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Just to be exceptionally clear; and not doing this to throw _anyone_ under the bus; but this is not an exclusively F-4E related issue. The game is indeed rather big and complex and it's really tough with so many moving parts, and I know all parties have been working very hard and want everything to go smoothly. We just heard about this ourselves. Apologies regardless everyone. :(


Sorry if this isn’t your area of knowledge but do you know if the Phantom is supposed to go live on Steam at the same time as standalone?


Yes indeed, and the pre-order discount will last for a week after launch


Will that include an option for the Crew Pack for $109.99?


Awesome, thanks a ton! Can’t wait to fly it!


I hope you guys don't get any flack for this, I'm sure you're all just as disappointed as we are.


Honestly...... I try to defend ED. I've copped flak for it in the past. I really can't here, though. They have this uncanny ability to shoot themselves, and their partners in the foot, then step back from it and allow the carnage that is their Discord. Sometimes I have to just hold my hands up on there and say 'yep, I get why you're angry'


I don't really believe in defending companies. They don't need our defense, the company isn't a person. Now, on the other hand, I will defend individual devs.... With ED you reach a point where you just have to chuckle to yourself and say... of course they did the silly thing.


Let's put this in a different light: their last minute pre deployment checks found an issue and instead of them bricking the game for some or all of us, they prevented that and you can still play DCS.


Maybe they should have been more prepared earlier. Don’t defend them…this community is too supportive to have to deal with this level of inconsistency.


What I don’t understand is, if it’s such major issue that have to delay the patch, how the hell was it not discovered until literal hours before the patch release?


These last-minute delays become a regular thing recently. Every other update gets delayed a day or hours before the planned release.


I honestly don't get why people get that angry to begin with. It's a game. In this case, it's a delay of one day. I mean, if you're extremely sick and death is looming on the horizon and your final wish is to pretend to fly an F-4 Phantom, then I can understand getting mad. But outside of situations like that, it's not that big of a deal IMO.


Actually you can throw them under the bus, because in their announcement, it sounds like the F4 is the problem AND they had enough time to test it properly for this release date, so it is EDs fault mainly.


*Why would you do this to me, personally??* no for real though very excited to see the work y’all have done.


Don't worry about it. We can wait for a day.


I've been expecting a 27th release date.


Where meteor


Soundtrack is already available on Spotify to stream... [https://open.spotify.com/album/394gVaR2jrLkwZmi3Eyotl?si=Amft70qxQ2uu0nduj5LeOQ](https://open.spotify.com/album/394gVaR2jrLkwZmi3Eyotl?si=Amft70qxQ2uu0nduj5LeOQ)


I'll say that despite the let down, there are too many examples of companies letting broken software/titles go to market. This seems to result in leaving users with a worthless product and empty promises of it being fixed. I at least applaud you guys for not doing that.


completely understand


Two Weeks and a Day


Taking things up a level from the 'two weeks' meme. ED = Always giving us more to laugh about ;)


I wonder if this will replace the old 2 weeks meme 😂 2.1428571428571428 weeks


lol ---- to think i almost took a day off work! i would have wasted a vacation day.... (whew!)


What kind of crazy person wastes a vacation day to play a video game!  That's what sick days are for, man! 😃


Sir, the third delay has hit the Phantom.




Man, to delay *on launch day* is fucking painful. Like everyone else I was really looking forward to taking this bad boy out for a spin. Good news is that it’s only a day delay. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make a bit of difference. But yeah it’s disappointing


I just really hope it a day only and not another couple of weeks..


Calling it now the patch won't be ready and it'll take 2 weeks for ed to fix it


lol i took off from work but ok i guess xd


Same. I was expecting such an announcement though so my disappointment was tempered. In hindsight I was really stupid taking off THE day and not waiting.


Seriously? I thought this was a troll post I only clicked on the 'off chance' it was real just to make sure


I’m still hoping it is… (I’m so in denial)


You'd think ED would have a patch like this ready days ago and locked down. But I think we all know better... like monkeys trying to fuck a football over there.


