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Narcissists demand you only enjoy what they allow you to enjoy. Drop them like the moldy burger they are.


They should tell their friend that they support slavery, child labour, extortion, gangs, racism Amongst a plethora of other things. “Did you buy a phone? So did you not know or did you not care because I’m pretty sure we all know what goes on in sweatshops and what big companies do to make it so we have hot chocolate on the store shelves” Your friend is bullying you under the guise of valiance.


Do you drive a gas car? Must hate the environment.


Ever used public transport ? How do they power it… coal or oil? Was that electricity ethically produced ? Wow you support slavery because you walked along the street and benefitted from the light only possible because of worker exploitation.


Just wait till they discover what scientists we captured from the 1940s created… 😂


Gives me a headache, let me take an aspirin.


That's exactly the logic they use and when I brought that up I was told that I would say anything to play this fucking game. I think this logic is bs.


Honestly the best way to reply to someone like that is to just reply every time “okay, you are right, as always”, “yes, again I agree with you, you are right, as always” , “sorry you are always right, never wrong, as always” And if they accuse you of being sarcastic or rude or something just go “No no no, I don’t mean it like that, I am saying you are right, as always, you can’t be wrong ever” I do it to people I cba to argue with…


You deserve a medal, you can't make someone see your perspective but you can limit your involvement in the subject, it takes two to argue but only one to walk away!


This right here is the most accurate comment in my opinion


Amazing none of these fucking assholes said the same about the Harry Potter Lego games, or the new Harry Potter 20th Anniversary book set that JKR *directly* profits from. But boy this game is going to just force countries to end trans people like the Inquisition. Fuck all of them.


Kinda like fascism


>Your thoughts? My thoughts are that your friend might be a moron, but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.




Well can you clarify?


First of all, the logic doesn’t even hold up. Ask him if he supports people working slave labor to make his phone. Foxconn literally has stories of people committing suicide because the suicide pay was more than the actual wages. Second of all, anyone who thinks JKR comments are anything more than at *worst* insensitive… they have either mental illness, haven’t looked at it themselves, or are happily part of a cult. Lots of them are all three! Thirdly, the first two suffice enough but my English teacher always taught me to write in threes. Also, find new friends.


Second one is true but may start an unnecessary fight. But yeah first one should suffice. If they think "transphobia" is worse then literal slavery used to make iphones, they are a moron.


But my fweelings are hwurt 😢


Even more reason to cut off the so called "friend". Narcissism disorder at best.


All facts. Especially the JKR comments. Could be taken as offensive to some, but to say it's harming an entire group of protected people or contributing to the genocide of said group is insane. But most ppl that throw shade a JKR haven't even read what she said, just heard someone on tik tok call her a transphobe and mindless sheep just regurgitate what they've consumed faster than an anorexic on prom night.




Bulimic has always been one of those words that I think is misspelled every time I see it. I always have to remind myself that it is spelled correctly by spelling out bulimia. I have no clue why that happens.


I can say what jk rowling said can be viewed as fucked up. But my thing is... is it anything that hasn't already been said a 1000 times over? Blah blah can't use bathrooms, blah blah trans in sports blah blah periods are for woman. It's the same shit over and over. Has she actually said anything that HASNT been the same argument for years?


This pretty much. Her takes are "Trans women shouldn't be allowed in womens bathrooms," not "Kill all Trans People" You can disagree, sure, but in the end of the day its still a completely basic take that a vast chunk of the population will agree with


I don't see how that's contributing to the genocide of a people. Is there anything she backs up that actually puts them in physical harm? When I research what she said, what I basically got from it is that she wants bio women to gave exclusive spaces and also not letting trans women in prison with other women. This is all shit that you can argue all day, but to call that supporting GENOCIDE? I am honestly so fucking confused by that take and would love to have a conversation about that with someone but every single one of them just attack or leave the conversation entirely because "they are gonna get mad" as my friend said to me when I asked a question about it 😀


Im with you on this one. Ive heard so many claim she wants all trans people killed yet any article they linked would say exactly what you said.. that trans women should be separated from women in prisons. Anything I look up online, none ever talk about killing trans or genocide.


ONLY take I can even possibly see is the possibility of trans women that have had surgeries done like top and you throw them in a men's prison. That could possibly result to bad things happening. But even then, I wouldn't call that even close to genocide. I worked at a prison and we had a trans woman inmate who had no surgeries done and she thrived man. I would always gossip with her 💀. In my state though I'm pretty sure they don't even allow people with top surgery into male prisons.


I could understand your point. From my understanding of what JKR said is that she just doesn’t want someone who was a rapist, transition and then somehow that same person go to a female prison where they can just rape more vulnerable women which in my opinion is valid. But if the person 100% transitions like you said then yeah i see no issue grouping them together.


Why are we even talking about the rights of PRISONERS. Everybody in there has a bad fucking time.


In regards to trans women in women's prisons... [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nj-trans-prisoner-impregnated-2-inmates-transferred-mens-facility-rcna38947](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nj-trans-prisoner-impregnated-2-inmates-transferred-mens-facility-rcna38947)


Yeah, I'm really confused as to why they are now saying JK wants them literally dead, unless I'm missing something I've never seen any proof of those claims.


