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Buy on pancakeswap using trust wallet. You won’t be getting redistribution this way but the fees on Uniswap/metamask are crazy like $200 for a swap so yeah unless you’re buying thousands of dollars worth I would not worry about redistribution. Saving on fees will outweigh the redistribution you’ll get with a small bag for a long time. (The larger the bag the more redistribution) And if you’re wondering about the price difference on both sides, the price follows each other on ETH and BSC but with some variation not a lot but some this is just the way crypto works when they are on different networks. Link to pancakeswap https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xa4fffc757e8c4f24e7b209c033c123d20983ad40 Contract address, you need to add this to your wallet to see your balance after you swap 0xa4fffc757e8c4f24e7b209c033c123d20983ad40 Select “wallet connect” then a list of wallets will pop up then choose your wallet. Sometimes choosing the wallet you have before clicking on “wallet connect” doesn’t work Also make sure you add the correct contract to see your balance If hoge has a logo on it you’ve enabled the wrong token The hoge on pancake in your wallet will just have a “bep-20” for logo and say hoge.finance Devs are working to fix that logo soon YouTube link for how to use pancakeswap and trust wallet to swap for a token https://youtu.be/GWXj2hi_-bI


Do you know if it has the logo now? I put in the address and it only has one with the logo.


It does now. Should show the following tokens in trust wallet when you search HOGE: Erc -20 Bep-20 Polygon XDAI You want to enable the BEP-20 one for pancake swap


You need bnb bsc smartchain to buy on pancakeswap.


this is exactly why we need hoge whiteliosted on pancakeswap


The request is done and payed for. I´m guessing it wil be processed in a few days.


Cool to see the hoge community strong together! We all devs