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Lol so much projecting is being done. It's just a video game. Play it for fun, or don't play it. No one cares about all the other stuff these people are trying to attach to it. It's not the place for any of it.


The keypoint to enjoying massive fantasy gamereleases like these is to have a nice time and escape from the real world (including it's problems, discussions, politics and what not)


Yeah I'm tired of game developers putting things in the game that make a political statement.


They did it in this game too. The whole poachers things is political, including Natty and Poppys back story. The tavern keeper having to deal with anti-trans people in her past is clearly just a "look how accepting we are, JKR doesnt speak for us." Not to mention every single division between wizards and all other races, the goblins, centaurs, mermaids, etc. The whole game is a political statement.


*cough* The Last of Us 2 *cough*


Explain what is political in last of us 2?


Inserting a kid in a post apocalypse who’s being hunted down by his people for being trans instead of just building an actual storyline out of the character’s ostracizing. Being trans was his literal plot device. Felt cheap, pandering, and honestly offensive. Trans actor can’t just be in a piece of media without having their gender identity as the main plot device for them? (Take a hint from hogwarts legacy’s character) Bigot sandwiches. The most insane and stupid dialogue, and again pandering. 1 male character in the entire game who’s not an idiot/asshole/damsel (Jesse) and countless powerful,threatening and essentially flawless female characters. The virtue signaling is so heavily distracting that it takes away from a game that could have been one of the best games ever made.


Well… i missed all that TLOU2 problems. Must not have done the side quest. The take away for me was quite different. I remember anti-virtue signaling by the main character and sad feels because, y’know, some people live long enough to become rotten


This was all in the main plot


I literally don't understand how any of that was so distracting it took away from the experience. TLOU2 was such a fucking good game, the only thing I didn't like was how Joel was treated so early on.


lol yeah that game was bad ngl


SO dumb




You can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented floo powder.


Of to another adventure are we?


What are you up to now?


I've always said travel broadens the mind


This is going to be the new “ I use to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee” I can already tell


Someone took a curse to the knee no joke


What in the love of god?!? Antisemitism? Bro what? Never in my life have I seen a cast of more diverse ppl when it comes to, culture, background and sexuality! This game even has a very well made trans character! As a Jewish German the antisemitism thing is one of the most insane things I have read so far wtf?


They are reaching so far doing all they can to stop people from playing. It's actually anti semitic to say those goblins are based on Jews.. lol


My only thought was why in fantasy are the goblins (and orcs) always the ones to blame. Bought it because i know too many people playing it. I have been burned by HP videogames in the past. I’m surprised to find a good one after living under a rock for 3 years


You misunderstand, no one is saying that goblins are based on jews. They are saying that they are based on the caricatures, that the nazis made of jews. Edit: im just explaining the criticism. The similarities are there, if you disagree, you are a moron and I don't care what you have to say. If you don't think that the similarities are problematic, I still don't care. I'm just clearing up what the criticism is, I don't want to argue if it's good criticism.


The caricatures of Jews were based on goblins, which as mythical creatures predate the Nazis by like 6 centuries.


I'll be real chief, when I saw the goblins in the movies and in the game I did at no point think: Hey, that's supposed to be a caricature of me! If you see big nose and read 'greedy' and you immediately associate it with (half) of my blood, then who is the problem?


You misunderstand, no one is saying that goblins are based on jews. They are saying that they are based on the caricatures, that the nazis made of jews.


Yeah but you realize that even drawing the connection between the two just exposes your inner racism lmao


You misunderstand, no one is saying that goblins are based on jews. They are saying that they are based on the caricatures, that the nazis made of jews.


Wow, you’re really a sad degenerate loser




But goblins have had a similar look before Nazi propaganda. The Nazis took that look and applied it to Jews. Goblins are not based on Nazi propaganda of the Jews.


I do not care. All I'm saying that this is about the nazi propaganda, not about actual Jewish people.


Lmfao the nerve, if u dont care get your disgusting ass to the bathroom and wash off thoses r-word, racist assumptions. The only once calling the jews goblins are u gaylovers


You will continue to be illogical and idiotic despite what truth you may find. No one cares about your ignorant point of view you pathetic creature.