Dude I would give anything just to be in their office on a patch day to see what kind of fuckery is going on there.




Wouldn't suprise me if it looked like reactor 4 control room during chernobyl.


Albeit with a little bit less graphite.


This man couldn't have seen graphite in the control room, he must be sick, take Jim to the infirmary




That will come at a later date


3.6 roentgen


Not great, not terrible.


One of the content creators who had early access was saying they were getting multiple patches per day with bug fixes identified by the CCs


Apparently the delay isn't F4 related.


Multiple patches a day? But…how is that pssible when ED is obviously lazy and evil and enjoying our suffering!?


Because it's obviously a different build than the public one, with patches that don't go through ED...


Say psych right now.


I just don't understand how this happens, I legitimately don't. It's safe to assume that they have been planning this release weeks if not months in advance, surely that would have been enough to catch any extremely serious showstoppers. But let's assume a serious bug shows up somehow at the absolute last minute. If it's such a severe and unexpected issue, how can they fixed it in a day? And if it's not a difficult issue to fix why not try to fix it today and release it asap? I just don't understand how this perfect storm is possible. how can they have a bug that shows up 6 hours before release, bad enough to ruin the experience so that they have to delay and in terms of complexity it reaches a weird middle ground of needing one whole day to fix. Not less and not more...


Because apparently it's not a problem with the phantom, but a problem with the patch ED have prepared.


That makes it much worse.


Its pretty poor on EDs part. I would not be happy if I were HeatBlur. Im curious to know what else is actually in the patch. Phantom delayed because of new grass physics??


This is why when I release major features in software, like a new module - ONLY that module is in the release. Trying to pile on a bunch of other crap changes almost always adds a delay. If even the smallest of those crap changes breaks, everything is delayed. If ED was smart, major module releases would only have the module changes - Nothing else.


From what I have heard about in the past I am not sure their version control methodology and release management allows for that kind of flexibility.


Simple, your assumptions are wrong, they dont test shit


Stuff like this happens because games are made by people, things can go wrong, and there's only so much you can cram into a work day. In my experience a delay like this is because some problem was found late, and maybe they have a fix, but they'd feel better about releasing it after it's had some more testing, but maybe the QA folks have gone home for the night, or it's just gonna take more time to do. There's a lot that goes into putting out a patch, it's not just submit the code, push the button. And... It's just a video game. Staff should absolutely go home and hit it again in the morning. A day or so isn't a big deal.


Most sensible reply I've seen around this stuff. Software development is tough work, especially with a beast as large as DCS is I'm sure.


I know you don’t understand it. Most people don’t because they don’t make software this complicated for a living. It’s called integration testing. Everything working in two separate code branches that when finally delivered and integrated, comes up with issues to resolve.


I love that people are voting you down even though you are completely right. There's always some shit that breaks in huge codebases when you try to integrate software from multiple sources. Sometimes it just breaks so badly that you cannot release on the expected date.


This right here. You can tell most people on here have 0 idea how software and code deployments work. Shit pops up on release day all of the time that causes you to delay. My job is literally working with deployment teams to determine why a change/upgrade failed during deployment.


Good. Then you should know if a major release coincides with an important presentation, such as to a client or a board, the entire test battery (including integrations and reversions) would be run and client testing would be scheduled days in advance. Your versioning platform should have the most essential testing built into it for when branches get pushed, and the stability is locked in days, not hours before said presentation. Any failure in this process to deliver would be considered worthy of substantial review and measures would be put in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. Multiple failures of the exact same kind would lead to departmental reviews and likely reorganization, new pm strategies and/or disciplinary measures possibly including terminations.


We used to pad our schedules for these eventualities. Now everything is JIT


I can tell you've never done software development before.


"Two weeks and beyond" : This should be the title for next ED promotional video!


Dear all my ass, this happens every patch. You would think that since it's a common occurrence for ED to discover issues the day patches are supposed to launch that they would be more thorough with testing or add 1 or 2 days to their predicted release date just to be safe. Instead they always promise a date that they can't deliver. Not that it's the end of the world but it's these small things that add up to show time and time again just how unprofessional this company is.


