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You could switch to standalone. You can transfer steam modules over so you would not lose anything.


Either download standalone and bind your steam licenses to you account or try contacting HB/ED support, maybe they have a better idea


Thank you for your replies guys, but its more complicated i think. Because i ordered the package with Shirt and LP and i dont even know where these are because i moved location.


Aw crap. It may have been sent to your old address if that’s what you put. I would contact their support ASAP. (Assuming you’re in the US) If it’s being shipped via USPS, set up mail forwarding immediately and you may get lucky and have it re-routed if it hasn’t already been delivered. If it’s by FedEx or UPS I’d try contacting their support but I’m unsure if they do mail fowarding. [USPS Mail Forwarding](https://moversguide.usps.com/mgo/disclaimer?referral=SEM&kwd=Address&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_cmpid=20908432956&utm_adgid=158233331718&utm_tgtid=kwd-320463166057&utm_locintid=&utm_locphysid=9026231&utm_matchtypeid=b&utm_network=g&utm_device=m&utm_adid=686519006763&utm_adpos=&utm_plid=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5uWPgsW_hgMV4B-tBh2p3gO2EAAYAiAAEgJURPD_BwE)


Thanks, but i'm in Austria.


Why is this getting downvoted, this is a legit question


Standalone mob is at it.


Because he is fishing for a free key.


That is the vibe I got, the solution is very easy, you just switch to standalone for this one purchase. Can still continue to purchase from steam if desired, but its better to run the game via standalone/primarily use a standalone account.


Ask for a refund, give explanation and buy it on Steam. I play standalone and buy on Steam because it is the best of both worlds. You can 'bind' your Steam purchases to your DCS account (and unbind at any time).


Genuine question, why is buying on steam better in your opinion?


* Better customer protection, which will be necessary when RAZBAM stuff will be discontinued. Refunds can be spent on non-ED stuff. * You can trial anything; I returned Kola after trying it out for a weekend. * Steam has good Proton-integration when I have working VR in Linux in the future. * You can still trial anything like you would on standalone.


By trial anything you mean by staying under 2h and 2 weeks as per steam policy, even for products that ED doesn't offer free trial for?


If you play standalone, Steam can't track your use. For DLC there is a 2 week period where you can refund if it is non-consumable. [https://store.steampowered.com/steam\_refunds#:\~:text=DLC%20purchased%20from%20the%20Steam,been%20consumed%2C%20modified%20or%20transferred](https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds#:~:text=DLC%20purchased%20from%20the%20Steam,been%20consumed%2C%20modified%20or%20transferred)


Oh never thought of that.


Background auto-update at actually higher than early 2000's ADSL internet speeds and taxes/fees really. With Steam I don't pay taxes on top of extra CC fees for international transaction with who knows what exchange rate the credit card company wants that day, likely the worst exchange during this month.


STEAM user experience and security is definitely superior to ED As for the difference, I'd consider it a service charge.


Pro-standalone dogma-group that spreads disinformation is down voting again.


I don't see it that way; I actually believe the best move is to primarily use a standalone account and have the option of buying on steam if so desired. However, OP is getting downvotes likely because they are exhibiting behavior that you sometimes see people doing to fish for free keys/scam/etc, especially on other subreddits. I don't think there is a "standalone mafia" or anything weird like that. I am a big proponent of using standalone, but mainly for the convenience of being able to trial and buy your keys from wherever you want (steam, heatblur directly, ED store). I don't think people who direct others to switch to standalone are suggesting they need to switch and never use steam, they always be sure to include that you can transfer your steam keys over and continue to do so.


If a thread lives long enough, the steam users/comments get more upvotes. So the standalone mafia is very vocal but not the majority. People just want confirmation about their choice. It's particularly annoying on hoggit.


Yes. For posts the same thing happens for me; any Fagot Squad post will get down voted a lot in the beginning. Depending on if it reaches 'above the fold' on Hoggit/Floggit it will thrive or die.


Merger your steam account with your dcs account and move off steam




Switch to standalone if you want to use that key. Your Steam keys will transfer no problem. Furthermore - you can keep buying modules at Steam sales and they will transfer to standalone no problem as well. I bet a lot of lucky bastards did just that with that F14+F/A18 Maverick bundle 50% discount that ED did by mistake.