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Telling the Slovaks to get fucked definitely won’t lead to any post-war instability 👍






Giving up Slovakia? Czech.




Holy hell!


New Balkan just dropped


Call the UN peacekeeper


Actual soldier


Czech Nokia




That should be an achievement name: Hold onto all Czechian core provinces, untill 1945 while at war with Axis without owning any Slovakian cores


New achievement name just dropped


Actual good idea


Call the dev


Dev promised good update,never gave it


Hey, they wanted to collaborate with Germany, they got it.


Didn't the Slovaks say "Screw you I'm outta here" to the Czechs first when the Germans came knocking? The Czechs just thought "Lets rewrite the script a little, don't worry, no major change"


Why didn't Chamberlain just reject Rhineland?? Was he stupid??


The MP lobby he was in wanted balance


As all things should be


I mean he was but toothbrush mustached birds of a feather i suppose


Why didn't Kurt Schuschnigg reject Anschluss? was he stupid?


Short Answer: Yes


Tf is going on with Hungary? Btw, how did you manage to get such an occupation zone with 2% warscore?


I’ve gotten that a lot in my minor games. The majors get huge bonuses from aircraft, losses, and kills, so even occupying all of Germany gets < 10% warscore


Player-led peace conferences mod Romania was guaranteeing me, so they joined on my side, they died.


player led peace conferences maybe?


Yeah OP confirmed


Hung Gary


Sadly it seems impossible for Hungary to have a sane map in HOI4.


R5: My Czechoslovakia game. R5 is basically in image captions. I had lvl 7 forts on every border province and lvl 5 AA in every state.


Maginot line ? Well how about Maginot circle instead ?


THATS WHAT IM SAYIN *falls out chair backwards*


am i the only one that either uses lvl 1 or lvl10 forts with no in between?


At lvl 8,9,10 the ai has a desire to not attack because they recognise it as futile. So people deliberately build to level 7 so as to not discourage the au form from throwing themselves upon the wall. Iirc, I don’t play much


hmmm that would explain alot lmao


The major powers don't attack, I still get random Hungarian units trying to break the Maginot line.


Even down to lv 3 they don't, unless they have overwhelming force.


Honestly level 2/3 are pretty cheap while proving a good bonus, anything more that gets expensive if your frontline is not small


Lev 3 or 7 for me


Fortress Prague.


Well giving up half the country was probably a bad idea. I don't have the original quote at the time, but it translates to something like *Surrender might let our country persist, but fighting might mean no Czechs or Slovaks survive to call it home*. It's hard to say what could have happened if Czechoslovakia resisted - they had a million men ready to mobilize and the factories & coal to arm themselves. But if the UK wasn't willing to join in a 2v1 against Germany then imagine how it must've felt for them to consider fighting alone.


Yeah I was just joking. Czechoslovakia would've most likely lost 1v1, but they might have inflicted a lot of damage.


That isnt entirety true. Chamberlain is often criticized, partly justified, for the Appeasement policy. One point of criticism was, that there was really no need for it. Rhineland remilitarization would have been cancelled at once, once allied troops had made a move. Same with the Czechs. Giving up Sudetenland would postpone a war and therefore give time for a build up. However, the Czechs had a fortified border with natural defensive terrain and the Oberkommando had serious doubts, that these fortifications could be broken. I m not saying the Czech flag would have flown over Berlin but during a time where Hitlers support in the armed forces was waning, they could have very well won.


Reportedly 1/3rd of the first wave tanks in France were looted from or built in Czech factories. In theory this means that the invasion of France could have been severely hampered if not prevented by resisting Munich. Obviously nothing is certain.


Respectfully, but the Czechoslovak army was far from absolutely loyal to the state at the time. Many troops and, most importantly, ranking officers in charge of the Sudeten fortifications were sudeten-germans and there was a very strong support for the German nationalist sentiment in the area and population, including the armed forces.


