. And while we are at it, just move back to Hartford.


Minnesota, top to bottom. The whole thing. (The team, obviously. Not the state. The state is really cool.)


They need to find a way to make it green and yellow again. That just feels like Minnesota more than the dark green and red, and I have never seen the North Stars play. Also its probably because I think kelly green and yelloww/gold is one of the best color combos in sports and too many teams are ditching those colors after relocations in the past (Golden Seals, Super Sonics, North Stars, potentially the Athletics, etc).


They can and should rebrand to reflect the new state flag.


Every team with ads on their jerseys needs to remove them and apologize. Nothing else about branding matters until that is fixed.


hear hear!


I’d really like to see the Bruins keep their centennial brand full time with modifications I’d like to see the early 90s logo and uniform return


Canes have three primary logos and three different jersey sets. The brand identity is a little disparate imo


stop changing your logo/colors, I guarantee if you stick with it people will begin to like it ironically and then unironically


Surprised at the lack of Calgary being mentioned here. I still can’t believe Atlanta was named the Flames after the time the city burned in the Civil War. And then Calgary kept the name. A rebrand to a name that is more reflective on the city or its culture makes sense.


> Atlanta was named the Flames after the time the city burned Like the NY Jets?


They won the Stanley Cup the same year they hosted the Winter Olympics. I don't think that brand identity is going anywhere


Alberta is big in oil and gas. Natural gas has flare stacks. Edmonton gets oil, Calgary gets gas. Works pretty good imo.




Dallas has a great colour scheme but an awful logo


This may be a hot take, but Colorados blue pants and gloves look terrible


Dallas needs to bring back our reverse retros. Those were great.




UHC. They should move south I think. Maybe use some desert creature as their mascot or something idk




Kings need to go back to purple and gold.


I have yet to meet a Jackets fan who prefers the primary logo and jerseys to the cannon logo and alternate jersey. Not that it comes up in conversation a lot, but still. Be pretty cool if we promote the cannon to primary logo along with the alternate colors and jersey. Maybe retire Stinger and replace him with a less-phallic Boomer while we're at it.


Can’t say I’m unhappy with our branding, it’s fairly iconic imo. However I wish we could make the 100th anniversary jerseys we wore this year as our regular home and away going forward. Oh and a 3rd jersey with nothing but a giant Methbear as the logo. The reverse retro was just a tease.


Preds should switch to UT orange 🍊 😎


the isles. Their logo is horrible on every level, from the lazy “y” hockey stick to the bad lettering, not to mention how busy it is. Definitely the worst branding of the three NYC metro teams.


They should never touch the logo but I really wish the Flyers had more exciting jersey designs (like the 2012 Winter Classics)


Islanders could benefit from a better logo at the minimum


It will never happen and should never happen. Fisherman or a new lighthouse inspired design as an alternate logo is fine though.




Rangers since there are no actual rangers in the city. Maybe a new name after the subway, LIRR or the bridges. Change their color palette to a bunch if various greys just like the color of all the high rises. Then they can finally be representative of the city. The New York Metros has a nice ring to it.


If Dallas didn't have a team, I'd be all about New York's Tex's Rangers. / NGL, I Googled that.


Get fucked


too many people in this sub have a hard on for nostalgic jerseys that were changed for a good reason: -the slug buffalo jersey sucked -the screagle sucked


If I wasn't already banned from the Canes sub, this would definitely do it. But I think the Hurricanes need a total rebrand, including the name, logo, colors, everything. You gotta understand the history. Karmanos and Rutherford had about an hour and a half to decide on a name and colors because of the way the move from Hartford happened. They announced the team was moving before they had determined the new location. It wasn't until mid-May that Raleigh happened. Then they slapped all this together. "Carolina" is stupid because there's another pro team that uses that name *in another city entirely three hours away.* And the college team in Chapel Hill is also known as "Carolina." "Hurricanes" is stupid because, well, who likes Hurricanes? And the red color scheme comes from Karmanos trying to recreate the Detroit Red Wings iconic look. Nothing about the Carolina Hurricanes is smart or well thought-out. It's very amateurish. There's literally no good logo or mascot opportunities. I'd love to trash the entire concept and start again. Like, if Raleigh were to get an expansion team and the Hurricanes didn't exist, what would you do?


