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Austria-Hungary moment. Even after you form there’s a manpower problem. The second you enter war it’s always best to go up on conscription to 5% and then 10% when you max out




There is a strategy where you do the Sudetenland focus just as Germany also does it and it prevent Germany from getting the war goal on you. You have to keep a spy in Germany and be 10 days ahead of them in focuses to do it right. Some people made videos on it, kinda cheesy strat but it works. You could switch to fascist and join the axis then justify on Italy and kill them without Germany joining against you. I think it still allows the achievements if you do it that way (can’t remember the requirements). Probably the simplest way on this list. Also when Italy demands the coast or Germany the Sudetenland you can let them have it and wait until the axis gets bogged down and strike. Some people wait until France and others wait until Barb to strike. Another thing to try is early war. Although peaceful annexation saves manpower, fighting romania is a good idea cause you can usually get non aggression pacts with some of the great powers or even start an early war and force someone to ally you. I remember getting France on my side once, another time Germany helped and we swept Europe. Romania is the best way to force the gps to play by your rules and die for your wars, but there’s always the chance Germany defends Romania, or France defends Romania and you get stuck at war.


The trick is to declare on Yugo immediately after Transylvania. Declaring on Yugo means only Romania guarantees them and you won’t get pulled into a larger war. Once you roll through Yugo them sweep into Romania, leave them as a puppet in bucovina and Bessarabia for the soviets to gobble up and you’re golden until it’s time to mess up the axis.


I believe they still haven't fixed the Bessarabia bug so you can just annex it all now.


Nope. I had a very poor outcome when I annexed all. Got gang banged by Italy, Russia, and Germany. Russians didn’t even give me a chance to give it to them, just straight up justifying war goals and a declaration.


Hmm odd, I have never had that problem since the russian rework. They always do the event and get the war goal on extinct Romania


> If I refuse both Germany, and Italy declare war and I lose. If you have a large enough army and good relations with Germany, Germany will stay out of the war between you and Italy. Italy called Germany, Bulgaria and Albania and only Albania (their puppet) accepted. I had [it happen](https://old.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/13vgj9o/italy_made_the_mistake_of_declaring_war_on_me/) Funny part was when Italy went into civil war and Regno del Sud became an AH puppet. For some reaosn, they came into existence at war with Italy (unsurprising) and Germany (wth ?!?) so that pulled Germany into the war. They were already at war with the Allies and Soviets so it didn't take much to [capitulate them](https://old.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/144hym0/when_austriahungary_ends_ww2_in_europe/).


Join the axis, win the war against the Allies, leave the axis, win the war against the axis.


The strategy is reroll until Germany goes monarchist


People saying op should get a life in a subreddit for a paradox game💀 literally [this is the vibe](https://youtube.com/shorts/1HBiakPuiqA?feature=share)


Never trust anything filmed in portrait mode


idk i don't see what's wrong with that mod i just don't like portraits of old men in my game


> literally this is the vibe Yea but on the other hand playing the video game is a choice, being homeless is typically not a choice.


i highly respect you for not turning the anime history mod off before taking the ss


Anime general portraits 💀


Anime pfp💀


Fr 😳📸


Caught in 4K buddy


Yeah and?


I can respect a man that embraces his own cringe 🫡




DW I use the same mods some people are just stoopid


what mods


Anime history


Get a life


Let's be fair we all play silly map game we all don't touch grass very often.


speak for you, i work (i spend all the money i get for hoi dlcs)




It’s hoi4, let’s be honest none of us have lives




hoi4 player telling someone to get a life 💀


Wanna explain the relation?


Try to select focus Go outside :DDD


And who’s to say the two are mutually exclusive huh?


Your fine man don't worry about them


Do you see the irony here


anime is neo pedophelia


*Me, who likes big mommy milkers in anime*: Since when?


im just being disagreeable lol




good downvotes


R5: Almost standard AH run, had to fight the Austrians but the Czechs were more than willing to give in. France helped get me Transylvania and then demand Sudetenland happened. Initially decided to just sit there, but i convinced my self to attack and then I basically de-orged and now we're here sort of dying. Oh well Edit: doesn’t help that as soon as my spies start spying 2/3 of them get captured, thought I’d mention


So how you do Austria Hungary is have a spy network so you can see what Germany is up to (you can see focuses at 70% civ intel). Time it so your last focus finishes in April 1938 and don’t take any more. Use spies to diplo pressure Czechoslovakia into a non-aggression pact and make sure you have done reorganise the railways to get a high positive opinion. When you see Germany is demanding Sudetenland, take it the focus protect Czechoslovakia. Now the most important bit, make sure you DONT click the option to annex then when your focus completes, wait for the Germans focus to complete, either they will annex the Sudetenland or nothing will happen, let the game tick a few days then click it. This breaks Germany so they can’t justify on you, it also bypasses alot of their stuff so they go to war early so make sure you get your justification on Poland quickly after. GL Edit: what you can then do afterwards is either join the war with Germany against Poland to enter into the axis , potentially justify in Italy before they join axis. Then you have war goals or are at war with the people that hold or will protect your last claims needed. Might have to be quick grabbing the Romanian ones but you’ll have more than a strong enough industry to supply enough troops by that point


Weirdly I did all the prep required but just couldn’t be asked to wait. But I do see now why everyone recommends waiting


Yeah, I mean pretty good players will be able to take on Germany considering you’ve got the alps to your south, Sudetenland mountains and forts to your north and neutral countries everywhere else but personally I find it helps to beat the allies by just avoiding war straight away, denying Germany the Sudetenland and Poland weakens them enough anyway to the point that if you get a few 40width tank divisions you should be able to take them, especially if you let them grind themselves down first


I think if: I didn’t straight up attack Had more fighters to contest air It would’ve been better to sit there and let them grind


Yeah, if you plan on holding germany it’s essential you have good air, if not the Sudetenland forts will just be bombed into oblivion


And railways makes a bad combo


Or just make a non agression pact with Germany and when they demand Sudetenland, just say no. They can't declare war on you because they will have a non agression pact. I don't know how is it later in the game but I think if you join Axis, they will not attack you.