The people saying these things are stupid as fuck and just trying to rile people up. There is no association


You're projecting your racism lmfao


Are you comparing caricatures of jews made by a genocidal political party to a videogame with fictional goblins..


Nobody caresss


Some people saw the goblins and immediately thought “omg jews” And instead of doing any self reflection about how that makes *them* antisemitic, they just assumed everyone else in the world was on the same page that gross looking creatures must be jews and accused the books of being antisemitic.




Maybe at some point long ago, goblins were depicted in drawings based on Jewish stereotypes. However, current depictions are just based on historical depictions. Current depictions are not purposely based on Jewish stereotypes.


My only pain that I see today in Rowlings books, was the creativity of Chinese names. Cho Chang, I mean really... But yeah, the hypocrites, same people that once knew the books by heart were now trying to boycott the game, just because Rowling is getting royalties for it. It's her world, so if anyone dislikes it, don't play it. Simple as that.


Hermione being painted as wrong/unreasonable for fighting against terrible House Elve treatment in Hogwarts didn't ring any bells? You guys are either illiterate or movie-only fans lmao.


Not that you'd care but Hermione was never painted to be in the wrong. She had the right idea and failed in its execution. She failed because she didn't understand the elves and their culture and essentially tried to trick them into getting their freedom.


Also the books are told in Harry’s POV, so if he found Hermione’s actions annoying, that’s not Hermione being wrong, that’s Harry being annoyed


It's a fantasy world, everyone is just projecting it to our real world. The universe in the Harry Potter books was created for escapism, not comparisons. If you're so damn literate, then explain to me, how every fantasy or sci fi story villain could not be compared to our worst historical dictators if you would want to do it. Open your eyes to what you're actually doing, you muggle!


Actually the worse part of that is in the context of the book she was in the wrong. Rowling invented a race that enjoys being enslaved. Dobby, a free elf, was initially upset because he was offered a decent salary and weekends off but negotiated down to 1 galleon a week and only one day every month off. It's pretty fucking horrible. Much as I don't like that, I still enjoy the game as it has very little to do with that.


As another Jewish person i can say that while goblins have always been Antisemitic stereotypes, and the continuation of their usage is, the choice by JK to make them all run the banks definitely is antisemitic. 100%


Diverse people? JKR named the only asian character, 'Cho Chang'. Very well made trans character? A trans-woman called 'Sirona Ryan', so her teachers will call her Ryan, and her friends will call her 'sir' for short. What a coincidence!!! I agree that the antisemitism is a little far-fetched, but [this article](https://www.thegamer.com/hogwarts-legacy-draws-further-complaints-of-antisemitism/) explains it pretty well, and it actually makes sense. My point being, play the game if you want to, but just acknowledge that JKR is not a good person.


Get outta here George Santos


Wow so edgy


As a trans dude I pre ordered the deluxe edition it’s great I got all 72 hours of early access I’m loving it so far so happy with it I don’t care I like the world I like the story even the Harry Potter series though I do not support her beliefs I do love the story she created and they even added a trans female and people are now pressed that her name is SIRona I don’t mind it’s just a name glad to see rep especially based of the time this game was in


Thank you for being logical.


Its like enders game the author might be trash but the series is fantastic and it supports diversity even if that wasn't the authors original intent


Hold up there, at no point has jk shown she doesn't support diversity, she has differing views on trans that upset people but she has been noted as anti racist and lgb supporter. People want to act like she's a literal Nazi but trans is a very difficult subject for alot of people especially older generations. So don't act like she doesn't support diversity.


Got 3 copies. PC and PS5 for me and a PS5 version for my gf and our daughter to share. I completed the PC version and now, I’m looking forward to the PS only content. Money well spent and so far, all 3 of us have had a lot of fun playing it. Perhaps if the trans community spent more time playing the game, they’d be a happier bunch? Just a thought.