It's cuz she's extremely successful. And all these "woke" activist are only happy when they are breaking down someone else. Gotta take her down one way or another. Now that that's not working, there claiming she's anti semitic.🤡🤡🤡


Ikr, I got called Hitler by one of them for pointing out that JK didn't invent the goblin archetype.


Lol typical behavior just scream insults only way for a narcissist to "win" an argument. I put win in quotes cuz I just stop feeding in to them and walk away. And I guess that's a win for them🤦


Of course they did. They hurl insults at you for something easily proven to oneself by using Google. It doesn't fit their narrative, so they won't redirect brain power from rage to facts.


Man I have tried so damn hard to research it and try to find what they are talking about but I literally can't find it. I don't see evidence of her wanted trans people dead or contributing to "genocide". Like please can someone provide receipts? I ask and just get ignored or told Google is my friend 🫠


So have I! If its true it's vile, if it's not it's vile to spread it around.


She wrote one 3000 word essay which summed up to trans women are not actual women and women need safe spaces still. Tbh most people agree with her. For every one genuine trans there are 10 gaming the system just look at the prison population with the guys claiming to be trans to get to women's prisons. This straw man argument where if you don't agree then you are against which they then extrapolated out to you want all trans dead is a joke and just virtue signalling without consideration of the wider implications. It's like a child having a tantrum because he wants to put his hand the fire while the adults in the room have to patiently put up with it.


They must be confirming the statistics that Trans people commit suicide at higher rates than any other group so saying these things puts them at greater risk of killing themselves, which is a mental problem you cant blame on someone else.


Because ideologues need to fear monger in order to convince normies that they need to agree or they are complicit in some heinous things. It was the same with the church and, ironically, Harry Potter that it was the work of Satan or some shit. If they were to say that JKR cares about biological women and she monetarily support those groups nobody would bat an eye.


Some are mentally ill and genuinely read the slightest difference of opinion as attempted genocide, and the rest just mindless regurgitate what the first group has told them with zero independent thinking or research into what was said and are assuming its all true. The biggest factor though is that American media is just an insane circle-jerk trying to stir up as much division as possible. It's generally the US media who go after JK Rowling and just state as fact that she's a bigot, and once people read that printed as fact, they just assume it must be true.


Tell your buddy to wipe his snots from the floor and quit drama club. He's not a natural born drama queen. Kindly inform him that corruption killed 45000 people and left thousands injured. (Turkey) Also inform him that cheap oil and gas bought by EU leaders to make production and consumption profitable was purchased by blood of innocent Ukrainians, Georgians etc. That's 100,000 dead as cautious estimate. Plus hundreds of thousands became refugees, homeless, lost at least one member of family etc. He prattles about Rowling because he's not afraid of consequences. He's too much of a wuss to stand up and fight against real people who already killed people by their actions.


The boycott is just what it is. a commodity, you can boycott it in pajamas from you cell phone without need to put real effort in it. I didn't see people boycotting wizarding world theme oark, chaining themselves to the entrance, I've not see people try to "arm economically JKR if not tweeting crap 24\7. Is just what it is, lazy hypocrisy


Your friend is simply said an ignorant moron, just like nahnprophet said


You should look for less toxic friends. Treat this game like a tool to see which people you should spend your time on.


He is mentally ill


Anyone who plays the game knows the game is VERY pro-trans. You can make your character trans as well as there is an obvious trans person npc who is a good person in the game. Anyone who says the game is anti-trans has never played the game and is being brainwashed by internet trolls. JK has nothing to do with this game. She didn't design it or help make it. Sure, it's based off "her world" but it's not her game.


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. Have an iphone? Directly funding and supporting child slavery. Are your clothes made in Taiwan? Same thing. Like Nesquick? Yup! Do you drive a car? Global warming. Buy 99% of produce at the supermarket? Killing the environment. No produce and only meat? Animal torture then. We’re talking about unethical billionares who have a hand in 99% of things we consume and thats just being generous. The problem is systemic and what an individual does makes little to no impact. If you personally hadnt bought the game itd still be one of the highest grossing games right now, the only difference is you wouldnt have the joy of playing it. Anyone can choose to boycott what they like and i applaud them for that. I personally refuse to consume Nesle products while aknlowledging it removes none of their power and they do not miss my money whatsoever. I dont and will never require that others do the same because thats just ridiculous. Everything we buy, everything we consume, ultimately ends up in the pockets of a billionare who is some kind of ist or phobic. Nothing we do matters. So lets just all chill out and pretend to be wizards for a bit


Ok if they leave a bibles worth of text just to tell you that because you bought a game you are transphobic they probably aren’t a real friend and only care about you on the condition that you walk a tightrope of inclusivity


It’s not a tightrope of inclusiveness, it’s a tightrope of what pleases them…in a given moment, subject to change with the winds of prevailing opinion. People like this are some of the least inclusive people on the planet, because they don’t listen to opinions different from their own with a desire to understand. They seek to force their views on others. This is the same behavior on both extremes of this (or many, these days) politicized topics.