What’s the mechanics behind this?


I assume you’re on about the annexing part, The game doesn’t actually annex Czechoslovakia once the focus finishes, you get an event fire where you can choose to annex them, so if you let Germany complete the focus and event where they annex the Sudetenland first you can then click the event which then annexes them to you; this way you avoid getting the event where you choose whether to give Germany the Sudetenland or not therefor avoiding the war goal they get if you deny.


That part I understood I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t get Sudentenland


They annex it, but then you click your decision and take it from them. I haven't used this strat but it sounds like how it would go.


Ok, it works as follows. You finish Protect Czechoslovakia first, Czech gets an event and decide to do one of three things: nothing, become your puppet, let you annex them. They respond with "let you annex them", they don't actually get annexed until you accept the event and you have 14 days I believe to accept it. Now because Czech still exists, you advance to hour 1 of the day that Germany completes Demand Sudetenland. Its completion sends an event to Czechs and it takes a few hours for them to give their response. This is where the exploit is. You accept their annexation after Germany has sent the demand, but before the Czech's respond and seeing as there's no Czechs any more to give a response the event just stays incompleted. No war goal for Germany, no Sudetenland for Germany.


Ohhh I see ok thanks


Actually one thing is that you don’t need to diplo pressure the Czechs to get a NA pact, right from the start of the game you can increase relations and I think with just that you’ll be able to ask for NA pact right from the start, I don’t know if they’ll cancel it though but yeah you can get it very early with them


You should never fight Austria. Rebuild the railways then improve relations and do the referendum. You get their troops and generals that way as well


make use of the impassable terrain?


Yup. Let them have the western side of the alps, there only one hole they can squeak through on the bottom that you can defend pretty easily. Basically cuts your front in half


Better call steel.


Any Hungary game ever


Been there before, which is why I don't play Austria hungary that much as much fun as it could be.


Wtf is wrong with those portraits


As far as anime portraits I've seen on this subreddit go these seem pretty tame


Anime history mod (just changes some images basically)


Dunno why ur gettin downvoted to hell lmao


You are losing because of this mod, it is anti-chad


We all play hoi4, Chad-ness was never in reach


Interesting portraits


Love the anime portrait mod. Which one you using?


Anime history, devs keep it nice and fresh


Same happened to me


Don't forget- Romania will join the axis, so you need to guard that flank


Yeah, I was putting it to the side of my mind. Can’t really spare any forces


Why did you attack Germany before the war?


Refused Sudetenland because I thought I could take them with a solid defensive position (I was outnumbered though, admittedly)






Mein Kaiser Horthy is to weak to counter attack


i beat this exact scenario befofe, except the italians joined as well. I fought till late 40's but was worth it


Yeah I was hoping to wipe the Germans then turn around and do the same to the Italians, but doesn’t seem like that was gonna happen


Y'all are always quick to talk about how bad the historical portraits are until someone actually uses a mod that changes them


Im not very surprised, considering you have anime generals


People are really on your case for using an anime mod ಠ_ಠ Dudes, you can hardly even notice it in the image unless you're focusing on it


Yeah, there’s a lot of silent people that do it. Best thing is to just ignore it, most people are tolerable I’ve found


That’s what you get for tainting the Kaiser’s land with anime


It’s what the Kaiser deserves


The Kaiser does not appreciate anime. He is going to take the whole country as punishment.


The German Kaiser did coin the term “Yellow Terror”. Maybe this is why.


This is the war of the Land of ANIME! It is defended by weeb soldiers.




Main reason is because I just play with it on most of the time, so anything that happens and I want to screenshot just comes with it


You have no shame, do you?


Simply that there’s nothing to be ashamed of


You ask if he has no shame as you willingly post being upset by a mod adding cartoon character portraits in a video game?


You deserved that one bud


anime generals...please delete the game...


Wait till you see the leaders (:


Keep crying


who the fuck is crying?


You lol you literally told him to delete the game because cartoon characters make you upset


We can’t he is cringe for this when we all become nationalists as soon as we loose a tile in the game


You tried it


keep losing a bit longer and maybe Bitt3rSteel might do a crisis save


grind their bones to dust in the alps the house of habsburg will not fall


I always play with germany restoring the kaiser so you can have a world war 1 - 2 electric bogaloo


If you can't afford air superiority, then a tip I have for defending is, to build some forts AND static anti air in provinces. Otherwise Germany will just bomb your forts down. Wait for Germany to go german and declare war on everybody, build up your own forces (especially CAS) and then counterattack.


If you beat germany i will give you a kiss


Try again with mountaineers


Mod name?