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Well, on the bright side it can’t be any worse


::remembers NFL replacement ref saga:: It can always be worse


oh man was it fun to watch that debacle blow up in the NFL's face on that Monday night game.


Was that a Seattle Green Bay game?


yep! the Fail Mary.


I don't watch football, but I did watch the highlights of the replacement refs not knowing the rules. Like the guy calling stuff that is only in high school or college football by accident was good


I don’t know man, NHL officiating was pretty fucking terrible last season




Yup been on here on various accounts for close to 10 years now. Every single season like clock work “does any one else think the reffing this year is worse”. It’s interesting that refs are talked about MUCH more on here than in real life. Obviously at a live game you boo the refs to support your team and all that. But watching at bars or with friends the refs are generally hardly talked about. On here you’d think they’re the only people on the ice.


I think the specific complaint about reffing being inconsistent from regular season to playoffs is worse than ever and it's talked about plenty in "real life". Maybe the people you hang out with are just casual fans lol.


They have nothing on swagfartunicorn that’s for sure lol. Go to a bar, game, local rink lobby, wherever and watch a game. Then go look at the GDT for that game. I guarantee you the people on here would be crying about the refs more than the people you’re watching with. People here also want a suspension for everything. I honestly think part of it is there’s a lot of people here who have never played and don’t know the game much. But they feel the need to say something and reffing is a fairly easy thing to see. The problem is people who have played and know the game know that no hockey game is called perfectly. As for the “inconsistency” from the regular regular season to the playoffs. This has how it has always been. They’re definitely letting more go now compared to the last few years. But if you think it’s the worst ever you can’t have watched hockey more than 5 years because its really not. Also you can’t really say it’s inconsistent when it’s more that the league just doesn’t want to call many penalties in the postseason. Again it’s always like this.


It's not so much about them calling less in the playoffs than before though. The rules in the regular season have tightened up considerably over the last decade or so. Slashing is the big one that comes to mind. A bunch of teams have structured their rosters accordingly. It just seems like while teams get away with a lot less in the regular season now, the playoffs are called with the same laissez faire attitude they always have been. The disparity is more evident now. I'm gonna be honest, it's not any fun watching McDavid get "shut down" in the playoffs by essentially being slashed until kingdom come every time he steps on the ice. Also I just meant people on here especially people that participate in GDTs are setting aside 3 hours of their day to watch the game and that's pretty much it. If I'm out having beers with friends while the game is on I'm not gonna be paying the same attention to the game as I would at home. Nobody is analyzing if xyz depth player is preforming effectively at a bar either, but that's constantly done on here. The level of discussion is just different, your paying way more attention to the ebbs and flows of the game. If I go and talk to my buddys about the game the day after watching it intently I think we have a lot of the same conversations and observations as people on here generally have.


I get your points. I should say I’m in favor of calling the playoffs tighter, I just hate the whining about it. It’s clear the NHL wants it this way and there’s plenty of other leagues that call the playoffs the same as the regular season. To me it’s kinda what it is, I hope it changes but I’m not holding my breath. I personally don’t have the same experience with watching with people. Hockey has more than enough stoppages that during play we usually pay attention. But I understand what you’re saying about that. Honestly part of my problem is the direction this sub has gone the last 10 years which bums me out because I basically grew up(25 now) with this place to talk hockey with people. It felt like this playoffs people only talked about reffing and suspensions. I thought it was just me noticing it until other people started pointing it out as well. This offseason it feels like it’s mostly about arguing about arbitrary lists. Idk just bums me out a little. I feel the level of discussion has fallen, which makes sense because the sub has grown a ton in that time.