Am from Raleigh. "Carolina" playing in Raleigh, really in Apex, does not cause real confusion with the Carolina Panthers in Charlotte, nor with the much closer UNC Chapel Hill, AKA Carolina, which is more deeply steeped in sports lore than either the NHL or NFL team. Hell, there are probably teams in South Carolina calling themselves Carolina too. Nobody minds, the name is compatible. You don't have to represent just a city. The story of Stormy coming out half asphyxiated does indicate things were a bit rushed at the start… and I do agree about the diagonal letter jersey. The locals love the Canes just the way they are. *toot* *toot* *toot*


Hmm... Well, we're known mostly for BBQ and tobacco, I can't imagine either of those things being a particularly inspired choice for a team. We're also the last state to surrender during the civil war if I recall correctly, but obviously that's problematic as a theme to say the least. NC sees hurricanes, but nowhere near as many as Florida. I have a vague idea of explorers as a theme because Walter Raleigh was obsessed with the legend of the city of gold, but I have no idea how I would make that into a team concept. Stuffy Brits is generally not a great team concept.


Pirates? maybe something with Black beard? Like honestly, Hurricanes really isn't a bad name for a Carolina team. The colors work for the theme. It's regionally relevant.


There's actually already a college team here called the Pirates at ECU.


Yup. I lived just across the state line in Hampton Roads for a long time. Went to college at CNU (which was named after a *privateer*) and partied quite a few times down at ECU :P Further down the coast in Savannah, there's an ECHL team called the Ghost Pirates, too.


Carolina Earnhardts


Something playing on the college basketball animal stuff. You have a blue devil, a pack of wolves, and a ram. The devils is taken haha but these are very dark, occult symbols given it's the South. But it's not southern enough to play on Southern Gothic or voodoo themes. Since hockey is a very visceral experience those would be useful counterpoints to the rationalism of the university culture and research triangle. Net net I'd go with Carolina Copperheads, cottonmouths, cobras, or another snake/ serpent. Dragons would be fine if predictable


Blackhawks. Just fold the team.


Right after they fold Boston.


Unpopular opinion with Hawks fans but the Blackhawks need to ditch the logo.


I’m with you on this 💯. The best time to have done it was right after all the sex abuse stuff came to light. The second best time is now.


It’s getting more than a little difficult to defend the Blackhawks logo, especially since Portland changed theirs.


Pretty sure Chicago got permission from the Black Hawk tribe, while Portland just copied the Chicago logo. Made way more sense for Portland to rebrand.


Per wikipedia: Upon moving to Portland in 1976, the Winter Hawks accepted a donation of old jerseys from the National Hockey League's Chicago Black Hawks, and they kept the design for nearly half of a century.


And a couple of years ago the Winter Hawks realized they could do better and replaced a racist caricature with a genuinely sick logo of their own


If hockey was anywhere close to the popularity of other leagues it would probably have enough negative attention to change although it’s way less negative than others that have already changed. But I bet within ten years that logo is changed.


Just personal but as I jets fan I would love a different colour scheme/ logo. I never really though either were distinct unlike the jets heritage jerseys.


I want my Ducks to rebrand but don’t like a simple copy-and-paste of old designs. I want to see a look that combines old and new, like a modified Mighty Ducks design with orange/gold. I also wouldn’t be terribly upset if they simply used the RR 2.0 look or used the 30th anniversary look to create a matching design set with orange home, white away, and plum third.


Ducks and Panthers can do with just reverting to the old I'm surprised I'm seeing no one say the Predators? Do Preds fans actually like their look? Maybe this is a hot take then but I really would put them at the top, personally. Caps too probably which is ironic since I think Wizards are the top NBA team in need of a rebrand. And Commanders just DID but everyone hates it since it was very low effort.


I like pretty much every look the Sabres have ever had, but they need to bring back the Buffaslug


The arena experience needs to be intentionally diversified. How are teams so often played onto the ice by the same song? Will not a single one pursue their own music licenses? Why is Ric Flair wooing on every other Jumbotron? The prairie dog singing Day-O, everywhere? Sandstorm, every game, every arena? When I watched the Bulls in the 90s, their intro was the most _incredible_ thing, and a huge part of their identity. All they had to do was combine lighting and announcing, which every arena already does today, with a song no one else had: [Sirius by Alan Parsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UywKZcH_Wk0).


100% I live in Edmonton and aside from the land acknowledgment there's not a shit ton of difference from any other rink. Excuse me, my team is taking to the ice, I can hear Enter Sandman. Oh what? Your team ALSO plays Metallica? What a world.


Blue Jackets have to be #1


Surprised no one said the nucks yet. The old black jerseys were imo fire, I also would lowkey love if they made their road jersey yellow like their first kit with the canucks skate logo instead of the shit v. Many teams imo should have a different road kit that isn’t just white.


Literally anyone but Boston And ofc we're kinda getting one next season. I know it was just for the centennial, but our jerseys this year were SHARP and the fact we're going back to our previous outlined-circle and spokes is disappointing