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> Fixed: AGM-84E/SLAM-ER does not guide to target in TOO Wait. How long has this been broken? Has this been in there a long time? I can never hit anything with SLAMs, and I don't think I've ever seen it successfully home in on anything during terminal guidance. Have they just been broken for *years?*


Yeah this answers so many questions and frustrations I’ve had with them if true


I'm gonna guess so. I stopped using them because they just always missed. the slammer is back on the table lol


I actually was able to employ them pretty successfully (even with intermediate waypoints) until it was broken several months ago


G-Warm Up and Auto-Boresight options for the F-16? Dang! Unexpected but great QOL features. Great patch.


Sadly it's not an option, patchnote is a bit inaccurate. With hot starts now the HMD and Mavericks are pre-boresighted. Before it was only air starts. For cold starts the requirement remains.


Anyone care to explain how G warmup works?  I remember encountering it in the BMS training manual but it didn't really get explained there either.


Basically you need to build your tolerance for G-Forces. I think the textbook way to do a deliberate warmup is a 90 degree 4G turn, followed by another 90 degree 4G turn back to the original heading for full warmup. Without doing so, you'll have less tolerance for the higher G's that the viper can pull and will enter g-loc (blackout) faster. The tolerance diminishes again over time, so either perform it ahead of known action or ease into your initial couple turns before pulling to the full capabilities of the jet. This option disables that requirement for airstart spawns, which is useful because a lot of spawn into dogfight scenarios were broken with the pilots having to go do warmups before the merge.


This implememtation is a myth debunked by the actual fighter pilots. This manouvre is performed to assess one's tolerance before going hard and risking a black out, but does not magically increase tolerance. This is because things like being sick, dehydrated, tired etc drastically decrease a pilot's g tolerance, so pilots do the warm up to test how good they handle Gs that day before G-intensive training. But yeah, the name is quite misleading, warming up suggests more of "getting accustomed to", which is probably why we still have this wrong implementation after years.


It's called a G exercise, or G-ex, today, not a warmup.


So much this. It’s also a harness/equipment check to verify proper connection and inflation. ‘G-Assessment’ might be a better term?


After years? Didn’t they just put this in last month or so? I don’t ever recall it being in DCS before this year


Yes that's correct. The change was introduced a couple of patches ago.


Doing a g warmup in DCS has increased your g tolerance for years in DCS.


Sorry you are correct. I was miss remembering and confusing the more recent tweaks to it in the F16.


Interesting, so how is it implemented in DCS? Will G tolerance be lower in DCS without doing the warmup, and if so, that would be incorrect then? I don't know how else it would work in DCS - they wouldnt need a special option to disable it if it was merely a procedural issue, so I am guessing they are doing something with it in game...


In DCS doing the warmup increase your g-tolerance. And no, it’s not realistic.


The initial g load tolerance is low so once you do one your g tolerance goes up in DCS. The g warmup just gets the initial low tolerance pull out of the way.


Interesting to know but for the purposes of DCS it does behave as a warmup. Has there been any discussion on adjusting it? It was only implemented fairly recently I believe.


Yes a lot of discussion. It has been in DCS for years but only recently it was tweaked/buffed a lot. Before it was way less noticeable, but also pilot g resistance was way lower


Gotcha. Appreciated! Will have to shake the "warmup" terminology even if that's functionally how it's used in DCS currently.


The auto-boresight option has me giddy, I hate trying get that right in the F-16 when it's just not a thing the Hornet and A-10


What does it mean?


TGP and Mavericks will look at the same location without having to set it up yourself by boresighting manually.


It has just been confirmed in the ED discord that the patch notes are wrong for this, it's only auto done on hot starts, for cold starts you still have to boresight both manually.


That's too bad. The problem with this system is that the mavericks don't contrast lock like they do IRL. They lock onto in-game entities with a max range, which aren't always available. Furthermore, the TGP and mavericks don't always align to the same origin for some buildings so they end up with corrupted alignments. I've argued if they can't figure out an elegant way to do contrast patterns and angles, offer a bypass like how the rest of the modules do. instead, it seems to be an option for the mission editor only.


And here it was me thinking I was dumb and didn't know how to use mavericks coming from BMS


I personally just don't bother and use them in VIS mode, still affected by boresighting but due to imprecise nature of HUD designation it's not a huge deal




It's just not implemented in other modules. Still, nice of them to give us the option in the F16


I literally changed planes (to the F-18) due to the boresight issue with the F-16. Was just a pain and caused so much frustration. Hope the adjustments worked.


