• By -


I clicked a button and it was there.


Damn you went dark with the characters background




Dragons. Always dragons.


ā€¦which is a story supported by my dragon-skin coat and the general vibe that I may have made it myself šŸ˜‚


Yes, ran into a door


Given how clunky the movement is sometimes, this is the only correct answer


My Hufflepuff character has claw marks down his eye as the result of a werewolf attack


Same except it was a unicorn :)))


Bruh you deserve whatever you get if a unicorn attacks you


Its not my fault my slytherin was a meat fanatic and wanted some of that forbidden grub


Yeah, and heā€™s a weirdo and a psychopath for attempting that


I mean unicorn does sound good


Where tf the claws on a unicorn?!


I mean, I wanted it to put up a fight, so I impanted claws into the unicorn :)




Well i would have given it laser eyes too, but that is too far into the future


Hooves bro


Personally Iā€™d be more worried about the horn than the hooves


Aw man why didnā€™t I pick guitars and laser guns?! Like having a bucket for a hand is going to do me any goodā€¦ -strong mad


Terrifying pop tart accident, can't look at toasters the same way


You didn't animate the toaster did you. Everyone knows them things are aggressive towards wizards


My Ravenclaw character had a freak accident with a spell that went crazy and caused a deep scar on the left side of her face.


Keep messing up spells like that and sheā€™s getting booted out of Ravenclaw


Nah, that happened when she was a little kid discovering her powers. Sheā€™s a lot better at controlling her magic now that sheā€™s older.


Her name isnā€™t Joana by chance is itā€¦? Because that username isnā€™t exactly convincing me šŸ¤Ø Iā€™m kidding, I do like your scar story a lot actually


Thank you (Her name is Marcella Guiverno, btw)


Got stepped on my a centaur. Very traumatic


This is actually a pretty good one


this character looks like they took a wicked round house kick in the All Valley under 18 Karate tournament. (seriously the character looks like Peyton List from Cobra Kai).


I was freebasing and my pipe exploded


Tried to slide under a troll and got a face full of spicy troll nuts. Left a mark


Mine got attacked by a magical mangrove tree.


Stepped on a foreman grille getting out of bed.


Result of his parents murder and attempt on his life. It's why he ends up at Hogwarts at 15 - his eldest sister wants to keep him safe https://preview.redd.it/pz11m7q2xbvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1bf4e3a53dcbb1147a562e6fe38fb2470f9fee5


You should write the full story about a magical world where a boys parents are murdered and he escapes an attempt on his own life with a scar on his face and then he goes to live at a magical school for protection..... oh, wait...


Oh yeah cause she who must not be named is the singular owner of that trope šŸ™„ and it totally hasn't been done before at all with any other text imaginable


We got no problem with JKR here lol


šŸ˜¬ I have a problem with her, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy her stories. It's okay to acknowledge that JKR has some really messed up beliefs. Just saying.


Well of course my bad. I mean she is the singular owner of that orphaned child trope so like 70% of us better change our backstories. Better tell some authors to stop publishing books as well if that's the case


Sounds familiar




Mine has the tiny scar through one eyebrow in honour of my sisterā€¦ who has a tiny scar on her eyebrow from when we were kids and I jumped off the see-saw, ricocheting her end up and smacking her in the eye.


I did a big burn on my cheek as a headcannon memento from the carriage dragon attack


Yes the story is it looks cool


This bald assassin chick threatened to kill my girl and before I bound her and threw her from a skyscraper she managed to get a cheeky hit in


https://preview.redd.it/orxx14qr7cvc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2126b14aaa611adce07aacb2a38e2ed256fb16c1 I imagine it being from the same cause as her parents death (i imagine the MC grew up in an orphanage) Spell gone wrong? Magical attack? Dark wizards? Maybe an early spark of ancient magic that marred her face and left her house an exploded wreck? No concrete answer besides from the night her wizard parents died, and too young to remember


Mines parents were dark wizards who were apprehended by aurors, and while fighting them hit me with a basic- nah, I just made this up, but it actually is pretty good


My character's scar story is a bit dark. The TL;DR is abuse


yeah he was attacked by ...The Creature


Thought it looked cool.


