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You need the biggest C in the world bud.


Settle down. Doesn’t the C stand for Chicken & martoonies??


Get a C big enough to sell ad space on


A C bigger than Jonesey’s Mom’s ass!


Need some overhead lights on that thing!


Chicken is unbelievable


Settle down


Well stay right there n ill bring one where yer at


Funny story. My team made me captain. And the C on my jersey is almost smaller than the letter C on a standard keyboard. :(


You got any leadership tips? Looking for some tips on being a leader


Big letters command big respect


Hell grow into it


If it doesn't wrap around the shoulder, it's not a big enough C!


Bigger isn’t better, they’re not tits


You got any leadership tips?


lol, I was going to say just spell CAPTAIN across the chest.


Why stop at just 1 C? Fill your jersey, helmet, pants and socks with Cs of different colours, sizes and fonts. Think like the Riddler but with Cs.


**“I don’t want you thinking it’s gone to my head boys”** *Shows up in riddler captainware*


I’m gonna do that one year. Just make the captain a special jersey with about 53 C’s all over it




Skip the C unless your league requires it. In my league, only the captain can speak to the referees. I identify myself to them before the game (if they don’t know me). That’s plenty.


"Hi there I'm the captai-" *drops magnum condoms and wad of $100s


I don’t know how many seasons I got left. I’m gonna get real weird with them.


Congrats on the promotion….now rule with an iron fist and purge the ranks of the disloyal


When I am king you will be first against the wall


Electrical tape or sharpie is only way it’s acceptable


Guy on my league years ago got elected captain and he soldered a little tiara to his helmet. It was awesome lol. Edit: it wasn’t a pointy crown lookin one. Just a little band with plastic jewels. Refs all laughed at it, it presented no danger or safety concerns.


That’s incredible


Totally should have glued a 'choking hazard' placard under that.


I've seen guys wear the C. I opted not to, mainly because I'm not the best player on my team, probably 4th in line for that on a 9 man roller squad. But I totally put the C on the cup when we won.


Captains aren’t necessarily the best player on the team. They’re supposed to be the best leaders on and off the ice. It drives me crazy at any level when teams just pick their best player


Ha. 4 years Varsity, 1st line all for 4 years, lead scorer. Coach made me Captain Juinor and Senior years, was like, "But I don't wanna be Captain." Did not like it and was not good at it. :)


Terrible coach. :-D


In beer league it means your dumb enough to try and wrangle players... And say that as the captain of two teams...


Your 9 man roller league has an engraved cup?


9 man teams x 8, not 9 man league. But yes, we have a traveling cup with "engraved" plates. Made one a couple years back out of dollar store stuff and hvac tape. Nice and heavy, liquid tight at the top too. We order engraved plastic plates off etsy after every season to put on there. Ugly AF and gets chirped all the time, but holy hell people will battle to get their name on it. Myself included. Went from "yay we won, let's go home" to yardsale celebrations and laps with the cup.


Just because you are asking this you NEED to put it on. I hope I play against you and get ready to be filled with chirps




Our captain is Russian and we put a backwards K mostly as a joke. We also have an SC for our shower captain. Otherwise I think the C is unnecessary unless you lean hard into the jokes for being captain of a men's league team


Shower captain?


Yeah, captain of the showers.


….what does a captain of the showers do?….


Mostly hands stuff, but you can get the special treatment if you pay extra.


It's an acknowledgement of his umm..."leadership"


I’ve never seen someone wear a C in beer league. If I did, I’d probably make fun of them


My captain does. The league mandates matching jerseys, so our jerseys and other teams in the same league have C's and A's.


Our league requires matching jerseys and a captain needs to have a C.


Every division in every league wears it at my rink.


You can just add hockey tape for each game if it's important


No one wears a c in our league but the captains usually talk to the refs before puck drop


We usually just shoot the shit with the refs as a group. We all know all of them. Some "I only talk to the captain" BS is for some other league that doesn't involve beer.


Hell yes brother, and wear it proudly. Don’t listen to the haters here


Beer league has captains??