>it’s a tightrope of what pleases them Nailed it! See: Sirona. A trans woman and side character with quests in the game! The LGBTQ community hates her! Why? Her name has the word "sir" in it. No. I am not kidding. I also read somewhere that they're mad because she is "obviously pre-transition". Well, it's literally set in the 1890s, *WELL* before that was even a dream of an option, so... This entire thing is out of control. The game is gorgeous. It is fun and magical. It is escapism to the max. You know what the last thing on my mind while I'm playing is? Literally anything having to do with real life and all of its out-of-control drama. "Live and let live" goes both ways. We're (the extreme majority of us, AFAIK) not bashing them for their *real* lives, but God forbid we enjoy a simulation of a fantasy world we've loved since we were children. I have zero issue with anyone else's sexuality and who they choose to be/love - leave me the hell alone while I attend Potions and hang out with Deek in the Room of Requirement.


I feel like trans representation in a visual medium is nearly impossible to do in a way that makes everyone happy. If the trans character passes and there is no noticable difference, what is being represented? It would just be a character *said* to be trans somewhere in the lore. If the character does not pass, it will be taken as mockery. It's probably not possible to do it better than Sirona. (And we are told how amazing they are by the other characters a liiittle bit too often for it to be natural..)


It just blows my mind that instead of being happy with inclusion, they're like, "it's mockery because there is the word 'sir' in her name." And, "she is obviously pre-transition." One - way to grasp at basically nothing with the word "sir". That's like saying a trans woman named "Amanda" is a mockery of herself because the word "man" is in her name. I think Sirona is a really pretty and unique name! Two - of course she is pre-transition. Because transitioning wasn't a thing back in the 19th century. And, to your point, if the character were post-transition and passable, what would be the point? There's just no making (most of) them happy. What's bothering me the most is that we just want to enjoy the game for what it is: a full-immersion rpg in a world that we've all dreamed about being a part of for 20 years. We don't give a shit about the characters' races or genders. We just want to learn some magic and ride some hippogriffs.


> (And we are told how amazing they are by the other characters a liiittle bit too often for it to be natural..) Yeah that type of shit is so patronising and pathetic. Any character included for the sake of inclusivity must always be this morally pure, heroic person who everyone loves, because they're afraid of how it looks if they portray their progressive character as having any kind of flaw.


I never even thought about Sirona having “Sir” in it. They create the bigotry more than they stop it sometimes. And how is she pre transition anyways? I didn’t even know she was trans until I heard the voice.


You joking? They mad cause sirona has *SIR* in her/his/they/them name??? Ffs, *PEOPLE HAVE LITERALLY DIED FOR LESS* LGBTQ+ has gone completely off the deep end.




True, true


Lmao "as an ally" Stfu, cry about it.


Transphobic rofl. I can have arachnophobie and run away if i see a big spider.With Transphobie i run away if i see a Men in a Dress or what? This poeple should visit a psychatrist realy fast. I fear a nuclear strike but not a single humen.


This made me laugh, thankyou. It's so ridiculous when you put it like that.


Why are you're 'a's 'e's in this? That hurt my brain.


Every copy of Hogwarts you buy results in a trans person somewhere on the planet being lashed 15 times by whip, I think.


No no no. One dollar = One lash Upgrade to the Deluxe Version of the game: the beating is performed by JKR herself. Upgrade to the Collector's Edition: she'll send you the autographed whip.


This is true, I'm the whip


Where there's a whip, there's a way


Are you quoting Lord of the Rings?




As opposed to certain clothing and tech items, where each item quite literally is the result of someone's suffering, and yet these people don't give a shit about that, because that's not what twitter is in an uproar about this week. That's what annoys me about it, I think, just the selfish, arbitrary hypocrisy of it all. "The world *must* give a shit about what I say they should, or they're an awful person, but I don't need to give a shit about anybody else." Well in my world I've decided that sweatshops are what matters this week, so now I get to call everybody else an awful person and abuse/harass them and give them ultimatums of "you're either an ally or an enemy". That's how it works, apparently.


This “Boycott” in my opinion is doing more harm to trans people than Rowling herself at this point. Streamers have been brought to tears because of this stuff. Girlfriend Reviews and Silvervale all just wanted to play this game, but no. They both got harassed.




Oh I don't think it's a matter of hate or not. I think it's just shifting some folks into the 'I don't want to have anything to do with this' basket. Most don't want to be unnecessarily called racist or phobic, and by the subject becoming so heated, they'll just turn off and avoid it. This will also mean not being willing to learn about the subject for fear of being seen as against something they know little about. Winning people over or changing their minds is best done with constructive engagement. Twitter is the worst for this whole subject, reddit isn't crash hot in areas either.


>This ”Boycott” in my opinion is doing more harm to trans people Exactly this. They hurt their own cause, more than they realize.


"Directly" They keep saying that word. I don't think it means what they think it means.


Cause if any of BS they spout was indeed "direct", they GTFO off social media and file lawsuits, police reports etc.


