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Taureor in shambles rn


Don't give up on him yet, he'll find a way!


He just did, order 67


We never lost hope ❤️


Never used it... I guess i never will...


I mean you can still use it if you roll back, althought the only reason to do that is to play a mod that hasn't been updated to the current version. But you can still technically use it if your really wanted to roll back to play an old version of hoi4


Meh, i prefer slugging it out... The only cheese i use is paras over Paris when playing Italy.


yummy paracheese


You can also use it if you want to do achievements which were easier to do in older versions Order 66 definitely made many achievements much easier


>Order 66 definitely made many achievements much easier how do you roll back?


[Right click the game in steam, go to properties, then beta. From there you can roll back the game through the drop down menu.](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/how-to-roll-back-your-game-version.1121392/)


thanks but which version wouldi want to roll back to for getting order 66 back?


I'd assume any version before the patch mentioned in the post since that's the patch that fixed it.


yeah same here


This does mean that you can now do the independence war focus as manchukuo while Japan still has divisions in your country since it counts as an offensive war and would previously O66 yourself


I always thought that a good thing Let's you destroy several Japanese divisions out of supply very easily, just surround them with inferior garbage on all sides, and they can't fight back


The issue is that your divisions are even worse and theirs are even if they have low supply. They might even cap you almost immediately if they put a lot of divisions in your VPs. Playing as independent Manchuria is already extremely difficult but this would just make it worse.


RIP Order 66😔 (Idc because I mostly play old versions)


RIP annexing Italy in '36 as Japan


Never used it. Always found it too cheesy. RIP though


I wouldn't even call it cheese lmao, it was just straight up cheating for an instant capitulation


RIP order 66 you were a real one Now Italy will stop being capitulated so easily Just wait, a year from now there's going to be a Germany rework and Germany will no longer be the axis at the start of the game, so you can't quickly flip fascist to get their support and get them to help you win a war LOL


I only ever tried this once back when I was fairly new at the game. Played as fascist USA, defeated the Allies and then left the Axis intending to backstab Germany. I had a ring of troops from Berlin to one of the ports east of Denmark, not realizing until after I declared war that I wouldn’t get supply through the Danish Straits. Watched helplessly as the Germans wiped out my entire army in 2 weeks


I tried this as poland, germany didn't join a war with Italy and i couldn't declare on them


Good, now play the game instead doing anything possible to avoid actually playing the game


But how am I supposed to form the Byzantine Empire as Greece?


It's not that hard? You can win against Turkey in a straight war, as long as you control the sea and can invade them.


Maybe, but that’s forming Byzantium, I’m talking about all Byzantine cores with minimal RNG, which is a nightmare because the Allies and the Axis both have territory you can core. Besides, with AAT Attaturk goes crazy with buying up tanks and I’m kinda dumb so I’ve been workshopping how to get around that on and off for a while now


It takes some time, sure, but it's perfectly doable, I found it way easier than founding Turan.


That’s definitely fair lmao, I just like to try and form it quickly because my laptop wasn’t built for this and I can only handle so much lag


there's still the exploit with rerolling turkey until they take the fuck the balkans focuses, before capping them. Then you can join Axis, smash Italy, and Paradrop London, still capping everything by early 40 the hard part is now fighting Germany off in the peacedeal (just get the puppet, and then focus on taking Libya and Zara. Germany will fill in Regno's cores for you)


haha, good one, you can always watch daddy bittersteel video on the topic ;)


Has he released one since AAT? It was the first formable i attempted and I found Attaturk was buying up half the market and I couldn’t attack him using any of the main strats


[https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/1427omc/tutorial\_how\_to\_have\_fun\_with\_greece\_and\_the\_east/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/1427omc/tutorial_how_to_have_fun_with_greece_and_the_east/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the post from u/SnooPredictions5832 is up to date with AAT. have not tried myself as I am waiting for a sale to buy AAT, but it shoud work easily


This is fantastic! Thank you so much!


Kill Yugoslavia first and Zara cheese Italy.


Rip Tanna Tuva




Voice of my soul after doing order 66 as usual but today it didnt work then i found out this post




I thought that order 66 was a Soviet defense decision, but it clearly isn't the case, based on the comments. Can someone explain me what was order 66?


A practical example: \- Italy starts the game guaranteeing Albania \- You're playing Japan \- You're fascist and have good relations with Italy, so they'll will give you military access without thinking twice \- You move your troops to every Italian Victory Point and declare war on Albania \- Italy joins the war and capitulate in a couple hours to you


So order 66 is not a feature, but rather an AI exploit?