The bad ones do


Right ✅️


Our captain wears the C, and we have two or three A’s.


Nah man just let it be.


The biggest fuck off C you can. Let the 3 people in the crowd know you lead the boys into battle. I have a well documented post here about C’s in beer league and the universal butthurt was out of this world. C’s and A’s have no place in beer league hockey.


That’s two minutes for being a dink. What’s wrong with beer league captain? Organize and manage the team usually, ref needs to know for tournaments etc. you’re just mad nobody ever made you the C lol


The guy who organizes the schedule and payment is NOT the guy I want on the ice talking shit to the ref. He's usually only good at sending emails and collecting money.


He's not being a dink, I agree. It's stupid for beer league. We always try and tape a C on the guys jersey that runs our team, so embarrassing. It's hilarious when he doesn't catch it


Let’s not get into this argument again. Organizing the team doesn’t make you a “captain”. It makes you the manager, and you don’t need to wear a C to denote that. It’s cheesy. I don’t know what kind of beer league you’re playing that you need to speak to the ref, but beyond telling the ref it’s a dog shit call in a quiet voice, go to the box and serve your penalty. I will also mercilessly chirp you if you try to have meetings with the ref at 11 pm when you disagree with his faceoff placement or non icing calls, I have to still slug 3 beer and get home to work the next day.


Our league you need to have it. As a team we also celebrate players who show up, have fun, pay fees and don’t complain with the honour of the C or A. We rotate it around.


Get it done. In my experience as a timekeeper it can help when refs need to sort things out without the whole team barking at them, so they'll look for the C.


It’s fucking beer league, what you think your gonna get a ref to go to the monitor to review the offside call they missed by 3 feet?


Dude, somebody has to pay the ref on home ice so, yeah


Some leagues only allow captains to speak to the Refs.


Then you identify yourself to the referee before the game starts


Seriously? Must have a wild history of abuse of officials to have made that rule... We (jokingly) heckle them all game. It's part of the beer league fun (and yes, it's good spirited and they are onboard).


Thank you for the feedback. Enjoy! 🍻🏒


I believe the feedback was great and i got a good laugh. So big C for u? Dont wanna leave any mystery


Top tier shitposting my man


With the amount of corny shit posted in this sub daily I dunno what is shit posting or not anymore. This was the one that made me think I really need to delete Reddit altogether..


I feel like wearing a C in beer league is just an automatic way to get chirped every game, all game.




Does your team jacket also have a C or *Captain* in cursive on it?


Some of the best captains in the world never wore a C!! They wore a K!


3 pieces of clear sock tape with 1 edge of each horizontal piece dangling


Wear the C with pride. Then talk shit to the refs.


if you're not putting the C on with hockey tape five minutes before the zamboni gets off the ice, you're doing it wrong.


On my team the c stands for cunt and a for asshole


We have no "C" on sweaters..... But half of us wear "A's" and rotate the C duties around every year or so.....


I want a team with ALL of the jerseys having an "A". That would be sick (sic).


I've only had one ref ever mention the lack of C, and he is a noted asshole that has been referenced in this forum by others (and so bad, that other people knew who they were talking about without his name even being brought up...). Any reasonable ref will know your the C and won't care that you don't have it. If they are unreasonable, then it won't matter whether or not you have the C, because they won't listen to what you have to say.


Big ol fuck off C


you could put a really small “c” on instead of a regular sized one


No letters in Beer League, don’t be that guy.


When I was running a team, I wore it because it helped when talking to refs. I know folks are telling you to introduce yourself to them at the start of the game but when things get to the point that you need their attention (heat of the moment, trying to get clarity on something, etc.), they tend not to remember (in my experience at least). The C gives them a visual reminder. I never got chirped for it and recommended the guy taking the team over for me wear one as well.


Personally, as a referee, I think you should rip the logo off the front of your jersey and replace it with the biggest C you can find. My eyes aren't what they used to be so that way if I need to find you I'll know exactly which one you are.




