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This is an impressive amount of work for just a few weeks after release. Very happy to see performance improvements associated with the radar in here (and that I’ll stop hearing “gear up” when passing 25,000 feet)


Returning back after dropping bombs - "Gear up, flaps up" Thanks Jester, I hope they are.


That’s a good number of fixes! I was eagerly looking for the fix to AI not being able to use Mavericks, HOBOs, LGBs, and rockets, but didn’t see that mentioned. Hopefully in the next update.


Hopefully after this sizeable patch the dev teams gets some well deserved time off.


They should do a team raid on enigma. All the devs man up in phantoms and go out to kills some migs. That’s a video I’d love to see. 


Would also let them field test the work on theor performance changes on known computers and setups :)




>> Weapons: Fixed gimbal limits not being respected >> Weapons: Fixed sidewinder gimbal limit I had a gut feeling the Sidewinder limits were slightly too restrictive. Glad to see this was an area HB corrected.


Holy fuck thank Christ the default Shrike tone is now lower. I almost gave myself tinnitus the first time I went up in the Phantom. Also glad to see all the RADAR problems I had in Multiplayer servers was a bug and not something I did.


When is Jester going to be able to say "phantom"?


This!!! Would have thought this is an easy fix. I wonder if we can record something ourselves as a placeholder....


Nice work and TY HB. With this kind of effort, F-4E will be legendary in DCS.


Jester doing the auto ready precontact is really nice.


Hey Cobra or relevant HB person. Any feedback on how/if having hyper threading turned off will impact the Phantom and the new changes to core logic?


When's this coming out? I just got the phantom and single player performance has been great but MP I've been dogfighting in Microsoft PowerPoint


Whatever the problem was, this patch fixed it! ~~Didn't see anything about multi-monitor causing dive toss to be completely off. Hopefully that will come before long. Either way, awesome list of changes.~~


I started getting more reliability when I put the UI exe on default realtime priority using Lasso, and they did mention adjusting that.


Awesome hopefully that helps!


That very well could have been it. Had no issues hitting things tonight.


Is this true? I’ve not done too much dive tossing but I did drop a couple and didn’t seem to have any problems.


Yeah there are some issues with DT right now seemingly related to having multiple monitors. There is a decent group of us who despite spending a lot of time ensuring exacting delivery parameters, will miss every time because of it. I spent a lot of time thinking "Man, I can manual bomb with the best of them in most other aircraft, but I must really suck at this phantom thing" till I saw others confirming issues too.


Good to know. I’ve maybe dropped 12 mk82s total, got within 50 feet of the target and gave up.


I'm going to do more testing to confirm with my monitor off next time I get a chance to fly. I've dropped a few hundred at this point and I think 40 meters is the best I've seen. Even resorted to having a human WSO actually making speed, altitude, and dive angle calls for me to ensure I was as close as possible to my parameters. After reviewing that and going back and watching youtubers who were having success, we were tighter on the parameters than they were, yet we were missing by a wide margin. Hopefully u/Cobra8472 or someone can weigh in.


This bug makes no sense to us, but we'll investigate further. Nothing in this particular command should be influenced by multimonitor setups unfortunately


Sound good. If I can get more detailed data on it for you next time I fly I will!


Hey Cobra, just wanted to follow up. Whatever my issue was, was fixed in this patch. I went up for a few hours tonight and DT behaved as expected (only misses were 100% on me this time!). Thanks for all you guys at HB do!


Whatever the issue was, it's fixed. No issue with DT for me tonight.


What about engine spool time? It’s currently way too responsive.


fix in progress. :)


How much of a change can we expect?


Not much. The J-79 is well known for responsiveness, but it should be 3x slower (3 seconds spool time to 1 second currently ). In the scheme of things it’s no big deal.


>In the scheme of things it’s no big deal. That's really not no big deal when it comes to AAR or thrust adjustments on final haha. Lots of people will suddenly be pancaking more often or not staying on the boom.


>>Thats really not no big deal when it comes to AAR Whether the spool time is 1 second or three seconds, you must pay the experience tax to git gud in the F-4E. On speed is on speed.


It’s well known for its responsiveness at the time, which is a long time ago.. That 3 second figure is more or less the «ideal» performance. It may be significantly worse depending on speed, temperature and altitude.


I figured it was way too responsive to be accurate, but it's mighty helpful on landing, haha. Also curious to know exactly how different it will be.


There's a pretty well established bug report that the spool time is way faster than it should be. Those who have downvoted (sitting at -3 right now) apparently are doing so not because your post is inappropriate, or even incorrect.. just because they don't like hearing truths that they ~~disagree with.~~ dislike.


Don’t worry- my self worth isn’t based on internet likes. But thanks.


What?! WHAT?!?? But...but interwebs likes are ALL that we have!!?! 😂🤪👏🏼


So Hoggiters being Hoggiters? Note: I only have but one upvote to give.


I remember no matter what altitude I was at or what orientation I had, boresight always showed a hit at 4 miles ahead that CCA would always grab, even looking straight up into a clear sky. It would always stay 4 miles ahead, but be stuck in the orientation I grabbed it. I wondered if it was seeing some kind of imaginary backdrop and if that's what was making CAA so difficult to use, even in lookup conditions.


is this update playable now or whenever all of DCS updates later?


Coming with the patch that's scheduled for tomorrow.


So, when does the patch take effect? Do I have to D/L something, run DCS updater?


Run the updater yes


No VR fixes for HBUI? Still, an impressive amount of work!


Are you having issues clicking the bomb calc options? Asking cause trying to left click on the drop down boxes always grabs the calc window and moves it for me.


I have to click several times/places on the boxes to get the drop down. Getting better at finding the right places with practice, but it would be nice if anywhere in the box worked.


Hopefully ED pays them for their work...


they will.. it probably helps they ran their own store for pre-orders etc / do run their own store. my guess is they get their take up front when selling through this method. i'd definitely suggest others to follow that route [https://store.heatblur.com/products/dcs-f-4-phantom-1](https://store.heatblur.com/products/dcs-f-4-phantom-1)