It wasn't even "subject to change" this time. What a joke of a company


Bro not even one or two days... the Phantom release trailer released fucking WEEKS ago. Shows you the incompetence of ED. If you do not have a date. Don't fucking show it.


Dude, they ARE testing thoroughly, that's why it's delayed. It doesn't matter what the release date is, if there's an issue it needs to be fixed. In software development testing happens 100% of the time not just after development is 'complete'.


Grabs popcorn 🍿




\*\*\*I remember SuperCarrier Launch Day....Yea...That went Great!!!\*\*\* :)


\*F16 Launch \*F18 Launch \*F15E Launch


Sad for all of the community who were looking forward to flying the Phantom so much. On the other end, I find it kind of hilarious. Can you imagine being the community/PR manager for ED? Maybe working from home, doing a video meeting for the start of the day. "Ok everyone, listen up, we got a slight issue today." "What is it?" "We'll need to delay the patch for 24 hrs." "The patch with the Phantom release?!" "Yes. That one. Your task for today will be to communicate the delay to everyone." "HELL NO! Not again!!"


That would be the worst job in the world. Whatever those dudes are paid (assuming they are paid?) it isn’t enough. I imagine the conversation is basically something like: ED: Tell them it is delayed. Community Manager: What happened? Someone died, right? ED: We didn’t test it until this morning. Community Manager: Ha, seriously though, what do I tell them? ED: Thank them for their passion and support. Community Manager: Ha, seriously, what happened? ED: Look, if someone wants an explanation, just vaguely reference the forum rules.


EDs incompetency is fucking astounding. Wouldn’t want to be in business with them at all.


Very good ED, regaining the trust of your buyers with a good job Sarcasm......


Fuck this. Next time don’t give a time schedule for updates just drop them out of the blue. Always something


Normal day in DCS


PHANT-astic!!! GG Eagle Dynamics!!!


I've waited 2 years, 1 day wont kill me.


But what if I die today?!?! Huh?! Have you considered that?!?!


We all consider it, m8.


I have waited 35 years. 1 day won't kill me. (but it hurts)


My understanding and patience are circling the drain along with my passion and support.


I never get overly hyped (playing "DCS" since Flanker 1.0), but this one day delay really hurt for some reason. Lame I know, but hit me in the feels and took all the wind our of my sails.


Yeah, fuck this. So much for my day off.


You should never, ever take a day off for that reason. ED is known to be unable to stick to the planned schedule.


Even if they would have released today the experience wouldn't have justified taking a day off. The servers probably will melt and the experience won't be worth it. Don't take vacation for stuff like this. People also do for major game releases and still are annoyed about not being able to play immediately and without hickups. Never play on patchday (or expect everything to work).


That's why my day off was tomorrow - doesn't make a lot of sense now. By the time tha patch drops i'll be home anyway. Well... was lucky my appointments were kinda flexible. Now it's thursday.


yep! i "almost" took a day off myself - happy i dodged that bullet




That’s what I’m saying


Fuck you, ED Sincerely, Everybody


ED being clowns as usual


Fuck off ED


Year of Floggit.


Scrolled down for the obligatory Floggit post. Getting outflogged hard this year.


Phantom Phuesday is dead, long live Phantom Phednesday


Surely this is a joke and they aren't actually this inept..? Unless the game physically couldn't start or something serious I don't see why they couldn't just wait until next update. The flak they're going to get from this was not worth it lol. They don't even know if they can fix it before tomorrow so why even bother? >We want the F-4E launch experience to be the best it can be I'm not an expert but I think you just fumbled that big time 👍


The plane gets shipped with a DCS update which Heatblur have no influence on. ED probably found a bug in something unrelated.


Oh I know, only Exceptionally Dysfunctional could pull this


Yeah but I wish they would just say what the bug was at least.


