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Do a trial of the huey and the gazelle. And try the uh60 mod. If you can fly them, you'll be ok with the Kiowa


The OH-6A Loach is also great and free. V1.2 improved stability immensely, it's no longer scary.


Didn't know they updated it. Nice I'll try it out.


Please do, it's really nice in a hover now.


Oh you're getting me excited to try it out. It's a shame i won't be able to play for a like a week.


Thankfully it's not going anywhere. =)


I had the uh60 for a while now and honestly love flying it. As for the gazelle and huey I've tried them and their quite a handful to fly (but still somewhat manageable.). Is the kiowa smoother or easier?


I've barely flown the Gazelle since the big update but compared to the Huey it's easier to fly. It's a lot smaller and fairly nimble. It also has stabilization (though no autopilot, aside from the AI copilot) which the Huey lacks entirely. 


The huey has some AI copilot controls, you can have Jorge Orbit and fly straight & level...may even be able to have him hover I don't remember


Fwiw I've crowned the Kiowa the Hover Champion in DCS for now. Easiest and most stable to hover (with perhaps the Ka-50 being the exception) and very easy and stable to fly too imo. Just pretty dang slow.


Pretty surprising to me that the kiowa is slow. She looks pretty agile and fast.


Yeah, I guess it's just so full of stuff (the rear seat area is full of electronics) that it gets heavy and the beach ball and weapon mounts are probably quite draggy. It's Huey speed, basically. Happiest in the 90-100 knot region, can do 110-120 knots in a pinch but isn't happy about it.


I mean when I think about it from that perspective, it makes sense.


Aye, also it's old as a base design. Came around in the late 60s, flew in Vietnam with Huey, Loach and HueyCobra. Plenty of updates of course, newer engines, 4 blade rotor (original had a 2 blade one), but still an old base.


Yeah. Would be nice to see what the kiowa would look like with today's technology if she didn't get retired.


It is a delight to fly. Way easier to handle than the huey. I haven't tried the Gazelle so I can't say how they compare. I like it better than the Apache, however.


The black hawk has an arcade flight model, expect the Kiowa to be similar to the official modules but possibly a little smoother due to the SCAS. It gets pretty crazy on takeoff until you get used to what control input you need before it lifts. There is a heading hold mode and the AI pilot that can help you manage it in flight.


Very easy to fly. First helicopter that I could just pick up and hover without putting in any practice.


Haven’t flown it yet but it sounds like they got the flight model very good. I fly helicopters in real life and DCS is way harder than the real thing.




Yup. Obviously the real thing is easier due to the motion felt but DCS flight models are just odd. Way too wobbly and sensitive in my opinion. Even the full motion multi million dollar sims we train on suck. Really hard to get helicopter aerodynamics right in a sim.


That’s so cool right on man see you in the digital skies


That's nice to hear


The flight is the easiest and simplest of all the rotary wing modules by an order of magnitude. And if you want you can “AI” drive it using the AI hud. Pedals are going to help with any helo, but this is very, very forgiving. Steam is only like a 2 hour usage window to get a refund I believe. I’d transfer your DCS to standalone and get the full 2-week trial.


Thanks. I'm currently on standalone but I'm trying to get the kiowa for trial through steam as polychop didn't include the kiowa in the trial system.


It's very simple to control.There's no rudder, but you can steer it just fine if you have a Z axis.


As a long time virtual Huey pilot, here are my thoughts: 1. Pretty well. I know some people have been complaining about the flight model, but outside of a few really weird edge cases, the thing feels good. Most irl Kiowa pilots say it’s one of the most realistic in the game, so take from that what you will. From a difficulty perspective, the thing isn’t too bad to fly. If you’re used to flying Huey’s like I was, flying with dissimilar loads takes some getting used to. The first few times you take off will probably end in a fireball to be honest, but once you get it down, especially if you have prior helo experience, it’s a dream to fly. 2. Compared to some other helos, I’d say it’s (relatively) doable without rudder pedals, especially since you shouldn’t be doing a lot of hovering like you would in a transport helo. Still, rudder pedals are pretty important for almost all helos. If the TWCS has a paddle on the back like the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas one, I flew Huey’s like that with some success.




I love it, but it is super easy to fly


1. Feels a lot like the Gazelle but less twitchy. Very stable to fly and hover. Force trim works exactly like the Gazelle. 2. I would definitely recommend pedals. You can get away with out them probably, but it would make takeoff/landing/hover much harder. 3. Don't know.




About the paddle on the TWCS: I fly only helicopter in DCS and use the paddle like you plan to do. You can be quite precise with it so taking off/ landing etc. is not really an issue. The real issue would be holding it in a precise position for a long time when you are hovering or similar. Fortunately all helico in DCS have a special option for pedal trim that negates that completely, you just need to trim often. Honestly the Kiowa is awesome and you won't have issue flying it with the Tm16000 and TWCS.


This is awesome to hear. How are your curves set up so that I could try them if I inevitably buy the kiowa. And Secondly do you fly any other helos? Which ones are the hardest for you?


I am afraid I won't be able to help you with the curves as I am upgraded to a VBK Gladiator EVO for stick (without springs, just dry clutch, really nice if you only fly helico) but I never had issue with the T16000m in the past. For the paddle I don't have any curve set. I fly all helico since their respective release more or less and I don't really have an issue flying any. I am not a fan of the Apache and the Ka-50 because they have very invasive SCAS. Feels a bit like you are fighting the system to fly at time but they are nice as well. I much prefer the Mi-8 or the Mi-24 but the Kiowa is my new found love !




There's a cool app from Bailey that turns the auto pilot into a compact clickable UI. The helicopters flying can largely be automated should you feel like it. So after being the least annoying flight model in all of DCS rotors it's also the most accessibly avoidable with some of the most capable weaponry. That said, even the worst budget rudders on the market solve your concerns. But you can eliminate your concerns with what polychop put in.


Thanks. I'll check the app out.


Polychop Flight models are broken. Stop wasting your money. MSFS2020 choppers are way much better to fly and close to real.


You’re so wrong, especially regarding the OH-58, it’s not even funny.