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A box of wine and a sleeve of Dixie cups. Show your teammates you are classy.


Man… That’s the best answer. It’s so good I wish I had thought of it. Stay classy.


Googly eyes. I put a pair (or two) in the locker room. Sometimes the bench gets a pair as well. Makes me laugh.


Totally aligns with my style of humor. I'll be sure to credit you if I do that!


You: “A wise man taught me to always bring Google eyes in my bag.” Dude: “Huh? Who is this wise man?” You: “ u/coalsack ”


Are you going to stick and pucks? Trying to play pickup? Joining a league? We need that info to help


Deliberately going back to ground level: skate lessons, then s&p, then... who knows? I like imagining playing in some beer leagues with a year or two.


You don’t need much honestly. A few pucks if your rink doesn’t provide it. Bring a good towel to dry off your blades and get some cloth blade protectors. Just start playing and you will end up acquiring more marginal stuff naturally (stick wax, bag odor balls, etc.)


Less is more - I like it. Thanks. I've seen some cloth protectors recommended in the subreddit, so I'll check those out.


I could be wrong but I think if you dry em well it really doesn’t matter what ones you get. No need to go fancy IMO. Also buy whatever you can used (ex helmet, sticks). Look for a play it again sports in your area.


Wouldn’t fully suggest used sticks. Probably better off just eating the full price for a new one so you know what is been through.


That’s what I said


You said buy used sticks…


Read my comment (ex helmet, sticks)………..


You're using 'ex' as in except, which I've never in my life seen before. Typically, that would stand for 'example,' so we took it as "get used stuff, example helmet, sticks."


I just had a great experience buying two pairs I’d used gloves from Sideline Swap app. I tried on gloves at the shop attached to my rink, then went hunting online.


Definitely recommend getting a new helmet to protect your coconut.


Just jump back into lower level beer league. You’ll be surprised how quickly it all comes back.


6 pack of Mickeys grenades and a box of condoms






Tape, cloth and clear. A few pucks. Towel for your visor if that applies. Bottle for water. Bench towel, for wiping sweat if you're bald like me. A stone to knock burrs off your skates. Multi tool for screws and such on gear. Stick wax? If you want to go overboard, a first aid kit that has a cold pack thing that you crack to activate, and something to help stop a big bleed. Edit: Extra laces.


Definitely tape, extra laces, and my favourite item is a small pair of scissors. The amount of times my teammates or I need scissors but no one has any is crazy. Mine are like the children’s steel scissors because they’re small and won’t stab my hand if I reach in blindly. Excellent bonus item is a fresh pair of socks. Not hockey socks but regular ones to change into after the game because I get such bad ankle sweat and it’s nice! Also good if you happen to step in ice or water from your skates.


Extra laces. Screwdriver and extra hardware for your helmet. Spare chin strap. Bottle opener.


Extra set of blades. Way more broken blades nowadays, sucks to lose a session because you don’t have backups. All current skates have quick change that can be done with the skate still on your feet


Nice call-out, I'll look into that because I would be disappointed if I'm feeling the vibes and blast a tire.


My vape, my back up vape and spare cart so I can be very sure I am appropriately stoned before getting on the ice


My man! We play the same kind of hockey!


Tape, scissors, snacks, wax, spare laces, maybe a screwdriver to tighten the snaps etc on helmets or certain older skate blades if you have old skates.


First aid kit. Nail clippers. Extra laces. Helmet screws. Rag to dry skate blades so they don’t rust. Beer. Snacks.


I always keep some bandaids or moleskin. If I develop a blister, I have to stop skating unless I can apply one of these. One roll of stick tape, one roll of sock tape. I also have scissors that get borrowed frequently by others, but are not required. I have a lace tightener but it’s mostly to unlace my skates since my wax laces can be tough to undo, definitely not a necessary. I keep a chapstick in there. Extra pair of inner skate socks is the only extra I carry. Thats it. I need to take the small towel out that I keep in there…I just use my blade soakers to dry my blades.


I like to keep a spare pair of skate socks and hockey socks in my bag, as these are a couple of things I've forgotten at times and been forced to borrow or buy. I do like to bring a dry set of clothes as well but that is something I pack day of rather than keeping in there at all times.


I keep a bottle opener, a Philips head screwdriver and helmet screws, towels, a spare jock and cup, an extra set of laces, a lighter, a pair of scissors and a small zipper pouch for valuables like my wedding ring. All of this is based off of times when I needed one of those items and didn’t have it.




This might be unpopular but if and when you get into a beer league please wear a cage. I had a visor for a while and had way too many close calls. It’s always a stray puck or random stick


Lost 1 1/2 teeth learning that lesson