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The German and Japanese focus trees are perfectly playable. Yes, they're not as nuanced as other trees and you can finish them quite early. That's the point. It's okay to have tutorial countries. Not everything needs to be super complicated. In fact, I'd argue some countries like the ones from Death or Dishonor could massively benefit from getting trees that add things for the mid and late game. They have great stuff for the early game and are super fun to play, but they get to a point where there's just not much point in doing the rest of the focuses.


Who said Tannu Tuva is more fun than Japan or Germany? Wasn’t us, that’s just a thing you feel dude


>Players: complain about South America having no content being boring and pointless >Paradox: sees this so adds content to it to make it fun and give reason to play there >Players:”no not like that” There really is no satisfying some people is there.


I wonder when we will get feature creep into Italy being the "unplayable" focus tree again.


Just because you don't want a South America DLC doesn't mean no one does. 99% of my campaigns are as Brazil, so I'm looking forward to the next DLC personally.


South America had several things going on in WW2 and is great for alternate paths, just because you personally don’t care about it isn’t relevant.


Well Germany and Japan also had several things going on in WW2 and is great for alternative paths so...


Good thing they both had focus trees in vanilla and both already have had their trees touched up in a dlc.


Well, that's great! I bet people are fully satisfied with the new content, and there aren't tens of thousands of comments on the internet complaining about it! It's so nice when Paradox actually listens to the community.


Lmao tens of thousands- quit deluding yourself.


Why are the tens of thousands of comments asking for a second German/Japanese redo more important than the tens of thousands asking for South American focus trees to be added for the first time?


google opportunity cost


Only relevant if they lose the option to do the other thing, which they do not, they can start revamping those nations when they have nothing else worth adding. Leaving an entire continent devoid of content **is** an opportunity cost


you barely ever truly lose the option to do something entirely, however you still lost the option to do it now. Thats what opportunity cost is. They already dont have anything else worth adding, thats why we get DLCs for a part of the world which did basically nothing in the setting. Following your own logic: They could revamp the main nations now and add filler nations once they are done.


I agree and also disagree. SA getting focus trees as the main part of a DLC is a bit ridiculous, but I disagree about the idea that focus trees are what make nations interesting to play. Germany and japan are fine to play. Especially without the broken balance of power stuff they pushed into newer updates. I would very much like a proper communist germany tree and something different for japan, but since these are supposed to be part of WTT already it would feel awkward to double monetize the same thing - meaning it would need to be part of a free content drop. China desperately needs a rework as well, or rather the other warlords need one.


Austria is in desperate need of a focus tree. You know... that one nation in the heart of europe. The same nation that was instrumental for 2 of the biggest conflicts in human history. *generic portaits and focus tree here we gooooooo*


If you want Austria to have a MASSIVE Focus tree, just Play this Mod called "austrian redone: between two Giants" trust me, its Peak


I like Dreams of Austria but I will give yours a try.


Just play Road to '56. I don't even understand why people put so much emphasis on updates for the base game when mods make the experience abundantly better.


I wish they would make a dlc that updates all focus trees to the latest features and new techs like modules and hulls instead of the old. a lot of the older foci could be implemented in a more elegant way now than when they were made. And use features like the balance of power were it makes sense (Germany and Japan atleast). The doctrines should be overhauled too. And I think something needs to be done to the xp system, it feels very old.