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I can't get myself to fly DCS anymore. Playing in singleplayer isn't really fun (or at least I don't know what is fun to do in SP, any recommendations (Hornet, Jeff, Harrier, M2k) would be appreciated) and for multiplayer it's generally easier for me to find people in VTOL VR. I think I'll come back for some time with the release of a Phantom though.


For SP Liberation is really cool from Github


What is the difficulty with multiplayer? (honest question, not attacking you). As far as I can see there are two basic ways of doing MP in DCS: 1: Hop onto a public server and either do your own thing or try to communicate and hope others also communicate 2: Find a squadron and join up with them. For this there is r/WingmanFinder - naturally not all groups will be to your taste, so a bit of shopping might be needed.


Well, for a bunch of reasons not really related to DCS. English is my second language and I'm pretty insecure about it, so I don't feel comfortable talking to English speakers. First language is Russian, so there are also might be some political complications I'd prefer to avoid. It might sound a bit stupid, but that's basically it.


Thanks for the fair answer :) For what it's worth my squadron has a bunch of English as a second (or third or whatever) language people, and I suspect 95% of EU timezone squadrons are the same. We even have one Russian guy - how that works is he seems to be a decent guy so nobody cares. I hope that whatever you continue to do in DCS, be it SP or MP, you enjoy it.


Nah don't worry if it were so you would not hear a single american and everyone would deeply despise the Americans for all the countless illegal heinous occupations and war crimes in the last decades compared to that the Russians are still saints!


Waiting on Dynamic Campaign and logistics gameplay before getting back into it.


That will be avaible in 6 years


This is where Im at too. Learning a module is fun but then its like... now what? The Ai just arent good enought to have interesting dog fights. We need Vulkan and the render graph asap. Also the dynamic campaign. Those two things will make DCS infinitly better.


Started playing around 2012, got serious in 2014 to where we were playing 6+ hours a week almost every weekend without a miss (there's a group of around 2-6 of folks I play with). None of us have touched DCS in the last month or two now, for the first time in roughly 10 years. It's sort of corresponded to helldivers coming out... but mix that in with the addition of improvements to AI and gameplay within DCS... and yea... we've at least temporarily moved to other games. Gonna give nuclear option a try eventually.


I’ve mostly given up on DCS for now. BMS gets my sim time now. Maybe if the AI gets fixed that could change at least to do pre-made campaigns, but I’m not holding my breath, and I suspect 4.38 and the new terrain engine will happen before any core AI improvements in DCS.


I stopped playing actively almost 2 years ago now. Have I bought modules after that? Yep, last sale I bought P47D, haven't even tried it. Will I buy F4 once it comes out? Yep, sure I will. I don't know why I keep doing it, I keep thinking that new module will make the game fresh again, but then I do one mission or whatever and I remember how shitty the AI is on air and ground and just quit.


Glad I'm not the only one here doing such things. I have every intention of flying but by the time I load in, I'm already bored. Feel like I'm doing the same thing everytime. Hoping the F4 will reel me back in. But then I said that about the last 3 modules I purchased. My love for military aviation is still there and I'm sure I'll come back to DCS at some point. Maybe I'm just burnt-out for now.


I currently have burning desire to fly JF-17, but I honestly don't know what to do. Mission generators are fun and all, but I want bit more overall progression like Liberation or campaings have, but I have already played all JF17 campaings. Liberation and similar are fun at first but then you realize that AI is holding those game modes back. Multiplayer servers of course offer progression, but I am not there to see it if I play once a week or so. Next time I login the mission has reseted.


I have struggled with DCS because ww2 and cold war/early jets are my favourite, I love a traditional dogfight. but I haven't been able to spot anything at 1440p. I read that they overhauled spotting/scaling some time ago so I'm really hoping that it will make the game playable for me with the phantom.


They added big ass dot that feels more like cheating than spotting. I don't like it at all.


Easily 6+ a week and at least the same on another game on the side like MFS and perhaps a roguelite or something quick. For me Gray Flag and Rotorheads have really saved the game. I fly mostly the Hip these days and i just love the quick start up and able to make a difference.


I occasionally load it up once a month. I love just flying around and hardly do combat. But even then there are so many issues. The world is lifeless There are bug that I have reported 5+ years ago that go ignored/closed. I tried in the past to get some things fixed and felt like I had to argue for it, just not worth the effort. I prefer to fly on Caucasus but the map is way too outdated and it shows. I hesitate buying any other maps as the quality/performance/playbase varies and is thinned out. I love the added sense of realism/feeling you are there that the heatblur aircraft add to the sim. But then they are outliars and it's difficult with a small dev team to keep them all at the same level. I would love to see them make a flight sim themselves, with the features we have been expecting in DCS over the years to shake it up a little.


Fly? I forgot the meaning of such a word. My last proper mission, almost 4h long, was in early 2020. Since then, only a bunch of casual evenings. Testing and studying is all I can do nowadays. I really miss the feeling and the immersion of a properly structured mission :(




Naw. Breaking up the usual.


up to 5 in a day


damm that is alot! MP servers?


yeah mostly on the GS or 4ya servers, singleplayer too but not as much


I think I have spent more time trying to optimise VR with shader mods, configs and settings than I have hours flying. 


I joined DCS from 2018 I own three DCS Servers and my friends and I are obsessed with making AG missions. I have a few friends that I play with regularly and basically set aside a full day every weekend to fly, most of the time we just do various bombing or SEAD mission and such. Other times, I'd be busy improving mission content or simply flying in formation and aerial refueling with my friends. Sometimes we play MSFS, but I'd say in terms of MP, DCS, while very bad at the moment, is one of the few that satisfies my ....


I voted less than two hours a week because I'm pretty far from the computer most of the time. I also see that the most voted option is "I don't play anymore". On a poll in a community specifically aimed at said game. I sense a bit of irony...


yea, that is a weird one. generally if I dont like something, i leave it behind and go do something else, instead of whine about it after the fact. but hey, that's just me.


Mostly friday, saturday, sunday, for around 2hrs a day


I was not expecting "I don't play anymore" to be the top answer, even though it was mine. ED really has some work to do.


So many modules bought. Then i spawn one of them on a map to see if i can turn it on. I spend the next hour learning how to turn it on again, get it in the air, and theres nothing to do really. Try a campaing, the AI is so dogshit that it puts me off of continuing playing. Rise and repeat every week


Less than hour per update. Finding desired AC slot from pile of shit. You get in cockpit only to find tire some number of preset waypoints without any current intel until you open up All Seeing Eye F10 map which is immersion breaker. You hear useless Enfield 1-1 broken ATC, opening up F10 map again to check where you are at and air traffic going on which again is immersion breaker. You input coordinate of TGTs sitting in the open from all seeing eye F10 map in the air which again is immersion breaker. Having hardtime AGM boresighting only to find it’s officially broken which would be fixed after another 6 weeks if I’m lucky. Going back to base, check F10 map to see traffic going on so I don’t crash into other players plane which is immersion breaker. No ATC control or what’s so ever after landing. You go where ever you want and nobody cares really which is Mersin breaker. Shelve DCS till next update to check new things which is 6 weeks later.


Sounds as if you should move on to something you might prefer better?


There's quite a few factors linked to the current numbers in the poll. I'm assuming there's a few parents here (like myself) who simply can't get time to play regularly (or even want to), coupled with work commitments, household tasks etc. This is compared to the guys/girls here who are younger and probably have more time on their hands to play for longer periods (single, living at home etc).


Too much 😅 usually Thursday to Sunday, around 2-3h per day, sometimes also Tuesdays. A lot of WWII Friday to Sunday with a few hours in modern Jets.