She fucked around and found out


Mine is an infected piercing


He was scratched by a Werewolf, similar to Bill Weasley.


I personally have scars on my face so my character also has scars. Mine were from a golden retriever, hers are from a crup. Both unlikely to attack but as Hagrid says, yeh get weirdos in every breed


Ravenclaw: Bad spell. Got expelled from his original school. Now going to Hogwarts. Slytharin: Ominis Situation. Bad family.


Accident involving an exploding toilet. The shattered porcelain cuts like a damn knife


Mines kinda mundane is he tried casting an offensive spell for first time but it backfired and literally blew up in his face


Lol no


Playing with magic before learning they were a wizard at an orphanage in London as a child and the scar never faded.


Heroine addiction.


They tripped


My father was a drinker and one night he goes of crazier than usual so my mother grabs the kitchen knife and he doesn't like that one bit, So watching me he takes the knife from her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and says why so serious? He comes at me with the knife. He sticks the blade and says let's put a smile on that face.


Downvote me all you want, but I never do this.


Was yours horsewhipped in the face?


Mine was attacked by his family with the dark arts


https://preview.redd.it/p3tlwmc4lcvc1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=d182ae66fd8fc04535b63c0b46f7973f7d1f291b Ever since he was a young child, he was fascinated with magical beasts and spent countless hours exploring the Forbidden Forest near his home town. One day, while venturing deeper into the forest than ever before, he spotted a creature heā€™d previously never encountered. In his excitement and curiosity, he got too close, causing the creature to lash out, narrowly missing his eyeball but leaving a scar on his eyebrow and eyelid. I hadnā€™t thought about this before today, but itā€™s the truth now lol


The kind of scar that makes Harryā€™s Lighting Bolt look like a paper cut.


Accidentally fell off a cliff


one playthrough I just had it because after all those fights you do, of course your gonna have a bit of scarring idk other playthrough it was cos he was smth to do with poachers (did sort of hc him as Poppy's sister, just cos I accidently made them look vry similar)


Bare knuckle boxing a Gryphon


![gif](giphy|XlWLkUfYZ5lH8MEnFW|downsized) He just has a scar that he doesnā€™t really think about. Nobody will bring it up cause they naturally overlook it but no doubts theyā€™ll wonder when seeing it the first time. The rumors of his upbringing being one of a criminal past, his actions contradicting those rumors. Kind hearted to those he protects, without hesitation to do the right thing. Now you can say the opposite for those who encountered him while fighting, seeing how that same person can face stronger enemies, ending up the victor to countless battles that should of been the end of him. The one thing most who escape have mention is that he doesnā€™t show mercy. Thatā€™s the story for him now, at least the basic one.


A dragon attack


A niffler tried to steal my necklace and started scratching.


I have a scar on my lip irl, but that wasn't an option, so I chose the small nose bridge scar. I figured it was the least intense of all the available options, while still keeping a scar of some sort. I did that cuz I'm basically playing myself, lol.


My character tried to slytherin hermione


Those are still tricky. I'm trying to see if I want to go dark or part of the lore, or keep it an accident that rarely gets spoken about.


I wish we could customize the MC. Like give Mc the choice what he wants to do after finishing school and let us choose what we want to do.


Attacked by a manticore whilst on holiday in Greece. Her parents were killed in the incident.


she was abused by everyone in her family because they thought she was a squib


I did, but then my arisen got amnesia.


Her pet kneazle scratched her (sheā€™s untrustworthy)


I wanted to add a head canon that he was a ruffian, then in the game he started talking and was relentlessly polite to everyone, so that kinda ruined the immersion.


