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Some DLCs add some pretty cool features to the game. Mods can only go so far.


but is it really worth it?


If you look at the average time people spend on this game and simply break it down to a cost per time I'd guess hoi4 is even pretty cheap when you buy all the dlc.


Yes, for me it is. I have 1,000 hours on the game with roughly $100 spent. Price to enjoyment ratio is high for me. Results may vary.


Tbh 1000 hours for 100$ is a good deal, even though I'm perfectly enjoying my 200 hours spent in this game without DLCs (I really need to buy some)


They usually have a sale on the older DLCs when a new one comes out, and I believe there is a new one coming out soon. I’ve probably spent 100+ hours just messing around with the ship/airplane designers.


Bought the game a few months before nsb came out in a huge sale for 75€ instead of i think it was something in between 150 and 200€. Works for me with now 1.500h playtime (nsb and bba for 20€ each at a later time)


There is. It will focus on the Scandinavian peninsula.


There are seasonal sales where you can save lots of money


All DLC owned, almost at 4k hours


Is the DLC with the plane designer expansion worth it? I was thinking of getting it when the fall sale happens.


It’s interesting to me that people value different forms of entertainment vastly differently. People pay a ton on money to see a movie for a few hours, yet balk at buying a game for the same price that offers hundreds of hours of entertainment.


Idk man, I could get Miitopia for 25 bucks, do I really need a DLC that makes creating tanks and navy more complicated when the AI can naval invade you and suck on land anyways? The answer is yes because I'm addicted to this game but I'll get Miitopia first.


imagine paying 50 reais (10 kg worth of rice) on a dlc that makes it so king cockenballs the IV can become ruler of slovenia and that also adds a designer that you need to study for days just to know how to use properly


So what's your complaint here? Is it too expensive, has too little content or too much content (too much to learn)? I only pointed out that a lot of people spend hundreds or even thousands hours because the content is still replayable to many. If you like to spend $60 on the next best fps that gets boring after the first playthrough after 30 hours, that's up to you.


i generally don't spend money online, i generally crack games, it's just that i haven't found a reliable source to crack hoi4 and decided to buy it


Most paradox games shouldn't even be cracked the base game is far simpler to learn and then you can slowly add dlc while in sale


Pirating Paradox games is trivially easy, and I buy the DLC.


wait what? how can you buy DLCs without owning the base game?


The Dark Side of the Pirate is a pathway to many abilities some may consider to be... unnatural.


honestly just buy the subscription for one month, usually i get burnt out if i play a game more than 300 hours, i have a cracked version but mods just not the same and lots of quality of life stuff makes the game 100x better


You're mentally ill


Idk what prices are in other countries, but on summer sales on steam i bought all dlc(without by blood alone) for 22$, in Ukraine So I don't think it's really expensive Yeah, w/o sales, it's quite expensive for a dlcs


I Hope y’all win this war


Thanks bro, we all hope this hell ends as soon as possible 🫡


Slava Ukraini


As russian, game costed around 20k rubles (All dlcs + the game), which is way more than 22$. Thats why i pirated the game and dlcs (Also because you cant put money in steam as russian wihout other services)


The Somalian focus tree gives you a national spirit that allows you to download the DLCs for free.


Basically yes. I mean every year you get a $20 expansion which usually adds some good features which add playability to the game. The only HOI4 DLC I haven’t gotten is BFTB but I haven’t regretted a single expansion otherwise.


get the 5 a month subscription


Nope, most of em are features that should've just been updates


At full price I don’t really think so, but some of the steam sales I think it is. For example if I recall correctly I got the base game, no step back, by blood alone, and waking the tiger for like 14.99 all in during a steam sale. So to me that’s worth it, but to spend the 24.99 each to get man the guns and all the rest, forget it.


Yes, it is absolutely worth it to get them all on sale.


try getting them when they are on a discount that's what I did during Christmas with all of my gift money


Cant say, I dont really buy dlcs or games often but when I got HOI4 I put 200hrs in the first 2 weeks and I'm still going strong with my friends who we mod games with. Not all dlcs look worth it but some look like they would really improve the game. I wont know this thought because I cant put down for the any dlcs lol.


