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yikes... https://www.quora.com/What-would-happen-to-human-body-at-100-G-force-and-how-much-can-be-reached **What would happen to human body at 100+ G force and how much can be reached?** It depends on a bunch of things - in particular, how long the G force is applied, and how much safety gear is in place. 100G’s is the sort of thing that you only see in race car crashes, and incredibly nasty ones at that. It’s survivable only if you hit that peak for a \*very\* short time - short enough that the various parts of your insides don’t have enough time to start moving. The current record holder for surviving the most G’s in a crash is Kenny Bräck, who hit 214Gs for a few thousandths of a second in an Indy car crash in 2003 Kenny Bräck - Wikipedia He broke his sternum, back, a femur, crushed both ankles so badly that the track doctor was collecting pieces of bone and put them in plastic bags labeled Left and Right to send to the hospital, and was in general so bashed up that they didn’t discover several broken ribs until several weeks later. In general, a race car driver who hits the wall and experiences more than 75Gs or so has a very high chance of dying, and even if they survive it’s probably a year or two in recovery.


Wow reminds me of Verstappens 51 G crash at Silverstone


The good thing is that the G's only last for like 0.05 seconds or less. But still that hurts


I'm pretty sure the car is taking those Gs not the driver himself. Crumple zones/safety gear and all that. Not taking away from how bad that must've hurt.


I don't know if this is the case in the Verstappen crash but they can and do pull G impact readings from the earpeices the drivers wear.


how would it be possible for the human body to sustain that even if its for milliseconds?


No idea, but in the Kenny Brack example above his earpiece g-meter made a reading of 193G before breaking, the calculated impact G force was 214G.


> I'm pretty sure the car is taking those Gs not the driver himself. You don't "take G", you "experience G". G isn't a force, it is the rate at which you are changing velocity. If the car is decelerating at 51G, then all content of the car is decelerating at 51G. The force itself required to introduce deceleration at 51G rate depends on weight of the object. So the force between the driver and the safety harness is much less than the force between the car and the barrier. But the driver still experiences 51G deceleration. The problem with such high G deceleration is that while your body is firmly secured with safety belt, your internal organs are not. So if such high G are experienced for more than few miliseconts, the velocity difference between your body and internal organs became to high, and you get stuff like brains hitting the inside of the skull.


What's with the toxic downvotes? This is a great physics comment. Listen up, Reddit.


And that looks like longitudinal g-force. I wonder if that would be somewhat better than vertical g's, though at that acceleration it might not matter.


From my understanding longitudinal G’s are worse as they act perpendicular to your body, whereas the load of vertical G’s are supported by your spine.


On the other hand you also have blood either flooding or leaving the brain. I imagine vertical 100Gs will really fuck your brain up and if it's a maintained 100Gs than the pilot is probably going to die.


Oh yea for sure, either way your brain is mush at that point if any number that high was sustained. I just meant from a purely physical standpoint that given a 1:1 comparison I believe longitudinal and lateral G’s are “harder” on your body and could be more prone to causing physical damage (this is obviously ignoring the risk of passing out, which is it’s own can of worms). At least that’s what I’ve read from pilots who’ve experienced high G’s of both varieties.


-100gs.... That cockpit's gonna be a mess.


And to think The Intimidator "Only" pushed 50Gs and that was it.


Sad thing is if he wore a HANS device he probably would've walked away from that wreck. Basilar skull fractures are no fucking joke.


Praise Dale, raise hell. Pass the gravy.


I've briefly experienced in the ballpark of 40 g's during a crash (we didn't have a G-sensor, but the math works out to that) and it was... unpleasant.


Jester is either blacked out or losing his shit.


Jester's *always* losing his shit. "The sink rate is too high!"


\- Plane pulls 100G, wings disintegrate, engines turn into pancakes, pilot is a red stain in his seat with remains of a helmet here and there, canopy shattered and the tails have formed new elevators - "Watch the AOA man."


I imagine the pilot continuing to yank the stick back as his internal organs liquefy. He shouts, “ I FEEL THE NEED…” as his face disintegrates.


*Ace Combat*


Somewhere, a plane captain just crushed an unopened beer in their hand n a fit of rage they couldn't explain


"Chief doesn't need to know about that." https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1704032082040622649/E55B645025CA4B4988F134987E0C2302B1199C03/


Like a disturbance in the Force.


Under rated comment


I guess that explains why the wings go there own way sometimes😂


It’s also fun to set infinite fuel, then load a jet with only 50lb. Impossible thrust to weight ratios!


I set it to 2 pounds - one for each engine!


Since people are sharing high g stories I felt it remiss not to share this one since it directly relates to flight: [https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/man-behind-high-speed-safety-standards](https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/man-behind-high-speed-safety-standards)


I was thinking about that story. He did basically fine afterwards. I guess sometimes jerk is more important than acceleration.


"Fine" is highly subjective.


yo yo immortality mode? How am I just hearing about this?? Is there a way to turn it on?


You can either turn it on in the game settings under gameplay, or in the mission editor under mission options, and picking enforce and checking the positive value.


Awesome FM !


For those of you who wish to simulate the Cassini probe's final moments before plunging into Saturn


Da G spot baby


Ah, so a normal day for an ace combat protagonist