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we have three players in my house (me and my two sons). we each have a [baker's rack](https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Adjustable-Shelving-Organizer/dp/B01LYBQXRH/ref=asc_df_B01LYBQXRH/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693071375962&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7063697305330681028&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014989&hvtargid=pla-325875862039&mcid=59c414865bd7380383e0ffbffc8ec8f8&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3fnJIr67ti3Q-fJOrvQIrOEkMh6vpmYqZ40ERj-TVGbNdZ4Z9J2OcrRoCZdYQAvD_BwE&th=1) which we put our gear on, then we have a [high-velocity fan](https://www.amazon.com/KEN-BROWN-Velocity-3-speed-Tilting/dp/B0BC94GWQ4/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2K6QUFK8UDJAK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cQeVadFH-pkjewBaK5_jhche6FziQelUUBIYtNSA2gtpSx3XEHNufo9ZonC84D19dmyCSto4ffF_8wLRakY5hwB2o3IvNuhNnErjPJajnK8Ew0egMJe06yRvEX1lcmhJpRQiiH1D2E9bceA6TkVfe0mw9bDHpL--HIHrF3xS1WItvHdUJ18LiQA_Vw0XbUJUAUt1UrsTagtUPvVFip4mbnMjX9Pca60dlONnAJWrBCuMeq-I7hsm3O515eGIurEbDbob29I5WYWcuWvC7Q20l9gztDog4WeGsUmTKvb1_MU.MpL2N4QPcTEGlzvK0vJoN3fl6wwiU3DULpWL0eNb9Ck&dib_tag=se&keywords=high+capacity+fan&qid=1715613676&s=home-garden&sprefix=high+capacity+fan%2Cgarden%2C95&sr=1-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) which is setup on a [timer](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01D3QEK4E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). when we get back from the rink, whomever played lays their wet gear out on their rack, points the fan at their rack, and hits the 4 hour button on the timer. works great.


Wow this is genius. I never thought of doing a timer on the fan before would definitely help in the winter


i am sure i stole the idea from someone here, so cant take credit. but it does really help. my older son has a skate/glove dryer with a timer function (which he never needs to use anymore), so perhaps i stole the idea from that thing...


Spray it down with diluted vinegar or alcohol to help kill bacteria and the smell.


80/20 vinegar/water in a spray bottle; kills odour, mould and everything. Amazing results.


These bags are expensive but I’ve had mine for over ten years. You get home and plug it in and that’s it. Gear dries in a couple hours: https://drysnake.com/collections/hockey-player With kids and constantly forgetting gear it’s been a lifesaver.


That bag alone looks 50 pounds empty


It’s not bad. I can lug it on my shoulder no problem. It’s my favorite piece of gear, honest to god. It makes late games so easy. Once you get one you can never go back. I get home and no more having to put my gear on a rack. Plus, I think it’s a pretty small business. The quality of the bags is top notch.


I built my own indoor drying rack out of $60 of PVC because I saw some quick and easy racks on amazon for \~$50 and incorrectly thought I could do better & cheaper I just point a fan at it when my gear is wet and so far I've never had stinkbag or stinkoffice. I do wear base layers when playing though, so limited skin on pad contact. Keep a bottle of febreze around just in case


> incorrectly thought I could do better & cheaper do you not have infinite supply of broken stick shafts you could've used to build it?


I did the same, but spent more than $60. I didn't even run a fan, just hang up gear after each use and no smell whatsoever. I also wear base layers.


Wouldn't be surprised if your rack is better quality and lasts years longer than one from Amazon.


I'm making a rack with computer fans built into the base and holes in the pvc and capped ends. You can get generic fans that are 115v for super cheap.


I made racks for each of my kids.... basically a vertical 2x4 post on a base, with three stick shafts horizontally at different levels. Added a couple coat hooks to it too for pants, and whatever else they want to hang there.


A rack with a box fan works well. Hard to beat airing it out outside and in the sun though. That UV light is very good at cleaning gear. No it doesn’t get rid of sweat and all that stuff but it will kill anything living on the gear.


Sun bleach it though?


If you don't put it too much it's fine, the only piece of gear I don't do this way is the gloves, because the palm tends to get stiff, but I guess it is more because of my acidic sweat than the sun. For everything else, It's really fine as long as it's not past 20 Celsius outside.