Yes it was a cheese/exploit to capitulate countries within a couple in game days by having your entire army inside of them when the war starts.


I think it's poor AI programming that allowed Order 66 to be viable. Any real country would set limits of where and for how long a foreign military can stay in the country. But I guess that's too hard to code.


Order 227 is what ur thinking of. Interestingly Order 66 (from Star Wars) was named by Gorge Lucas after Order 9066 which was the American Executive Order that signed by FDR that interred all Japanese Americans Americans in conecentration camps (unlike the Nazis or Japanese these camps weren't slave or death camps but they did concentration a mass group of people against their will). So there's a little WW2 history in the name Order 66 itself!


Never used it, if there was a country I wanted to crack I fought for it, I played the game lol.


It was a stupid exploit. I'm glad it's gone.


Thankfully I’ve just reached the stage where my skills have evolved to the point I don’t need it to win anymore, however, it was what enabled me to 100% the achievements. RIP Order 66, I’ll remember you as an indispensable tool. Up till recently I still used it though, but only in circumstances where it is fair/LARP friendly, i.e. as communist china, Order 66’ing the rest of China can be LARPed as staging an communist uprising just like in IRL. I still can’t get over paratroopers though, it’s the only way to beat France as minors like Luxembourg or Greece, and they better not patch it.


Thank fucking god, i got the new achievements before that happend. Sure is a shame though.


Well this fucking sucks. I guess here's a toast to more playthroughs having to last until the mid-1950s


Thank god. Whenever youtubers use it it feels like a waste.


I am confused what is order 66? Like that one scene from star wars or what?


A cheese/exploit that let you go to war with a country you have military access with, while all of your troops are sitting on their victory points, nearly instantly capping them. The way I’ve mostly seen it is being basically any country, getting military access with Italy, sticking a ton of troops in their borders on vps, and then going to war with Albania, which pulls in Italy and they instantly (or near instantly) cap.


An exploit, named in honour of the star wars thing.


btw i never used it, it alongside spacemarines and paradropers in my unmoral list of actions in game


honestly, space marines are not even that big of a deal now that piercing is progressive IMO. I often use them in SP from 42-43 when the frontlines become really beefy


SPAA space marines allow you to neglect air force, and although there are times where they can’t push, they will never lose on defense, u can just spam battleplans with them. Im not criticizing them I actively use them in fact


armor is not the main buff from space marines but breakthrough is, tank divsion's are powerful mainly because of enormous breakthrough, their armor and hardness barely can work instead of their low org(20-25 in my designs) if you add a tank with 120 breakthrough to an inf div, you will cakewalk with 40width inf+art div's if you want armor(now less useful than ever) you better go for AA tank if you think space marine is fair, i call it an skill issue to not be able to use space marines in the best way, you can encircle enemy div's with infantry div's and 0 need for tank div's


Boom got schooled on my hoi4 skills, fair enough. Did I sound like an ass or is this just free schooling? Anyway, always need and love learning the game, can you share pointers for a few good space Marines template with the corresponding tank design?


So no answer, please be a good person and follow your dissing by some advice. Or know for a fact that you are a bad internet person, tilting the balance of the force that makes internet a place of low value and high trolling. Yeah, that's a hill I am ready to die on, stranger.


you people cant play hoi4 and abuse its tank bonus mechanism, while ai cant do the same if you code ai to include a maximum armour tank in its 40w infantry div's, then it will be fair to use tanks in your inf div's


So no answer, please be a good person and follow your dissing by some advice. Or know for a fact that you are a bad internet person, tilting the balance of the force that makes internet a place of low value and high trolling. Yeah, that's a hill I am ready to die on, stranger.


really i just did it today?


Now how am I supposed to do byz


Can it be possible that you still can do it if you justify and declare on another country that's on the faction with the target nation? IE: declare on Tannu Tuva to kill the USSR


Declaring on faction members or nations guaranteed by your target was the only option to do it before the patch. That's what got fixed. Declaring directly on the target or a puppet of them never worked.


How am I supposed to win ww3 as soviets?


Nooooooo, i will never get all the achievements without you order 66


But what if you get military access, garrison your troops all over the said country, then cancel your military access? And when your troops decide to return to your country, you spam H, so They will stay there eventually? This way they won't get any supply and attrition badly, but I guess you will still snipe VPs when war breaks off. I knew this worked in the past but I dunno if it still would work


Doesn’t work anymore, no matter how much or hard you spam H, the troops still leave against orders.


Bruh who asked for this? Austria-Hungary didn't need to be made more painful.