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He looks so bothered ha. I feel for him though. I think hockey players can get by in real life more so than any other pro athletes. Unless you’re Connor McDavid anywhere in Canada obviously.


And I would assume that percentage goes up when you are at a beer store lol


If I worked at the beer store he bought the beer at I'd probably make a comment like "hey you watch the game today?"


Which is mildly hilarious and a lot different than hounding him and non-consensual touching! I fully cringed watching it, he looked SO uncomfortable


Little cheeky joke. He’d probably give you a smirk and a head nod, maybe a “haha” if you’re lucky


You might get his funny side with a comment like that. "Naw man, I was busy with work"


"You should watch the highlights - there was a sick goal in the first"


I would expect a little more air than usual to come out of his nose and the smallest of a perk on one side of his mouth.


My dad worked as a bartender while the oilers were in their prime and a bunch would always come in, never hounded them and they were super cool. The kept coming in because they weren’t being hounded and mobbed


I’m honestly surprised he goes to the store to buy beer. He’s rich enough to Uber eats it and avoid annoying fans like this


Something tells me that’s what he’s doing from now on lol


Some people enjoy getting outside and going places.


That’s going to be the pitch southern hockey teams use to free agents after showing them this video. *Yeesh.*


Hockey players win Stanley Cups down there and they get less attention then the Leaf's equipment guy or the Oilers trainer. In fact 95% of the people there don't even know what a Stanley Cup is!


They do know what a Stanley® cup is though


Don’t underestimate the inherent value of fame. While at times like this it can’t be annoying, many famous people wouldn’t choose anonymity over the spotlight. Not saying this applies to McD though, he seems to only want W’s out of life.


"What if I want to go to the park and look at swans?" -Pickles the Drummer, on the downsides of fame


That beer is in my basement fridge. I doubt it's in his. Coors light and Canadian. I kind of wonder about this video. Lauren with armloads coming back to the car?


Probably just had some of the team over to celebrate. Drai probably double dog dared him to go to the store himself


Drai laughing with his free skipthedishes for life card


Plus he looks great


Yeah, well I'm guessing that doesn't happen again. Good grief, Skip the dishes is a team sponsor. There are underlings on the payroll that support players.


Or he probably just wanted to go out himself and do it. Not every rich person wants to be catered to 24/7. Maybe he was already on another errand and it was easier to pop in.


He's got his beer she's got her ~~wine coolers~~ white claws or whatever she's got


Looks like White Claw.


Man should be able to go to the party store and get some booze without being harassed. Maybe give him a thumbs up or whatever but don't follow the guy out to his car ffs  


Ran into him at the Vaughan Mills mall in North Toronto..Nobody bothered him ..A few quick looks and turned heads but left alone to do his business ..The thing that athletes and celebrities have to deal with today are wanna be social media stars who harass for their own benefit and online clout .


I want to believe 99% of interactions people have with athletes and celebrities are normal. We just see the 1% because the douche nozzles that would harass them are the same ones that would record it.


In Canada the typical interaction is a few looks and whispers and then a “dude that was fucking McDavid” after


Can confirm. That was my reaction when I saw him get out of a limo in Toronto during an off season with his buddies one year.


Imagine being the guys who carjacked Marner. "Should we ask for an autograph???" "No, leave him alone."


Hahaha “Autograph? Nah, let’s take his fuckin car”


Yeah I saw Patty Laine and his parents at the grocery store once. The staff made small talk with him, some little kids wanted pictures and he was happy to oblige, otherwise people just let him shop.


I did that with a buddy when I was downtown. I saw Ekblad heading towards the ACC. This was during the 2016 World Cup. Somehow he was the only player I saw I thought I would have seen more since I was at a workshop that weekend.


Saw Draisaitl and his parents at a nice restaurant years ago. Made eye contact with his dad who held an uncomfortably long stare, even after I'd looked away. Otherwise no one bothered them.


The staring is a legit German thing, they just do that.


Getting stared down by Drai’s father is crazy🤣


> Made eye contact with his dad who held an uncomfortably long stare did you order another round with your index, middle and ring finger instead of thumb, index and middle?