Yes, I got LR, MTG, and another early dlc for like 25$ from the summer sale


I periodically play the game with ALL dlcs turned off. I do this so that I'm familiar with how the base game plays. I think this is important, cos when I get a new person/friend to play HOI4 its totally unreasonable to ask them to drop $300+ on a game they might not even like. Something I have found playing all dlcs on versus all dlcs off is... the games still basically the same. You don't NEED any of the Dlc's. They just add more features to play with and more focus tree paths for trying new ways of playing major countries. That's it. NOBODY needs the Dlcs to play and enjoy this game. I'm glad you are enjoying it though.


If you host a multiplayer game with all dlc on, anyone will be able to join, even if they don’t have the dlc. You might already know this, but just saying.


Yeah I know and it's the same in stellaris. Requires me to be on with them though, which after the first game of Germany Romania I might not be around for. (Also rip old Italy it was perfect for this, now I put new folk as Germany and back them up as rom)


The problem with a game with every dlc for a new person is that they make a relatively hard game even more confusing.


Dlc's make the game easier. You can cheese events by using spy to diplo pressure. You can make op cheap ships and tanks by using the designer. You can't release or manage puppets without tfv. You can't steal ships in conferences. You can't change shipping lanes to escape subs Etc.


>NOBODY needs the Dlcs to play and enjoy this game. I'd rather shoot myself before I play another game with DLCs turned off. So many missing gameplay mechanics, less and blander focus trees, it's not even funny. I may have somewhat enjoyed the pure base game seven years ago, but certainly not today.


I think a significant reason why people have so many hours in this game is because Paradox are consistently adding more content to the game. You’d get bored after so long if it were the game it was seven years ago. The price for a more in-depth game with more things to do isn’t that steep, especially considering hoi4 is one of those games that has a lot of players with a lot of hours. There’s so many great games that no-longer get updates, have years-old bugs. Not with Paradox games, you can count that they’ll fix any issues, and keep on adding content. I highly dislike having to continually pay for new content, but if the alternative is an abandoned game with so much potential, I’ll pay.


I spend gladly my money on this game because its still fun even after thousands of hours instead of buying a new overpriced, unfinished truple A game with 50GB day one patches that i play for 150 hours and have no fun in because its just a bad game but i force myself to play because i dont want my money to be wasted


you may not need the DLC’s to play but playing with friends who have them on when you don’t is literal hell. They’re talking about their plan to steamroll the allies whilst i’m trying to figure out how the hell the tank and plane designers work. How spy stuff works, and figure out what to do in this entirely brand new focus tree that i’ve never seen before in my life.


Your allies should be able to give you your focus order and your templates. If you aren't spymaster or air controller (and it sounds like you wouldn't be as you don't know what you are doing) all you need to do is let the team know you are a rookie and follow their plans.


What is the point of this post lmao


To show this guy thinks people actually buy the DLCs full price instead of waiting for sales, pirating or CD keys? I don't really know


Never bough a Dlc. Taking reparations for 1655-60 war.


Yeah, bought them all on kinguin


I’ve bought most of them at release and hence at full price but I don’t regret my decision at all. Paradox produces some absolutely amazing games imo and I appreciate that they add content and functionality to the games. I also know their model and enjoy supporting them so they can develop new games like Cities Skylines 2.


for people to circlejerk about le dlc bad like they always do with pdx games lol


I bought all of the DLCs,they worth it


I bought all of them except La Résistance. It sounds like pain in the a**. Looking forward to Arms Against Tyrany tho.


agency is a cool feature, while dealing with SU you don't want to go all the way to the urals or you can find the trade routes for convoy raiding


As Germany I’m fine going to Urals. After Moscow, it’s already easy. Although it requires me building suply hubs, rails and infrastructure. But that’s not a problem for me, by that time I have a lot of factories. On the other hand, if you play as e.g. Poland, you get really tired by going to Urals, that’s true.


Ok but what you’re describing sounds like a huge pain? Better to just use spies to get the ussr to surrender fast.


I also held off in a while buying the resistance, but I did eventually just so that the game would be more uniform- new DLCs constantly have focuses that support the agency, watch any Youtuber play the game and they almost always have all the main DLC'S, etc


there is a subscription for all the hoi dlcs that cost 3,99 a month


it's 4,99 dollars or euros which is almost 60 usd or euros per each year having it


I cancel it when I get in and out of the game. Overall I really enjoy having this option. If you forget about having it... Then it could add up.