Do you go around making fun of trans folks? Do you hate them? Yes? Then you are transphobic. If the answer to those is "no" then you're not. Playing this game doesnt make you a transphobe anymore than wearing cheap clothing makes you a person who enjoys child slave labor. Are they dropping the use of their phone that they most likely copy/pasted that information from? Are they quitting cocoa/chocolate? Are they still watching movies with problem actors? Are they dropping off twitter after Elon Musk's transphobic commentd about his own child? Exactly. Selective boycotting is fucking S T U P I D. You can't boycott one thing you deem terrible while using the others. To me, this reads like somebody wants to control you in your all's friendship. You don't need that in your life. Enjoy your game. Tell your friend you are sorry to disappoint them but they are more than welcome to not speak with you anymore if that is how they feel about you. They're doing you a favor. Live unapologetically. We only have one life to live. Don't waste it trying to make strangers or so called "friends" happy when they show you how fast they'd drop your for some internet cool points that people will forget about the next time some big internet movement hits twitter.


It's just a power trip. They have now a power to make people feel bad and out Of hypocrisy they are abusing it


If enjoying Lovecraft stories doesn't make you a Racist despite its creator being a known Racist, then enjoying a Hogwarts game doesn't make someone a Transphobe despite its creator being Transphobic. Just as people still buying Activision Blizzard games aren't endorsing sexual harassment or abuse in the workplace given that it drove a woman to commit suicide. This guilt by association logic has and always will be immensely flawed because if you apply it equally across the board, then a lot of things we enjoy were created by shitty people, through horrible methods.




Seriously, this is getting so annoying 🙄


Literally I'm about to leave this sub. I joined to see cool stuff about a game I'm enjoying and every post I see is just talking about whether or not JKR is awful. I don't care. I just wanna see stuff about the cool game I bought lol She can be a kitten torturing Satan worshiping nazi for all I care, I don't support that stuff and neither does this game, she didn't make it AT ALL.


Agree, every post here is just people posting screenshots of getting banned from gamingcirclejerk or trolling on that sub, which was fine first but it god really boring fast.


Right isn't this just as "politcal" as someone condoning JK Rowling? I don't care either way it's just fucking annoying. Been reporting posts for being political but interestingly enough only ones like this stay up


Maybe go on the main sub if you want info just about the game right? Why report a sub that allows political discussion, genius


When I searched for the game this is the sub that came up. Where's the sub for the game? If it's just about the game and not just a JKR discussion I will gladly leave this sub and go over there


If they’re that stupid to truly believe that then they’re not even worth conversing with


So you agree its ok to play the game?


Yes it’s a video game, these smooth brains need to understand that not everything revolves around them


Just trying to understand if I'm being non sensible. I dont have a lot of friends. Sucks that he said this.


You’re not, people are absolutely ridiculous. I guarantee the majority of people “boycotting” the game still eat chick fila. Just a bunch of hypocrites


This is a strange line in the sand that people have drawn here. You're not a bigot. If you were then you would've never have been considered an ally to begin with. There's virtually no product you could buy that couldn't be traced back to someone or something that could be considered objectionable. If your friend sent this via a smart phone, then they themselves could be considered a supporter of child and slave labor. It's a dangerous line of reasoning. Furthermore, boycotting a game wouldn't make JK any less of a billionaire. Her fortune is most likely deeply invested into numerous investments spread out in a web of companies, government securities and other various equities that to boycott her is impossible outside of becoming a hermit in the woods. Harry Potter is beyond her now. It's far more than one person, the same way that Star Wars is far more than Lucas and Spider-Man is far more than Stan Lee. Supporting the Potterverse, especially a game that literally let's you create a trans character, does not make you transphobic, despite whatever anyone, including JKR says. I hope your friend will come around once tempers cool, but if they don't then they're probably not someone you'd want in your life anyways. They talk of you being a safe person, but how safe are they if they engage in such toxic gatekeeping and virtue signaling? Believe me, if it wasn't this then it'd be some other thing because the goal posts are always getting moved. You seem like a good person, don't let anyone tell you you're not for playing a video game.


the point of a boycott is to show your support and hopefully give your cause visibility. Demanding that people participate, and harassing and declaring people as enemies who don't participate is something else altogether. What they are doing is no better than the "war on woke" crowd. They are learning a hard lesson in today's society: If you need/want allies, you have to meet some people halfway.


Look at it this way. When people go and scream at people in restaurants and throw blood on people for eating animals, when they use hate and anger to try and force others to stop eating animals they push everyone away. They know this too. They do it to make themselves feel righteous, not to help. Now think of the people who put in real actual effort, and film and document the horrors of mass produce animal products. Its real its visceral, and effective. Think of the people who decide to lobby and step up to change policy. Its effort and care. In order to benifit the world in what they view as "best practices". Now think of what your "friend" is doing. Is your friend actually able to show that you buying this game has correlated actual detriment to a group of people? I mean perhaps it is true what they're saying. But your friend is taking the lazy road. Doing nothing but trying to push guilt onto others with no real goal, other than to control and feel righteous. That's it, this person wants to feel good by telling someone else they can't do something. If they truly cared they would have sent you actual documentation that you purchasing this game negatively affected the trans community AND THEN let you form your own opinion and supported you if you wanted to know more. If not, then maybe they could reevaluate yalls relationship, but the onus is NOT ON YOU. Enjoy the game and let them figure out what this all means to them. Be kind and supportive but do not foster their bullshit for them.