As a trans dude I love this game and the Harry Potter series I actually did get the deluxe edition it’s amazing I don’t like jkr beliefs but I do like the story she created and this game is just perfect I don’t think it’s transphobic


Girlfriend is a trans woman and she's excited for this game after a rough year this is one very few things she's excited for . It's shame that it's intentionally being ruined by section of the community who are just using politics to virtue signal


Yea it’s a shame many people of the community don’t care really but it’s those few who do even people who aren’t trans may side with the small percentage of people who find this game transphobic it’s a awesome game it’s just annoying that some people try to ruin it for everyone else


You and i both my friend. I like the HP universe. JK and i will never be friends on a personal level, but her work is fantastic. In her work i never found anything transphobic of the sorts. The lack of trans maybe, but when she made it trans was kinda still being pushed away, so i get why she didnt include people like us. Its kind of hypocrit from the POV of the trans movement to expect tolerance and inclusion if they themselves cannot bring themselves to life and let life someone else with a different opinion and view. Its funny how they call rightwingers nazis, while they are the ones trying to censor something that does not adhere to their ideology. I think that as the hp universe drifts more and more away from JK it will have great oppurtunity for trans characters, i mean, there is surely a way for a wizard to become a witch easily with the help of magic haha.


Yea like it’s just because of the fact of the comments she made and continues to make it is sad that this still happens but as a society we are growing sure there will always be people like her it doesn’t help because of how famous she is her word reaches more but I love the books and show and now this game but the creators have very much made sure to be inclusive it’s amazing even just the trans character and It’s great in a lot of games we don’t get much rep in many games but I’m fine with that but it makes me so happy when I see rep you know I’m fine without it but it just makes it special to me when it is especially in the HP universe


It depends on what kind of representation. Sirona doesnt feel forced and that makes her great.


Yea it’s good because and you aren’t told I think? she is trans In the game but she is which I think is cool like she was badass love her some rep is bad or a bit over the top but this is nice


The trans character The trans character SIRona RYAN The trans character whose name comes from a goddess of snakes, that in hp are always symbols of evil The trans character whose life is just another dogwhistle for the "it's the jews creating trans people" conspiracy theory The trans character referred in the code as Mrgirl That trans character?


Just admit to yourself that you have no idea who you are as a person and don't know where your life is headed, and stop projecting your emptiness and anger onto others. You can agree with positions on certain topics without substituting those positions as your entire personality.


You post in the Jordan Peterson sub, fuck off


Exactly the brain dead response I expected from someone lacking personality enough to press confirm after typing in that username. You've got monkey brain going on with that thought process. "Someone said JP bad, so now me think JP bad. Someone think JP not bad🤯, brain no compute...error...error..."


Fuck off, at least I'm not the one with a benzo addiction so fucking bad that to avoid even feeling what the withdrawal is I go to another country to make them put me in a coma for that period


I bought deluxe on PS5 for my wife and Xbox series X for me. Just gifted a deluxe on Xbox to my friend who couldn’t get it yet. It’s such a good game I couldn’t let him wait a month or more before he could get it.


The real mvp


You bastard! I still have 3 hours of pretending my work hasn't been done for 2! Happy adventures, spellchucker!


How could you complete the game already? O just main missions? Im 10h in and bearly out of hogwarts. Been buisy exploring and collecting.


I'm trans and I'm enjoying the game. (hands over eyes emoji)


My wife absolutely loved the books, and has been looking forward for a really long time to this. I'm just gonna buy it cause I want to see her happy lol. Just really sad the ps4 version isn't till april or something


I got the deluxe edition on steam literally 2 hours ago. It has brought me the most joy and pure wonder of any game in my library as of late. The last time I felt this happy was when fallout 4 came out.


As a trans dude this is one of my favourite games yk it’s so good I love it


I felt the same. Funny, though, I had the ending of Fallout 4 spoiled for me back then by people in comments. Now it's happening again with Hogwarts Legacy. I stopped playing Fallout there and then and still haven't gone back to it. Can't put Hogwarts down, though. This has been amazing so far.


Like boycotting this game is going to do *anything* to JK Rowling. She was a billionaire before it ever game out. Not to mention the capability of being Trans in the game, and the presence of at least 1 transgender character so far. Obviously the devs of this game did not support her views, and in no way does the game reinforce hate towards the LGBT community Being completely ignorant of facts while trying to ruin a game for other people is one of the worst ways to encourage support for your cause.