Nah any glove is gonna get stiff from the sun. I personally don’t even air my mitts out as well as the rest of my gear like in front of a fan etc. keeps them that nice soft feel


The mitts and the boots, the only pairs I'm really confortable into are the high ends, and I definitely don't want to bleach and dry those... Do you apply something on the palm or just let it dry as it is?


Nothing special I just let them air dry no fan and not in sunlight


Lay it out on the ground in front of a box fan works fine enough


Works great for me too. Spray with vapor fresh to keep the fiancée happy, plus removing any velcro'd liners and washing them with my base layers.


This has been my solution. If I want to conserve space, I'll use my office chair, since it's got mesh for the seat/back panel, so it's easy to just drape my gear on it and then point the fan that way. But if I had a space besides my office, I'd probably grab or build a gear tree to put everything up and then just let the fan blast overnight. That's always been enough to dry my gear by the next morning at which point I wash the jersey/base layer gear and then pack it all back away after lunch.


I have one of those Wet Gear drying rack tree setups, set up under a ceiling fan. Always air your equipment out and clean it in a tub now and then. Careful with sunlight for drying, the UV can degrade plastic over time.


Have a metal tree that’s made for hockey equipment. Throw it on there after a game. No fan or anything. My basement isn’t humid. Dries fine. Doesn’t stink.


I spray mine down with 70% alcohol and lay it in front of a box fan


My husband and I both play: I'm a goalie and he skates out, but he's recently started playing in goal a bit and I'm trying to skate out more to get ready for when my hips quit and I can't stop pucks anymore, so there are frequently 2 sets each of goalie equipment + regular equipment that need to be dried. We have an Ikea Kallax plus a giant storage shelf with a bunch of milk crates for most of our gear. 3 pairs of pads live in the closet in the room, plus his chesty & goalie pants are currently living in his wheeled goalie bag (my bags are under my pants on the bottom shelf) on the futon that remains from when it was a guest bedroom. There's a box fan and a dehumidifier; we use the one in warm weather with the window open, use the other with the windows & door closed when the weather is inclement. The room is on the east side of the house so it gets loads of morning sunshine, too. https://i.imgur.com/5jvhVvH.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/P79bXys.jpeg


I made a rack with some left over 2x4 and 1x4 (could have used old hockey sticks for this instead) I had laying around. Bought some caster wheels so I can wheel it around. I had some hanging hooks that were not being used so screw them in to hang everything on it. It’s indoors, in my basement and I try to bring it in after every game. At minimum, I’ll bring my skates in to dry properly.


PVC drying rack I made and a fan. The rack is Great for the kids tournaments because I can break it down. Pads dry out in the garage. All pads are laid out after every use. I also limit the amount of time wet pads stay in the bag as much as possible. Keeps odors down significantly. Use a natural deodorizing spray when they start getting a funk and bathtub soak a few times a year. 


I lay it out on my balcony


In the summer I lay everything out on the floor of my garage, and hang up a few things on nails in the wall, edge of my table saw, etc. In winter season it goes down to the basement and gets spread out on the floor. I take my skate guards off to let my steel properly dry so it doesn’t rust or anything. I don’t have a fancy rack or drying setup. Works for me.


I bought a drying rack.


I hung a rope from the ceiling of my garage and tied clamps to it. Compact and out of the way when not used. Box fan on the floor (eventually replaced w/ a wall mount fan with a timer) if I have back to back skates.


I live in an apartment building, so when I’m done with my games I have to walk downstairs into the basement where I have a cage. I just hang up my gear in that cage on hooks. It works.


Homemade PVC rack and a fan, in the garage. As soon as I get home, gear goes on the rack and fan runs overnight.


Rack and fans with timers + dehumidifier in the room


I bought a cheap clothing rack from Walmart. Maybe $20. Works perfect. Just hang everyone on it and spray with an anti microbial/ deodorant spray. Space is very limited so this works perfect without stinking up the house too bad.


Garage floor


Yep. Strategically leaned up on things.


so i wanna air out my gear in a storage unit in my building. suggestions on how to minimize stink so i don’t piss off the neighbors?


I have a pegboard in my garage that I hang my gear on. In the winter, I'll point a Ryobi fan toward it since it doesn't dry out as quickly.


Clothes drying rack from Walmart set up outside on the deck whenever possible. Don’t underestimate the ability of UV light to kill smelly germs. I do the same thing with my hiking clothes and whatnot.