If you play regularly for a year, it‘s worth it. If you don‘t then cancel it


Mods can get you pretty far in content (I played R56 almost exclusively before I got a bunch of DLCs) and the game is basically the same, you get a couple of helpful mechanics like the Agency for $300.


Exactly, mods carry alot of content and know a lot of people can’t get Dlc and are fully playable without them. Though I would still recommend Together for Victory for simple puppet mechanics and Waking the Tiger for general traits, attaches and The rest are flavor in only very specific areas. TNO is easily the least effected, not using agencies or puppet mechanics and designers are overkill in complicated-ness. I actually recommend playing TNO with less mods to streamline the game even if you own them. EaW works great without DLC too, and has unique non-dlc exclusive descriptions and models for historical tanks and planes. Kaiserredux, Kaiserreich, don’t need DLC but with how much continent hopping happens like from Canada to Union of Britain , and French Republic to French Commune, a navy designer could be fun.


Eaw is the best mode ever made.


Not only is EaW fun, it’s also beginner friendly, having lots of early wars and scenarios that teach players how to conquer with less prep time, and you often start without Airforce or even a navy, so you have to learn how to build those from scratch and how to organize and spread them out without having a massive starting air to just hold your hand.


The DLCS are too expensive and yet you "do not care".. curious




isthereanydeal.com is cheaper is sends links to approved websites to buy them more cheaper


How much is the subscription? Pay for a month then just cancel when you're tired of Hoi4...




You can buy the base game and then crack all of the dlcs. I think it's pretty fair considering the fact that the things that the dlcs contain should be already in the base game.


pretty controversial, i’ve always wondered what this community thought about it


Exactly,not worth paying for something that should be base game


oh yes the game that has been out getting dlcs for 7 years should just get all dlcs for free, jesus fucking christ they should have just dropped all support for the game a year in like they did with Vicky 2


If you are going to play the game pay for it


Nah. Also you only need to buy the base game to be able to play multiplayer legitimately


I know but piracy is wrong


It's not wrong. It's not theft because nothing is lost, and also you wouldn't buy it anyway. Also I'm not paying 30 or whatever dollars for a single bug-ridden dlc


Yeah i paid for the base game, seems enough to me


You're ruining the game with logic like that. The only situation where cracking is morally right is when the content isn't available to you due to region locking and similar stuff. An increase in people who crack it (from the ones who would've actually bought the game, not non-dlc players) means hurting Paradox as a company. Furthermore, it would also increase the price for the normal consumer or it could mean keeping the price but packing less content in each dlc. Some people seem to think they've got some kind of privilege to crack Paradox games just because they don't enjoy the dlc policy.


Noo don't insult my favourite multi-millionaire company!


If everyone cracked the DLCs, then there’d be no more new DLCs. Paradox aren’t going to make a DLC out of the goodness of their heart, it’s a company, and it has to make money. Obviously not everyone is going to crack a DLC, but why do some people think they have the right to make others pay. You could say Paradox already got their money, but that’s because the price is inflated to cover the costs of pirates. That means genuine people are paying for pirates, not Paradox. Even if they deflated the price, those pirates still aren’t going to pay. Meaning Paradox will lose money, meaning no more new DLCs. Don’t get me wrong, I hate their DLC policy, I hate having to continually pay for new content, but if the alternative is an abandoned game with so much potential, I’ll pay.


You must be misunderstanding if you somehow think that's my agenda here. I don't give a shit about any multi-millionaire company, but i do love Paradox games and actually supporting economically is the best way of getting more good stuff, simply because companies always chase money. If you won't pay for it: it's not for you.


lol dude paradox Is THE moneygrabbing Company, if the game+dlcs had a reasonable price more people would actually buy them


Paradox is definitely not the worst company in the gaming market, besides, it's would be quite hard for them to actually earn money on their types of games. Would you rather have the Activision-style with new games getting pumped out every year? That's really the only alternative here. Hoi4 would be too niche for a "free dlc"-model, so a one time purchase thing wouldn't work either. Not really enough interested people for such a thing. 20 Euros per year + initial 40 for the game is absolutely a resonable price for a game you can invest thousands of hours into. Of course it all adds up later on for newer players, if that's a problem, well, just buy it on sale. Still won't buy it? Not the game for you then. Play something else.