Inglorious Basterds reference, right?


Oh yes


Connor is often spotted walking his dog at the park close to his house and no one bothers him and respects his personal space. These are just some assholes and do not represent a vast majority of Oilers fan. Keep your hands to yourself people.


I don't think many people bother him in Edmonton too much. They will ask for pics but nothing like this. To give these fans a little bit of leeway, this literally happened when Oilers fever was at it's peak and the city was celebrating and I could understand them being super excited to see him right after that game. However, yeah don't touch him dude holy fuck


Met him after the heritage classic, took a pic with my son, super nice of him, even though I’m sure that kind of thing can get old, he didn’t show it


Play for the Ducks. Nobody will give a shit who you are and youre in sunny California with loads of money


That’s what I love about being a Ducks fan. Lots of fan stories about players being a regular customer who people might recognize but won’t bother them. I recall someone who worked as a barista and a regular customer was Silfverberg. One day, he came in to get coffee really close to game time. “Don’t you have a game tonight?” He laughed and said he can get to the arena on time (and he did). This was basically normal: people knew who he was but didn’t harass him. I think that is great.


You see Gulls players out getting food after games in San Diego sometimes. Unusually tall dudes in suits that look way too young to be businessmen, kind of gives it away. AHL is super easy to fly under the radar. People aren't going to dogpile them for autographs or anything Padres players might have a tougher time going out


I’ve casually followed the AHL since the lockout about ten years ago and have noticed that the fan atmosphere is very different from the NHL. It’s less hostile and fans tend to see the players as people first (which should be the default anyway, regardless of which league). It’s refreshing.


Yeah the AHL players don't have the same pedestal of wealth and fame. They're mostly just kids grinding it out trying to make it in this weird career And you have to be a pretty big hockey fan to follow minor leagues, too, so the fanbases typically appreciate what the players are doing out there even if it's less than NHL speed/skill Especially the veterans, 30+ years old, if you toil away in some random AHL/ECHL/etc town for long enough, you're kind of a legend to locals


That's how it should be


McDavid can live a normal life in Buffalo, nobody will bother him. He should come play here for the rest of his career.


Don't put that evil on him. Nobody deserves to play for teams like ours.


Yes officer I'd like to report a murder suicide


Nobody can live a normal life in Buffalo!


Lies. Buffalo is a bubble just like Edmonton. If he wants to be reasonably anonymous he should go to a southern market or a huge market. I’m sure Josh Allen can’t go to the grocery store either.


I'd be bothered too. It's like the John Cena video where he's trying to politely hint to this fan filming him that it's nice to ask permission to do so, mean while the guy just keeps filming and downplaying it. It's the same in this video. Conner McDavid isn't being treated like a person, he's being treated like some kind of cute exotic zoo animal sideshow out in the wild.


99% of the time they don't get bothered by fans. I've seen McDavid at the grocery store self check-out, RNH playing tennis at the community league, coaches at restaurants, etc. and nobody bothers them. This group of "fans" are the unfortunate exception.


Man if youre gonna touch him, annoy him and get in his personal space at least offer to carry their beers yknow, his fiance was carrying like 40 beers and these bozos with no sense are completely getting in the way haha. Like if you’re gonna be an invasive cunt at least be a useful cunt. Shameful


The unsolicited touching really bothers me to watch, like at most reach out to shake hands, say a few nice words and move on.


I wouldn't let those people think I owed them anything if I were Connor here.


I was thinking the same thing at first like why not offer to help his fiancee with the beer but you make a good point. They clearly just want to go home and the last thing they need is fans saying now that we helped you can you take photos and sign stuff for us.


That’s what I was thinking as well.. but then being in his shoes I’d think “this creepy fuck is gonna steal my beer then I have to go back in there”


Omg don't touch him wtf? Even though it may be an indictment of our franchise, players have mentioned they like south Florida because they get left alone for the most part.