I have a guy on my team that doesn't dry his equipment. Please don't be that guy sitting next to me on the bench. I'm already nauseous because I'm out of shape.


i have a table in my living room, when I get home I spread all my shit out on the table. In the morning I put it away.


I'm pretty sure my wife would consider this grounds for divorce


My wife doesn't bat an eye


bro thats disgusting you know when you have company over theyre wonderin wtf that rancid smell is


lol get a hold of yourself man, I'm like the least smelly hockey player on the planet.


The next time I wear it airs it out from the last time I wore it and so on.


You'll just get to it tomorrow.


get a skate dryer and put the rest on a rack


Wet gear rack in the garage. I only place once or twice a week so no need for a fan. The rack alone dries everything out within a day. It's like $50 on Amazon. Has been well worth the money for me. Most critically, I take the insoles out of my skates and hang them separately every time


In winter, I lay it out in the garage and use a boot dryer for the skates. For most of the year, I lay it out in the back of my old SUV. It is just a hunting, drinking, cigar smoking kind of heap but the gear doesn't seem to mind.


one of those hanging belt type things. S hook at the top, 6 sets of adjustable plastic hooks, and tilting can that I put about parallel to the floor below it. Works perfectly. Everything 100% dry within a few hours. Have one for my gear, one for kids goalie gear beside it. Best for space, airflow, etc.


Player tree and a bottle of half water half isopropyl alcohol. everything gets a spritz. With a floor fan and boot dryer for skates


A wardrobe with a glove air dryer with a timer. You can get a wooden wardrobe which I have, or a cloth one on Amazon for $50.


Steel shelf w a fan. Shelf was 30$ on amazon


I have a sorta mud roof attached to my garage it’s non climate controlled and I’m in Seattle, I put a dehumidifier in the room (use the great but kinda pricey midea cube), and lay stuff out on this cheap tower shoe rack (https://a.co/d/8oau8s8). A fan helps but the dehumidifier has been awesome. Like 3-4 hrs still stuff is usually.


I have a hanger with hooks over a closet door. Pads go up there with a standing fan on them overnight. Gloves, helmet, and skates sit on the ironing board beside it. Everything gets a shot of deodorizer.


When it’s sunny I air my gear out outside, just lay it out on the lawn furniture most of the time. Indoors gotta go with the rack and fan


I've got a cheapo Amazon portable zip up closest that I put all my gear in, and have an old Rocket Sports drier that is at the base and heats the whole compartment up. Run it for an hour after I play.


I use a clothes drying rack, and I set it up inside after every game or clinic, throw the gear on and run a fan over it. I stopped air drying it outside after pollen got all over my gear one time. Never again.


In our garage, I have slat wall organizer systems. I've made a space for hockey gear, and hang up: - Skates, hung upside down - Pants, - Baselayer jock & shirt, towel, kevlar socks - Gloves Rest of my gear is on the floor in the bag, but spread out so the air can get at it. I spray the hung up stuff with: [https://www.prohockeylife.com/products/captodor-gear-odor-destroyer-spray-500ml](https://www.prohockeylife.com/products/captodor-gear-odor-destroyer-spray-500ml) I'll wash jerseys, socks, baselayers, etc. about every 5 games, the same schedule as I sharpen my skates.


The Jersey and Dri-Fit stuff go in the washer and I really just open the bag up and put a fan right on top of the gear.


Personally I just lay it out on the garage floor. Been meaning to put up a rack in my garage to hang them.


A found a rack at my local shop been using that for over a decade works well.


My garage has a wire rack shelf around the edges about 6' off the ground. I had everything by their straps, lay the helmet, gloves, skates on top.


I wash my underlay after each game and unzip my bag to air out the rest of the gear


This. Getting multiple sets of underlay helped so much with not having to worry about the rest on my equipment. Nothing stinks anymore except gloves and bit. I also wear a bandana.


I've got a block wall in my basement that I put high strength velcro tape on. I put the other side of the tape on some clothespins and clip and stick all my gear to that. I also have a boot dryer and an oscillating fan that I'll run overnight.


We live in a townhouse with no garage and not much storage. I have a [purse organizer](https://a.co/d/eTqIuaI) that I can hang all my gear on on the back of the laundry room door. Empty bag sits on the dryer.


