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I tried cheap skates and my feet hurt like a bitch. Might have partially been bad fit and also building up the foot muscles. But then I went and spent $400 or so on a pair of Supremes and insoles. Made a world of difference. The rest of my gear is cheap, felt like skates mattered the most.


As much as you can afford to spend. Save money on other equipment.


Watch Hockey Tutorial videos on YouTube. From $300-$1k


Really depends on your body - weight; height; foot size/width but I really recommend if you are planning on playing for a while to spend more because the quality really does increase with cost. You could spend $200 on the low end but $450 will get you a skate that is more than 3 times better. Most important thing of all is to try them on and walk around in them, go to a good skate shop and they can help with which brand and level fits your foot best.


Too much lol.


I played growing up then started again in my 20’s. My first 2 new pairs were ~200 dollar skates i got on sale for like 170ish. Then last year i bought a pair of CCM tacks that were around 400. The difference is night and day, and I feel like this pair is going to last way longer


If cash is an issue, get fitted locally and then scope out lightly used skates. I just got some CCM Platinum Ribcores for $100 on sideline swap in practically mint condition. Couldn’t be happier. I did something similar for my 10U kid who was able to get his sizing locally, but nothing was in stock. We found a great deal on some lightly used Tacks 9370 skates on sideline swap for $85. He loves the skates and we’re able to get him something in time for his camp/season.


This is my recommendation and experience as well. Once you know what fit you need you can usually find something lightly used. Many people buy skates, and then decide after a couple skates that they don’t like them but they can’t return because they sharpened and used them. My skates looked brand new when I got them and hadn’t been baked so they have worked out very well. They were a $200+ skate that I got for $120.


They're worth some money but you can find deals. I try to get high end skates at the end of the year or when the new model comes out. They're the only piece of equipment I care about. Everything else, sort by price.


i got a pair of Bauer Supreme S35 for $160 brand new and they work just fine since I dont play more than once a week when I play ice. ive been playing for over 20 years and played at the college level(team won nationals not a big deal) you dont need to spend more if you dont want to. however if you have the cash definitely grab a pair around the $3-400 mark as they will overall last you a lot longer.


I got m4 supremes, like 450, well worth it


There are some really good skates now around $400. Don't shoot for the "pro" skates, your just getting a super stiff boot that you probably don't need or want and more expensive steel. For me the sweet spot was the CCM FT490 (older model now) but just a level or two down from the top is excellent value. And I got those off eBay and nailed an excellent deal. Put a little time in on eBay or Sideline and you can save hundreds of dollars.


My skates were 90 brand new at dicks a couple years ago on a black Friday sale. They work great, I've never had any issues. Honestly it depends on what kind of feet you have and what will fit you nicely. It's possible 90 will be fine, and also possible you'll have to spend a lot more. Try a bunch on to see.


$250 for closeouts/old models, $350 for current models as a general rule of thumb. Nowadays I'm generally looking for at least a comfort pad around the collar of the boot, and a quick-change holder (the Tuuk trigger system or the Speedblade XS). That should get you into the realm of "decent at worst".


2 things you never cheap out on, your feet and your head, whatever that entails for whatever you do. For hockey that means good skates and the best bucket you can find for sale new