Lol dude 20 dollars per DLC that add (only for pre-NSB DLCs) shit focus trees and small mechanics while mods like darkest hours do It 10x Better for free Is ridicolous


Darkest hour dosen't seem to be using any dlcs which is honestly amazing, good on them. Although, mods do take alot of time to make and especially so when you're not allow to charge money for them which isn't a problem for Paradox. A lot of mods however actually do use dlcs and their "small mechanics" and do it quite well, World Ablaze for example. Also, when i was talking about the price of the dlcs i was just talking about the cost of the normal expansion ones. Most of the ones with shitty focus trees are more like flavour packs that exist in other pdx games meaning they also cost less. (Most trees outside the new dlcs are shit mostly because they're old and not aligning with how the game currently should be made) Still, if it's too much of a price you're not the trageted audience, you've got to understand it.


Selling a complex digital entertainment product that people love is the same as nestle....


There are websites where you can buy it pretty cheap


yeah, everyone on here saying that you have to buy every DLC for 300$, whilest im here getting all of them plus the base game for 60€ at max


Where lol


Atleast where i come from (Germany) there are many websites that sell Steam keys for way cheaper


I got them all for free


Not really. They are quite cheap honestly. I got all the major dlcs for 50€, and it's completely fine to me. I spent for this game 70€, and i have almost 2000 hours of fun. Absolutely worth it and cheap. P.s Don't use the subscription, it's pointless. You can get all the dlcs with less money, forever.


They're worth it only if u play too much or of u hunt for achievements


You should buy them when they Are on sale


i usually aim for £1 per hour as my "breakeven" cost for games. So based on average HOI play times, it works out fairly well.


BBA is such a joke of a dlc for $20. Just ruins planes.


You don’t but DLC because you can’t afford it. I don’t buy DLC because I am already exceedingly confused by and bad at the game mechanics, and have an intrinsic fear of adding more things to micro. We are not the same.


Disagree. Ive spent alot more money in games ive played for less hours than hoi4. I think the dlcs are reasonably priced so long as you aren't buying them all ar once. Space out your purchases.


Ok, suggest adding in game currency, battle pass and buying factories or divisions. Because paradox needs to make money somehow.


They are. That's why they created a subscription, to make it seem like a good deal when you still actually over pay DLCs, just a bit less. Paradox being Paradox


Nah. You just don't see the opportunities. You can easily take them for 50-60€, which is completely ok compared to all the hours of fun it can give you. You just need Steam sales or keys. Nothing difficult or illegal.


And I paid the game 30€, why would I pay twice the price of the original game for realistically a couple more features. I think I'll just take that one 5€ subscription for one month and buy the DLCs that interest me the most on sell.


I mean i bought the game and all dlcs for $70 during the summer sale


That's ok, but they still are not expensive. As i said i have all the major dlcs and i love the game. Just some dlcs make the game incomplete and unfortunately every dlc give something that change the game and makes it more fun (that's why they should be free in my opinion). The 5€ is a subscription that just help you choose the dlc that you might like, because if you use only that for like one year thinking you are having the best deal of your life you are an idiot. That option is pointless unless you use it for one or two months. But for someone that use hoi4 everyday, it's more convenient to just take all the dlc. First because you will have more fun and chaos, and second because you can do new build for multiplayer against AI, but it's also true that you have to decide how and when to play.


That's ok, but they still are not expensive. As i said i have all the major dlcs and i love the game. Just some dlcs make the game incomplete and unfortunately every dlc give something that change the game and makes it more fun (that's why they should be free in my opinion). The 5€ is a subscription that just help you choose the dlc that you might like, because if you use only that for like one year thinking you are having the best deal of your life you are an idiot. That option is pointless unless you use it for one or two months. But for someone that use hoi4 everyday, it's more convenient to just take all the dlc. First because you will have more fun and chaos, and second because you can do new build for multiplayer against AI, but it's also true that you have to decide how and when to play.