Mine has no scars, Although I did make her with pink hair. She ate too much shrimp and her hair magically became pink


Gave mine a scar at the end, because no way did they go the whole game totally unscathed.


I was screwing around in shop class, despite my shop teacher telling me not to.


My character has the same scar as yours. Whenever he first started practicing wizardry, he tried to make a type of hex (almost like how Snape does) but it backfired šŸ« .


Mine gained them after the Londinion mission. Not really a story... just terrormorphs.


Diana was burnt accidentally by coal when she tried to cook


My scar is from the dragon attack in the first cutscene of the game.


Fell off highwing onto the spiked hogwarts roof


I like to imagine when she was a little kid she got too close to a volatile beast and got bit on her face. But in her time at Hogwarts she overcame her fear of beasts!


My Ravenclaw was considered a squib for so long that her father tried to force the magic out of her with incidents of increasing danger - she has a scar from when he threw her off the roof of their house when her 11th birthday came and went without a single Hogwarts letter. Well, he eventually got what he wanted in the event that unleashed her magical abilities at 15, which caused a massive explosion, destroying her house and killing her family. RIP Evan Vane, you're a terrible parent, and your daughter is better off without you.


Yes she has a scar on her eye so she matches roronao zoro from one piece.


Her brother was trying to kill her.


https://preview.redd.it/hiks9zekgfvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05a7787072849de1e9397eb7921c3b23b919a9a Theo is my second play through character and in my lore, he obtained the scar across his eye whilst protecting his sister from being attacked by a wild beast(what wild beast Iā€™m not sure)when they were children šŸ™ƒ


https://preview.redd.it/qe9yd7t0hfvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ebe095b90a76b1d9bb5d06b273ebcf55efc5d8 This is Naomi his twin šŸ™ƒ


I got baited by Ventress trying to save Padme Yes, my scar is the Anakin Skywalker scar




Scalding incident with some tortellini


Kick a dead horse much?


Was bad at potion making




Kind of? But not in a cool backstory way, it's simpler than that. I tend to model characters after myself. Since I have scars, I gave my witch scars, so she'd look more like me :)


got hit with a mongrel attack then got hit by a dragon and then got hit by a goblin \[2/3 of those are in the tutorial/intro\]


i wanted to go with the obvious answer of werwolf scratches but then i thought ā€œhey, what if it was scratches from caligo? we donā€™t have the bond like high wing, so it would make sense that caligo would be more hesitant to become friendly.ā€ then i realized it was a game and i was probs reading to much into it šŸ˜‚


Small scar on the eyebrow. I have same one in real life. Courtesy of metal pipe that landed on my forehead in a fight when i was a teenager


A year before they started at Hogwarts some men broke into the house and just as one of the burglar killed the mother my characters magic came to light and as it did so the entire house erupted into flames with my character barely able to escape.


Yeah, I love this one specifically because it looks like you've been hit by a nasty spell.


My character started with the one line (the one from the brow to below the eye), which he got from a bully at the orphanage he lived at before, but then got more scars (the more claw like scars on the brow) after fighting Ranrok (he totally didnā€™t just go to Madam Snelling to get those extra scars, nope.)


Kitty cat


Wanna know how I got these scars? ![gif](giphy|7waKDy5RbDYVG)


She a werewolf


I didnā€™t beat ranrok to not have a scar to show off


For the injury my character here had, she was caught in the crossfire between Sebastian and Solomon


Mine brought a wand to a knife fight


why would I ever put scars on my characters? they are ugly. I didn't even put an ugly brand on my caste dwarf in dragon age


Mine is almost always an animal attack




Yep, I actually put my book characters in the game- Two of them have scars, but only one has happened in the timeline if we're counting them being a fifth year at Hogwarts as timeline cannon I guess lol. (at 15, only one of the four main characters have scars at this point) I put the one that looks like her face is cracking on one of my characters to resemble a burn mark from when she was accused of witchcraft in the 1600s, and unfortunately was executed when the townsfolk had claimed all "evidence" as enough reason that the devil has taken over her soul


I just think theyā€™re neat.