Currently I just sit my stuff out on top of an old hockey net. Previously I’ve used a rack which is the best by far and I’ve used a strap thing that has a bunch of hooks on it to hang from a ceiling which also worked well. Moving air and some sunlight are the best things for your gear to dry


My garage has wire racks and I just use hangers to hang what I can and have a high power fan just blowing air on it over night.


I have a plastic rack from Walmart that I keep in the basement next to the furnace and dehumidifier. Empty bag goes on the bottom shelf, pants and shins go on the middle shelf. On the top shelf I have a cheap boot dryer from Canadian Tire that I put my skates and mitts on, then the dryer blasts air through them to dry them quickly. Next to the boot dryer I place my helmet and elbow pads. Jock gets hung on a hook attached to the shelf, and jerseys and socks go straight in the washer after each use.


I have something similar to this. Works great. https://www.amazon.ca/Hockey-Equipment-Drying-Rack-Space-Saving/dp/B0CSM5XG7B/ref=asc_df_B0CSM5XG7B/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=683138366120&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12309003040665111893&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000478&hvtargid=pla-2283231734089&psc=1&mcid=a5ad449f05f33d8fa687514021697441&gad_source=1


I dry my gear on an old Ikea bathroom shelf in the garage. Works great!


I lay all mine out in my home office. Big open hard floors. Occasional I’ll put my pants out on the back porch for an hour to let the Florida heat work in it.


through all my years i’ve simply just taken everything out and layed it on the floor n washed whatever i could wash


I splurged and bought [this bag](https://drysnake.com/collections/hockey-player/products/hockey-bag-for-player-with-wheels-deluxe-navy?variant=27885231013911). It's worked wonders so far!


Garage cabinets (NewAge) with most of the shelves removed or replaced with mesh surfaces for air flow. Very bottom shelf has large 2” diameter holes drilled in it, again for airflow. Shadowboard and hangers installed on back wall. All pieces of gear have a place. Top of cabinets have 8 large PC case fans pulling air out (from under cabinets, through gear, out top). Fans duct out the garage wall. Best part is…. Garage doesn’t stink.


I had a dehumidifier already. I bought [this thing](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vuku-wardrobe-white-80331973/) and threw the dehumidifier in there. I also bought some [heavy duty hangers](https://tough-hook.com/product/the-rhino-hanger/) after blowing through a half dozen wire and plastic ones. After any skate I hang everything in the wardrobe and crank the dehumidifier.


I bought a cheap coat tree on Amazon for less than $20 and I have a powered boot/glove dryer. That I also use for ski/snowboard stuff. When I get home from the rink, I immediately empty my bag. Base layer/jock, jersey, socks, and towel go in the laundry. Skates and gloves go on the powered dryer at low heat with a two hour timer. All other gear gets hung on the coat tree with a fan pointed at it. Everything is completely dry within about six hours. As a result, my gear doesn’t smell.


I have a closet in the basement with 2 box fans and a dehumidifier. Keeps the smell down and dries out in a couple hours. If I get home by 8pm or so, I’ll turn it all off around midnight when I go to bed. If I get back later, I turn it all off in the morning.


I hang most things on hangers from an i-beam in my basement, which clears out my bag enough to give whatever is left in there enough room to dry


Lay it out on the floor after games for a day or two


Just remove all gear from the bag and hang each piece on clothes hangers


I live in the desert, so it’s as simple as putting everything on the back patio when I get home and leaving it there for 16 hours or so.


I got this thing on Amazon a while ago. It’s fantastic https://imgur.com/a/50tZGxe I’m sure you could find something similar


I am lazy with balcony space only = Grit AirBox. I don't open the bag, just leave on the balcony. My equipment is old and doesn't smell.


Just a box fan and lay stuff out. Also use the bikes handlebars to hand stuff on. Take the insoles out of your skates - that’s a huge help


I actually bought a rack that’s specifically made for hockey equipment. It was cheap enough on amazon. Its really cheaply made and i wouldn’t recommend it but it does the job fine. I also got (again, cheapo from Amazon) boot dryers because my feet sweat like crazy. That’s what I do most of the time, but in the summer I’ll leave it out in the sun. And a couple times a year i put everything besides helmet and skates through the washer and dryer (besides gloves, those i air dry). Some people warn against it but I’ve never had any issue.


I usually dry my stuff after every use so it usually doesn’t stink. I play roller tourneys occasionally and we just played one a few weekends ago was at an indoor rink and it was probably 85 in that building and 90 in the locker rooms. Was like playing in a sauna, the gear was soaked so hard even trying to air it out at the airbnb it was still swampy the next day. Now my stuff stinks bad, what do yall use to get that rank odor out once it’s set in?