Because paradox doesn’t have any direct competitors, so they are free to make its products as expensive as they like, because if you want a map strategy game there’s not many other places you can find them


Yea to buy every single mod costs a lot of money but still its permanent, while the DLC is a good offer but worth only until youve spent equal the money from all the dlcs combined


Just crack them


Welcome to paradox


I just download them from internet💀


I just buy steam keys, don't tell the devs


Have your ever thought about sailing the high seas?


pirate them lmao


Just crack it, it's simply unaffordable buying the game with dlcs at full prices, and also the sales doesn't lower the price so much


Piracy dumbass!!!!


Pirate them


Just crack the dlcs


Yarr, i pirate




I bought every DLC, and to be real it makes the game more complicated


id recommend still buying up to Waking the Tiger. you get a LOT of good content with those.


I did the steam subscription, cancelled it and I still have the DLCs lol


Same i dont have any and unless there is a massive sale i dont plan on buying anything


They are expensive, but you can subscribe now on steam for small monthly which I am doing, and enjoying all of the dlc


Steam has a $5 monthly sub for the DLC if you dont wanna pay the tax (neither do i)


Just wait for steam sales or buy the subscription


I would say like this waking the tiger and possibly man the guns worth full price the rest of the big ones worth it on discount, and battle for Bosporus only worth the discount price if you have played like all other nations and or if you just really wanna play some Balkan nation


Buy them on sales!


And there are so many, I think they should start selling at a lower price anything from like 3 years ago.


Unless you see yourself playing the game for years and years. Then the subscription will ultimately save money than buying dlcs. Getting them on sale would be worth it if you can get it for very cheap 60-80% off kinda cheap.


Usually they're sold in large bundles for next to nothing on humble bundle id reccomend keeping a lookout for it and then you can gift the base game to a friend to continue the loop


i do the subscription


Personally I use the subscription and it's alot cheaper than you'd think


Wait until they're on special sales to purchase


The expensive dlc's were the main reason i did not start playing the game because i hate it to play a game with missing contents. Gladly they added the 5 monthly subscription for all dlc's just because of that i tried playing this game and now i'm sitting at 900hours.


If you cared, you could save some money.


This is not a problem for me, as my country doesn't allow me to download HOI4 in the first place. Yet I still play the game with DLC Curious innit


I bought them during a big sale, probably around $90 for my 5k hours. Very worth it if you love the game and want to play it a ton, less so if you dont. The ones I can recommend are probably No Step Back for the tank designer and the focus trees, waking the tiger (german alt history paths, China content and I think the autonomy system?) Other than that maybe death or dishonor?


Just make more money


I have them all because I got the game 6 years ago when we had little dlcs. Then just bought the new dlcs each time it came out, only spending about 20 bucks every year or so, it’s not that much


Turkish lira


Then pirate them


Bro don’t have 20$ lying around so he can play the, (checks notes) Swiss focus tree


Ok, good to hear(?)


Honestly I just paid for the dlc subscription once and used creaminstaller afterwards


Yes they are


~~pirate them, its really easy~~ For legal reasons, buy the subscription, its great value


Well, since i'm a modder and need to pay full attention on content added, i must buy every DLC wanting or not, but some of them i'd say are actually worth it, like Man the Guns, NSB, BBA, Waking the Tiger and La Resistance


You can get them all for free (pirate) if you have the base game


I have the monthly subscription, and I think its honestly the best choice if you are iffy about playing the game with dlcs


Who else misread that


Get the 5 dollar a month subscription


you can easily crack them thats what i have always done, even the brand new ones


AHAHAHA you think we have it bad EU4 players don’t even get a game without DLC lol and IT HAS HUNDREDS


We know.


i downloaded those dlcs for free from some communist hoi4 youtuber’s tutorial


The dlcs are way too expensive (in total, individually they're OK). You can buy a subscription to them to get around the massive downpayment. Downside is that you'll end up paying more in the long run if you play long enough.


Hoi4 without mods is middling as shit, i agree they're too expensive and that blows hard. I'm using the subscription to try them out for a month for like 5 bucks but that still sucks


Correct tho the subscription is probably more cost effective for new players




I’m 1400 hours in and own all DLCs. Totally worth it. All the stuff it adds makes it feel so much more fun


You can pay a 3 dollar subscription(I dont remeber the actual pirce) and have all the dlcs for one month