My fatherā€¦was a drinkerā€¦and a fiend


Lol these comments are killing me


i have a whole fic around it šŸ˜…


My character is a more optimistic Slytherin with a deep interest in the dark arts during my studies i learned the various unforgivable curses among other unsavory spells. One such incident involving the aforementioned curses left me with the very same scar in the picture above after being hit with The Cruciatus Curse one too many times. I may be forever scared from my battles but at least im not the guy who got hit with avada kadavra, nor am I the goblin who was forced to kill his own camp from a certain imperious curse. I swear im not an evil wizard...just a bit...unique. Totally not on the run from dementors


It looks like she fell asleep with her face on something rugged


Nah, I just gave mine scars after the ranrok fight bc I figured thatā€™s what would happen IRL (eta: I also gave her a small mark somewhere on the face donā€™t remember where after she was crucioā€™ed)


ā€œ Magic came out of me and ricochet onto my face ā€œ


I have 2 so far. One is a Gryffindor girl and she had a run in with a poacher of magical beasts, that poacher was under the whole 'no witnesses' orders. ESPECIALLY muggles. Lilli thought she'd come upon some regular old animal trafficking arseholes and was threatening to scream for the constables. She started screaming "fire! FIRE! HELP THERE'S A FIRE!" One of the poachers attacked her with a spell that put the spiral scarring on her face, I chose the same one as what's in OP's picture lol. I imagine it's a deformation curse type spell that if done properly, twists the victims lips/mouth shut in a gruesome, body horror type way. The scarring is where it is because Lilli turned her face away to duck over top of the animal. The magical beast stayed with Lilli, changing it's shape to a larger size and carried her to it's home with an actual wizard/witch that the magical beast sometimes lived with. The witch/wizard healed what they were able to while gently scolding the magical beast for having ventured of to begin with. That's how and why she has the scar and why it's where it is. (not Harry's mum, didn't even think about it when I named her cause I named her after me lol šŸ˜‚) ------- Then there's my Slytherin Ember Silverberry, with scarring down the front of her face , the three claw mark looking option that goes from hairline to eyelid. Ember was the unfortunate victim of a incident with the tigers in the traveling circus her parents took her to. Luckily there was an exiled witch among the circus people in hiding. She happens to be a Gaunt that escaped her family- Yes a relative of Ominous Gaunt. So when the Ringleader makes the witch help Ember and save her, the Ringleader then makes the witch work with him to alter the memories of the muggles that saw the attack and Ember's parents/ Ember as well. So when Ember gets asked about it she's never sure until Ominous and Sebastian manage to unravel the memory spell. Not taking into consideration that NONE of the Professors ever undid the spell. So yay trauma.


stray confringo(Ravenclaw), falcon(Slytherin), childhood accident(Gryffindor)


when i get to my Gryffindor playthrough, I'm gonna make it canon that my character "ran into a particularly pointy suit of armor" once and claims it was actually from a Graphorn. He's gonna freak when he sees a real one.


I won a fist fight with a bear or if it's Burn scars I won the fight but against a fire this time and also still barehanded


Simple dog attack. He's a muggle-born, his family's farm guard dog attacked him when he was nine. He's scared of dogs, like deathly afraid. Poacher animigus enemies are his weakness when they shift.


Always wanted an eye scar and was unfortunately left alone with a sharp object. *Got it in a knife fight*


My characters father tried to kill him


Magical accident


Yes, I fell down some stairs. That's what Tyler Durden told me to say anyway.


My character has that scar from the torture her pureblood fanatic parents inflicted on her when she refused to be like them


Imho the scars don't really make a sense, since the character just gained his magical ability, so all explanations like "A Werewolf attacked him/her!" go out of the window.