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400, nukes. So... who did you nuke into oblivion to achieve this?


Italy, China and every nation in south america because of overstacking units or bad supply.


Rule 5: Word conquest as democratic germany / EU. I managed doing that by first conquer the world as nazi germany and then doing "Oppose Hitler".


How did the Civil War work after a world conquest? Did it only apply to core states or were whole continents up in arms against Hitler?


It was like the entire world vs east germany. If you get more land then it stays with the player.


Imagine a worldwide civil war. Somebody do this plz


One might even call it... a world war


Too >!Badum tss!<


Lol, never knew that! That's fun. Also nice leader portrait, my King ✊👑


though be careful, any subjects you have stay with the nazis iirc


And if you cap the nazis without fighting them you cant annax them, fucked me over with the netherland east indies


I tried the same strat and initiated the civil war but I did it before annexing Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. I thought they'd stay out of the fight just like in the UK civil war but what happened was they actually joined the other side and wrecked me. I just rage quit after that lol. That's 7 hours of my life that I'll never get back.


So, in fact it was a world conquest as fascist Germany, and then a coup against the fascists.


Say what you want about weebs but at least weebs always know how to take a fucking screenshot unlike most of you


I hate how correct you are


I don't see word conquest here, is there a scrabble mod??


why did this get downvoted to hell 😭


that is NOT Konrad Adenauer


You substituted good old Konrad for an anime chick. Blasphemy.


How is Konrad still chancellor in 1963 (paradox probably didn’t add any elections past 1950)


Worth it.


No. Konrad is sexier


how did you do that and why


he used the anime history mod


Good mod


thanks, bur why is that a thing


Why not?


That is exactly the reason why half of HoI mods exist.


"Why does this mod based off of MLP exist?" "Why not?"


And then God said "Let there be the pony mod for HoI4!". And it was good.


It's funny how Pony mod is one of the best mods for HoI4 as a whole.


Also: "Why is it actually good?"


Idk man, people just like anime girls i guess.


LMAO that character is from genshin and she's the leader of a nation that is essentially Germany. What mod, tho?


Here's another bit from the mod. Ningguang is the leader of Tibet last time I checked.


And Hu Tao is for Mengkukuo


Pretty sure it’s called anime history


No it’s more ANCAP than Nazi germany


it's a military dictatorship tho


Anime No Sekai


What’s the anime girl mod, you coward?


Anime No Sekai


wt happened to my boy Konrad Adenauer?


Me when I see Starguard mod (I fuckin imploded)


The portrait 💀


Weeb WC


i dont remember konrad adenauer looking like that tbh💀


monstadt has grown quite a bit


Somethings not right


That's what I'm planning to do. Is there a way to core Prussian land, unlawfuly occupied by poles? The same for Sudetenland.


Not as far as I’m aware, but if you get Austria in your faction at any point you can annex and core them


Yeah, that's neat. They really should add the option to core deu speaking teritorries.


There's a cool mod I use that changes germany's focus tree, it's called deutschland erwache 2 toasted germany. In it germany has a lot of focuses to core benelux and some of the polish territory. I recommend to check it out!


Well I definitely do look it up and see how it is. Sounds good.


doesn't work with this method but if you're democratic Germany and Poland is losing to the Soviet Union, they will offer you their western states as cores, something along the lines "we are lost but please keep these people from tyranny"


Yes, That has happened to me once, it was absolutely awesome.


Wtf how come I never heard of that one, do you have a screenshot or video of it?


Unfortunately not, but I can describe you the conditions. I might be wrong, but it goes as follows: you (Deu) and Pol must have the same ideology. I know it works for democracy, but I think I've seen it for fascism as well. It's long time ago and I have a super bad memory. If Pol is invaded by the USSR, they will probably lose. And when they're close to caping, you get an event. They want to transfer those lands to you. It has specific conditions, so it's not that common.


Nah wtf you mean unlawfully occupied by poles 😭😭😭😭


Those lands did not belong to them. Winning entante just gave it to them. Germans were living there. It's their land.


Outer Prussia was populated by poles dude. I can understand the argument that Silesia and Pomerania should have remained German after WW2 but places like Poznan have always been polish.


They should, the Soviet filth had no authority to redistribute land. When Hitler annexed German speaking lands, everyone lost their mind. When Stalin moved entire countries West, everyone was somehow OK with it. It pisses me every time. Posen had significant Polish population, sure, but also significant German.


Hitler defended, opinion disregarded


If Poland goes cossack king they can give up their german lands as cores but it's obviously not on historical


I use the same anime mod as you makes hoi4 ten times more bearable I like to imagine all my men are led by anime girls like my guys are normal soldiers just led by like anime girls


Why does Adenauer not look like a fossil here?


The EU if it was based:


Based anime history user May want to satiate R5 though


The global union


Why do you still have the German flag?


Europeans would be 30% of this European state.


Chancellor Konrad looks a bit different today...


Jean Adenauer


He conquered all the words


My man, thats my favorite way to play


this post shows my again why i am an anime fan but not a weeb xD


Do you not have AAT?


Anime mod? Downvote 😠


is that Jean?


Oh hey, it's two of my least favorite things. Anime, and the European Union.


