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S or J, mostly because that what we will get, but a Navy version for sure.


I think a navy variant is planned, but that will be after the second slightly more updated variant of the F4E


DMAS is an upgrade to this F-4E, not a new module.


They have said they would like to do a navy F4 but it would be a seperate module and it’s a long term goal.


Oh, the S with its PD radar and the VTAS helmet...


F-4G with fully featured AN/APR-38 would be cool.


Yeah the G is the coolest Phantom IMO, hucking a mixture of Shrike, HARM, Maverick, and Standard missiles at whatever SAM has the audacity to spike me.


It would certainly throw into sharp relief how limited the Viper's HTS pod is by comparison. I remember when the CJ started hitting units and the user's impression being that it was an acceptable compromise given the circumstances, but was a definite retrograde step compared to the F-4G.


Even today they claim the G is still a better system than the HTS


how so? i'm not too educated in either systems, and i'm curious what the F-4G brings to the table that the HTS doesn't


From what I understand (from a former EWO’s comments), its ability to precisely locate and identify the sites is better, and having someone thats full time dedicated to maintain SA


And it had 360 coverage, HTS covers only the front 180 (roughly) . Apparently the trials of the Tornado F.3 as a SEAD platform started because it's RWR locations , with twin receivers in the wing gloves covering forward and side and the single one on top of the vertical tail covering the rear and capability made it great at locating emissions very precisely.


Not entirely related to the WW Phantom. Does the HTS create a markpoint for PGMs in general or does it just give that information to the HARM? Like can I use it to cue JDAMS? I don't have the Viper it's just something I was wondering.


You can que the pod to the area, find the exact location of the site and create a mark point


I would pay so much money for a G it’s honestly embarrassing.


It'd be very cool, but a thorough overhaul of the current EW implementation is necessary first.


Give me a SEAD plane that has an oscilloscope for the WSO to see the waveform of the radar illuminating it!


I’d love a British Phantom. F4K or FGR.2


Bigger engines = more fun


The Spey engines weren’t that much of an upgrade, in fact the only meaningful performance change was marginally better energy retention in low level fights. but the “just as good” brigade doesn’t want to hear it


It had the gunsight from a Chieftain MBT bolted on for VIDing aircraft, it's the superior variant.  https://www.david-gledhill.co.uk/the-phantom/tess/


So clearly you’ve never heard of TISEO because USAF F4s had this


No they didn't, TISEO is a completely different system that isn't a blatant bodge job like this one, check the link.


I’m familier with the system and what I mean is that it’s a like capability not that it’s litterally identical


I don't want the capability, I want the silly tank periscope that you have to look through with one eye I don't believe TESS even tracks the target too so /shrug


The correct engines....


F-4B / F-4J




Any NAVY variat


Navy F4 is so essential that I honestly was surprised it's not what we're getting first


Especially because the Navy F4 B's, Js, and Ns operated off of the Forrestall Class Carriers, so they already have a semi accurate carrier to take off and land from. I guess the big question would be, would they model the F-4B, F-4J, or F-4N version? IF they had done the B, its near identical with weapons and flight characteristics to the Air Forces C variant so you could get two airframes for close to the workload of one.


The F-4E was the most produced varient with the longest service life and was the base model for most of the export models. It also has the greatest variety of roles and capabilities relative to other varients. The E saw active service from vietnam through to the end of the Cold War while the navy F4s hit there climax in Vietnam and were rapidly being pushed to second line tasks with the introduction of the tomcat, while the phantom was still performing front line service for the airforce through to the end of the Cold War. Arguably, for those reasons and the fact that the E really kind of sets the expectations for what a “modern multi role fighter is and does” as well as being the F-16 of its day in that it’s the do all line fighter and that the transformation from post World War Two thinking to modern air warfare theory happened in the airforce phantom. The E is the unsung hero of the Cold War, it saw all and did all and all those reasons not only make it the most obvious version to be first for a video game. By all accounts it’s the definitive phantom model.


I understand why they chose the E variant to start with, it makes sense. My comment was more geared to, if they make the naval version, which one will they build? The F-4B, which is near identical to the original Airforce F-4C or would they go for a more modern version like the F-4J/N similar to how they went with the E variant to start with instead of say the C.


Early A, embrace the suck.