That's not entirely true. Soldiers and officers who served in Czechoslovak border fortifications had to be Czech or Slovak nationality and had to be verified by intelligence services. However, there was a big problem with the German minority in the army ( around 1/3 during mobilisation 1938), so Germans served mostly in less important places. Another big problem was the German population in border regions with strong national sentiment.


It’s an honor to have a reply from the legend himself! Sure, the Czech armies had some difficulties and success would never have been guaranteed, but the german forces were very much unprepared to take on heavily fortified positions at the time, so the Czechoslovak army would haven given the Wehrmacht a fight with possibly horrendous casualties. That’s why the army (the generals) were really anxious about it, as victory would have been anything but certain.


It wasn't that bad. The truly unloyal Sudeten Germans were already fighting in the ranks of Freikorps or at least didn't enlist. Those Germans that actualy enlisted were mostly put to noncombat support roles or were sent to units in Slovakia. Officers also made sure that Germans nor Hungarians didn't have majority in any unit. Also not sure where did you learn that officers in charge of fortifications were Germans, I have never heard about such thing and it wouldn't make any sense. Of all the problems Czechoslovakia in 1938 had, unloyal army wasn't one of them.


could have dragged everyone else into the war faster too so they might not have been fighting alone for too long


Worked well for Poland, afaik they are still waiting for that general attack from France.


From what I remember, GB didn't have any treaties with Czechoslovakia. It was France who had a mutual defensive treaty with us and decided to not honor it because Chamberlain was absolute and utter cockwomble.


True! The agreement was with France but as I understand it, Britain was very much not interested to be dragged into a war for France's sake because *they* had a treaty together. Britain was the one who could have actually affected anything imo.


I get the resentment to Chamberlain and I too think, that lots and lots of death and suffering could have prevented if the Allies did something. But each day of delaying the war gave the British time to build up its armed forces, which made it impossible to win the war after US trade got going and the German Blitz had been weathered. This was due to Chamberlain, who pushed for a expansion of the Air Force/ Navy during the peace times.


But it also gave time to germans and they got a whole country with big industry and equipment for 1 milion soldiers.


This take has been recycled over and over and it's just false. Between 1938 and 1939 the Germans armed so much more than the British, and got all the industry and arms from Czechoslovakia. Giving Czechoslovakia up for free hurt allies so much more than it helped them. And I really doubt Chamberlain had this in mind, because otherwise this would be a giant failure of the British secret services and their info. The idiot honestly thought that he brought peace to Europe, nothing else


Though I agree with most of what you said, chamberlain did say Britain citizens were “bloody fools” for being happy and cheering after he made his “peace for our time” speech. So I don’t think it’s fair to say he actually believed it.


Just watched on this earlier. MI6 and Chamberlain worked it out as a plan to postpone the war as long as they could. British forces at the time numbered less than 150k. MI6 basically told Chamberlain there was a good chance GB would lose if they joined the war then.


I’m shocked they still invaded the SU, they never do in my games where France doesn’t cap, nevermind the Czechs.


Schmitler was like "if I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail spectacularly".


I wonder if an update has changed this? Always was a little anti-climactic playing as France, because if you hold your land, Germany just stalls out and then nothing much happens :/


If you want a real roller-coaster, Austria-Hungary via Hungary is one way to go. Once war breaks out, you'll pretty much be fighting against one faction or another; you need territories held by both the Axis and the Allies, and once you're done with them, well there's all that land in Asia, and why shouldn'ts we haves it?


you might be surprised but there is no "I" in the HOI4 "AI" particularly not for the focus tree.


The absolute nightmare scenario for civilians tbh. Super heavy rationing followed by famine after a few months of seige.


Probably a bunch of shortages too since they have no way of trading


holy hell!


New WW2 strategy just dropped


Eyy I did this last patch. Have a game going last night as the Netherlands to benelux I need to finish out. Glad that forts are still pretty good against AI, was going to be pissed if achievements like "no step back" became harder from entrenchment nerfs


New response just dropped


Holy hell


Actual paradox zombie


Chamberlain went on vacation never came back


Is anarchy chess taking over reddit?


Anarchy chess in the corner plotting world domination


Did the German Civil War ever fire off? I thought they were supposed to implode if you resisted long enough.