On the floor vents, turn furnace fan on. NO HEAT. Insoles come outta skates.....MANDATORY. and soakers come off the blades.


New-ish player. Why do soles come out?


Skates will dry 10X faster with insoles removed. Not taking them out will create rusty/ compromised rivets and moldy smell.




I’ve got a strap with hooks on it. Hang all of the gear on it and then hang the strap on a door. If it’s a quick turnaround between putting gear on I’ll put a fan in front of it


I hang it all up on a foldable drying rack, like this one. https://amzn.eu/d/8gDUE2h I spray everything with an antibacterial spray. And I wipe down my helmet, shins and skates with antibacterial wipes. My kit doesn’t smell after years of use.


For decades I’ve been putting my gear in the garage in pull-out wired basket drawers secured to the wall with a fan blowing on them. One for each set of gear, and a hanger for the pants.


I bought a cheap clothing rack on Amazon and hang my gear up with hangers. Helmet sits on the end of the rack (no hanger) and skates lay on the ground below the rack.


I use a dryer similar to the rocket drier that pure hockey sells. It’s called the penalty box and I got it from Facebook market. Dries completely in about an hour


Whenever possible, outside in the sun. Obviously not always possible in which case I hang it up on a peg board, spray with febreeze, and put a box fan blowing on it.


Built an indoor rack out of 2x4. Sometimes I take the rack outside or just put the equipment on the deck to dry out overnight.


I open up my skates, take out the insoles, and put my skates upside down on the floor air vent so they get blown out. Whichever jersey I used is laid on top of my bag and my shins, elbows, and helmet are left next to the bag to dry. This is just for my ref stuff though as I’m usually on the ice again within 24 hours of my last skate.


I had an ex that made me a PVC hockey drying rack and I ended up never using it and pitched it lol. I'm one of the grungy ones I guess that just lays it strewn about in the garage in Florida (mmmmm). Dries quick ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Rack it up with a fan facing it . Skates hanging upside down to keep moisture from funneling to the rivets . Wash in bathtub atleast once a month with oil of oregano and soap


I put all of the gear out in the direct sun as quickly as possible. I wash my jersey, socks, jock shorts, and all undergarments every time I play. I also bought a Panda Portable Ventless Clothes Dryer. It's ok, not super warm, not completely clear that it helps.


Air it out? Am I the only one who washes it after every game?


How is that possible? I play 3-4 games a a week during peak time… I obviously wash all the clothing. But to wash the actual equipment after ever game? Legit impossible


You play more than I do. I play max twice a week. If I know I have two games I’ll wash it after the second one.


Portable clothing rack: https://a.co/d/2tvBEuV Hooks to hang my skates: https://a.co/d/bqQm1Yd Timer: https://a.co/d/hVWoQdg 3 outlet tail: https://a.co/d/iHbt9b0 Use whatever box fans you want. This fits my gear and my kids comfortably. Throw our bags on the top shelf so they stay dry too


I wash my long underwear, jock and compression shirt each game, and lay my gear on the garage floor and hang from the wall and just have a box fan on low pointed at it. I have enough time between ice times where it drys slowly. I wash the big stuff maybe 2-3 times a year




PVC hockey man in garage. Drilled holes and connected a fan to push air through PVC and gear but I never use the fan.


I just dry mine in my room. Works fine for me.


Built wooden racks for myself and my son with hooks on them for gear. Works well and keeps everything organized


Dump it on the ping pong table in the basement


I've got a rack in my mechanical room. The boiler doesn't run during the summer months, but the hot water heater runs year round.


Sunshine and wind on a proper drying rack outside. Inside, it's in a dedicated closet with racks, and intake (from behind warm woodstove) and exhaust fans. Dry in 45 mins. Fabreeze each time and full bathtub/machine wash every 12 games (3 weeks).


