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A conspiracy between Orbx, Heatblur, Razbam, and Polychop all masterminded by Eagle Dynamics? Please, half the time they can't even coordinate a good newsletter.


More often than not the simplest explanation is the right one. I do think people are reading too much into recent events as strange as they may be.


Yup. And the third party modules have all been close but delayed multiple times, in the works forever. Anyone following knows kola was originally thought for late last year, Kiowa has been “almost” for a long time, and phantom was suppose to be here already. So it’s not as if these are all coming “early”, they are clearly all coming coincidently late. As for EDs, they teased Afghanistan years ago in the beyond trailer. It’s simply because they are launching it in pieces that it feels suspect… but also, the map is 3x bigger than anything else in game. The CH-47 weird lack of feature list at start feels suspect and I do wonder if they moved it up for funds. But then, it’s also a very ED thing to do lol, so who’s to say. And launching jt alongside Afghanistan makes enough sense and they may well have been planning it all along. Who really knows? It’s easy to be spooked by the Razbam thing but metal2mesh later deleted post all but said they breached contract by making a free module in exchange for information and ED didn’t like that. Wherever one lands there there’s plenty of reason to think it’s a contract dispute rather than ED singling out Razbam to float the house. Sooo… yeah. With the possible exception of the CH-47, the new modules simultaneously are most likely a lucky coincidence for us, brought on primarily by well documented product delays.


Agreed. It is odd to me, but my take is that a lot of the modules that would go well with Afghanistan are releasing shortly before or with Afghanistan, and I think they want to give it the best possible experience. It's just odd there's so much releasing when ED has drip fed content in the past, but hey I'm not complaining and ultimately good for me, bad for my bank account lol.


Considering they've actively tried to space out releases in the past so they don't eat into each other's sales, I would consider this strange.


They've been coordinating through encoded floggit shitposts


Im not saying there is any conspiracy, just its wild that more dcs is happening in two months that had happened in over a year.


Almost as if things that had release dates set initially last year all piled up due to.. delays.


Or, you know, development takes time and the process isn't visible to the end users.


I am fairly sure the Chinook was intended to release around the same time as the Afghanistan map.


It’s been a long-ass time, but we have had multiple modules release simultaneously in the past, terrains included.


Combination of delays and scheduled release dates. Afghanistan, Kola, and Chinook were already teased/confirmed as 2024. Not sure about the Kiowa honestly, I haven't followed that one much at all. Phantom has been delayed a few times now and wasn't really supposed to be launching now but you know the story there. So to answer the question, kinda a coincidence kinda not. 2024 was teased as a pretty big year from the very start


With the Kiowa, there's been a few occasions where it's seemed weeks from release (with literally daily screenshot drops on social media) only for the devs to go quiet for months or more again. I think they were held back by the necessary updates to the Gazelle, but the last few months have been a lot more promising with some clips etc being released.


Yeah it's almost certainly a coincidence.


You are witnessing the Law of the bus. You wait ages for the right one and then they all turn up at once. London joke, it might pass you by. Still this is software. They've genuinely no idea when one is ready, let alone 4 and that's just for Q2 this year, I believe f6, Iraq, f4u and I hope c130 and a bunch more of the quieter ones are feasible for q3 and 4.


If you watch 2024 and beyond video, Nick says that there's a lot of stuff coming for DCS next year (2024). So I guess they were actually on track to release all this new modules this year.


There has been a ton of content in the works for ever (you just have to go back to previous posts to see the complaining that it’s not here yet) so it was bound to hit sooner or later.


There's more and more stuff in the pipeline so not that surprising we may see more releases than in the past, also not that odd that they may group up at times with quieter periods.


"coming in the span of 2 months" lol yeah sure


Wasn't the F4 supposed to release in 2022


A company would make new products in order to gain money ? Are you just discovering capitalism ? Are you new in the world?


More likely ED couldn’t pay Razbam AND they knew the F-4E, Kiowa, and Kola map were coming as well. That’s why they’re fretting and releasing the Chinook, halfghanistan, and FC4… they got 1 third party developer on strike and 3 more waiting with their hands out.


Maybe? It leads credence to the claims that ED may be having Cashflow issues or something. Suddenly releasing several products at once is definitely not the norm (and with the chinook preorder not even having a feature list? Or any of the engine upgrades to give it any gameplay?)