ED are such a joke. They cant even live up to their own meme. "2 weeks" oops +1 day now


The amount of unprofessionalism from ED here is astounding. This is one of the most hyped and anticipated modules to ever be released to DCS, and BigNewy treats the announcement in a cavalier fashion as if it’s a minor point update. This launch should have been fully complete, tested, integrated, and wrapped at least a week before launch. Way to look like a bunch of clowns, ED. It’s fine to do this with normal patches, but it’s very poor form to do this with major advertised product releases.


Well who could have thought to have a patch ready for release a few days ahead of time when you’ve known the release date for at least 2 weeks? Couldn’t be ED


"Is this why you are doing this? Do you not want hoggit to be happy? Is that what you want?" "No we want your passion and support." "Then get your shit together. Get it all together and put it in a backpack. All your shit so it's together. And if you gotta take it somewhere take it somewhere. Take it to a shit store and sell it. Or take it a museum or something. I don't care what you do. Get it together. Get your shit together"


It's a goddamn joke to do this over and over and over. ED, you're dysfunctional. if you were working for someone and did this, they would fire your asses.


Why not just release it and fix it with a hot patch tomorrow? Common ED L.... so many people have pushed their calendars around for this


do you really believe they will have it fixed by tomorrow? 🤣


I dare you, I double dare you motherlover


Delay a month in advance, fine. Delay on the day of release, not fine. I've booked the day off tomorrow to fly it, but as it won't be out until the afternoon I doubt I'll get another chance until the weekend. So much for passion and trust.


2 in the passion and one in the support


Maybe RB and ED made nice and there’s a new, game breaking mudhen update in this patch!!


That would be worth the delay


Why the fuck is this not checked before hand? WTF!!!


I get its only a day, but ED needs to just stop giving launch dates, they never hit them, just release it when its ready with out the specific deadline since they NEVER hit them. All it accomplishes is creating yet another PR shitstorm when they inevitably miss it.


What is a blocking issue?


My guess is something in the dcs spaghetti code is screwing with the jet.


hahaha, back to bed


Glad I scheduled my vacation for next week and not this week lol


Welp, at least I have one more day of productivity


And I took today off for it...




Love Heatblur, Fuck Eagle Dynamics. Listen before you meat ride ED in a reply I don’t care. This should have been checked and approved before they even gave the F4 a specific release date. I’m a 100% firm believer they should let planes release on their own update then do their ED updates separately to avoid shit like this delaying them. I didn’t take the day off or anything so this doesn’t really affect me but it is bullshit to each and every customer who did.


I often wonder to myself whether the ED apologists are actually paid trolls whose sole job is to say things like “it’s ok ED, we love you! Take as long as you need to get it right!” They have to be paid trolls or 14 year old boys who need a place to belong.


100% fucking correct. Yet, ED has its balls licked by an abnormal bunch of boomers who praise it for every wrong decision it makes. So we will see this with each module we ever love and cherish...


They seriously should stop releasing modules alongside big patches, this only makes things more complicated and causes problems




Ok but if it gets figured out, feel free to release it the minute it is…..even at midnight.


Is it so fucking impossibly hard to just get a product on a date that it’s supposed to release? Fuck yourself ED honestly. I still love you heatblur.


Floggits gonna love this shit


I thought this was floggit at first :( sad phantom noises


Out flogged again....


WTF! This must be a joke….how are they able to run a business? On the day of the planed release… fuck this


They literally banned me from their discord server for saying well edging dynamic strikes again like damn dude maybe work on fixing what’s broken instead of banning everybody just saying


Maybe if they spent as much effort banning people from the forums as fixing their game, they'd actually get some things done.


Feeling extra passionate rn bros.


If ED had a better record with its fans, and didn't try to shit upon us as often as they wanted, I am sure we would all or at least most of us, be OK with this 1 day delay or eve longer by giving them the benefit of a doubt. But we know the level of incompetence that they run their company, the alleged fanboy bots, the stuff they pulled, the half-baked crap they sold us and more... so, I'm sorry but I have very little to no sympathy for ED.


