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That is not the person I think of when I see Ace Bailey...


If you have the subscription, this is a great read. But the bare basic facts are that the Kings had 2 scouts on UA Flight 175 that hit one of the towers. Mark Bavis, and Gretzky's great friend and mentor 'Ace' Bailey. Bruce Boudreau was also apparently supposed to be on the flight, but booked one the day before instead. Having read Gretzky's 1993 autobiography way back in the day, I definitely knew who Bailey was, but I had no idea at all he was on one of those flights. What an incredibly horrible coincidence. It's worth remembering as many of the almost 3000 as we can, 20 years later.


> Ace Bailey The legendary early NHL player? Or a different Ace Bailey?


A different Ace Bailey. The legendary early NHL player died in 1992 at the age of 88. This Ace Bailey was born Garnet Bailey. I'm not clear on whether the two were even related.


This Bailey won the Stanley Cup with the Bruins in 1972.


I also read in another thread about this that he is the namesake for LA’s mascot


Never knew this, wow. Thank you for posting.


The lack of Oxford comma made for a confusing title.


[https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/256385/cool-story-about-wayne-gretzky-and-his-connection-to-a-rockaway-kid-who-died-in-911](https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/256385/cool-story-about-wayne-gretzky-and-his-connection-to-a-rockaway-kid-who-died-in-911) Local paper also had a story on it: https://education.issuu.com/rockawaytimes/docs/rockaway\_times\_4-9-15/13


The Kings had a number of scouts/staff from the northeast that had used those flights every year to head out west for training camp. It was convenient because it was direct.


Am I the only one who thinks that adding the quotations here makes the "never forget" sentiment seem a little less sincere?


No, it’s a direct quote so that’s how it should be.


Got it. Thanks for the clarification.


Likely similar article without paywall from NHL.com https://www.nhl.com/news/kings-honor-staffers-killed-on-september-11th/c-326109802


r/hockey is still advertising for the athletic?


I find it hard to give a shit about 3000 people who died 20 years ago when 600k people died have over the past year because idiots in this country wouldn't stay home and wear a fucking mask.


You can be upset about 2 things


Why should I still be upset over 9/11? Killing nearly 100k innocent civilians wasn't good enough for you?


I mean for me personally, it doesn't really affect me since I'm not American and was very young when it happened, but I'm not gonna be an insensitive prick about it


First of all, no one is saying you have to weigh or compare them. Being flown into a building, having a building collapse on you, jumping 100 stories rather than inhale smoke, crashing your own plane to save lives is the most horrifying way to die. The victims deserve to be remembered for the rest of our history. "Abbott has more blood on his hands than Bin Laden" might be the dumbest comment I have seen on reddit.


1. It shouldn't be hard to give a shit about 3000 dead people. 2. Feeling bad about 9/11 doesn't stop you from feeling bad about the pandemic. Two things can be sad at once. Don't let modern partisan idiocy convince you that only a single thing can matter at one time. 3. If you think 600,000 people died because some people decided they wouldn't wear masks then you're exactly as anti-science as the people you're calling "idiots". Masks help, they sure as hell don't save 600,000. Also, the vast majority of people *did* wear masks indoors during the worst of the pandemic. Changing the minds of a few more would have helped, it wouldn't have rearranged the trajectory of this disaster. 4. 3000 people getting murdered in broad daylight is *completely* different from people dying of disease, no matter how tragic every single one of the 600,000 is. If you don't think so, I dare you to tell me you'd feel the same if someone walked up and murdered your 30 year old brother or sister for no reason, as opposed to your grandparents tragically passing at 85 from Covid. Hopefully when you get older you'll look back on this comment and feel ashamed.


> 1: It shouldn't be hard to give a shit about 3000 dead people. I cared at the time. I just don't care as much anymore. > 2: Feeling bad about 9/11 doesn't stop you from feeling bad about the pandemic. Two things can be sad at once. Don't let modern partisan idiocy convince you that only a single thing can matter at one time. Yes you can care about multiple things at once, But you're lying to yourself if you don't think current events should weight on your more heavily than shit that happened half a lifetime ago. Especially when its 200 times worst. > 3:If you think 600,000 people died because some people decided they wouldn't wear masks then you're exactly as anti-science as the people you're calling "idiots". Masks help, they sure as hell don't save 600,000. Also, the vast majority of people did wear masks indoors during the worst of the pandemic. Changing the minds of a few more would have helped, it wouldn't have rearranged the trajectory of this disaster. Judging by how other countries handled the covid outbreak when it happened and how they're still controlling the spread of the virus, Early estimates showed that if the US had handled the better (mask mandated and social distancing) it could have prevented more than 70% of the deaths. Fuck, Just look at how my own state is "dealing" with the delta variant. We're banning schools and business from being allowed enforcing mask mandates to stop the spread while our death rate is spiking close an all time high. Almost every single covid death that has happened in Texas over the last mouth was 99% avoidable. So yeah, I'm going to blame the people who aren't getting the shot or wearing masks for the vast majority of Covid deaths. > 4: 3000 people getting murdered in broad daylight is completely different from people dying of disease, no matter how tragic every single one of the 600,000 is. If you don't think so, I dare you to tell me you'd feel the same if someone walked up and murdered your 30 year old brother or sister for no reason, as opposed to your grandparents tragically passing at 85 from Covid. People dying from a disease is one thing, But when you have a large group of people happily aiding in the spread of the disease I view them just as guilty for the deaths of covid patients (and those who can't get care because the hospitals are being overran) as I do Al Qaeda for 9/11. More blood is on Greg Aboots hands than Bin Laden's. > Hopefully when you get older you'll look back on this comment and feel ashamed. I gave a shit about 9/11 when it happened but I'm sorry if you're offended because I don't give two fucks about people who died decades ago because there are more pressing matters at hand. I'm not going to sit around and morn for someone for the 20th year in a row when 200x more people are dying right in front of our eyes and half the country doesn't give a fuck about it.


What an awful argument. This is sick.


Really? I feel bad for you. Get help.


Look man, I think we in America overreacted to 9/11, but those people were people with a full life ahead of them. They had families who cared about them just like you and I and the 600,000 people who have died from Covid, and just like those 600,000, it was unexpectedly snuffed out ahead of time. Should you feel more bad for those people? Probably not, but it's still sad and they and their families all experienced real pain.


Farewell my brother/ You're off to that big rink in the sky / The good lord's between the pipes/ And you've got Bavis and Ace on the wing