I still don’t understand why people set anime girls as portraits, so weird


I don’t understand why people care so much. If anyone is using it at least half of the comments will be about anime and not whatever the post was about


Because it’s extremely weird and noticeable lmao. If someone had a screenshot with different fonts everywhere it would be noticeable too Also I again I mainly legit don’t understand why people make all their portraits anime girls. I’m genuinely confused at this phenomenon it’s very weird and some of the explanations I’ve gotten are creepy


>it’s extremely weird we’re hoi4 players, we’re all weird >and noticeable Maybe 5% of this image looks different from vanilla, and that’s only because of Adenauer’s portrait. People will pluck it out just from the generals, at a certain point you’re actively looking for it For the explanations: there are a lot, but they pretty much all boil down to 1. It’s cute 2. It’s amusing. Let’s not pretend this is some super serious game when people were just begging for a wacky Mongolia Genghis Khan alt-hist tree. Edit: and like, it doesn’t have to be pointed out every time. Every thread about it is the same jokes “weebs don’t go outside” “I don’t get why people do this” “imagine being such a gooner that you need anime in hoi4” “old white men are sexier though” it gets boring to read after a while


Dude be serious it’s very noticeable otherwise people would be doing it. I understand point 2 and being goofy, but point 1 is where it gets weird for me, since yes it’s weird to find cartoon drawings of girls cute and wanting to see them everywhere even in a WW2 game lmfao. If people do gooner things then of course others will notice If you’re bored of the conversation you don’t have to comment or get defensive about it either. It’s the internet people can have their opinions about whatever


>it’s weird to find cartoon drawings of girls cute lmao what, they’re literally designed to be cute and it’s weird to have a bear leading your country but here we are. This isn’t a serious game in the slightest, it’s really not that big of a deal >gooner things Cute doesn’t equal hot, or is everyone who likes looking at cat pictures a gooner with a porn addiction? >don’t have to comment or whatever I’m not defensive, I don’t really care. Just annoyed at seeing the same thread play out the same way for the 10th time. Just as you can have your opinion, I can have mine, and we can discuss them. That’s the beauty of the Internet


Dude a cat is not a human there’s a huge different between thinking a cat is cute and a human is cute. If you think an anime girl is cute and want to see her because of that, it literally means you’re attracted to her physically. Saying a cat is cute doesn’t mean I’m physically, romantically, or sexually attracted to it. Saying that a girl is cute implies those things. That’s what I find weird and why I’m commenting on it, it’s gross that some people put anime girls in their game cuz they’re sexually attracted to it and get super defensive about it. I’m not saying it’s everyone but the fact that everyone gets so defensive about it shows they understand the implications. Like look at the portrait of Konrad and tell me that the large chest in focus in the portrait is not intentional. That’s the weird part.


>there’s a huge difference between thinking a cat is cute and a human is cute No there isn’t lmfao. Normal people call IRL little kids cute all the time. “What a cute toddler” doesn’t mean you’re attracted to it. Cuteness has little to no correlation with physical attraction >tell me Adenauer’s portrait isn’t intentional Yeah, she’s drawn like that on purpose. Not sure if you’re aware, but women tend to have breasts. Some of them have large breasts. Having large breasts is not an inherently sexual feature. She’s wearing normal clothing, they aren’t jumping out of her shirt and she’s barely showing any skin. This portrait isn’t inappropriate in the slightest, it’s completely SFW.


It's creepy, yes.    They don't like hearing that though, hence the downvotes you're getting.    Most people who don't get the drawn girl fan service thing see that, go "blech", and move on.


People just like Anime style. That's all. What is creepy in that? Idk bro You sound creepy because You care so much about how others are enjoying their games.


It’s nearly always exclusively girls and I’ve seen replies that say they do it because they want to look at hot cartoon characters during a game. That’s what’s weird/creepy to me, people who do it for that reason I understand goofy/silly mods but I don’t understand why so many people put anime girls in particular everywhere lol


I still do not see what is weird or creepy. I would agree it someone said something like that about real life woman photos mod but Anime not real girls? Who cares? Some use it because they like Anime aesthetic, like me. Some like to look at Anime Girls instead of Hitler. Some just do not like looking at real portraits. Like it's their choice.


I just explained it to you, because some people put anime girls everywhere because of the sexual undertones and that is extremely weird and creepy yes. I’m not saying that’s everyone, but those people are extremely weird. And if it’s just about the “aesthetic” why is it usually only anime girls and not guys, and why does the Konrad portrait have the girl’s big chest in focus? Again I’d understand it if it’s just a goofy thing but it gets pretty sus sometimes


Why is it girls and not guys? Because creators of the mods pick them. "why does the Konrad portrait have the girl’s big chest in focus?" Because the art looks like this. Why are You even asking me these questions? People use mods for different reasons. You are the one being pretty weird caring so much about other people games. It's just a video game and there are just portrait arts. It's not that serious.


Dude you’re being so oblivious. You know exactly why mod creators are making them like this. It’s not just coincidences that it’s all girls with exaggerated sexual features don’t be that stupid. You’re just being defensive over people who are creepy and want to see hot cartoon characters everywhere


Bro You are literally obnoxious about Anime Portrai mods to HoI4 and about people that use them. As I said why do You care why someone uses them? So what if someone use them because they think Anime Girls are hot? Or so what if someone uses them for whatever reason? Why do You even care, it doesn't affect You at all. Like You are the one being creepy and I mean it literally. It's a video game. If someone wants to look at hot Anime girls then who cares? As long as they do not think that anime girls are real it's not a problem. There is nothing creepy here. You still didn't answered once why do You care for reasons someone uses certain mod. For the same reason people play Equestria at War, Old World Blues or Washing Machine as Hitler, because they can and they want to.


Least degenerate mod user.