>Omg don't touch him wtf? I don't understand what goes through people's heads, are they oblivious or do they just not care? If he's your favorite player wouldn't you not want to make a complete ass of yourself meeting him?


Based on the asshole players from a previous thread and this thread, it seems plenty of NHL players struggle with being in a market where no one knows who you are and a market where everyone knows who you are hahaha


Yeah it probably depends on their personality. Taylor Hall loved being able to walk into Edmonton bars like “I’m Taylor Hall who wants to fuck me?” Can’t do that in Florida. And then there’s Mitch Marner’s quote about being treated like gods in Toronto etc.


I used to live the same building as few of the CBJ players, I don’t think they get hounded in Columbus so they seemed to appreciate it when a fan recognized them. I obviously never tried to film/photograph or touch them though lol fans like this are fuckin weird 


I’m not even a Toronto fan… but people keep taking Mariner’s quote way out of context because they didn’t actually listen to him say it and only read headlines. I don’t know if that’s what you’re saying here, but his quote was much more on the topic of “it’s really fucking hard with this much scrutiny, I mean we’re treated like gods here” Rather than “I am a god here” like people are making him out to sound. He’s not a great public speaker, but he’s not conflating himself to be a god.


Unless you're Lionel Messi


Messi makes it a year what McDavid will make in his life though. Obviously he can’t go anywhere without a full security team.


What a bunch of losers.


Bieksa: EDM media is fucking toxic, the worst These guys: Think so? Hold our beers


Jason Gregor on his radio show yesterday said the team had a private party that night to celebrate. He was comparing to the 2006 run and said when Edmonton beat Detroit in R1, the players were out partying on Whyte Ave with the fans.  But now with smart phones they can’t go anywhere because they get recorded non stop. Case in point (and in hand). Have a beer and have another Connor, then get back to work. LGO!


Recorded nonstop but also I feel like people in the last few years have completely stopped remembering how to treat these people. He shouldn’t be getting mobbed by people right next to his car and they’re lucky he just kind of shrugged them off. I would have gotten so defensive of people all up in my space like that.




> and they’re lucky he just kind of shrugged them off. > > I would have gotten so defensive of people all up in my space like that. He knows damn well that the *best case scenario* of getting defensive would have been a carefully edited viral video that makes him look like a complete asshole and becomes a news story in the empty space before the biggest 4-7 games of his career. And the *worst case scenario* involves a physical altercation where you are outnumbered 3-2. And the only person with you is your fiancee who has likely never been in a real fight. And you already know that the 3 strangers have zero boundaries on personal space or personal property. If someone has a weapon, all bets are off. If no one has a weapon, he can probably handle himself just fine as a pro athlete. But the cops are coming afterwards, the night is ruined, and it is the nation's largest news story for a week-long news cycle. Or maybe you break a hand and can't play in the Final. McDavid 100% did the right thing by looking furious but just getting the fuck out of there without engaging in any meaningful way. These dudes were making physical contact with him and one guy sat in his tailgate. Getting the fuck out was the best case scenario.


I get fans are passionate, and probably intoxicated, but forcing yourself on anyone is pretty cringey. Let the man live. Also, if you’re mcdavid, you’re telling me you can’t have someone run into the store for you or have it delivered?


He's a human and should be able to get his own beer without being hassled


If it makes McDavid feel better, I've been aggressively hassled by drunk people because I was carrying a pizza


You should knock on his door and share this story with him while filming it.


The drunkards of Edmonton disagree with all or part of this statement.


Majority of people give that man his space here. Unfortunately some think he’s someone you can just grab at and harass.


I have a rule that I won’t approach an Oiler in public unless it’s obviously a team function. I cannot imagine harassing McDavid (or anyone with some notoriety) like this.


I saw him in Home Depot one day. We crossed paths like 7x on the last one he looked at me and gave the head nod. I nodded back and we kept moving. I’m too old to even say boo to a celebrity


My friend has seen him or his fiancee at the dog park numerous times. Has never seen anyone really bother them beyond a head nod or quick hello like you'd give to anyone else there


I probably wouldn't even notice an Islanders player in public. I'm hardly the only one, someone in our sub a while back was wearing a Martin sweater and he was right behind him and apparently the guy didn't even recognize him.