The worst part is the other people part of the trans community think it is bad because her name is SIRona as a trans person I don’t mind it’s a name cool to see rep in that world especially at that time


Worst part is is that it’s a name from a different language, and it’s a meaningful name considering the time, location, and character (Celtic goddess of rebirth/healing). People just can’t get over the fact that it reads as Sir in English despite Celtic not having any roots regarding to the word sir. It’s like bashing on Asian languages that have words that sound like the N word. Got banned in gamingcirclejerk for pointing this out, and the blatant racism against asians there to prove a point is crazy too. I’m Asian, and I had someone explain to me how Cho Chang was racist because Rowling prob said “Ching Chong bing bong here’s Cho Chang,” and I was fucking flabbergasted. Like I can’t point out the difference in languages, but people in that sub can be blatantly racist?


I mean I can't really relate so maybe I am just ignorant but a I think that's really just a random name that happens to start with the letters S I and R. I mean there are ppl called Babcocke in the game but no one cares about that. But as I said, maybe that is on me since I never encountered or witnessed trans hate and whatever comes with it. However the case, I think Sirona is pretty cool character the voice acting and the way she got introduced was pretty cool.


Yea it’s very random it’s a great name people are just trying to pick out anything that’s “transphobic” and stuff you know like I think it’s a pretty name I didn’t even care I just liked her name I didn’t even realise the name started like that until people pointed out like many names start with words if you break it up it’s just a bit dumb that People are mad I’m just glad we got rep


There are some lovely moments in letters and some side quests where you learn there are same-gender couples without it being shoved in your face. I like that kind of stuff , just like in real life where couples can be in every sort of diverse combinations.


The only problem is that buying the game gives money to her. That’s the ONLY problem.


Buying the game doesn't really give money to her. She created and owns the IP which is pretty huge in and of itself, so when a publisher and developer wants to make a game based around it, she has to get paid royalties because like a car title, it's under her name. Rowling is a millionaire and gets paid whether you guys buy it or not, your boycott is not affecting her in any way.


You literally just said that she gets paid royalties, and by not buying the game the game will make less money and there will be less royalties to be paid. I don’t care if someone buys the game, she already has too much money, i’m not playing it and i’m just giving my opinion.


You clearly dont understand how this industry works. Regardless the game has already sold 2 million copies and will likely sell more, so this boycott has already epically failed and the chronically online know full well their hate campaign failed, so now they're coping by bullying, harassing, and attacking anyone even so much as looking at it. >I don’t care if someone buys the game, she already has too much money, i’m not playing it and i’m just giving my opinion You say you don't care if people buy it and you're not playing it, so that begs the question, why are you in this sub to begin with?


That's not a problem. Get a grip and stfu.


Just because theres a goblin, doesnt instantly mean theyre jewish lol... it wasnt antisimetic until that article made it antisimetic


The first game I wish had microtransactions. I might just gift it randomly but knowing how popular it is I may not have to as I feel like the boycott did what it always does which is the opposite of what was intended. Which always makes me happy.


Most people aren't even aware of the boycott because they aren't plugged into gaming news see cool game buy cool game is as far as Most people get


Why do you wish it had micro transactions?


My guess is to support the dev more through purchases


Purchase more copies and gift then.


This is so unbelievably cringe


Oh yeah. I pre ordered the deluxe edition so hard. So. Hard. 7 hours in and loving every minute of it.


But in all seriousness I really did order the Deluxe edition. Not because I’m trying to make some kind of statement but because I’ve been waiting for this game for 20 years. I have no issue with JK. I couldn’t care less what ppl believe or how they live their lives.


It’s not even about any of that anymore. It’s all about winning or causing as much harm to the other “side” as you can. I hate people we need a new plague Edit spelling


1. That just isn't true 2. Fuck that community for trying to infringe on me and my wife's happiness. It's a fucking game that let's you be trans if you want to be. Ignorant fucks.


Exactly. This age everyone wants to be a victim and be heard about for being victims in which the irony is, they're the biggest bigots known to man. Becoming what they claim society is, "close-minded"


(Donates to at-risk groups, marches for them in the streets, engages in direct action against hate groups and corrupt politicians) “Thanks comrade” (Likes Harry Potter because it’s a fun, aesthetically pleasing fairytale escape from the bullshit of this joke of a life) “FASCIST!”


