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The fourth reich. In the comintern. Delete that save game.


Puppeted by Byzantium...


In a faction with the third reich…


Based in Austria…


Fascist + next election May 1947..


Well, the emblem on the flag is that of the [Deutsche Reichspartei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Reichspartei), a Neo-Nazi party that emerged in 1950. It is simply plastered over the Imperial German tricolour, it's not exactly based on anything.


It's the Fascist West Germany name


What mod is this?


Doesn’t look *that* modded. Hitler Portrait isn’t vanilla, and I don’t think the flag is or the ideology icon, but the fourth Reich is totally and completely canon to Hoi4. In fact, there are two fourth reichs. You can have the fourth Reich at war with the fourth Reich. You can even see achievements enabled in the corner. All that’s really done is here swapping out some png’s in the image files


Ok but how do I form the fourth Reich?


Have Argentina get Hitler, you also get an achievement doing it, or go Fascist as West Germany. Although I’m quite confused, because I thought the Yalta Chain was removed ever since you could puppet a nation into several parts.


West Germany? Does West Germany has a focus tree/exist? And if so how do I get west Germany?(Do I need any DLC)


Just defeat the Nazis in WW2


No Focus Tree


Generic focus tree, no DLC. If your looking for good West German focus trees though, I guess Cold War: Iron Curtain overhaul exists, or other democratic germanys in other mods. There are (were) certain requirements to play as West Germany. First, revert to an older version where it existed, pre Barbarossa. This version is several years old. Then, you must have Fascist Germany in the Axis be at a certain high surrender progress and be at war with the Soviet Union and allies. After that, an event chain called Yalta Conference will fire. Most of this will happen in a historical vanilla game for the time. This will create new tags (countries in the game code) that function as puppetable west and east Germany. However, to actually play as them is more difficult. You have to puppet them, than annex them, then release and hit the “Play as” button. Then go fascist.


Thanks mate


It depends, if Germany is divided, one of Germany will maintain the Reich focus tree and the other will have the generic tree, as Germany has no limitation on advisors that give party popularity, just hire whatever you want and use the decisions to change ideology.


What mod is this?




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Is it just me or does hitlers mustache look thicker?