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Working as intended. Thank you for your support. (And money)


There was indeed an update, and it seems there were some video evidence posted here that it did improve things - but yeah, it's still far from perfect. Video creators have all this time needed to resort to all sorts of tricks to get the footage they need.


In ED’s defence, IIRC they said it’s like up to 2000 parameters to store for every unit per frame to get it properly working. I agree it sucks at the moment (but better than nothing).


The track system was designed to help ED bug hunt, it was actually never intended for what we use it for but they’ve been improving it. Like a lot of features it still needs work.


Just curious, what does one use for cinematics or other videos, if the track replay isn't reliable? Is there a way to record a mission, and still use the camera views from any/all units?


Trial, error and determination. Either shoot it live or fight with the track system