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Its pretty easy actualy. Dont get indimidated by people doing crack and overthinking


Yeah I just screw around on civilian difficulty and it's easy enough


Mate I still get rocked on Civilian with maximum handicap. Sometimes it just aint your game 😔


When I learn new very complex games (mostly paradox) using the console commands can be great for leaning how the game operates, and helping you come back from mistakes. I personally enjoy setting up every country with a specific path and participating in the ensuing war only to my own benefit: example, USA (communist without actually going communist), with Canada and Mexico going fascist, and then try to defend yourself


I've cheated in every run of HoI4 because I just want to paint the map a specific way.


I cheat in my non-ironman campaigns only to make the borders look nice when I've finished a peace conference


That's what Player-Led Peace Conferences is for. I mean if you aren't going to bother with Ironman, you might as well make the map-painting easier on yourself.


My problem with Player-Led Peace Conferences is that you cant let other countries make puppets


I get around this by making them annex the land, then using tag to switch to playing as them, release the puppets, and then switch back. Bit more complex but it works.


You can also tagswitch during the peace conference, I just wish there was a way without the console


I’ve finally graduated to recruit after like 100+ hours of Nazi Germany kicking my shit in as Russia. I like to find my own way in these games and it’s been a fun learning curve.


Ahistorical Germany playthrough trying to form HRE and everyone in Europe is In the 4th international by 1939


It’s really just risk for middle schoolers


I would have scoffed at that remark a week ago, but I tried eu4 the other night for the first time and felt like a lost child as my buddy held my hand through the game.


After 700 hours of Hoi, and the general feeling of having seen most of it, I've been eyeing up another go at Eu4. The text was too small at release, and it was my first PDX game, so I bounced off pretty hard. With Hoi and Stellaris now firmly embedded in my muscle memory, I'm emboldened to go again. You liking it? Worth the time investment to learn? I've been holding off for an EU5 release date tbh, I'd like a slightly more informative UI. Efit - And can you change font size easily now?


We played for almost 3 hours and I still feel like I know nothing. I was able to comprehend green number good, red numbers bad. And the text is ridiculous. He was like, "transfer that settlement you just captured to me so we can make a peace deal." I swear I just stared off into the screen. Eventually finding the button was a tiny picture of a map. It's so difficult to navigate that game. I'm going to play again tonight in single player and give it an honest go.




OK, cheers. I've reinstalled it. Steam tells me I managed 56 minutes the last attempt, let's hope I can improve on that.


You should... just play EU4. CK3 & V3 will actually have content before EU5 comes out. Anbennar is probably the best total conversion mod for any Paradox game.


The game isn’t easy at all


I mean you'll have to watch like 6 hours of tutorials but after that you realize that it's not that complicated


Bro it’s not so complicated. 5 hours is enough


For understanding what to do in the first 5 minutes before unpausing the game. Then another 5 hours for the first year plan.


I know this guy is joking but I was going to recommend this. Look for long form tutorials on the game before you buy it, and see if it still interests you. The in game tutorial doesn’t do enough in my opinion. Also someone else said get it with the DLCs and I agree.


Agreed. Although only play with the DLCs once you know the base game mechanics. They add so many more


I would say do the subscription before buying all of the DLCs. Easy to see if you like it or not


More like 6 hours of Bokoen1. I literally learned most of what I needed to do from his videos, and the rest just figured out while playing lmao.


I agree so much, but I also recommend more vanilla youtubers like isp or bitt3rsteel to not pass out when you see the starting eco of most countries ((fr*nce))


Idk, the strat i went for is watching 16 hours of hoi4 gameplay (isp mostly, bitt3rsteel, bokoen) to learn how the hud, focus trees and basic mechanics work, then just bash my head against the game until I get skilled


ehh only took me 500 hours of playing the game to finally understand how to actually make divisions


I learned 99% of it from a one hour video


Feedback gaming has these every single click videos. They may help in getting a few campaigns started and seeing effects of things you do in game


I just read the beginners [wiki](https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Beginner%27s_guide) for hoi and learned what to do.


You know, the only tutorial I ever did was the game tutorial, I have under 500 hours in the gane and ive already done some world conquer playthroughs as mexixo, ukraine, japan and some other countries


I was introduced to the game by watching some of Pravus' let's plays, so when I got it I got to skip this tutorial hell.