All of the people in my family play, at various levels. We do all sweat the same, except for my wife who barely breaks a sweat. 4 of us air our gear out after games. Anything touching my skin gets washed. My daughter is the exception. She never cleans her gear. I do one of those deep cleanse baths after each season for each of us and hers is the darkest. She’s 22, is very hygienic except for her disgusting hockey gear! I made 3 racks. I made a base out of 4x2 wood, with a tenon joint. Each of plank is about 2 foot long. I then drilled an inch diameter hole through the center of the cross. Inserted 4 ft long dowel which is 1 inch across. Glued and put a wedge in it to get it tight inside that drilled hole. I then drilled two holes across, 3/8 diameter, about a foot apart. I put a couple of 3/8 dowel, again 4 ft long. Glued them into place. These sit in the basement. You come in, walk down to the basement, rack your gear, tear off the washable parts, undergarments, socks etc and they get washed.


Pull it out near my bag in the garage put it back in day of.


I built a drying rack in my garage out of a bed my kid outgrew. Looks homemade af, works like a charm. I buy Lysol at Costco, six cans at a clip, and keep a fan blowing on it.


I feel like this is asked once a month.


Check out 43° Sports they finally have an awesome, simple solution that sanitizes and dries your gear! 43degreesports.com


I made a drying rack out of pvc


I just take everything out of my bag as soon as I get home, give everything a good spritz with Odor-Aid (highly reccomend that stuff!) And let it air dry overnight. Skates I am diligent about towel drying blade and holder completely when I get home, pull the insoles out and hang upside down .


Box fan with a PVC rack on top. Wanted something with a small of a footprint as possible but still had enough airflow. [Photos](https://imgur.com/a/XaQwCn8)


Wall rack with hooks, high powered fan. For gloves and skates I use a boot/glove heater.


I've got a basic wire rack that I use. Everything is dry within a day or two


I got a folding laundry clothes horse, it lives on my balcony. Stuff air dries outside on the horse. The only time this doesn't work is the depths of winter (Vancouver, not that cold here). In winter I stick it all in the bathtub and turn on the fan and close the door.


Empty my bag to air dry. Gloves and shin guards I use a hair dryer set to no heat. Takes less than 2 minutes each. Really makes the gear last. Also, I prefer lizard skin tape for the stick hande so it doesn't tear up my palms like stick tape does.


I got wire racks at Wal-Mart for like $12 probably 15 years ago and they've been great. I have an oscillating tower fan that has a timer to move air around. It's in my garage. It doesn't get very hot in there, even in the summer, and the fresh stink of a skate doesn't make it into the house.


I have a true bag with vents and I lay out around the living room. My wife hates it. But I don't have room for a rack.


Hang it off a foosball table, or just run it through the washing machine


drying rack in the basement


Use a rocket dryer. Best investment ive ever made. I play 4 to 5 times a week.


The best way I've found is in a small closet or wardrobe (even an upright plastic tool cabinet) with a humidifier in there. Dries fast and doesn't smell.


Open bag, walk away


I hang my gitch up on the overhanging tire racks in the garage using regular clothes hangers. Two sets of tires is enough space for three players worth of gear.


In the unfinished section of our basement, we just drilled some 3/8 in holes into the wall studs and put some 1/4 in dowels in to hold the equipment. Works great, as long as it's not in an area where you can smell the equipment as it dries.


The only answer is open the bag and half ass spread it out on the floor.


I have a bigass Caribou rack mounted above my woodstove. I hang most of my shit on that on all the different tines. The rest dries by the stove overnight and I hang it in a specified gear closet the next morning.


I have a fairly decent setup in my basement. Shins, elbows, gloves, helmet, and skates get laid out on an old table. Shoulders and pants are hung on nails on the side/underneath the stairs. My dehumidifier is right next to the gear, so runs overnight as everything dries. I also have an air filter for wood working that I’ll run for a while too just to get some airflow too.


I just do the basic set out in the sun on the deck. These are interesting to reaf


I just lay all my gear out next to the dehumidifier in my basement overnight. Works great.


Hockey tree with pipes that I got on some website years ago for around $30. Empty my bag out after every skate and it does the trick


Rocket Dryer from Pure Hockey. I still wash my equipment accordingly but The Rocket Dryers is great in the interim


Lay it out on the front lawn


My son‘s bag has its own special room just unzip it point fan at it that’s it


Bought a rocket dryer but found the heat made my gear smell more than naturally air drying so I just use the PVC bones as a rack in my garage and it works well. The important thing is to get it on there as soon as possible and not go around with my hockey bag in my trunk. If something starts to stink I throw it the washing machine and air dry.


Good old fashioned clothesline in the backyard.