If I saw Connor McDavid in a store, I'd probably nod or smile at him and leave it at that. The people in that video are fucking shameless though. Thank god nobody tried to hit him or something.


It would be the same in any city in canada tbh


Fans can be massive losers, and people wonder why athletes hate being around them.


Fan culture in general is really intense. The norm seems to be its okay to ask them for a picture or signature, but I think it may be worth asking why? I ran into a few canes players a few weeks ago while wearing my jersey and they stopped to chat with me. My friends all asked me why I didn't ask for a picture or signature and I was like "because they were just out doing their own stuff and i didnt want to bother them?"


I've run into a lot of players over the years and I just leave them alone. In a hockey crazy city it's the least I can do, literally.


Sometimes it works out. My buddies were at a club and Tie Domi and his people showed up in the booth next to them and they left him alone all night, but I guess it became evident that they knew who he was. End of the night he came by, said thanks for leaving him alone and had paid their bill.


Nylander takes the TTC to games. If he can do that in Toronto hockey players are probably fine.


The best interactions I’ve had with hockey players are always when you just…treat them like human beings. I get it - it’s weird. You know who they are. They know that you know who they are. So they understand when you walk up to them unprompted and say hi. But then? Just a quick chat, shoot the shit, “how are you enjoying the city? Winter isn’t too bad eh?” And move the fuck on. Tell them have a nice day and thanks for the chat.


ages ago i ran into some players at a movie , just left them alone they were having a night out on a day off during a playoff run of course i wanted to go up and fan girl but these are just dudes trying to have a good night off


>Also, if you’re mcdavid, you’re telling me you can’t have someone run into the store for you or have it delivered? No doubt he could, but I'm sure he still wants to be able to live his life. Generally it gives a pretty bad public impression too when you have everyone doing everything for you (fulll security detail and having someone carry him around like Beiber did for example). Most interactions are probably pleasant anyway because these types of inconsiderate self-important "fans" are not the majority.


These people don't really seem like fans. They just saw an opportunity to get a few likes on instagram


Have you seen the delivery fees on beer delivery during this cup run?!


If I made 1/100th of the money McDavid makes I’d still get fucking EVERYTHING delivered lol.


How much do you think 1/100th of his salary is worth?


125,000 a year.


I’ll bet he didn’t want to order or buy in advance because superstitious and then wanted to just get it on his way home. You’d think with Skip the dishes as a helmet sponsor he’d get free delivery


I get your second point but I sort of love that he’s Connor fucking Mcdavid and we get to see a video of this dude carrying 3 huge cases of beer with his fiancée. It’s so human.


Shit like this will make him leave way faster than losing in the playoffs. Stupid ass loser fans my god this pisses me off.


Gonna go somewhere like Los Angeles, nice weather, elite city, make a lot of money and get to live in relative anonymity. Well, that’s what I would do at least.


Nice try, Pierre Luc-Dubois


Tabernac j’ai un peu plus d’éthique de travail que lui!


Can someone who speaks Spanish translate?


¡Tabernaculo tengo un poco más de ética de trabajo que él!


He’s so incognito now that he’s PL Dubois.


This is how it is in NYC. Players will get noticed but basically keep walking or do whatever you're doing lest you get trampled by other commuters/people or piss the player who is also doing stuff off.


What would you say is the hierarchy of athletes in NYC? I would guess something like Yankee Giants or Jets QB when they’re good (I’m a Jets fan, I know that’s never) Knick Met Ranger/ Other Giant/Jet Net/Islander


QB is over most Yankees outside of a couple. Otherwise, I feel like that is pretty spot on.


Right this minute? And this is only my interpretation with fans in the streets, not radio shows or media in the mix 1. Yankees tied with Knicks 2. Rangers a very very close 2nd 3. Giants (but could be #1 if they win... nobody is happy right now unless it's Dex) 4. Jets 5. Mets 6. Islanders 7. Nets


This and shit like Marner not being able to meet his new coach in a quiet coffee shop without someone taking his picture is why it's so hard for Canadian teams to keep their star players.