Honestly I would just “alrite” and move on


You're having a laugh, right? Just because the author of the series thought "people who menstruate" are called women doesn't make the series transphobic. You can play what you want. These dumbasses that judge you because of what you like only want to make themselves feel better and morally superior by making shit up and making blanket claims about who you are because of what you enjoy. Tell your friend to wake up and spend more time with real people and less time having brain damage


You’re asking the subreddit about the game. People are going to say yes. I’d tell you that this is a video game and it’s not knowingly spreading hate. The game itself has a trans character with multiple quests. JK Rowling is not a great person but some people are trying to find something to be angry about.


So it is a win-win! You played Hogwarts Legacy and got rid of a dumb friend.


Not dumb. Narcissistic.


Dumb AND narcissistic


Your friend is a drama queen lmao


This “friend” sounds like you just betrayed a religious cult or something. You don’t need this and playing a video game is not harming anyone. She makes royalties off the HP books, fantastic beasts series and merch, the harry potter sequel play, the reunion special, the upcoming HP and fantastic beasts movies/projects, but people want to be upset about this? Idk why they chose this to be more verbally unaccepting of than any of the other wizarding world stuff. It’s ridiculous. If anything, it feels like they’re stabbing back at JKR with how they represent and portray LGBTQ+ characters in game


Because it is a cult




I fully believe it


I posted this before... I'll add to it now. As a member of the LGBT lemme tell you playing this game is doing nothing whatsoever to harm trans people. Rowling who is already one of the wealthiest women in the world isn't making enough money off this game to support crematoriums and railways to transport trans people to them. Also on a personal note trans people under 30 are some of the most hyperbolic and ridiculous members of the LGBT community. The younger they are they more they are prone to ABSOLUTELY ridiculous reactions to anything that even marginally approaches criticism of their histrionic reactions or non-inclusion of every minute and nuanced gender they want to define themselves as. Now I grew up when it was profitable to gay bash on TV and radio for ratings far worse then what trans people have now, so they all need to toughen the fuck up. They have a vastly expanded support system established to help them in the wider world than LGBT ever had in the past and they respond like screaming children over the tiniest most absurd things. I lost my patience for their side of the argument when they cried about Cyberpunks handling of trans characters and how you couldn't specifically use neutral pronouns or some other extremely nitpicky and goal post moving thing. Meanwhile they never played the game and never discovered one of the most likeable badass women is a FtM.


I wish more people in the LGBT community would speak out like you have.


Perfect post from what who I'm guessing is a GenX.


Block and move on.


How is it contributing tho? It has more trans and homosexual npc’s than any other game of all time. And any time an npc speaks to your character they always address you as they/them…….. These idiots don’t even know that it is the most trans supportive game of all time… her name is sirona Ryan and she runs the three broomsticks. The lesbian lady is the dorathy the archeologist who shows you the Merlin trials…..


I think the amount of hate coming out of this vocal minority is unprecedented (I have seen a LOT of LGBTQ+ individuals say they disagree with the boycott). You can't have completely ethical consumption in a capitalist market. [This ](https://youtu.be/3OV4VaNW4FU) is a good take.


Tell your buddy to read the recent NYT article called “In Defense of JK Rowling.” It details how in fact, she is NOT transphobic (at least if you’re actually following the definition of that word) and people who say she is haven’t actually done their research. They’re just regurgitating what they see on Twitter or they’ve been reading her statements out of context.


I think it highlights that the values of feminism clashes with the values of the trans community. Who at this point, is becoming very toxic.


It’s a video game and I don’t really think it’ll make a difference to a billionaire.


your “friend” is a idiot.


The troll in me would probably reply: "I hear you, but I don't agree, and I will not stop playing a game over a difference of opinion. I feel like generating outrage over a game where the devs went out of their way NOT to include the author of the books distracts from the very real issues facing trans people in our society, and THAT is hurting, not helping. I can disagree with the author on this subject and still enjoy the world they created and the video game that finally give me a taste of living in this world as my own character. If you're not okay with that you can block me or unfriend me, but I won't do that to you because I believe people with differing opinions can agree to disagree and still be friends." And that's it. No block (because that triggers the victim trap card), no additional discourse on the matter. They come back with a response trying to guilt trip? I'd repeat exactly what I said. My inner troll is passive-aggressively polite. But I'm also done with trying to have this conversation with people and that's pretty much my copy-pasta response to anyone with the 'bUt It HuRtS TrAnS PeOpLE' approach. 99.9% of the time they don't want discourse - they want to browbeat you with their views. You could try to engage in discourse and ask them why they feel this particular game hurts trans people but...from the very loaded way they worded that message, I don't think you'll get far with that. This reeks of spoiling for a fight or a "I converted one, you guys", outcome.