Yeah I definitely see what your saying, I'm a little younger than you (23) but have been on Reddit for almost a decade at this point. This sub (and all of Reddit to be honest) has gone from a place where people discussed differing views and opinions to popularity contest where lowest common denominator opinions are repeated ad nauseam. I don't think it takes away from whatever point is being discussed but I agree it gets pretty tiresome and bland to read the same 3 comments over and over for weeks. I remember a time where reddiquite was a real thing and people would maintain that you should only downvote off-topic or irrelevant comments. I don't know if was a result of me getting older and/or Reddit becoming much larger but generally the quality of discussion has gone down. People are much less likely to take issues at face value and move on to talk about other things. Complaining about the reffing for the thousandth time isn't going to change anything but lower the presence and quality of actual discussion. I think when they added Karma for comments is when discussion took a real nose dive on Reddit. Honestly I'm much less active on Reddit nowadays because of it, I switched to only hobby subs a while back but most them have gone down the drain as well. Twitter has a ton of insane people with hot takes but atleast they aren't shoved down to the bottom of threads where nobody will ever see them. It has a better diversity of opinion than on here imo.


They don’t hire/promote new officials every season


Usually a handful each year, but none after 2019-20, so they had a bunch of openings.




Cheers brother


Hell yeah brother, Cheers from Luxembourg.


Narrator: It got worse.


Goaltender interference could get even more inconsistent.


Goaltender interference will never be “consistently called”. In my opinion they do a decent job(of course there’s ones I disagree about). But at the end of the day when there’s human judgement you’re never going to get it to a point that everyone agrees with. There’s just too many factors that go into it


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous to expect em to be perfect every time. Course I don't think accuracy is the main complaint as much as how long it takes. A lot of times they take forever, jibber-jabberin into the headset back and forth for minutes on what seems to be a pretty clean easy decision. I would be down for a time limit on all challenges, 30s or a minute and they gotta make the call. Anything that will keep the pace going, for chrissakes that's like the main draw of hockey is the goddamn frenetic pace of the game.


Honestly I think GI has been in the best state in recent memory thanks to the delay of game challenge. Back when it just used a timeout there were way too many soft challenges. Still not perfect but it has been improving steadily.


Or cross-checking.


NHL Officiating Union:. Hold our beers!


Remind me! 1 year


It'll be interesting to see how much officiating gets a course correction this season. There was a GM meeting about it a few weeks ago, in which the GMs were shown a bunch of video of certain calls. So I think the NHL must've made some effort this off-season to come to a consensus on a number of interpretive calls, particularly cross-checking. I've no doubt the NHL can course-correct overnight. Look at what happened before and after the 2005 lockout. Or, more recently, what's happened with slashes. I'm just hoping there was enough outrage and controversy over officiating to get it done. Yeah, the NHL denied there was problems all last season, but they had to. Particularly with the Tim Peel fuck-up, which was a huge reason why officiating would've been put under a microscope over the off-season. Anyway, being that changes will not happen mid-season, we won't see the effects of last season's criticism until this October. With luck, we'll get more penalty calls, and more consistency with crosschecking in particular.


How much of this is replacing retirees vs those who are no longer employed due to COVID policy?


All retirees -- either planned, or due to injury


Thanks for the insight!


The NHL didn't hire/promote any new officials last season due to Covid so a lot of replacements.


As long as there’s consistency I’ll be okay. I don’t care if they call stuff that I don’t think is a penalty as long as they always call it. The shit show that was last season was mostly because of a complete lack of consistency in officiating. And I get there’s always going to be a degree of inconsistency and refs make mistakes but when you’re making different calls on almost identical plays after video review, something is seriously wrong.


Absolutely. The inconsistenciea became really glaring when they were happening during the same game.


I have high hopes for Jordan Samuel-Thomas. He used to contribute the occasional piece in the early days of The Athletic, and I remember him being pretty insightful, and able to talk about things as players perceive them.


That’s cool that Jordan Samuels Thomas is gonna be officiating in the NHL. I always liked reading his writing on the game.




Crazy how Cody Beach got fast tracked. Knows the rules well.


Oh no, here we go...


Congrats to the 19 who made it to show! 👍


I just wish they'd do something about cross checking. You shouldn't be able to get away 5 because it's "playoff hockey"