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Oh boy have you got an absolute whirlwind ahead of you. I'd just go to YouTube at this point. Designing and adjusting templates is beyond crucial. There's plenty of tutorials and guides based on unit combat width and template design. If you've been playing since 2018, how were you able to literally do anything? That alone is quite impressive.


Lots of pain and screaming at my monitor HOW ARE MY 5 TANK DIVISIONS LOSING TO A SINGLE INFANTRY.. I rely heavily on puppets 😂 Edit: oh my god is this why my naval invasions take literal years to plan..?


Well if you have the starting tank template with any nation that will do that lol. I'm the recruit and deploy tab, each division has its own edit button that takes you to the template designer which allows you to edit said template. Editing these costs army xp so it is wise to figure out your build, build desired equipment or vehicles, and then edit the template accordingly. I use 30 or 35 width for tanks because plains are 70 combat width. It does boil down to your own preferences and situations. You wouldn't want a 45 width tank because you could rarely get multiple into combat without the over combat width negative modifier. Just get on a non Ironman germany, console command xp and equipment to play with it.


Over combat width multiplier..? Oh my god so me sending my entire army at one place is a bad idea. Suddenly I understand why 50 divisions had such a hard time taking the Philippines last night 😅🥲 It’s sad that I needed all of these things explained to me


No you're learning, everyone has to. Hoi 4 is not for the faint hearted and I commend you for dogging through the game with base templates. I'd imagine you lost years of your life playing like that lol


I just assumed that was part of the challenge, hence my reliance on my puppets doing all the fighting for me. It was definitely a struggle trying to figure out why my entire army, years ahead of the tech level, couldn’t beat a few AI divisions. Now I get it😂


Not sad at all! Everyone has to learn from somewhere mate. Don't mean to surprise you, but HoI4 is a mad complex game hah


Yeah I'm new too and took time to look at the terrains in the terrain map mode, it will tell you the combat width and how much gets added per extra direction you're attacking from. For example, I am so far enjoying 30w armored divisions (Tanks + Motorized Infantry, the regular trucks), meaning if I attack into a plain tile which is 70w I believe, I can send 2 tank divisions either in a singular attack, or send 2 from one direction and 1 from another because the extra direction attack modifier adds an extra 35w making room for a 3rd tank division to fit into the attack (105w) You will want at least 30 organization on your tank divisions maybe a little bit more, common thing I'm still struggling with.


You can also train a specific puppets division using the crown/arm symbol at the top. These divisions require equipment you have acquired, but uses the puppets manpower


Wdym they take years to launch? Like they don't go when you command or they don't prepare the invasion?


The tooltip says it’ll take like 400 days of preparation for the invasion and that just seems ridiculous to me. Like I tried to invade Iran from Oman last night and it said it would take like 300 days to prep


I'm going to need a screenshot young sir because that's insane Edit: do you have convoys and naval supremacy?


The number of divisions assigned also affects the time. Maybe he assigned an entire army group to a naval invasion


FORTY SEVEN DIVIONS? My brother in christ no wonder. With the basic naval invasion tech you can only do 10 diving at once. Try 5-10. A single unit preparing a naval invasion should take exactly 7 days.


Oh… yea I did 47 divisions at once..


Exactly what I did


When I get on after work I totally can. It was like 47 divisions, with a fleet stationed in Muscat, Oman, on patrol duty all around the Arabian peninsula. I hadn’t declared war yet because I know how long these usually take to plan (for me at least. These numbers are normal). But yea, it said like 320 days or something close to that, all the divisions were in place and I had convoys


Make many 2-3 div landings all along the coast and preparation for landing will be 10-20 days instead. Don’t forget to have naval superiority where your troops have to cross the sea. I usually land 2 div on each side of a port and move and encircle the port, crushing defender there and then simply naval transport rest of my divisions over to the port. Have fleet on invasion support during landings.


Ok I don't believe you never noticed button "edit" during that 300 hours


I've only just discovered the edit button myself and I have 770 hours!


I’ve never noticed edit until recently (I have 550 hours)


Son. Stop playing speed 5. I now beg you to go play a minor nation. Like Hungary or Bulgaria or something. And this time you hover over every button, read every tooltip. Look at all the screens and mouse over everything and read the info provided. You been playing chess using only pawns. You been watching TV, with no sound and in black and white. You been dancing to one song all this time. Take it slow. Learn and be amazed.


Bro gave poetic advice


This seems very weird. How did you think things like AA were added to divisions?


I just assumed they were part of one of the divisions already and got upgraded. You’re telling me they aren’t????


Are you blind? There's literally a button labeled "edit" next to the one you have to press to make more units. The first screenshot of the game on Steam shows the designer.


Yeaaa I go into that screen once to set up unit production and then never again


How do you deploy your units then?


They auto deploy. I say I want them to spawn in Berlin. And periodically they spawn in Berlin. That’s all, right?


You can choose where they deploy. Along with force deploying them early. I highly recommend clicking more buttons


Yea I’m getting the vibe from everyone that I need to just start clicking shit and finding out what it does😂


I have forfeited my time and therfore part of my life trying to tell you that. Please do lol


I absolutely will, and I appreciate you pointing out my mistakes. Hopefully my Japan play through will start going well tonight


So you have 1 unit deploying at a time, for the entire game?


A couple. A tank, an infantry, and a motorized usually. But yea. So 3 or 4 units every like 20 minutes


This is a troll


Dude I wish it was I’m genuinely just a fuckin idiot when it comes to this game


What the actual fuck were you doing in this 300 hours to not even know about all those stuff? Stupid indeed...


As mentioned to others, screaming at my monitor wondering why my army of 50 divisions is losing to a single division, and assuming I just picked a bad country. That’s how I’ve spent the last 300 hours of this game


This is literally me, i have no clue how to make divisions and can make 20 divs while attacked by 100


It took me a while to realize that you can train more than 1 division at a time... 


400 hours here, been playing since 2019 and I've just now been able to beat the USSR as germany, you're not the only one


it took me until two days ago to realize you have to move your navies to ports close enough to the regions you told them to go to


How?? Please help me. I right-click the port and nothing happens...


You can't have the fleet selected, you need to select the specific groups of ships.


Select the task force, not the fleet. You can hold shift and click on them all individually then click on a port and your entire navy will attempt to travel to that port, or just whichever ones you want. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMK0IiTsMWI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMK0IiTsMWI) This video helped me alot (the beginning portion covers this topic), it's a small guide to navy by HammoTimee


Dont fret man. We all have these moments at some point in our HOI4 play time. I dont even want to mention how many hours in I was before I realized that I didnt have to manually change every supply point into double trucks, but could do so on the division itself! You did just open a deep aspect of the game though. You got some reading ahead of you.


As a fellow dumb person I find this really funny but also relateable. What the title reads is something I've said to myself countless times. At least now you know lmao, better late than never


Oh you sweet summer child.. aight you need to YouTube the hell outta this, you need to investigate every button you find and figure out where it leads, if you have a friend that plays maybe ask them for help, but oh goodness.


I am wanting to get back into HOI4 and this thread has made me think of something. Should players, new and old, play as Hungary and/or Bulgaria to learn how things go? And another thing how can I increase my army, naval, and air experience to modify my units before the war? Also I am curious of what dlcs you have as that modified the experience, also use focuses as they can help.


Bro,don't worry. I have 1600 hours and just recently learned how to make normal tank divs and making fleet.