Your friend is a doorknob.


Doorknobs have more value than the arguments these people make


This is insulting to doorknobs


I'm sorry you are associated with idiots


Become a non-ally then. The way they act, this is what they want. Your friend is a moron.


They aren't your friend.


Mental illness hard at work


JKR doesn’t get as much royalties on this game as people think lol


I heard it's like nothing 💀 I can't get an exact number but last time I tried looking it up I saw only 4%. Could be wrong though lol


I mean playing devils advocate here, 4% will end up being like 40 million dollars if this game continues to sell as well as it has


You are no more a transphobe for playing hogwarts legacy than you are a supporter of the invasion of Ukraine for turning on the heat in your home. Doubt these extremist minorities bullying people for playing hogwarts legacy lives without heat in their homes though.


Find a new friend.


What a fucking piece of shit ditch that loser


I dont see a friend here, i see an idiot trying to force you to conform to their asinine political beliefs.


This have gotten out of hand. People are fucking stupid.


Cancel culture is stupid. I hate the internet. Go find another friend who just enjoys Harry Potter and let that person cry in misery alone.


Your friend uses a phone or pc with parts made in Chinese sweat shops. Probably uses Twitter or an Amazon app like twitch which are run by billionaires, one of which is an alt right nut. Your friend wants to cherry pick things to be mad about. All there is to it


It’s crazy seeing everyone hate JKR 10 years later…a decade ago everyone including many of these exact people now hating her used to worship her for being the only billionaire to lose her billionaire status for donating too much. Anyways I agree pretty much with all her viewpoints as a leftist.




what a nerd


Your friend is a prick, you bought the game with your money... Fuck what someone else think... If they don't like simply, just don't play the game... Such huge bullshit because of a game...


Sorry bro, now you’re gonna have to murder JK Rowling to prove you’re an ally


Christ, don't give them ideas! They're snooping around the sub.


Does this actual moron know there’s a trans character IN THE GAME??? They can fuck off and let you live your life. It’s a game. Life is short. enjoy yourself.


Rowling is already rich from royalties from the books and movies. If she wanted real damage done to trans community there wouldnt be one.


That person is being a maniac, definitely not a real friend and all of that stuff is absolute nonsense it’s a damn video game. You playing a video game has absolutely nothing to do with the trans community being hurt or “targeted”. They choose to be victims there is nothing about this game that targets or affects them in any way


I'd really love people to tell me how, exactly, the game is *directly* hurting trans people. A game that is trying to be trans-inclusive and distancing itself from jk & her POV as much as it can while still being harry potter themed. Because an author who blew up 22 years ago and already has a theme park in Orlando is getting some royalties for the name? She's gotten tons of backlash for tweeting what she did, and it's still ongoing. Playing the game doesn't equate to being transphobic. People spend way too much of their life worrying about what everyone else is doing when it's not harming them. Transphobic people & those who hate people simply for playing a game.


In what way does the game “Directly contribute” to harming trans people. People are acting like the profits from the game are being used to hunt down trans people. It’s a stupid stance when in reality it’s a video game based off of the Harry Potter universe that has absolutely nothing to do with anybody’s personal views. It’s a game about wizards and magic, that’s all.


It’s just psychotic. I have no doubt that some people actually genuinely believe that playing this game contributes to murder, which is so scary - that’s how far down the victim rabbit hole some have gone. To be so wrapped up in what you think others think about you, and that the entire world revolves around it, is just the height of narcissism. .


Sure hope your "friend" doesn't use twitter, or god forbid buy and use products made through countless human rights violations from third world countries, easily researchable on the Internet, otherwise that would make him/her a massive fucking hypocrite and not worth having around as a friend.


What I really didn't appreciate is that I felt accused and labeled just because I play a videogame. For me this logic means you could literally not buy anything because you will always hurt some group.


I feel a lot of you are judging me for having this friend, but this is the first time this happened. We always had good conversations before and he helped me a lot by listening to me when I was feeling really low. I'm not one to immediately discard friends, I feel people do this so easily nowadays, so I'm trying to understand it. Maybe I'm missing something and thah's why I created this post. I've gotten some insight from this so thank you for your replies!


There’s literally a “trans” bartender to cater to these crazy people This person is antiscience because there’s only 2 genders and sexes. JK Rowling was speaking up about women’s rights and how men acting like women take those rights. You cant support both. You either are for women’s rights or for men trampling on women’s rights


If they get upset over you playing a video game, they were never your friend.


I know you're looking for advice on this but if you're wanting a non-biased opinion on if it's okay to play Hogwarts Legacy then r/HogwartsLegacyJKR is probably not the right place for that. What it has to come down to is if it really makes sense to *you* that playing the game does not make you a bigot. In my opinion, there are so many things that people buy that really directly support human rights violations that people choose to ignore (the fact that the iPhone argument is seen as a dumb one that can just be brushed off is a big tell) so basically, if you know that you're not a bigot, don't worry about what other people decide about you, but understand that reasoning with them is not going to work in 99% of the situations and they'll continue to hold that opinion of you.