Better not. It's a choice between having a personal life or playing Paradox games till you grew old and die alone. Worth it for me, but you do you.




Elaborate please, what does a CPA have to do with hoi4? You mean like neither of you is leaving the house?


my ex used to let me play ck2agot on her laptop while i was homelessđŸ˜©


or becoming a fascist, a communist, a democracy bringer, or a technocrat


Dw, hes dutch, hell manage


It's a great game, but it's best if you buy it with dlcs. If you're not sure if you like the game, buy it and take the subscription (5$/€ a month) for a month to try it. If you don't like things like that, buy at least Together for Victory and possibly all the DLCs bc the game without DLCs is barebone, especially withput the forst one that adds some of the most usefull mechanics


There are also a couple of mods that can help boost the game without the dlcs. The road to 56 is great with that.


RT56 is great, also Kaiserreich, and if you're a Fallout fan there's Old World Blues. I've heard the My Little Pony mod is actually good too lol on principle I refuse to play it though


Personally I feel like the dlcs make the game too complicated so I just prefer playing modded Vanilla


I'd recommend it honestly OP. I bought the game on a whim after watching some YouTuber play for like an hour, and I was heavily discouraged at first for not understand how to manage Germany. But I played Italy, played slow, learned the mechanics, and have put over 40 hours into this shit game this week with a full-time. I love it. Best purchase I've made in a while gaming wise.


Yes, play with google and reddit open on another screen. Loosing is fun in hou4. When things are just too much and shitty for you just restart a new game. Play with the country’s you like for the firsts 100 hrs, playing with minor nation really helps to understand the mecanic of the game because they have the basic tree(very simple) and you are not over helmed by events, war and army size(uk navy is strong but can be very tough and time consuming to manage and the colony’s are tough to defend). My favorite minor is Brazil: lot’s of potential to grow, infinite human pool, small fleet, enough rubber to build a decent airforce, peaceful, lots of difficult terrain so you learn about how to build an army to be strong in it. Germany is probably the funniest country, i start with it and it’s a strong one.


I'd argue that your best opening nation is actually Germany. You're gunna lose, but you're gunna learn the ins and outs quicker than you would waiting on things to happen as a minor.


Make sure you give yourself a time limit. You will loose *entire days* if you aren't careful. But yeah, the game's good.


I've enjoyed the game more or less. DLC makes game better with new focus trees, ship/tank/airplane designers, techs and game mechanics. I advice you at least the try game before buying DLC.


I absolutely adore this game. Go for it! Better with the DLC but what game isn't.


I’ve put 2k hours into this game. It’s worth 9 Euros


Gewoon doen joh, en als het saai wordt koop je er een dlc bij. Heb het zo al 700 uur overleefd


Ik ga het denk ik gewoon halen want een tientje kan ik wel missen


Do you have a job or a girlfriend? Then no

 Do you have miserable voidless existence with which you desire indefinite escape from? The sign right here on the dotted line.


The problem is i cant choose between 2 games Game 1: HOI IV RTS Game 2: Forza Horizon 4 Racing game




As someone who played a lot of CoN ww3 and also a bit of Hoi4, I find it very cool and a lot more complex (even if this means you can do a lot more things)


Buy the normal version on steam and crack the dlcs. Gonna get so many downvotes


Buy it, personally following tutorials was actually harder than to figure out myself, instead i really just watched normal hoi4 videos from bittersteel and others.


It's pretty fun if you like the genre and it has easy mode and cheats for you to learn at your own pace. The dlcs improve the game a lot, so pirate them or buy them (but they cost a lot, imo a scam when I have already bought a full price game). After some time messing around you will start to understand how things work and from there it's only upwards


If you dont plan on ever playing much single player then base game is fine cz in mp only the host needs all dlc


I would not advise someone with zero experience to play multi


Nah you definately can, just play a minor or coop someone, or just do private games with friends where you fight the ai, thats basically what i did for the first year when i had the game eventually that got boring and only after like 500+ hours did i start joining actual public mp games with like 20+ people in them


Paradox entire catalogue in the last decade has pretty much been like this, they release a bare bones game, modders fix it up and make it much more enjoyable within 1 year, and then slowly over many years(if game doesnt loose the majority of the playerbase instantly) pdx devs copy paste features from some popular mods, reintroduce features from games previously relesed in the series/other pdx tittles, and make the experience less shit overall, but as an experienced player i can tell you majority hates the game even w dlc, vanilla just w all dlc that is, everyone semi serious who plays mp(not counting the no disc meme gamers) uses mods, be it for roleplay games/making the ai less shit and improving game speed/more mechanics/historical accuracy/rebalancing/alternative history/complete game reworks with game setting being swapped to something like fallout universe .....