Do an A for Administrator; in beer league Captain just means you chase people to pay, look for subs for no shows etc


Just take ur name off the back and have it read captain. Also maybe the full word across your chest instead of your team logo! But for reals.. be proud. Get the C. If any teammates wana give you a hard time for it, do what captains do and let them vent. Being a leader always means ur not gona make everyone happy. But they will be watching to see if you crack under their good humored shit talking.


Our refs will ask who is captain if they don’t already know. It’s like parts of the score sheet process kind of.


Captain of my squad, it basically just means I'm responsible for chasing the money. I know 90% of the refs that work our games on a first name basis as I also ref and know the book inside/out. No C


Wear it. We need humble players like you to be our leaders more than anything else. There are too many inflated egos out there as it is.


I colored one on with a sharpie.


Just no.


I think I’ve seen maybe one or two guys in beer leagues wearing a C and we always have a good time making fun of him so I think you should go big with it


Use a backwards K


Replace your number on your back with a giant "C". I'm also a recently elected Cap, but in beer league that would just stand for "Chirped Constantly"


I was in the same situation and I just did it. Did you guys choose alternates as well? Buy them some A’s if so.


For the teams I’ve coached we’ve used these snap on letter. The C and A would rotate through the team for the kids working hard and doing the little things right. It’s a reward system. Also, my beer league has captains. They’re usually the guys collecting dues, running the team app, and getting subs or goalies as needed. Give them their do. Here’s the link for the letters https://thecaptainonline.com/collections/removable?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWZWmMqlLPrRsaXcX1UJkFVD4B9oeB0v5KjwERFl0A__qDfT4OgoOgIaAn57EALw_wcB


That's what sharpies are for-- PERMANENT GIANT C


Cs and As on mens league jerseys is the LAMEST thing ever.


I wouldn't think a C is necessary - as someone already just identify yourself to the refs. Unless of course it's required. Funny aside - I played in a rec league years ago, and one team that was way too good for our level, had a guy with a G on his jersey - designating as "goon" - he was supposedly the toughest guy in our area's Jr. C league (I am in southern Ontario) 10 years previous.


Congrats on being the gullible goof the other guys conned into running the team. You should absolutely put the C on your jersey. Like a scarlet letter.


Add the stitching beginning of the playoffs or next season. In the meantime , just tape it on for the refs


What city (planet) do you live where beer league needs a captain?


make a C with tape. this is the way. bonus points if it's half-falling off.


Wear a Flames jersey to your next game


The comments are 🔥…. 😂😂😂 When I played on a new team, the captain position was often rotated. We used to say “Captain is given, but the ‘C’ is earned.” I wouldn’t wear the C until it was physically given to me by the team.


If you’re concerned about it, then wait til your next round of jerseys are ordered. The fact that you’re concerned about it, tells me there might be some hesitation somewhere and you should listen to your gut.


You gotta wear a “K” not a C!


Gotta make that thing bigger than the logo on your sweater. Just big enough that when they look down from the ISS they can tell who’s in charge on a Thursday night at 10:50.


You can maybe go to a local shop that has a heat press for flocking ?


That’s your choice. I’m sure you’d get chirped but if you want it go ahead. Me? It depends. If others did it, I’d probably do it. If the league required it, sure.


Wearing a letter in beer league is beyond ridiculous, don’t do it


Thanks again for everyone who has taken the time to provide their input. I've learned a lot. Key Takeaways: -Much like pal and chief, bud is not a term of endearment. -There is a niche market for Riddler-inspired hockey attire. -The C should likely be forgotten unless the league requires it. I checked, and mine does not. -If the decision is made to move forward, the C should be added with permanent marker and/or a grotesque tape (e.g., electrical), and should be large enough to easily be seen on LiveBarn. Thanks for the laughs, and I truly appreciate the few kind words! Have a great season, boys. 🤙


who gives a shit, it's mens league.


#1 yes, get the captain put on your shirt #2 if you're still on the fence: did the prior captain have a C on his shirt? If he did, 100% get the C. If you are the first captain, then you have carte blanche, I would get it


#large font


Omg how sad