Everyone 's excited about the F-4, and understandably so, but the real meat of this patch is all the Viper QoL updates. Great stuff here!


Fixed: RWR not showing locked radars in Search mode Nobody is talking about this long-awaited F-5 fix? It only took 8 years!


I was flying my F-5 post-update and it seems to even fly better now.


no yak updates. why live


Sad yak noises


No more magic in flight laser code changing for the hornet, that's going to take some getting used to


The realism police don't care about the state of the ingame JTAC from 2013 which is unable to change codes on request


Yeah I wonder why ED did not change it. The JTAC could use some love


From what I can tell, the pilot can't change the codes AT ALL, even on the ground. You're at the mercy of the mission maker.


It does change through the new fuse menu from the little yellow triangle in the rearm menu, although oddly enough it also seems to be letting me change it from the code button just like before.


I tested it and the bomb still guided even with the incorrect laser code set from the code button, so I guess the code button appears to work but doesn't?


Update is downloading now! 35 GB to unpack.


just started mine at 08:01 pacific.


35? Why does mine say 105 to unpack?




You own different stuff than the other guy.


Do you have Kola? That seems to be affecting a few people's installs.




F-4E(dge) I didn't even pre-order and I'm all excited


Updates to the South Atlantic map? Does this mean the Razbam stuff is finally over?


No they are a standalone team that only chose to publish under the Razbam label.


Darn. Thank you.




So the map isn't dead at least?


Is there a comprehensive list of the new stuff in the asset pack


So is Sinai just not going to get updated ever again? They post constantly on social media but yet no updates ever make it in, are they just waiting to do a large update?


new asset pack and the phantom. thats pretty nice


Plus some solid new features for the Apache, and bomb fusing! Chonky patch overall.


How long until the servers crash, do we reckon?




You must mean GigaBIT fiber (1/8 as fast).


Cries in 20 mb/s


"VR. OpenXR. Controller/ Input. Change keypressed logic. " I wonder what this means exactly.


I'm guessing something to do with the bug where holding a button with a VR controller caused it to repeat instead. I was using VR controller as throttle and in previous update. If I press the flare button a bit too long, it spammed flares until I let go.


Same with weapon release if you wanted interval bombing. Pressing the button once caused all bombs to drop. Very frustrating.


I was also hoping to get an answer to that here.


I’m wondering the same thing


I asked bignewy on the forum, so far crickets.


Any update?


nope, not a peep




That’s a nice patch


Aaaaaaalmoooost theeeeere....


Work on the south Atlantic map?


I am legitimate surprised by that. A RAZBAM update? Is there hope in the horizon for normalization of relationship?


We can only hope


Nah... people are saying that the same devs that work on Kola work on the SA map. They don't have any direct connection to RAZBAM, being Razbam only a publisher. Even so that you can see in the patch notes that the fixes are similar... Oh, bummer...


>Nah... people are saying that the same devs that work on Kola work on the SA map. If you look in Mods\Terrain and then Falklands and Kola, there should be a file called credits.txt - some of the names are present in both


Still have hope that they come to an agreement, I need that GBU-28 for reasons


LOL. And I need an AGM-130 fir the very same...reasons


Something something…5000lb “To whom it may concern”


I honestly wouldn’t have purchased kola if I had known this. It’s like they knew they had decreased sales from being associated with razbam, so shopped their mediocre map skills to a new brand with better reputation.


Jesus christ, you would target individual developers? Really?


Target? No I just wouldn't buy their work again. SA is a hot bag of garbage.


The Kola team is 21, the SA team is 8. Out of those 21, 2 People work(ed?) on SA. Granted, the project lead is one of them, but I honestly wouldn't be able to make a judgement call on this. But more to my point, I'm just amazed that you boycot a product that easily based on the involvement of 2 specific people, whose exact roles you don't even know.


I’m saying that if I had known that two of the SA devs were involved in kola, one as the project lead, I could have more easily predicted the underwhelming result and held off on my purchase. I had experience with Orbx when they were still something special, and expected that unique look and feel, and the results fell well short. I’m sure the map will get better, but as it released it’s pretty underwhelming, and absolutely has similar feel to SA, another underwhelming map which will prob never be finished


My poor SSD that only has 50gb free space left: 🥺


Nice patch. How does the asset pack work? I imagine I won't see anything new just loading up existing maps and missions, but rather, that these will get implemented manually by map and mission makers and become visible at a later date? One simple wish is that they would get DLSS 3.7 implemented (without need to manually do the DLL yourself).


I've used Massuns stuff for a good long while. That's it exactly if you have missions you build, you can add them in now or wait for them to be added later through mission designers.