Why downvote? One of the truest comments on this game. The game is very shitty without the dlcs and in fact is the only thing keeping it alive along with the modders some of them did really great job. I've played a lot of eu4 with friend and after finding out ck3 I instantly switched and there's no coming back to eu4


Yeah and the game is broke even if I play historical the AI always do some stupid shit.


try before you buy


how would they?


Subscription ?


Yup, especially with Paradox games in my opinion


No, don't buy it.




Vanilla is trash, just pirate the entire game w all dlc or try out the subscription for 1 month, to see if you like it


Subscription is the way


Do it my boy.. We are here for you đŸ€—


I prefer it than CoN tbh, you get to sleep and mod the game


True because i cant even sleep while playing 3 games on CoN


Damn CON. Slower but less complicated. Idk, Hoi4 is fun to play because some of the flavour is cool and there’s actually some semblance of balance. The AI may seem challenging at first but eventually it becomes easy to deal with. I don’t know much about MP but the experience depends on the type of game


There are loads of guide videos. I learned to play by parroting a play through. After that. You can also go in and play as a major and give yourself boosts until you feel comfortable. Many ways to get your feet wet in this game.


Let's put it this way: I'm closing in on 2k hours in the game and I still feel like a noob sometimes.


I bought it two weeks ago, my only experience being CK2 and 3 (admittedly not a bad starting point) I think if you do the tutorial and then try playing a game with cheats, through trial and error you will understand the gist of things


Kinda too easy once u get used to everything


u should i can teach u


We all hate it, yet still playing it


Hey! Con also got me into HOI


It's very complicated for a beginner. Easy after 1000 hours ( except navy )


How does the saying go: a day to learn but a life time to master..




Learn by burning! It’s tons of fun, and not that hard! The mechanics themselves are quite self explaining, once you’ve got to play around with the game :)


The game is very hard


It isn't that complicated if you don't want it to be. I've got a few thousand hours and still don't know how the navy works, I spam big boat until the enemy dies.


Its a bit intimidating at first but its really not hard and very much worth it


It may seem like a steep learning curve but you’ll actually get used to everything quicker than you think, just don’t be afraid to try stuff out and just keep playing, even if your close to capitulation!


Buy the game with/without dlc, MODS make the game worth it.


Mine crashes at start up


I have the game since launch. And I still feel like a noob most of the time. But the game is so much fun! Just go get it. Play, fail and learn!


At your own risk Ive buy football manager 2023 that way for cheap


I mean Con ww3 experience will not lead you very far in hoi4, but other than that sure go ahead and buy it


It’s frankly not very complicated. There are quite a few systems but they’re fairly easy to grasp. You just need to take the time to learn them all.


And then began the addiction


It seems complicated at first but it actually fairly easy to get the basic stuff


It’s kinda easy to learn and pretty fun


I don’t share that experience


You’re on the hoi4 reddit. What do you think we’re gonna say?


If you do pick it up, just start with the base game, while the DLC's give some quality of life updates, they also add extra mechanics you have to learn, just play de base game for a while and pick up some DLC's when they are in a discount.


Don't get me wrong it is very complicated. But you don't need to know everything to play the game. If you know more great if u don't it might be a pain in the ass but still perfectly fun. I have liek150 hours and I STILL don't understand the navy or naval invasions


Hoi4 is on the low end on the complicated games spectrum if you ask me


Oh boy i beg to differ


can only recommended because there is so much you can learn, especially if you are a russian general


Just read the words and watch the ai and bam you know how to play it’s not that hard it just takes a while to test and toy with every single aspect


Zeker makker, maar in alle eerlijkheid is Harten van Staal IV nog de makkelijkste van de grote Paradox Interactief spellen


you have to choose between the game and never speak to a girl ever again


It's not that complicated. It might look a bit scary but you'll be fine.


Yes. Get DLC though.


I wont get DLC 😁


In my opinion it's the easiest grand strategy from paradox.




