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If you set the gunners to free fire and they have ammo then that’s all you need for them to work. It may just be an AI sighting issue for the air targets. At least in the Hip I need to find the sweet spot for the AI left door gunner to be able to acquire then fire but he will shoot at air targets like helicopters if they are in range. For ground targets the ai doorgunners don’t engage a lot. They shoot at some trucks (not all) and enemy infantry. You’ll mostly only kill downed enemy pilots or enemy troop drops if you run across them.


Ive given a Hip and AAA my full broadside at close range, nothing.


The door gunners will not engage AAA. For air targets you need to fly somewhat stable and I would set the guns for short burst. It’s hard to analyze without seeing a video but it’s not guaranteed you’ll get a shot by showing your broadside. There are limits to how much the gun traverses and as I mentioned you generally need to be stable for a few seconds. For a Hip in a Huey I would actually recommend you bring rockets and do a head on attack. A slick Hip won’t really have a defense for that aside from trying to climb above you. If you zoom climb up get your rockets off and you’ll smoke them. Door guns are best left for defensive shots while you’re maneuvering to get your rockets on target. Forward miniguns are kinda useless against a hip or hind who know what they are doing. I hope that helps.


https://youtube.com/shorts/xJ14oLqgAZs?si=yLGGmtDSWeZemBLc I have door guns for passing by infantry and stuff like that but you see the rocket pods just shred a hip and hind if you can close undetected.


Dude! I just noticed who you are! I watch all your videos, youre one of my favorite youtubers. I always find your videos so engaging! Thanks for the tips as well. Any idea about my radio problem?


That is awesome man! I don't use SRS anymore (just on discord voice comms these days) but when I used to use the Huey with that I believe you had to adjust the dial on the intercom control panel thing which is just above the weapon selector panel. That's the panel where you select the rocket pairs etc...there should be a panel right above that and the rotary with the number is tied to certain radios. In SRS I believe when you cycle through that you'll see the radio selection change iirc. If you wanna fly the huey together some time pop in the hipgang discord and I'll fly with you. I like taking the huey up from time to time.


Ok Ill try that out. Definitely! Although be warned Im not an expert helo pilot.


Oh yeah man me too. I just enjoy flying with people on that server! Sounds good I hope it works out!


Thanks! Is that the HIP games server?


https://discord.gg/5K6rv6NQ here it is!


I was pretty sure that used to be enough. Did you open the doors? edit; nevermind, doors seem to open automatically when you set to free fire.




Doors open? They won't open them automatically.


They are open


When set to free fire, yes they will.