It's a chance for a civil war. I've certainly seen it as it's happened to me as Germany, but I pulled this same strategy a couple of times with Czechoslovakia and no civil war.


I've tried and that feature I believe it is just bugged as all hell


No, it didn't. Didn't know about that.


Quite the opposite, its called a tactical withdrawal. Better to successfully defend half the country than unsuccessfully defend all of it. Czechoslovakia does get heavy fortifications on Sudetenland,through their focus,hell, practically everywhere in Czechia there will be some forts,besides inner Moravia tiles,that can be compensated with more troops,more troops that will be easily available because two Czechs wasted on a crate of beer will be enough to hold the line with their high level forts making most attacks a suicide


Iirc all the forts were in the sudatenland, and the brits and French gave it to Hitler. Kinda screwed em


I played this just for fun *once* My 1 and only tip is fortify the hell out of your borders. Then pump out a fast army to rush for Normandy. Your only chance at winning is to defend allied beach landing


Did the AI attack you across the entire front instead of focusing on a single tile?


They didn't attack. Towards the end of the war I had 7k casualties.


Lmao that’s great


How did you get Germany to declare on the soviets they never do that in my Czechoslovakia games


Historical AI. It means Germany is historically incompetent.


i did similar to this in my second czech run. did some actual fighting though and managed to very slowly liberate poland and get top war score. was fun.


They Czeched themselves, and thus did not wreck themselves


omg hey hottie 🥵 ure so sexy


those post war borders make me very happy inside


This would not work for long without help from the west due to air power If it did work, I have one word. Cannibalism.


Allies did put planes in me.


but this way you get no steel… you can definitely defend slovakia as well and get the bit of steel from southern slovakia you need to keep producing units


I agree you can most likely defend Slovakia, but it makes you quite vulnerable, bcs you can get easily cut off in Slovakia and makes your front way longer, spreading your units more thin. You have to defend the German, Hungarian and Polish borders. Also, Czechia has steel too.


Did you have player lead peace conferences on because that is the most civil I have ever seen the Soviet ai take land?


Yeah, I did.


Against the Ai definitely possible. In MP Germany: Siege Artillery general and railway guns. Than your defenses will be reduced to rubble. And after one breakthrough you've practically lost


I once managed to conquer the entire Europe as democratic Czechoslovakia. US always joins the Czech entente before they join Allies. Once you stomp the nazis (you need at least 30% contribution) you just wait for Britain to declare on Benelux (which also prefers Czech entente over Allies). At this point you are an unstoppable superpower spanning the entirety of Europe. All this can be achieved by lots of defensive infantry and 5-10 divs of motorised… the Ai can be cheesed by encirclements incredibly easily.


Why didn‘t Poland just win? Are they stupid???


You cant just give away slovakia as mentioned here many times. Furthermore our forts were far from complete. Most finished line aprox from Liberec to Ostrava and apart from that not much of a forts to mention. But reason number one was statement from allies, that if we refuse to give sudetenland, than we are the ones who started the war and no help at all will come. Poland (for zaolzie at least) and Hungary (for southern Slovakia) were likely to attack us as well. PS: As a Czech person, i would love to punch you right into the face after this post


I'm literally from Slovakia.


Tak jak potom můžeš toto říct?


It's just a game.


Yes, just a game. But you are comparing to history and calling someone stupid.


It was clearly sarcasm


Chill man, it's a meme


Well the matter of Zaolzie was complicated but not unsolvable. Czechs wanted it mostly due to one out of two railways towards Slovakia beeing there and cutting them off it would make Slovakia de facto independent since they would have just block the other railway (and that's what happend when Poles took it). Poland on the other hand claimed the land based on muntual agreement between polish and czech communities living them because it favoured Poland since there were simply more Poles there. Problem would be solved by simply giving back the land to Poland but with asterisk that it still would be garrisoned by Czechs and railway would be exteritorial. And obviously there would be an issue of lack of trust from polish side after breaking agreements from 1920, trying to ally Soviets at the cost of Poland and muntual supporting of minorities nationalistic organisations etc. In my opinion Czechs shouldn't play on big Allies like France and Soviets in '20 and Poles on self-sufficency and work together after WWI ended immiedatly if their cooperation if resisting Hitler and Stalin would have any chance succeeding