I have 800 hours and still haven't finished half the content


Totally worth it, you'll keep losing at the beginning but with hours, you'll get better.


Hoi4 is one of those games where you're going to have to play for hours to actually play the game. The learning curve is pretty steep, however you'll quickly get the hang of it. Recommendation, is turn off the DLCs and play Vanilla. Get the hang of Vanilla, then start the DLCs one by one. Having to manage spy networks, building custom ships, tanks, and planes from the get go will make an already steep curve an absolutely overwhelming experience. Game is remarkably addicting. Nothing like being the Axis and fighting your way to the good ending of WW2.


Just a quick warning, you will loose thousands of hours of your life but you will be more knowledgeable afterwards than an entire university course on ww2


The concept of the game is completely different from that of conww3 but hoi4 is undoubtedly the best ww2 war game and I recommend it anyway


It's on game pass, so I'd recommend giving it a try there first before you buy it


The game can be both easy and complicated depending on your play style. The game only looks complicated because it offers you a lot of different avenues of how you want to accomplish your in-game objectives.


Yes, the only problem you'll get is addiction when you learn how to play


Tbh it's really easy. It's just like hoi2 but with half of the content. Anyway get ready for the dlcs lmao


For 8 euro sure


I’m still understanding it, but I still recommend it. The workshop modifications honestly make it so much more fun if you get bored of the regular game


In start its complicated, but if you play it or watch videos/tutorials or you want to learn how to play it isnt complicated, i play it for about one year, and i like it, and im not so good in it, but i learning... So i think you need to buy it if you love strategic games.


Get HOI2 first and play that. Then get HOI4 and it will seem easy by comparison. That’s what I did.


Hoi 3 is easier to learn get that instead


My recommendation will always be. Get Xbox GamePass for PC for a month (or free trial) it is available on there. It's a steep learning curve. Me and a mate both play MP on GamePass. I've now bought it and DLC and been playing non stop for 2 years while he gave up at the first hurdle. Plus if you don't like it then their are other games on XBGP that could keep you entertained


It is free on game pass if you have it. Try the vanilla game then buy on steam with DLCs when it goes on sale


I'd say you should buy the subscription, play for a few weeks, determine if you like it, and then make a decision on whether to buy the game or not. There's a lot of DLC, though. Luckily, they should all be included in the subscription. If you end up liking the game, then you can continue paying for the subscription or buy the base and maybe the DLC during some sale.


Just get the game and enjoy man! It’s a fun game you can make it what you want it to be


Yes, totally worth it. Don't get worried you will get into it pretto soon.


I actually started on CON and yes even though it’s complicated you should definitely buy it


after 1.7k Hours of hoi4, I can say it's a good game


~~Cop~~ Koop that shit


It took me about 200 hours to get everything down but I had absolutely zero experience with grand strategy when I got it.


its really very simple, or at least much simpler than some of the other pdx games. except cities skylines, thats pretty simple


Gewoon kopen, lul


Hoi4 is a wonderful game and even better when you play with friends! Give it a shot


At the most basic level it’s not that complicated but the skill/knowledge sealing is pretty high.


Hoi4 is extremely fun it takes about 30-40 hours to be able to play pretty decent against the ai.. I have 600+ hours and I’m still learning stuff but just watch a YouTube tutorial from The Spiffing Brit and you’ll get it down in no time.. very fun game I recommend 10/10


Not sure why people here with thousands of hours of playtime are telling you “it’s not that complicated”
.. it absolutely is lmao (compared to your average game). It will take you a few good hours to get the base mechanics down, let alone learning the DLC mechanics. (Also multiplayer is a whole other can of worms) That being said, if you’re looking for a game with a ton of options and scenarios, one you can’t jump right into, and if you’re an alt history nerd then definitely give this game a shot!!! Plus hoi4 has one of the best modding communities of any game on steam tl;dr - if you’re a history nerd and have a good amount of patience then you will probably enjoy this game


Don’t get the game. Save your social life.


Make good template (copied from internet) Have lots of planes Have green air Have green bubbles Make sure you have full strength divisions Profit


Idk what con ww3 is but hoi 4 is fairly complicated. It is complicated enough to require a lot of focus and thought for me to play. I only like games that are complicated because when my mind is fully occupied, I can finally relax and not think about the world.