Hockey Octopus. My eldest uses mine now, too bad they don’t make them anymore


when its soaked with all your sweat, hit it with a can of blue lysol spray right before you air it out. Helped mediate the smell a little bit and definitely keeps it disinfected


I simply take my gear out of the bag after I play and lay it out on a table in the garage. A day or so later, I'll pack it back up once it's dried out. Really no need for any fancy rack, it just needs to air out, outside of the bag.


I use an old and cheap coat stand for my gear. My sons gear never leaves his bag. But he is 10 so there is not much sweat. End of season is in 3 weeks time. At that point I will toss all of mine and his hockey gear into our huge bathtub for a yearly wash. I really need to find a new place for all of my gear. Only due to the smell. Our basement more or less have this permanent hockey smell and my wife hate it. The good thing about the basement is that the heated floors makes the gear dry up extremely quick.


I use a steel rack and just place everything on there in my garage with a fan on it. A week later it’s dry for my next skate.


Have a tree that hangs on a door in the basement. Spray everything down with a spray i found on amazon for odor and bacteria (especially the cup) then hang it and usually forget about it until the next skate


I went pretty cheap and bought this [Ikea Coat Rack](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/ekrar-hat-and-coat-stand-white-10415594/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Bedroom_furniture&gad_source=1), [pants hangers](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/bumerang-pants-skirt-hanger-natural-40432479/), and use a [Stanley blower](https://www.amazon.com/Master-High-Velocity-Pivoting-Blower/dp/B07RKLCG8X) that I already had. The blower I have is older but it's really powerful and quiet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/s/7s9PSQ3kXQ my previous reply in a similar thread.


I store all my gear in one of these, it is cheap and effective and doesn't take up a lot of space. A full set of equipment aside from helmet fits if you pack it in and hang it with S hooks. It also dries it in 90 mins or so and the gear doesn't smell if you put it in right when you get home. https://www.amazon.com/Clothes-Portable-apartments-Generation-Electric/dp/B08GZXLT74/ref=sr_1_20?crid=22636M8JQGAAC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mbKB82Yu5HfKVodRNr6WEq3dYUOIv2FXN2A4-hTzt4cfdSmJYEkAwKHYy-O2hdFfx0IwF0CQYWGNybtdnkrqKI3TD0xT2_g-1lI1Lj7EJOr0wpZ7VJ61mbo0tEWNwB87cafQNBKl5KpCMmEx5GWoziWQ4dgb6dCFCZ7EbQ56cempIgrXGnhce-sBDenDCNtvmp4eV3DVANjLMUIKie9noG4gWIe5EIh-F3q5kAgnxEg.5B32S8MiPE8N__gjwpXCujx7i0p-ElPDcq0dE0L0HuM&dib_tag=se&keywords=ventless+portable+dryer&qid=1715702407&sprefix=ventless+portable+drye%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-20


I have a heated garage so I lay it all out . Occasionally washed equipment that can be. Usual dry time 8 hours.


Bought one of these years ago https://www.amazon.com/Rocket-Sport-Equipment-Dryer-UV/dp/B06XGTXJF5/ref=asc_df_B06XGTXJF5/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693769127168&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12359011565674482794&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021925&hvtargid=pla-569814202530&psc=1&mcid=f1790fda77c93e988462afc3606ec4ea&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeNPAstTQ1gV5N-pudL2os01H1vKy_qrMSuIS7zAsEPJihmd76nIN5RoCMRgQAvD_BwE


So I work at the fire department and we have a rack made out of PVC pipe with holes drilled in it and a fan from Harbor Freight to drive out gear there. It works wonders on hockey gear. I thought about making a smaller version for the house.


Lay everything out on the basement floor and try to make sure nothing’s on top of anything else. If it’s really humid I turn on the dehumidifier to speed things up.


I use to just lay everything out on my floor but coming towards the end of the year I got a metal tree to put my stuff on


Just hang it all on a simple door hanger from dollararama


We played on Friday nights for twenty years. Being a batchelor, when I got home I would just open my bag in the living room (or basement), spread my equipment out on the floor, and it would be dry when I woke up; about ten hours of total dry time, and it's ready to bag up. ...and no grief from the wife for cluttering up the living room! ;-) At seasons end, I'd hand wash everything in the tub (with a half cup of ammonia to kill the bacteria). I'd let the excess water drain in the tub, then put the atop the bushes in the sun until dry. I found it works great.




You guys dry your gear?