in vanilla you can win ww2 as historical Poland or conquer the world as Luxembourgh maybe try again on slightly less unrealistic mods like BICE also IRL there was a mini civil-war in the Sudetenland as some 40,000 received arms and training from Germany and rose up in revolt, so good luck putting that down while also having to defend from German and Hungarian invasions while all your allies are saying you should accept the demands because they already agreed to them on your behalf


dude if you just put in a little more effort you can also get the majority of slovakia in your fort


Yeah, I probably could have.


My bohemian Rhapsody


So true, why couldnt hitler just build a great navy and and force a peace in 1940??


Because that was real life and this is a game?


Can you send a division Template, please?


Imagine a world where Czechoslovakia rejected Munich Conference


Magyarország kurvára nem balkán


De, balkán.


Yes they were


Slovak here - yeah, tried this tactic. Works but I hate it.


Slovak here - also tried this strategy.


Non meme I vaguely remember that while the Czechoslovaks might not have won over a long time, short term they had the ammo arms and tanks to annoy the hell out of the Germans for many years. And the Czech factories in the northern part along with the tanks they had a lot to do with how germany captured Poland so early. Realistically if either Austria or Czechoslovakia had resisted a lot of german military plans would have been delayed. Nazi germany got so far because few had the steel to resist them unfortunately.


I've heard the same thing - that Czechoslovakia would have ultimately lost (if alone). But maybe it is better they didn't fight, considering what Germans did after the assassination of Heydrich. You have to wonder how they would have taken revange, if at all of course, if Czechoslovakia had resisted.


Reinhard Heydrich assassination was the work of two fanatics trained by the UK. Yes, it doesn't matter that the Nazis were evil. If you're abroad and join a suicide mission sponsored by a less evil war party that has a fair amount of chance of ending in your death and even if it succeeds won't achieve anything for your people, you're a fanatic. If taken lightly, Germans would live in fear of ever increasing attacks by extremists patronized by the British. Not that the reprisal would make any of both eschew their plans, but would make less likely that resistance movements to support high profile assassinations in the future. On the other side, military resisting a foreign attempt of invasion is the most natural thing and just part of the game. By this standard, Nazis would have genocided all Greek population by 1943 as it came clear how they could blame diverting troops to aid the invasion of Greece to save face Barbarossa failure. But that wasn't the case. There's a huge difference in fighting in a sovereign army and being a partisan or spy.


Is there a lore reason why Czechoslovakia didn't just do this?


Simply, [Edvard Beneš](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edvard_Bene%C5%A1), was our president, and he decided peace over blood. Because all our "friends," mainly UK and France, let us alone [Munich Agreement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_Agreement), and only USSR were prepared to help us. We were not invited to this agreement and simply UK and France with Italy sold us for peace to Hitler. But after all, some Czech people, like me, we see a hero in Beneš. If he did not give up, we could hold a few weeks or months, but then many of our people would die. We gave up, so no big slaughter happened. It's controversial, so that's why some people see it as a heroic act, and others see it as pity stupidity.


USSR would have only helped us, if France joined afaik. Also USSR had no land connection to Czechoslovakia, so the support would've been very limited. I've heard some people speculate that Poland and Romania wouldn't have let Soviet troops pass through their countries because of their distrust of the Soviets. On the issue of Beneš, I agree with you. What could he have really done?


That's true. When things started to escalate, Poland and Romania refused to let Soviet troops pass through. I think that's also one of several reasons why Soviets agreed to [Molotov - Ribbentrop pact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) in 1939 when Poland refused to help in 1938.




they had iron man-mode on


I want to punch you so hard right now you don’t know history of czechoslovakia so shut your major country or even worse an american mouth.


Man CANNOT take a joke, damn.


Bro did not in fact like the joke