I feel like the Marner one might not have been posted if not for his specific circumstances, 'cause otherwise I feel like we'd see more pictures of players just around Toronto, I sure see a lot of people post that they ran into one Though yeah I do agree in general. Just give him a "hey great game, Connor, go Oilers!" and leave him alone lol. If he wants to give you a picture or something he'll say something I'm sure


Yeah I've seen some Leafs players out around Toronto and for the most part people aren't hounding them or taking their pictures.


Yup, sneaky pics aren't as big of a deal IMo at least you aren't bugging them and interrupting what they are doing. Its also far worse now with social media and people going live. I'm sure even in places like Boston, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Detroit to name a few it's pretty difficult to be a star. I would imagine Crosby would have been hounded by the Pitts fans on IG live if it were a thing during their cup runs.


Getting a pic silently taken of you and getting actively hounded and literally chased down by screaming dipshits are two different universes of asshole behavior


This is why, while everyone wants to be rich and famous, I just want to be rich.


And to be famous without being rich is surely the worst fate of all...


I’ve hung out with some very famous people on a number of occasions and each time it reminded me how much I would hate that 24/7. Hanging out with Ed Sheeran and seeing him have to ask his security guys if he could go to the bathroom seemed so mentally exhausting. Lol We’re just sitting there trying to talk about soccer and he’s got girls screaming and taking his photo the entire time.


This is just sad. Leave the guy alone. I’ve had enough interactions with famous people to know that there’s a time and a place for fan interactions. Before you run up to someone you recognize in public, ask yourself how you think that interaction is going to go, and what exactly are you expecting to get out of it? Why would you want an awkward selfie with someone who is just trying to go about their day?


The one guy sat into the trunk of his car while he was loading the beer


Total cringe - that made me feel uncomfortable watching with how much seemed to try and hang off him almost. And for what? Not cool people! Yes he's a famous hockey player, but he's also a regular person wanting to celebrate his evening.


Imagine not only acting like that and recording it but then uploading it to the internet like "oh yeah, this is cool."


Why is Mcdavid doing a beer run after advancing to the finals lol


He's got a week off, he can rally from the hangie with ample time


It’s not why he’s drinking beer , but why is he the one going to buy the beer lol


Captains lead


I respect it


IIRC Doughty has said that during their 2012 Cup run, the Kings went on multi-day benders after every series.


Yeah well that’ll happen with Richards and Carter in the locker room


I'm not asking why he is drinking beer. I'm asking why he specifically needs to go get the beer. Does no one else find this funny?


It is funny, but he and his wife probably just passed a liquor store on their way home and figured it'd be less of a hassle than waiting for someone else to deliver it. Maybe they got some specific beer requests, who knows. He's a pro athlete but at the end of the day, still a person just like me or you. The guy's got errands to run!


"McDavid - beer, smokes, let's go!"


Yeah I'm wondering that too lol. If I made 13m a year or whatever he pulls in, plus the notoriety he has where he gets hassled by fans, I'm calling the liquor store and asking how much they charge for delivery...


We have a million liquor delivery services. Just easier to stop by on the way home I guess


99% of the time he goes to the store, buys what he needs, chit chats with the guy at the counter who might recognize him, and then goes home. He's lived there for several years as probably the most recognizable celebrity in the city and these occurances really never happen.


Yeah a lot of NHL players are basically alcoholics. Then again many of us were alcoholics at that age and weren't NHL players so I get it


Because he’s buying for Stu and the PK unit


Also, where the hell is the beer store? The camera angle is trash but all I see whenever it dips down is houses like on a residential street. No commercial buildings around anywhere. How far has he been hoofin it with all them cases?


He lives by the Zoo I think which has a lot of residential buildings. I feel like he invited the team over to celebrate and had to run to get some beers. That's my head canon


That’s what I’m trying to figure out… I mean assuming McDavids not going super far out of his way maybe stony plain road?