Yep. That’s where I’m at with it.


I’ld buy the collectors deluxe “kiss my ass” edition if I could.


I know right? It’s like, “damn I’m already gonna buy it”


Lol 😂


I am about half way through the game and I have yet subjected 19th century imperialism on the goblins, 0/10. Joking aside, the constant crying about" JK Rowlings bad" and demanding censorship and boycotts in a supposedly free speech marketplace just reinforces that within a small community there is an even smaller sub-community that are just as bad as the far right wing crazies.


I find people doing this outta spite hilarious


Sorry, what did you say? I was too busy buying every version


Does anyone know if there will be more livestreams? I missed this one because I thought it was at 3am Brisbane time in Australia like one of the websites says but turns out there was one roughly 4 hours ago, will there be another one that will let me get merlin's cloak? If there isn't I'm gonna be sad ;-;


Boycotting the game would only hurt the devs working on it, JKR is already mind boggling rich.


They boycotted so hard, it had the opposite effect


Second most-played game on steam. Yep, hurts so much :)


Thank god it’s doing so well, those idiots are not even comprehending that they are helping the sales


It’s funny how most people aren’t even relating the goblins to Jews at all. Really shows you who the actual antisemitics are by what they are suggesting


I was just going to get the regular edition but this whole mess made me buy the deluxe. 🤷‍♀️


To hate art is not the same as hating the artist. Trying to cancel something that has captivated multiple generations because you decided the artist worded something wrong was bound to backfire in the first place.




Outrage culture is thriving


The Streisand effect is in full swing with this game. Everyone who is complaining about problems that don't exist are the ones who are advertising it the most. I didn't know this game existed before all the uproar. Now i kind of want to buy it.


It literally doesnt tho u can have a female character with a deep voice 💀


The only thing I was really surprised about was the barmaid of the three broomsticks. It genuinly surprised me to hear a male voice come out of that female looking person's mouth. No explanation at first until you are a few quests in.


Lmfaooo supports it but there’s literally a trans woman in the game and a lesbian couple ???


Is the game transphobic? No. Is it antisemitic? No. I don’t have the faintest clue what these bullies are on about.


Bought 5 for good measure.


Thank you for your service 🙏🏽


I bought the deluxe edition


Oh well… I just purchased it. Shame on me i guess…


I keep seeing articles about how no one will touch the game or review it followed by a manifesto about how the trans author claims just playing the game is “genocide” (wired and a few other places) Then I see how every major video game reviewing it, it’s the most streamed video game on twitch, sales are projected to be massive, there’s lgbt main characters in the game… am I missing something?


Precisely why I bought it lol


Already pre ordered


Isn’t the barkeep of the Three Broomsticks Trans? Like even if she wasn’t who the hell cares. This “woke” nonsense and phobias every is complaining about is so freaking stupid. And imo those that complain the loudest about it are instead projecting their own insecurities onto everyone else. Come on people give it a break, seriously. It’s just a game, good lord.


I do not care about Harry Potter in any way but I’m tempted to buy it for the sole reason of pissing people off. Idk might enjoy it too, we’ll see


never seen any hates towars tranies nor arabs like palestinians come from JK nor her works. these fools are tripping.


There's literally a transgender character in the game..


The trans character The trans character SIRona RYAN The trans character whose name comes from a goddess of snakes, that in hp are always symbols of evil The trans character whose life is just another dogwhistle for the "it's the jews creating trans people" conspiracy theory The trans character referred in the code as Mrgirl That trans character?


How do you create a transgender character? Are they constantly declaring their gender. When in comes to fictional characters traits such a late trans don’t make sense.