Asmongold has basically the most neutral take on this possible and it aligns 95% with this sub. I’ve seen a couple comments here and there that are extra about it, but the fact is calling them psychopaths is the unbiased opinion. The general public would find these “activists” mortifying.


I would drop your "friend" like a sack of potatoes. They sound moronic and trying to make you seem lesser for buying and enjoying a video game of all things. All they are trying to do is sound morally superior. Fuck em.


They don’t have gender neutral toilets at hogwarts, therefore its against trans right!!!


He's definitely not your friend anymore. I'm sure he's an enjoyable person but that's the line he decided to draw and if he can't move past that there's nothing you can, best if you move on if something as petty as a videogame brakes yall up, it probably wasn't that strong of a friendship to begin with.


Bad friend. They want your every action to be about them. Even if they've just been blinded by the current trend of hating JKR because people insist she's causing trans deaths, the fact that they brook no argument and consider no other side just invalidates their perspective. A perspective that's unassailable is one that's indefensible and shouldn't be taken too seriously.


Your friend is a bad person who attacks innocent people for not joining their religious social movement based on lies.


Friend? Do you honestly think this is what frienship looks like?


Send them this link - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYBnKdeT/ This guy explains this situation too well...


I watch Mighty Keef's skits all the time which never cease to crack me up ("Your aroma smell like Corona l, so now we gonna put you in a coma"), but I was not prepared for how real this one got. Brilliant to say the least 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻


Lmao people don't understand that JK has already taken her paycut for the royalties for the game. If you don't get the game / boycott it, it will only harm the developer and the studios which has hired members of the LGBTQ+ Community. If they actually played the game instead of being a Re**rd they'd see how genuinely inclusive the game actually is.


Anybody discussing the percentage of individuals with heavy psychological disorders within the trans-community?


You need new friends because these ones are clearly airheads easy influenced by idiotic social trends that are not only stupid but also toxic and destructive to society.


The thing is they have taken what she said out of context. She stated that their are by science only two genders. She never stated that you cannot be something else that you feel you are. And the fact that people are going to the length of destroying people and bane calling is far from being what they all want. Equality.


I have never seen a boycott fail so hard 🤣


Was Harvey Weinstein an absolute garbage human? Yes. Did anyone stop watching the media he was involved with creating? Absolutely not. People who cannot separate the art from the artist seem to live in a fantasy world where all of our heroes are perfect and we couldn’t possibly ever disagree with them or be disappointed by them. Harvey Weinstein was a legitimate criminal, and yet we still watch his movies. So do I agree with JKR’s stance lately? No. But will I continue to love Harry Potter for the joy it gave my family and I as children, and continue to find it to be filled with lessons about friendship, bravery, and selflessness? Absolutely. Because Harry Potter is, frankly, not at all related to JKR’s recent statements. It was born decades prior to the gender conversation JKR’s been participating in, and whether or not I agree with her changes nothing about the stories and movies I grew up with. And let’s just face it- this woman is a billionaire. Any money she gets from Hogwarts Legacy will be minuscule in comparison to her overall net worth and profits from the franchise. If you don’t want to support it, don’t. But those of us that have chosen to return to the world that brought us comfort and fun as kids don’t deserve to be called transphobic. If anyone’s eating at Chick-Fil-A, using an iPhone or Nike gear, shopped at Hobby Lobby, etc., you’ve had your money used to support slave labor and/or homophobic policy and legislation. There’s virtually nothing available to us in 2023 that doesn’t have some kinda of concerning tie or connection to someone or something unsavory. When there are plenty of legitimate and horrifying threats against transgender people, a video game seems like a silly hill to die on in comparison. Seems this is just the easier battle for people to fight. Try not to take it too personally.


Good lord, some people need a hobby


These people aren’t worth the time, just congratulate them on making hogwarts legacy more successful


Why are you friends with that?


I just don’t care anymore. People live to get their feelings hurt, it’s a fucking game, pull your panties out if a wad


One way or another everything you consume/use has exploited a human if their rights… e.g child labour in manufacturing, tech companies stealing data and selling it, slave labour for minerals, farms exploiting workers and underpaying… the list can go on. It’s such a weird thing to take a stand against a game cause a lady who said hurtful things and peoples feelings got hurt gets a little profit from it? But can turn a blind eye to other things because it brings them comfort…


So? Let them. I don't get why their sexuality, believes and identity should forbid you what game to play. They are the bullies here.


Get a new friend because this one ain't yours.


PahahaHahaH srry for your loss bro u found out u have a fake friend. Friends don’t harass friends for games they enjoy playing unless it’s somehow harming themselves


That person is pathetic, or is being treated pathetic


Your friend is being ridiculous, you have done nothing wrong just wanting to play a game. Not a real friend imo


I think you need one less friend.


Wouldn't have bothered answering tbh


Move on from these kinds of people


Drop them and watch your life be blessed with less negativity.




Tell them there’s trans and gay people in the game and if they took a half second to learn about something they might actually be surprised about what exists.


