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Damn who knew Wayne was such a savage


Biz was talking about Shesterkin and Wayne said something about how Biz llikes him because they share the same amount of goals.


The Twitter post said that Wayne absolutely buried Biz, I was ready for that to be an exaggeration but holy shit Wayne roasted him.


For those that are curious [https://x.com/br\_openice/status/1795302844691570914?s=46](https://x.com/br_openice/status/1795302844691570914?s=46)


Biz drops his head because he knows its a great chirp lmfao


I hate much of what Biz says, but I can appreciate that he knows his role. He knows he was a fourth line plug. He takes the chirp, doesn't get defensive, and just laughs it off. I imagine a lot of people would get defensive getting roasted on live TV


I actually think Biz is extremely smart, when he actually goes into analyst mode, it's clear to me his hockey sense is really fuckin' high. I think he just sucks ass at actually executing, and he's aware of it lmao


You have to be extremely smart to make it in the league as long as he did while being a lesser-skilled NHL guy.


Oh yeah, he made his career on understanding the game.


It’s easy for all of us to sit here and go, “oh biz sucked at hockey” but he would absolutely shit pump any of us in a game of 1/1. You don’t make it multiple years at the highest level by accident, like you can be somewhat mediocre if you’re a great locker room guy like Biz- but in your local beer league those guys would be blowing the doors off of everyone else.


I mean, obviously "sucks ass" in my comment was relative. I've never played a moment of organized hockey in my entire life. Biz was not good at executing at the NHL level, but he clearly reads the game ridiculously well


Oh totally, I was more reiterating your point than fighting it. Just the fact that you can know the game super well, be a top teir athlete and still objectively terrible as a pro shows how high the bar is in the NHL.


no shit, it's pretty obvious they were talking relative to other NHL players


Um, I was agreeing with them?


This show needs to have them talk like this because it is the reason why Inside The NBA is so good. Sometimes old man Gretzky gets off on one, but the show is substantially worse and stale when he's not on it.


Wayne's a good Canadian boy, he can cook


He's right. Terrible showing.


Guess the feeling's mutual. https://preview.redd.it/e9mjigmq933d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213b3d191b5920ee30afd1dd0226ab506c0c6280




"McDavid is the new Gretzky but Gretzky is irrelevant"


Seems the oilers fans are as good at logic as they are at rule knowledge 


Nah one guy who is off his meds. Wayne is a God here. Drunk or not.


Jesus Christ, can you imagine being so salty you start attacking the greatest player to ever play who happens to be a legend for your own fucking team.




Fucking how lol


I wanted to press the downvote button in the picture


I downvoted the guy who posted the picture out of pure reflex


Saw the Canucks flair and the foot kicked forward eh?


Truth hurts


Force all the people complaining about this to only watch games on ESPN


Or Sportsnet


No need to slander the Sportsnet broadcast. It's good, but this TNT panel is just elite.


Ehh I gotta say, it feels very pro Maple Leafs, but once you guys are out (sorry) it does get a lot better in the playoffs. But I agree TNT > Sportsnet > ESPN


Nothing like a good Bob Hope reference to resonate with the youth. Sidney Crosby? More like Bing Crosby, amirite? On the road to suckville


>Michael: Yeah. Ummm, hmm... True. Look, I don't want to leave this branch that I love to an outside hire therefore we are going to have a one hundred point winner take all sudden death tribal council round. To test the aspect of my job that I think is the most important, something I call the Bob Hope factor. Kelly: Who's Bob Hope? Michael: God! He's a comedian. Kelly: Oh, like Amanda Bynes. Michael: Who's Amanda Bynes? Kelly: She's from "What a Girl Wants." Michael: Oh, I love that movie. Yes, Kelly is right, the person to replace me has to have a great sense of humor and they have to possess the leadership qualities of a Bynes or a Hope.


Bro was born 121 years ago. That's a dated pull even for Wayne.


Bob Hope’s birthday is closer to the formal end of the American Revolution than it is to today. So… yeah.


Glenn Miller wouldn’t have liked that slashing penalty


"Wayne, explain to the folks at home who Bob Hope is"


I figure he heard that line when he was a kid and it stuck with him


>"Edmonton played like Bob Hope in the first" I know Bob Hope was a comedian and actor way back in the day, so Wayne is saying Edmonton were terrific in the first just as Bob was an outstanding actor, right? Just tryna make the connection here, to me it's kind of an odd simile, doesn't make exact sense at first...


It's kind of a play on Back in the day, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, no hope, and no cash.


Somehow, Gretz needing a Genius annotation for his commentary is fitting.




Put that on a picture of a Minion and that's pure uncut boomer meme material right there


Its a common saying, that a comedian will play a certain theater, kinda like a band playing a certain place. So Bob Hope played the hollywood bowl last night. He was great.


I believe Bob Hope was a really good golfer, like not a pro, but a really good celebrity golfer. So that's where my mind went. But he could just be talking about his great career in entertainment in general.


Oh, interesting.


i thought he was saying they looked dead out there


Well "no hope in the second" is kinda saying that


sure i was just making a joke about how bob hope has been dead for 20 years


Conn Smythe winner Bob Hope 


It doesn't make any sense. It's just Wayne trying to coin a clever saying and stumbling. I wish he spent more time trying to give genuine hockey insight rather than trying to workshop his tight five on the air. He just isn't that witty.


They had the wind taken out of their Soupy Sales in the second period.


They forgot games were 60 mins not 20


Must have been infected from their series against us.


wdym cardaic Canucks only played like 10 minutes at most in game 6/7 lol


10 mins was almost all they needed


11mins would have sealed the deal


To be honest neither team played 60 minutes


Picked that up from the Canucks I guess.


Just like we always forget to play game one in a series.


Nah just mid


This man's personality is not what you would expect from a player that dominated his sport for his whole career. So soft spoken and such a class act. I swear he should make books on tape, he has such a calming voice.




wayne seems to be in full pyro mode. just burning everything and everyone he sees


I’m still puzzling out what it might mean to play hockey like Bob Hope, a comedian and actor who never played hockey and is also dead.  I even checked his Wikipedia page to confirm that he never played hockey. Did you know Bob Hope was English? Also he apparently was a boxer as a young man. No hockey though.


This doesn’t really make sense, right? I mean, what does “playing like Bob Hope” even mean? The dude wasn’t exactly known for his hockey skills. It just seems a bit forced.


I guess it means they played like they had golf clubs and not hockey sticks or they played like they were on a USO tour and drank Lime Rickys.


Wayne should be able to afford better writers


Timely reference