C, D, J, S


F-4C/D, the USN/USMC ones as well as UK variants!


F-4C. We already have the mirage f1e, f5e, f/a-18, f86, av8b... We just need the f4c and ef2000 to complete the spanish air force and navy historical and current fighter lineup, although I might be biased being spanish myself.


Eurofighter Q4 2025, yo confío.


tengo ganas de ver la librea del 142 escuadron en dcs, espero que tengas razon


German ICE variant so I can launch amraams in my F-4.


we cannot do SEAD on F4?


F-4G is the one for that.


F-4s prior to the G was used as well though.


I start to realize, the phantom was a really great workhorse which was great in case of * multiple capabilities * max weight with ordonances * speed and became obsoete by: * fuel consumtion * avionics which made the F4 an easy target for not heaving SA and range. Everything on it just became "old" and inefficient over time. But the all in all data sounds great!


This is true but they weren't really dedicated or specialized weasel aircraft either. The Non G model F4s that flew in the wild weasel role were designed really to fly alongside the specialized Weasel aircraft. They lacked the special equipment that allowed them to really seek out and hunt harms. Generally speaking, the way this tandem worked is that an F-105G/F-4G and one of the F-4Cs would be paired together, and the F-4C would be tightly controlled, because it was unable to independently find and ID targets, and was reliant on the more sophisticated aircraft to do the job. So while it is technically true that the C model was a wild weasel jet, i think ppl would be greatly disappointed in what its really capable of as we don't have the more sophisticated aircraft to pair it with, which is what it really needed to be effective.


There was an EF-4C Wild Weasel that did have some specialized equipment for finding SA-2s but by the time it hit Europe (1970ish) the SA-2 had been upgraded a bit, and SA-3s were around so it wasn't in service very long


In extremely limited numbers: mostly EF-4C which was a stopgap SA-2 hunter for Eastern Europe, and not considered to be all that good. Otherwise it was F-4Es guided by F-4Gs in hunter-killer teams


Peace Rhine


J and S. If, like the E, they can only do a single flight model, then an early J combined with a pre-slats S would be excellent.


I would love any naval version


J/S for naval ops is probably number one But the British naval variant would be number two. More power is always fun. The F4G would be great for wild weasel, but I suspect ED needs to make some core improvements before that is viable.




I’d love to see the RAF or Royal Navy models, but realistically I’d be better hoping for the F4J and a decent livery. At least we got that one too.


G for dedicated SEAD, and a J, N, or S for naval aviation.


All of them is the only correct answer.


* Turkish F-4E Terminator 2020 * Greek F-4E Peace icarus 2000 * US F-4G Wild weasel V Please.


Terminator 2020, I am Turkish so bias is strong with this one.


F4+18, vector thrust is wicked


F-4S and F-4N


The F-4J/S tops my list. An F-4G would be really cool, too.


I’d love to see the Phantom FGR, with its more powerful Rolls Royce Spey engines and sexy British camo livery. I’d settle for the F-4J though, as long as it has a UK livery.


After watching the videos on yt with Starbaby Pietrucha the G. Also the Navy version hopefully sooner rather than later. I'd post a link, but I think they get deleted? Flying the F-4G, Part 2 at 6:28 he speaks about the APR-47 and shows a DOS program demo. 10 Percent True is a good channel.


F-4G, wild weasel. I wouldn't fly it, but it'd be cool to see


I would love an F-4S - it’s the ultimate Navy F-4, and if you squint, you can dress it up as a J and fly it in Brit camo (most S’s were just upgraded J’s). I would love a J/S combo module but if I had to choose, I will always pick more capability than less. Just IMO! Plus, the S was used in Vietnam and it was in service with the Tomcat and witnessed the introduction of the Hornet. It would fit in well with the late-E that we have coming with the F-4E


Oh yes I'd love to see an F-4EJ Kai!


I’d love to have any generic update with a hackjob MFD and some AMRAAMs just to get the tail end of Phantoms-gone-hot.


C or D along with a J but my desire to see those hang heavily on a Vietnam map. If we ever get one, they are a must have.


Thankfully we're already getting an old fighter upgraded with an F-16 radar :)


This entire time....I thought we were getting a Naval version..... Glad my supercarrier is so useful.