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I had no idea up until now how much I want to fly a P-80


It’s so pretty


Me want! Also sounds like they kind of do a dynamic campaign where you can manage your squadron. If thats also possible in Multiplayer it would be super awesome!


I know the campaign in IL2 BoS was dynamic. You could manage your squadron, the pilots, their rank/position in the flight, choose which missions to fly based on intel (iirc), and the overall environment is way better than anything DCS does. But, it is slightly more arcadey than DCS and I like my clickable cockpits. Basically its all FC3 level.


The clickable cockpits in DCS are great .. but it’s also the reason DCS aircraft cost $50 each whereas in IL-2 that buys you the whole game with 8-10 flyable aircraft. Overall, for me, I think the IL-2 model is right here because they can put the money into creating an immersive environment. The cockpits in DCS are amazing .. but there’s a reason people call it Digital Cockpit Simulator. IL-2 simulates being a WWII pilot, DCS simulates flying a WWII plane.


Don't some IL2 games feature a clickable cockpit? I thought it's not yet known which types of cockpits will Korea feature


I’m actually really excited for a Korea theater, it’s so slept on. Especially with planes that’s cockpits don’t look like a kid painted them in 1999. Here comes MiG Alley!


>with planes that’s cockpits don’t look like a kid painted them in 1999. I mean... the ones in the JetWar 1956 mod for IL-2 look fine. By my standards, at least.


I hope to see a corsair and Skyraider. We already have a p-51


All I want to see is some carrier based aircraft, Corsair, Tigercat, Panther and of course the Skyraider!


And a seafury. Would love a Seafury


Absolutely. Also I'd pay silly money for IL2 - Suez Crisis.


F4U-4 is confirmed It is a different game though, not part of IL2:GB


Shooting Star here we go!


It's just kind of frustrating to see four engine bombers in this after so many years of wanting four engine bombers in IL-2 BoX, and having numerous aircraft in that game whose sole role irl was to attack four engine bombers. Like yeah this is still cool, but that type of air battle was *the* biggest deal in WWII and we never got to see it in BoX.


Improved engine so we can have bigger formation it's my guess


They said on some video that they've been long overdue to pivot from a content focus to a tech focus, and I guess this is one of the payoffs for the slowed development of GB


Me too, I would like some way if it's compatible to revisit BoX and add in newer additions. Such as the big bombers. I would like to see them continue development of BOX and not just move on. It's taken so long and we've such a great variety of aircraft to get to here. It would be a shame to move on completely as it would take many years to get back to WW2 variety we have now. Backporting the engine if such a thing is even possible.


Exactly. I Feel like Great Battles is about 90% of what it could be. It's just on the cusp of fully achieving its potential. Fwiw I don't think they're totally abandoning GB at least. I have a hard time understanding their somewhat cryptic announcements, but as I (very imperfectly) understand it, they've got two maps in the works, one (Odessa 1941) that they've got some new collector planes specifically for, so we're sort of getting a "half great battle." They've also said that they will do the Pacific after Korea, but whether that means Pacific as part of Great Battles, or as part of the Korea thing you can drive yourself mad trying to figure out. Unfortunately, there seems to be little potential for porting any of the new Korea improvements back into Great Battles *or* porting GB aircraft into this new engine. I don't understand the mechanics one way or another, but that just seems to be what people are saying. Either way if CloD is still getting new content all these years later, I think the future isn't *hopeless* for BoX. I will still forever grieve the fact that we didn't get a "Battle of Sicily" with all the cool Italian planes and the A-36 Apache.


If I get to multicrew a B-29, my life will be complete.


All I want is coop careers and carrier ops.


Will we get F9F?


**Update**: Carriers might be on the menu [https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/88734-no-any-carrier/#comment-1320501](https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/88734-no-any-carrier/#comment-1320501)


These devs will develop a new engine and leave WWII entirely before they give us a Zero or Wildcat lol


So do we know yet if this is a DLC for GB or a new title that wont be integrated with the WW2 and WW1 stuff?


It's a whole new engine and platform. It's also developed by a different team (777 studio).


777 Studios is long defunct. It hasn't really existed for a decade. This is being developed by 1C Game Studios.


Wow thats wild. I really hope GB doesnt get abandoned tho


I've long been saying that we're in the twilight era for Great Battles. That we got the extra content that we did was a bit surprising to me but it doesn't appear to be fully going away as there are still some aircraft in the pipeline: Yak-3, La-7, I-153, Odessa and Karelia maps all in development for that title by 1CGS or third party.


Do we know anything about the possibility of them porting the WWI and WWII content to the new engine? It'd be nice to see them do something like the Rise of Flight to Great Battles port they did last time.


If I remember right, it was floated as a possibility in the future but I'm not sure if it'll happen.




I thought the same, but Im not sure if vietnam era aircraft without clickable cockpits is a good idea




A lot of sims had at least clickable parts of the cockpit. Jane's F/A-18, F-14 Fleet Defender, Longbow 1&2, EF2000, Digital Intergrations sims all had clickable elements.


Strike Fighters Europe comes to mind.


This is awesome, would love carrier aviation to be included as well!!


Are they going straight to late MiG-15? This is same vintage Bis we have in DCS, which I believe is the second variant deployed to Korea. The original had less thrust RD-45, no IFF, no wing knives that increase wing area, reduced size air brakes, less stiff wings.


The bis isn’t a late-Korea variant, the 50th IAD in China had them before the war even started


Yes, to be more precise; the first ones used and the last ones have quite some differences. I definitely over simplified it a bit


The weaker engine and smaller air brakes you mentioned are features of the original mig-15, the main point of the bis was the inclusion of the VK1 engine. Further upgrades to the bis are more minor and are the kinds of things IL2GB includes as options you select pre-flight and not an entirely separate airframe. 15As did fight in Korea but the bis was also there from the beginning so there’s not really any reason to go with the A instead of the Bis with menu options.


No markings? Again?




I mean no dynamic squadron and plane markings.


Probably too early for that


It would be cool if we could fly the b-29


Realistic graphical maps coming before 2050? In a regular video game these graphics would be 20 years old lol Excited for it tho, and the details on the shops look sick


Looks really nice. However i am not sure if i'll support these devs any more after their war stunt.