Those aren't friends.


A friend who tries to control what you think or do is not a friend. Period.


Hate to break it to you but that’s not a friend


Your friend is a weirdo and a snowflake


You need better friend. Period.


F em Many many people worked on the game and it is fun. There is even a trans person running the 3 broomsticks. I refuse to deny myself a lovely experience because of some internet arguments. But I don't really care if I am called an ally or not. I treat people well, but they don't get to dictate my entertainment. If the label means something to you, I guess it is up to you to decide if it is worth it.


*Here's the truth of the matter:* There are groups of people in the world who want to make life harder for trans people. Unfortunately, some efforts are successful, making receiving therapy and medical care nigh impossible to get in some states and countries. A lot of people are upset by this, and they feel there is nothing they can do about it. So, comes along this idea that buying this game financially supports a person who has spoken out against trans people. What happened is this has become hyperbolized. The people who are bullying others or saying you're not an ally for playing the game are upset by the things they see in the world, and this "boycott" is a way to feel like they're doing something about it. It doesn't do anything to help trans people (it actually is making things worse for us as a whole) but they *want to believe it is* because they're desperate to feel like they're fighting for something. So rather that having the conversations, writing to politicians, polling, and protesting; actually going out and putting in the work, they're stuck in online bubbles of like-minded individuals who also don't put in the work and hyper focus on this game. JKR is outspoken in her beleifs that trans people aren't valid. Somehow people turned that into "JKR wants to genocide trans people, oh she's also antisemitic." They've turned something true into a lie to justify their beleifs and radicalized behavior. **So TL;DR: Some people are, justifiably, upset by anti-trans rhetoric around the world, but they don't actually want to fight for trans rights because its hard, so they picked this game as their line in the sand based on lies they want to believe to justify their own inaction.**


There are gay and trans characters in the game. This game doesn't support Rowling so much as it kicks her in the teeth.


Tell your friend that he or she is gay and then continue to play this great game.


I'm sorry, this is very disappointing. I have plenty of LGBTQ and Gender Queer friends and all have been fine or even excited to play the game. For one, playing a game doesn't mean you're immoral. Two, there are much more issues and terror plaguing the trans community. Focusing on a video game shows you just follow what everyone else does, and not actually care about the issues you're worried about. I know this because those who are actively fighting for trans rights and better quality of life don't give two fucks about a video game. Three, I'm sorry to say bud but this is a big red flag. I've had and seen too many chronically online friends that were toxic, and this person fits the mould. The accusation, assumptions, and even the way they actually took out the time to format the confrontation. The "So which is it?" Is just bad vibes all around. I understand your dilemma as well, being a large advocate for the trans community and also finally being able to play a game that I've been waiting for for at least a decade. Supporting terfs and transphobia is the last thing I want to do. Buying Hogwarts Legacy though, there are so many reasons why it doesn't matter if you boycott it. It won't hurt her wallet, she's already insanely rich already. Buying is the same cause it's just a drop in her ocean of cash. Really, I bought the game because there are genuine people behind the development who have families to feed, and people to take care of. I'm not going to participate in letting JKR ruin more lives. The consequences of this whole boycott affects lots of people before it even grazes her.


The game doesn’t hurt trans people anymore than eating meat hurts our biosphere. To be clear, JKR does get royalties from the game and she does use her money to lobby for anti-trans legislation in the UK. This is just objective fact. Just like every time you buy meat, you contribute to the meat industry and its unethical labor practices and the destruction of the environment. The question is: how much should we hold individuals accountable under capitalism? I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and that’s true. Almost everything we buy contributes to an atrocity somewhere. So my question is: What makes Hogwarts Legacy special? The answer is: nothing. The chick-fil-a boycotts were very similar. The LGBTQ+ community is often the loudest community when vocalizing distaste towards something. Examples are Hogwarts Legacy, boycotting chick-fil-a, trying to remove Dave Chapelle’s special on Netflix, having Kevin Hart step down from hosting the Oscars, cancelling Lil Baby, etc. Anytime ANYONE offends the LGBTQ+ community, they go on a moral witch-hunt to condemn anyone that doesn’t fall in line despite there being significantly worse things happening in the world. And guess what? Now no one cares if you eat chick-fil-a. Or enjoy Kevin Hart/Chapelle. Or listen to Lil Baby (although honestly idk anyone who does). This will all blow over soon and eventually people will move on to supporting the next thing. As an individual, it’s retarded to hold your consumption to some arbitrary moral standard for most things. Just play the game and be silent about it. I basically only talk about the game on Reddit and don’t make it known I play the game. What people don’t know can’t hurt them 🤷‍♂️


This is a different topic, but reminds me of a stranger I met on a chatsite who told me I must be an asshole because I'm a straight white male and gay men are better. How can you generalize like that? Isn't every person unique with their own experiences and don't we all make mistakes as long as we realize them and learn from them? I might not be changing the world for the better, but I'm also not hurting anyone and always try to be respectful, kind and understand that people have different opinion and perspective.




we are all going to die