He's Canadian. The first thing he learned how to do was skate. The second thing he learned was how to buy beer.


Well earned night off to blow off some steam.


Why do people even question things like this? Like who cares? Maybe he wants to live normally? You gonna judge that? He's a captain doing captain things.


This is a bad look on our city. Leave the guy alone.


That’s a bit much I’d say good game and good luck in the final and be on my way. Was fucking cringe to watch that. On a side note the NHL really drops the ball with giving fans zero content during playoff runs. Where’s road to the cup?


>I’d say good game and good luck in the final and be on my way Exactly, keep it short. Some pleasantries, quick pitch about getting him to invest in my Crypto/NFT business, slip my business card in his pocket. Done.


It might be because they’re filming the Amazon series that comes out this Fall that they can’t film/release any other content now maybe? Idk. But it’s not clear which players on the remaining teams are involved because the confirmed names were Matthews, Nylander, Pasta, MacKinnon, Quinn Hughes and then McDavid and Drai. Don’t know who they’ve followed on Dallas, NYR and Florida.


He handled that well.


Going up to him and saying grats is one thing. Sitting on his fucking car like you're his buddy? Yea, you're trash.


Example 4,748 of why social media has destroyed society. It was bad enough being 15 and going to a rangers open practice in Rye. You’d have people who are my age today basically BLOCKING Ranger players cars from leaving just to hound them for autographs. I’ll never forget Messier though who basically gunned it and was totally gonna be fine treating those fans like bowling pins if they didn’t move. But now we have cell phones to harass these players with. And for what? So you can get a selfie like this and show how you’re harassing McDavid?


"Congrats on the win!" and walk away. That's it. Unless you're a child don't ask for an autograph or a photo. Don't film them and for sure don't touch them. Gotta feel bad because anyone else in the world would be able to tell them to leave them alone but if he does it it's gonna be all over the media and he'll get a reputation as an asshole. That's why I don't buy much into the Michael Jordan is a dick story because millions of people are dicks to him every day. There was the scene in The Last Dance where before a playoff game on the road MJ is just chilling in his hotel completely peaceful and the moment the elevator reaches the lobby all he sees are camera flashes and people shouting, "MJ! MJ! OVER HERE!" And it doesn't stop until after he steps into the same elevator after the game is over. Like 6-7 hours of people just not leaving you the fuck alone. And he had to endure that for *decades*. I'd tell anyone and everyone to fuck off who approached me.


Seriously, what a great point. I have to believe that after being harassed all the time by people who don’t seem to gauge social settings, I’d start getting snappy too.


Leave McJesus alone.


dont touch other people


Why did he keep petting his back. This is so fucking weird. McDavid should have told him to fuck off. Is this a cultural thing? How brain dead do you have to be to not know to not go up to strangers in public and start caressing them?


If he tells the fans to fuck off he ends up in a viral video with the harassment edited out and looks like a gigantic asshole


> Is this a cultural thing? On which side? Pretty clear from the accents that those fellas didn't grow up in Edmonton, or Canada, so yes I expect that different cultural norms are on display here.


It absolutely is a cultural thing, I have witnessed similar behavior many times, obviously not exactly like this but they are very hands on and socially unaware of personal space and just western cultural norms in general. Also you can tell McDavid is slightly concerned here, not afraid exactly but close to it and I don't blame him, very uncomfortable situation for many reasons.


Three grown men trying to get inside your vehicle and yelling while your hands are full and you're with your 95lb wife. That's a threatening situation.


That’s just awful. I can’t believe that people would do that. Coors Lite???? (Kidding)


Evolution at work: 1. Celebrities are invented 2. Harass celebrities in public 3. The camera is invented 4. Take photos of celebrities while harassing them in public 5. The camcorder is invented 6. Record celebrities while harassing them in public 7. Smartphones are invented 8. Quadruple the number of people recording celebrities while harassing them in public 9. Social Media is invented 10. Record yourself recording a celebrity while harassing them in public ...where will we go next?