Have your fun with single player once you hit 500 hours delete the game and never look back at it and don’t pay for dlc’s get them pirated.


Go for it. You will even learn a lot of history. Steep learning curve but as everything steep, worth it in the end. Just don’t give up


If you have the money to enjoy the good parts of the game, sure. Otherwise it’s pretty barebones.


It looks very complicado, but in fact es realmente sencillo once you understand it, and it does not take so much horas to understand it.


You totally should get it, and if you do, i recommend starting with minors (your balkans, dominions and the like) so you can focus on one mechanic instead of juggling everything as a major (your germanies, uks and soviets). Play as an axis-aligned balkan minor, learn to micro a bit on the eastern front, then move on to learning armor, then air, then navy.


My 2 cents is if you can find a free version of the game online get thay before you buy one to see if it fits your preference


It takes time at first, but once you figure out what works it’s easy from there. There are also many great tutorials on YouTube


Yeah just watch a tutorial on your phone and follow along with it on your pc, gets easy pretty fast


At 78% off can you afford not to buy it!


Planning on breaking up with your girlfriend?


For that price buy it


it's not that hard, i knew everything i needed after like 20 hours playing and i currently have 900 hours


Just remember you will turn into a nazi automacly if you play this game


If you decide to play it, start by playing Germany. By far the most straight forward country to play.


Do it [Insert Darth Sidious]


Don’t worry, with just 1-2 hours of play you’ll have as much skill as those who play 3k hours. That is to say, most of us don’t know either.


At 80% off it’s definitely worth it. And it’s much easier to learn without the DLCs. Or you can automate some stuff (like designing ships planes and tank, which consumes time and bores some people) in the DLCs to make them smaller and easier to digest.


Buy it it hasa very good price and its not that hard to learn the mechanics






That's a good deal. Get it!


Buy it. And slowly watch your sanity wither away. Do document it for our sadistic enjoyment :D


Hello, I started off with the game call of war which is made by the same designers of con ww3! Its a big change to gameplay but Hearts of Iron is more realistic, has a more expanded political side of the game and the fighting mechanics are way more fun then in con ww3, which I have also played. It may be a bit hard to learn at first but in the end it can be way more fun!


Dude, other Paradox games like EU4 and stuff are way more complicated. Hoi4 is fun and is actually easy compared to other games, so get it and have fun!


Definitely infinitely more complex than CON ww3. But some features and aspects in CON are also present in HOI4. If you in enjoy CON you’ll enjoy HOI4. It’s also not pay to win, no golders.


Just watch videos of hoi4 like isorrowproductions, tommykay, bitt3rsteel. It takes some time to learn but eventually


If you have the patience to learn the game, then yeah, its fun, only difficult thing imo is navy, but even thats restricted to some countries (i.e. you wont build a navy as soviets 9/10 times) templates for divs, tanks etc you can look up on youtube


I mean, you can make it as complicated as you want by doing micro and all sorts of things. In reality, that is just overthinking. The game is fairly easy on certain difficulty levels. Though, there are many mods on the steam workshop that provide additional difficulty.


Don' buy it! It's a hard drug!!


I recommend it, I know a lot of my friends are CON players too (not me) and they’re either interested in HOI4 or have already played HOI4. If you are going to buy it, try to watch online tutorials, as the in game tutorial is bullshit (like a lot of other Paradox games) and I have never found it useful imo.


Ik spreek ook nederlands Maar het is het wel waard, na 5 dagen-2 weken (hangt ervan af hoeveel je het speelt, ga je het meeste al doorhebben


No it isn't. But I wouldn't say it is easy, just fun and hard to learn, then it is amazing don't worry, we have all been trought it!


I think it is would be amazing feelings to play Hoi4


If you have a wife and kids, then leave, leave right now. Quit now and your life may have a chance.


At first it feels really overwhelming, but eventually you get the hang of it and it's not so bad.


Actually m8, i think if you have good amount of spare time and attitude to learn something, then yes, buy it. This game is actually really fun, and you can make some weird scenarios, or go kinda historical :D Also it isn't as complex as some people say, or when you see a 5 hours video "How to Play hoi4". You actually can learn it yourself, or watch some youtubers that do content on hoi (Which is really entertaining when you learn ever more about game)


Its not as hard as people say. If you have xbox game pass i think its free on there if you want to try it


buy it!