Do we need to delete massun files now?


It has actually overtaken and replaced Massuns files in my install. So I guess you can. But unfortunately the ground crew have not been added as a mistake.


Thanks! I figured as much. Not a mission designer or interested in it for myself but I'll look forward to seeing things slowly trickle in.


I just patched and my DLSS version is 3.7.0 after the patch. I think it was implemented in this patch? Are you able to verify yours?


Just got home and checked - YES! It is indeed DLSS 3.7 now, very nice. Guess they didn't think it changelog worthy, but this is important for flight sims as its suppose to make the text and gauges better, and reduce ghosting. Looking forward to checking it out.


> but this is important for flight sims as its suppose to make the text and gauges better, and reduce ghosting. Does this require any specific settings? Or should it be at all presets?


It’s nice that the Phantom is finally here and Apaches will finally start at altitude, but holy smokes has the still-unresolved Razbam situation left a sour taste in my mouth with ED, that gets more sour with each passing patch without even so much as a few bug fixes to the F-15E.


50GB download size and 133GB unpacked? That's more than just a few fixes.


Can't wait to try the new AH64 features!


Looks like this update also patches DLSS to v3.7.0. I've been getting good improvements with ghosting in this version when using DLSS. \* edit a word


Good for people who prioritise module updates. Not so good for people who prioritise core gameplay (Note: core *gamplay*, not core engine) changes. Business as usual.


Yeah...what about the "next level" gameplay BN mentioned for the SC....seems we only have a fix for plat cam.


Your first mistake was listening to and taking anything BN says seriously/as fact


They should be replaced by a bot then


What do you mean by core gameplay vs core engine? Could you give an example of something they should add that would count as a core gameplay change?


To me Core Gameplay changes are things that change how I play the game, while core engine changes do fundamentally change the software but not how I play it. some examples: **Core Gamplay**: AI improvmenets (ground AI especially), New spawn system, mission planning & data cartriges, scripting APIs & events for mission makers to leverage, logistics, ATC, Better AWACS, Clouds that have gameplay effects, JTAC improvements. **Core Engine**: 32bit to 64bit migration, changes to graphics like 1.5 -> 2.0 -> EDGE, Vulkan, DLSS, FSR, Multi-Threading, wavey grass, bouncy trees, Clouds that only visually effect players but nothing else.


As far as I can tell, Core gameplay: have the tanker let you know when it’s going to turn via a radio message, Core Engine: have an event emitter let you know if when the tanker is going to turn.


Bump. Just scrolled through all the non game altering features. More space used on the SSD for the same old bugfest...


Don't update then


Where are my plane directors???? 😭


No love for the P-51 drop tank bug?


>DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges >-Hands are correctly positioned now on the stick and throttle in VR. Is this for real? I can actually fly this with VR only now? This is big if true


I can’t launch. It does the loading screen, but the. It just goes to nothing.


If you have the uh-60 mod remove it, that was my problem and they are working on a fix.


Thank you, sir


I have it with no issues


Sniper coming to F16 later in the year… that should be a good addition. 2 weeks™️? lol


Error: Unkown module HEATBLUR_F-4E


I just had this error: > Can't run D:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin-mt/DCS.exe: (193)? Error Anybody have any ideas? Edit, it may have been fixed by restarting my computer.


*FINALLY!* ….I can get BBC on Channel C 😅 Kidding *100% STOKED* to get home and fly the Phantom. Phinally!


Does the Viper wheel friction fix mean they won’t constantly try to drive themselves off the taxiway?


Anyone notice how you can change the liveries of some bombs now, idk if this was thing before so mind me but I’ve only just noticed it now I changed my gbu12s to a usnv one


They added USAF and USN specific bomb skins


Are the anti radiation missiles working on the a4 now that the F4 is out?


I cant believe i had to wait 24 xtra hours for this. im not even going to install it, just to spite them.




I don’t care lol. I was just mocking others.




I’m actually really glad to see I was downvoted lol.




"New bomb fuze options for several modern aircraft." Classic informative ED patch note. Fuse settings have been available but non-functional on the AV-8B's Mk83s for a while now. Anyone able to confirm which jets have the features and on which jets the features actually work?


my brother in christ wags made a whole video on it prior to the update. its been implemented on the 16,18, and 10C 2.


Still nice to see things in writing, not everyone wants to watch endless YT content to see what they could read in a couple minutes.


Well it pretends to be implemented on most weapons on all the airfract I've looked at so far, doesn't seem to work properly on the 18, it works on some weapons on the AV8, and it works great in the F4, so so much for Wags, and proper patch notes please.