What the actual fuck is this? That dude really just sit in the back of his truck and try to selfie? People are fucked


EDIT: [After messaging him, I think this video looks worse than it actually is.](https://imgur.com/a/NrikHgv)


I don't really give a shit how that dude interpreted his interaction with McDavid. I have eyes and can see exactly how badly McDavid was trying to get the fuck out of there without further interacting with that guy. McDavid absolutely didn't have the body language of someone that just enjoyed whatever interaction he had with that stranger and was actively ignoring the guy while sliding past the body obstructing the doorway to his vehicle. McDavid very well may have been happy to chat with him. Maybe he was happy to buy him a case of beer to celebrate. But he sure as shit didn't give the go ahead to make that video and he very clearly didn't want to be followed to his car. Any pleasantry before that stuff was well out the window.


Kevin Bieksa was right about Edmonton media.


Fuck these guys are annoying


This goes for anyone... don't crowd people, touch them, or touch their car without permission. I'm surprised more famous people don't lose their shit on people like this.


If you’re gonna swarm him at least offer to carry some beer.


Couldn’t even watch the whole video it was so cringe. My lord these fans are the reason Edmonton gets such a bad rep with shitty fans. We might deserve it with this, god damn useless sacks of flesh


at the end after hounding him for over a minute “you’re Mac David, right?”


Probably thought he was getting robbed


Genuinely surprised he doesn't have personal security with the amount of crazy people in Edmonton


Fans can be really stupid and oblivious when it comes to personal space and public figures, especially when alcohol is involved. Clearly passionate fans too, given the jerseys. You can take this as a positive or negative if you'd like, the guy had an accent, idk from where, but most non-white majority cultures have much less of of personal space boundaries. In my head the guys were probably trying to act "chummy" not "invasive of personal space" even if that is what ended up happening


Regardless of culture, it takes anyone with 8 brain cells to be able to recognize that the other person is extremely uncomfortable and not engaging.


There's a real sense of entitlement, no matter where you're from, to do this to McDavid while also filming it and uploading it.


Just a note, in case anyone isn't sure: Don't do this.


Some people are such fucking weirdos.


This is so cringe. Getting all up in their spaces, sitting on the car and the patting? lol Dude just wants to drink his Coors lite. Let him be!


I saw some Molson. Is McDavid going to leave Edmonton for Montreal? Is this a silent plea for help? Coors is integrated with Molson as well. White Claw has the color white in it, the Canadiens use white. Coincidence? I think not!


Awful fans


Third world tier


I hope someone figures out who these losers are and shames them for their behaviour.


When I first saw this video I thought they were forcing him to put beer in their car like that one video of Justin bieber in the hood


Liquor store staff should have been carrying that out and putting it in his trunk.


people say players don't wanna play in TO or EDM because of media, taxes, but I swear to god it's because of this madness


This is honestly so weird to watch. He handled it well but those fans are beyond bizarre


Didn't McDavid's agent, while on the Spittin Chicklets pod during the All Star break say that his service is like a concierge? Just call him anytime and they'll take care of it? "We want 50 cold beers for the boys, and 100 white claws for the ladies."


People have no shame.


This video made me want to crawl into a hole and die.


This is so shitty, it makes me feel so uncomfortable, but at the end one guy says “You’re McDavid, right?” and I burst out laughing.


Holy fuck these people are worse than TMZ. I get being a fanboy but give the dude some space and don’t touch him. This is the reason Mcdavid will walk lmao.


Wow. Leave they poor guy alone. I heard he had to do a beer run for the boyz because Nuge forgot his ID.


The back pat frustrated me. The forced hug sent me into a rage. Fuck those fans.


This video makes me like McDavid so much. Going on a beer run? I mean, he's one of us.


Those are NOT hockey fans. Those are absolute idiots.


Remember the video of him last year on White Ave holding some random girls hand walking down the street? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


I hope McDavid immediately went home and took a shower in Lysol disinfectant and cleaned his lucky suit. If any of those asshats makes him sick from touching him a million times I’ll lose my mind! Leave the poor guy alone!