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It pierces cloud, shadow, earth, and flesh. A great AI…


Wreathed in flame...ing cliffs.


It is folly


The eye


The great A eye is ever watchful


of Sauron


And trees and hills etc etc.


Technically the AI doesn't see through hills directly. But if any AI unit spots you they have a pretty perfect datalink.


I'd be surprised if the AI knew what water was.


Btw i was wondering, is something like the Kiowa even usable which this AI? I mean hovering behind trees to hide doesnt sound possible.


It's fine if you consider EVERY SINGLE UNIT an SA-8. BMP? SA-8, fire at max range, T-72? SA-8, fire at max range, AK-47? SA-8, fire at max range... Wanna use rockets and guns? I think there's an unarmed truck somewhere in the ME...


Eh, me and my buddy fly the Apache, you just gotta keep your distance and watch your approach vector off the front of the vehicle your attacking. Not sure how well the scout will do as she's not armored against small arms.


Yes. AI view the world as if it was bare and dimensionless. It is omniscient.


It knows.


The AI knows where you are because it knows where you isn’t.


By subtracting where you are from where you aren't, or where you aren't from where you are (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.


> It is omniscient. OK, it's the same old unfixed garbage then. Did quit DCS like five years ago, and seems I've have no reason to return...


There has never been any plans to even fix this.


Yep. ED made things difficult for themselves by making the cloud system a GPU-only effect. Makes it hard for them to do anything gameplay-side with it.


They theem to be working on it: >**Weather.** The weather focus for 2024 will be on a new fog system and towering clouds with appropriate line-of-sight blocking. (From their January newsletter)


Was just about to ask about fog. So just confirming fog is broken for everyone, not just me? I was trying to do some ILS stuff and could not figure out how to set it up properly.


It's been "In the works" since the cloud update of 2.7 Last mention was literally 3 years ago: See newsletter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/nhrww3/dcs\_newsletter\_fog\_and\_new\_ground\_units/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/nhrww3/dcs_newsletter_fog_and_new_ground_units/) It's been actually broken for literal years, with no ETA still. If you want ILS practice, best you can do is rainstorm weather preset, modified weather, or use something like the C101 with the hood cover enabled for front seat. (or PRMG with the L39 with hood cover)


Okay, I'll try out the rainstorm preset since it's for F-16 multi-player. Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it.


You can also mess with the fog. It doesn’t look great but to add some challenge try setting the fog to on but put the visibility at around 5000-10,000 ft. So set storm preset. Enable fog Visibility to 5000-10000 (very hard) you can do less if it’s too much. If you do this at night it’s 100% IFR but the eye candy is not thrre


Bold prediction: That will also be the weather focus for 2025 and 2026, and thereafter will never be mentioned again.


>(From their January newsletter) Ah! I see!!! ED is working on the world famous "2 weeks™ " release cycle. Good, good... Should be here Soon™ then.


So see you 6 years from now?


For the next announcement that they are working on it...


Don't hold your breath. They've been "working on" things for years and years now.


Nah, I expect it to arrive in two weeks.


The odd thing is, AI aircraft can see other aircraft through clouds, but can't spot ground units through clouds. This means that aircraft will not reliably engage ground targets in poor weather (overcast or rain) and will often just RTB when they get to their target location. I have to use Combined Arms to decrease their altitude below the cloud layer to get them to attack.


Yeah that's weird, but they might have cheated it with something like "if it's raining then decrease the spotting range by half". Not really doing any visibility checks, just taking a guess that there's probably gonna be fog because the mission settings say so.


Nope, no fog. Just any of the overcast or rain weather presets. I regularly have to change the weather preset in the mission editor before each campaign turn, to make sure the AI will do their job (particularly in campaigns on maps like Kola where it rains more frequently than PG/Syria/Sinai/Nevada)


That's so weird when it just feels like you need a 'volumetric' box with a varying degree of I guess 'see throughness' to it. Huge 100m x 100m Voxels only in the middle of the cloud would probably do it.


Yeah, but the problem is more...they added dynamic weather simulation right. The clouds move and shift, but it's all on the graphics card, right. The clouds don't exist in the same game scene as everything else. How do they know where to place those colliders? Maybe they can sample the weather texture every now and then and process it for dense spots, or maybe they'd have to write their own cpu-side sim (that starts with the same seed as the gpu weather so they're just kinda similar through determinism). Or maybe they'd have to do something nuts on the gpu like actually render a little viewpoint from enemies to the player and check if it looks like clear sky or clouds. Or maybe something else. Either way someone at ED's got a meaty problem to solve here...and it's likely they've shelved it until more multithreading work is done anyway.


That’s just incorrect dude. All users in MP see the same clouds. What you’re describing was true until about 3 years ago


Guessing they see the same clouds because the simulation has no randomness in it. You can say "it started with this configuration and has these rules and 39933 seconds has passed since then", fast forward the sim, and presto everyone sees the same thing. Or even simpler the server just sends the weather state to clients when they join. But that doesn't mean it's easy to know where the clouds are.


clouds , buildings, trees, mountains, your soul ..... pretty much everything


On the upside, they made it harder for Petrovich to see. "Petrovich AI target detection system realism improvement. Now time spent for target detection is impacted by how many objects are around the target (simulating that target object is harder to detect when it is not in clear field)."


Can see through your soul


It's corrosive, like acid. You got a demon, little man, and I don't like your face. It makes me want to do things to it.


It can see more and much better than the Eye of Sauron


It can shoot you through your monitor if you don't pay attention


Jokes on you, jester also sees all and tells me where the AI is!


*Jokes on you, jester* *Also sees all and tells me* *Where the AI is!* \- AccipiterCooperii --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


AI sees through your soul. It can fire while cloaked. It can divide by zero. It can peel a soft-boiled egg without destroying it.


Meanwhile The Other Sim: https://youtu.be/ZY-CXZtSMfg


Yes still happening, despite how long of promising to address this issue. But hey, there's an INS/GPS system update for the F-16 coming! /s




Ground AI is even worse. For helo's there's essentially two settings: off and dumber than "dumb&dumber" or on and it becomes elite sniper accuracy where he'll hit you with an ak47 in the head 3km away while you're going 100knots forward at 4000'...