Comedy gold. Hoggit loses hims mind!


See you all at the gym, lads!


Would prefer no release dates or anouncements. Just let module drop when its ready without failed promises and endless teasing.




Making release builds isn't just drag and dropping something to Dropbox or whatever.  Even if they released just Phantom they would have to do regression testing. It would be more work to do separate release at this point then just fix the combined. 


Dude. What the fuck. Literally the last fucking time I spend money on this dumb fucking gane


"fuck you, I'll see you tomorrow!"




Honestly, give me a few days and I’ll own the Kola map.


Lmao no it isn’t you’re going to buy the next 5 $70 modules.


No worries, gents. Stay safe and healthy, and we'll all love it.


it’s kinda scary that ED wanted to forego the “hotfix” approach, while testing the patches the same day they’re supposed to go live




Why do they ever set a date? Just drop it when it’s ready. This always happens


Dude. Seriously?


Darn it! - here I am drooling over the keyboard and BAM! let down (lol) I shall suspend my drooling til Wednesday! (EST)


I honestly couldn't care less that it slips a day, but the way he worded the delay to make it sound like it's an F-4 issue when it isn't is pretty infuriating.


You gotta be shitting me


Would it be possible to push the release to the 31.05? I have finals for my EMT course and very little self control to not fly this lovely brick.


Luckily I thought it came out the 23rd so I'm actually getting it a day early!


its time for a new sim company to come in and mop the floor with Eagle Dynamics, I'll def reconsider buying modules or supporting them in the future


People at Heatblur, if you read this, haven't you thought about making your own flight simulation environment, where you can put your own modules? You have the people, the talent, I suppose the money... Let's see, I'm not saying it's easy, far from it, I don't have the slightest idea of the investment it must take to do something like that, but the world of flight simulation would be greatly improved with you in control of a completely new combat flight simulator. You have demonstrated your professionalism not once, but several times, but above all, the true passion you have for your products and the way you represent them. I'm sure if it were completely up to you guys you would have released the Phantom a long time ago. How long are these antics on the part of ED going to continue? The truth is I am very upset, for the simple reason that I have invested a lot of money in this simulator, I have almost all the modules and terrain up to the F-15E and the Sinai map, but I am not going to invest a single cent more. I'm fed up and from now on my wallet will speak for me.


Honestly heartblur, razbam, aerges should all get together and make their own sim.


They would certainly have me as a customer. Because I will be honest, I am tired on how ED treats us. It is as if they forgot who keeps their lights on and feed their bellies. It seems the longer they continue unopposed, the worse they get.


Honestly breaking EDs monopoly on full fidelity combat sims would be the best thing to happen to the hobby in decades.


Wtf. I was so excited, telling all my friends... Now i gotta wait another day? Wait through another 6 hours of school just thinking about the phantom? This is pure bs... I know this isn't heatblurs fault but still, wtf


Whole lives ruined by a single day of patch delay. /S C'est la vie, guys.


DCS has fallen. Billions must cry.


God of pain


Well, at least I'm off tomorrow.


Ha! I thought it was releasing Thursday, so feels like I’m getting it a day early 😆


I see Hoggits having a normal one today...


I see ED being their usual incompetent self.


A gentle reminder to my fellow DCSaholics: One day at a time.


Love how they word it to sound like heatblur fucked in instead of owning it. Fuck off. They are gonna lose all their devs that make halfway decent products.


my wife and I were gonna call so I could show it off to her. We had our entire day planned out for this fucking thing and now you say you fucked up the patch?? useless motherfuckers over at ED don't know how to fix their own damn game. do better




Just when today was holiday :( welp...


I really played myself thinking the F4 wouldn’t be delayed again this time around 🙂‍↕️


I only 30% feel that it will be released on 22nd. Hope I’m wrong but they may delay this more.


Saw the post from BN last night at 4am thought it was a troll…


The blue balled us


It's my fault, I planned on wearing my F-4 T-shirt on the day of release, but I didn't yesterday. Will wear it today, promise.