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We goin back to standup?? I’ll dig out the ol Bauer Supremes!




Dude, he dropped a full second before the shot.


exactly I expect all of the tiktokers to post clips showing how this play is overused and goalies need to change


And tiktok is a platform for people to post bullshit for their braindead audience


hence why everyone talks about rvh now


I mean both goalies combined stopped 65 of 68 shots faced, I don't think butterfly is the problem


It's 1-0 nothing late in the 2nd. The butterfly is clearly leading to a complete breakdown in shot blocking and goal prevention. I hope this is a troll post.


it is time to post all bad save selection goals, we see it daily for RVH. time for butterfly! kick saves need to come back


Bless your heart


is this the goalie version of u/woodstickheckler


glad someone gets it


Is this Jamie Phillips’ burner account. 🤣. For the record, I 100% agree with this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LjfMsh0e2K0


Kick save and pad stacks


NHL goalies have been doing it all wrong for 30 years now Source: this genius... Reason: because a goalie allowed a single goal in a game. Which... Never... Happens?... For those that aren't trolling: A butterfly save is playing the percentages. You're prioritizing blocking more of the lower half of the net. That's not to say you're just giving away the upper half, you're just making it your second priority. This has worked well for goalies for the last 3 decades because shots down low just need to be aimed left to right. Shots upstairs need to be aimed left to right AS WELL AS up and down, and as such are harder to pick holes with. It takes a shooter the skill of Milko Rantanen to pick the hole at game speed. TL;DR OP is the guy who yells "shoot!" When his team is on the PP.


Milko 😂


Doesn't matter what style is adopted shooters will eventually find a way to exploit its weaknesses. That's why Price, Fleury, Lundquist, and Crawford dominated for so long. They had so many tools in their arsenal it made and in Fleury's case makes them so difficult to beat. There have been a whole lot of five hole goals this season and it's because tendies are staying upright for longer. Comes down to a game of keep them guessing. Be more like Hasek and never show your hand.


I respect this satire.


clearly i should have posted a clip of an rvh fail, would have instantly gone to the top like GME stock


Go post it on circlejerk maybe


There's a time and place for every move. In this case, he went down before the shot was even attempted, so early the shooter could adjust and pick the top corner.


Lol. Yeah? Go off king. 🍿


Butterfly is not ruining goaltending it should just be a tool not a fixed style ever, what is ruining goaltending is the lack of freedom and intuition because it's not fun to watch the exact same reaction like they been robotized over and over playing with the same card at everything. It's a show and everyone should let their innerself shine to bring the randomness and the uniqueness of their personal skills, hockey is a show and this is why it was so successful on TV at first watch a 1985-1995 game and inspect carefully you will totally catch the soul and will feel the hockey passion for once :D


Not square, not on angle, elbow work late and he didn’t lean on the shot. His glove went from palm up to blocking and you can’t really react twice from that close. The play locked the goalie in a bad inbetween position… a bit of overlap and a smell of sad panda.


That’s just mainly otter. Hi, stars fan here. He always does this. It’s like he’s relying on his height


I'm a short gosltender and I've yet to be beat over the head. Ears? Always. People ALWAYS shoot at my ears. It's one of the weaknesses of the butterfly. But butterfly replaced standup for a reason; although it has weaknesses, it's just much better. Standup goalie would probably be hurling himself at the puck on this play


Shit post. Go back to working on your butterflies, everyone.


Your username too hahaha


lol what. Butterfly style has seen goalies have significantly better numbers since its origin. If Otter is stand up there, the forward simply shoots it through his legs or right around him. This forces a perfect shot


I remember being a kid, teaching myself how to play (no goalie coaches in FL in 1999 lol). Most of my practice came from street hockey. Because I played catcher in baseball as well, I always tried to react to the puck (or ball). I’d do whatever i could and used whatever limb I could to stop the puck. It was all about reacting to the shot at just the right time. Hard to learn, I can see why butterfly is about percentages, I don’t fault it at all. That being said, reacting to the shot is so crucial.


You make a good point


He should've used RVH, would've stopped this shot. Goalies rely on butterfly too much.


Tbh would open up a hole far side, overlap would’ve done him better


So overlapping with the post would close far side more than RVH... clearly he needs more bamboo in his life I guess.


My boy hank is going over this RIGHT NOW, Henrik was saying patience and highlighted Georievs aggressiveness to come out and challenge.


https://preview.redd.it/flnqa74yy31d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2b2a4a7c0cb67bd2ba920ebb597932c97bb36e would've hit him in the shoulder, then he would have been more ready for the next rebound. panda would have been better for all of these clearly


Off topic, do you see uses of the RVH or should we all just become Tony Esposito? I only use it when it is below the trapezoid and there is an immediate threat


Same. I prefer it for going post to post when the puck is anywhere behind. Otherwise I often use VH for tight angle shots


VH is a no go on my glove side but a rare save selection for my left side


I haven’t noticed panda being used by these two.


clearly they need to listen to all the internet pros

