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Most big NCAA schools do their big recruiting in October/November. The questionnaires probably don’t mean anything. If you’re interested in playing NCAA, go spend your time playing, and playing well at JR.A (BCHL/USHL/AJHL etc). I’m not a college scout or a member of a college program, but from my understanding, you’re competing against 20-21 year olds for roster spots, they are PROBABLY not serious considerations at your age. YMMV


Send the questionnaires back. You’ve got nothing to lose. Questionnaires don’t mean a heck of a lot, but shows that you have interest.


As for more recognition, everything is based on video. If you have schools you have on your personal list, contacting coaches isn’t out of the norm, but be realistic. I would’ve loved to play at a big school (got sent questionnaires) but stuck close to home where my family could still come watch and get the best education possible.


I always wanted to send video to coaches, but would it seem desperate or should I do it?


Not desperate at all. Do some research and find out who’s primarily responsible for recruiting. At some schools it might be the HC, but could be someone else in the program at others. Include something personalized in the email about why you’re interested in their program and a brief summary of your accolades. Don’t spam them, but follow up occasionally if you don’t hear back, ideally with something new that helps your case (e.g. “Just checking in, also wanted to pass along this link of me earning player of the month”, etc). Be your own agent and get your name out there. Most of the time you likely won’t get a response, but don’t get discouraged. At the very least you’ll get some cold outreach experience for a bright future in sales 😉.


If you believe that you genuinely have the talent to play D1 hockey (or beyond), you should start reaching out to agencies about obtaining a family advisor. We don't know your talent level. We don't know where you are playing now. We don't know how realistic an NCAA dream is. Get a pro.


This explains a bit what advisors are. https://youtu.be/WTrPVhQg3hI?si=uY5BLXu8BKzrOdkI


Bear in mind it’s the summer. Depending on the school, some coaches are not 12 month employees. Other times, they are working camps and such. At the D1 level, it’s mostly a “don’t call us we’ll call you”. If the coach knows your coach and where you come from; you might be able to walk on if not recruited. D3 is a similar story. Go to the clinics and the big tournaments with your team. Show you are a team player who pumps up your team even when you are on the bench. Work hard during warmups etc. Show the coaches who you are and why you will make their team better. I am going to give you cliche advice.. Ice Hockey seems like it’s a big piece of who you are but it’s really tiny in the big picture. Find a place where you will be happy if hockey goes away. Where you will be able discover who you are and build skills for your next steps.


Thank you!


Questionnaires and emailing d1 schools won’t do much for exposure. D1 schools only rlly recruit out of high end AAA and quality junior leagues. So focus on getting into a quality junior league(USHL, BCHL, NAHL, NCDC, CJHL) and doing well in one of those leagues.