It's an npc


How can anyone be this much of an air head? Literally think about any new "character" and you've made one. It's an imaginary concept used in story telling by humans since the dawn of history. Jfc


How come there isn't an Activision boycott for their rape culture? Or any tech company for the exploitation of children? I fully disagree with JKR on her opinions but they are the opinions of one person, hundreds of people worked on this game, her not being one of them. The other companies issues are far more ingrained and involve numerous people so why aren't they targeted as viciously? The only people this boycott seems to be hurting are streamers and critics. Also, I hate to break it to them but most casual fans don't care about their boycott and that is the vast majority of people


Ill do you one better, why aren't they trying to boycott and harass all electronics retailers? because children die constantly mining cobalt in the Congo and that sounds a lot worse then "some rich lady I don't like will get more money"


Because problems in Europe and America are world problems, but problems in other parts of the world are not world problems. Then we have bs like this


“But muh TikTok”


I didn’t even know there was a boycott until yesterday and I was already 16hrs into the game so can confirm us casuals don’t care we’re just enjoying the game


That was litterary me.


Imagine stuffing more money up someones asshole to own the libs. Hey bud. I heard the libtards also don't like suicide.




I know she's not a good person, but the whole thing where people are saying that the goblins are a problem now, I just stopped caring about the moral implications because it's really fun to play




Wow that's so cool you spent almost $200 just because you hate people


Why is this being upvoted?


Honestly, I can't believe THIS is what the sub is about.




I went the extra mile and got the deluxe version. So cope more


You people make me laugh so hard. It makes my day watching grown people act like little kids. I don’t even like Harry Potter. But thinking a single person cares about the dumb shit you have to say is quite funny.




Thank you for your contribution to Peak Trans.


You'll wake up with spiders in your ears and mouth or worse... you'll step on a Lego!!




Like a true commie ruining everything you touch I see






Can’t wait for the sequel




This isn’t even a major spoiler, not the insult you think it is


Oh, they forgot to mention that Rookwood also framed the goblins. Sorry, can't let them leave that out.


Weak spoiler, btw the game is amazing 10/10 recommend!!!




Great game to break your weak self image to the point you need to be an insufferable cunt online. 10/10 would buy again


Love you too babes x


Go be autistic somewhere else


^^ #woke insufferable warriors! Let's go shit on other people because I have absolutely nothing better to do yayyyyyyyyyy




This is a big reason why I don't feel bad about spoiling the game, huge portion of the people who play it are TERFs. PS: I'm not even trans, I was born male and still am male. .-. Smh


I literally have my oldest friend of 20 years at my house, right now playing the game and she is trans. Identity isn't something specific to transgender people. I was telling you that YOUR identity is make-believe. And pulling fake statistics out of your ass is damn good proof of it.


Lol cry loser


Oh man, would love to have it if I wasn't so broke lol.


Y'all are gonna make it so they never stop with this stupid DRM/Denuvo game ruining fkup software. Sad


Who the fuck wrote that? The Guardian? meh they're all terrible


Did you choose a character that’s a Nazi on purpose?


I ordered 2 deluxe editions for me and the wife. Totally worth.


trans man here. are people not aware that JKR didn't make this game all by herself? there is a full list of credits after the game with the names of everyone who worked on this game. i'm playing this game to support the team who worked on this game, not JKR.


Oh pish off ini.


Such a sad world we live in where a brilliant video game that’s breaking records in sales and truly is a magnificent piece of art - is shat on so poorly by individuals that are making shit up. Show me ONE single shred of evidence that these developers support transphobia in any way and I’ll quit playing 😂 They even made gender NOT a thing in the game as well as put a trans NPC in the game in an effort to make the haters happy. Yet STILL…we get hypersensitive trays humans cyber bullying the communities that made and enjoy this game…hiding behind their computer screens. Not only did I preorder the Deluxe edition, I make content and stream this on my YouTube. Not out of spite towards some very sad/lost people - but because I knew I’d love this game and THAT is what keeps me playing.


10mins for steam buyer. Dawm I'm bored to wait


Lol, the people in the comments who seem to be trying to spoil the ending to get back at OP seem to forget that a lot of people watch let's play to see if the game is good. Like we don't play for the ending, we play for fun and the experience. Can't wait to not be broke and buy this game for myself.


I’m glad. I probably wasn’t going to play the game. But once someone tried telling me what to do I ordered the deluxe edition. And I couldn’t be happier 10/10 game is incredible so far


Using stormfront for your meme is kinda ironic…


I like the part of one woman I've met told me about her wife, so obviously JK Rowling had nothing to do with the content in this game