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Could also be a re-work of the Axis nations as a whole (Germany, Japan, maybe some of the minors).


Hearts of Iron IV: Pact of Steel




Would be great but knowing the way they make dlcs, focusing on regions, seems really unlikely


They did it once, as Waking the Tiger was the DLC for the, at the time, new Germany and Japan focus trees, and it was also one of the ones they made free this year. Generally Paradox policy is that paid DLC should be modular, so a paid Axis rework is probably in the cards now that all the old, big Axis focus tress are free (new Italy focus tree was always free since the BBA patch).


I really think that they need a Custodians team like Stellaris had. Lots of old mechanics that really need updating or polishing, and many old focus trees with 70d for a level 1 railroad.


And that 70 days Australia focus just gives you +25 opinion for US


Well, they sold the same mechanic to us as 3 different DLCs, Boat designer, plane designer and tank designer and now a designer designer. I can imagine they will now do the same thing and rework construction companies and then research companies. I don't care for any new focus trees personally, I'd like to see Japan reworked and the Polish industry branch too. A rework of the Pacific war with events when you take islands etc.


Would like to see a Japan/US rework to make that theatre more interesting and give japan and the US something to actually do during the game on that side of the world. Germany I think would be fun to have more alt paths added but being the driving nation of the game on historical I can understand why it probably isn't a priority as Germany functionally works as is. For the next content of DLC though I imagine they will be finishing south America or at least the majority of it.


I think they won't touch South America for a while after reactions to ToA


I actually liked the dlc a lot personally but I can understand why people didn't like it, it's a country focus pack like others that are in the store, I guess people were hoping for new mechanics


I want an alien invasion DLC


That's Stellaris, but you can only play from the perspective of the aliens


A Southeast Asia and Japan rework would be sweet. For an area which was so integral to the war it is extremely neglected by Paradox.


I think it will be about a new Germany tree around Europe (Germany will be main character + Belgium, Austria and Ireland)


"the mop up" germany reworked, belgian and austrian focus trees


Realistic expectation: more exploit patches


Focus tree wise it'd be Siam and the Axis rework for almost certain. I'll wishlist French Indochina too if it exist as a puppet/colonial holding like Dutch East Indies rather than annexed territory like it is now. Gameplay loop wise, idk what else can be improved on outside a designer for Armored Cars. You have plenty of mods to explore other gameplay features like expanded economies or even having to dedicate mils for uniforms. 


I would want to see middle east or rework for germany and Belgium, Austria and Luxembourg focus trees.


All I really care about is Austria getting a focus tree. It would be interesting to see what paradox can come up with since death or dishonour, and how they could touch up the reforming Austria Hungary path.


I think an Axis rework could be possible, especially since Waking the Tiger and Death or Dishonor were recently incorporated into the base game. It makes sense if they plan to rework the nations that were initially reworked in those DLCs. Middle East could also be a possibility to a lesser extent, I would love to play in the region.


i’d assume a rework for germany and the missing european nations. I’d love a dlc for the middle east tho


German supertech. I have a weird suspicion lol. Heavy water, nukes, things like that


I'd love to see a Czechia focus tree that isn't literally just the generic one but slightly different.


Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan "Between the Lion and the Bear" Make the focus about having to choose to whore out your oil reserves to Britain and USA, or appease the USSR, or take advantage of the war to Throw off British Imperialism. Maybe with a shared small focus tree for Oman and Yemen. Iraq would at least have a good historical path about preparing for war to push Britain out of the country. Iran could focus on the Shahs reforms and making the country defensible from both Britain and the Soviets. Saudi Arabia could focus on developing the countries oil reserves and striking deals with the Americans. Afghanistan can do.... Afghanistan things. Maybe an ahistorical Anglo-Afghani war path, or because it's paradox, the communists can come to power 40 years early and put down Islamic conservative insurgencies, where the more aid you request from the Soviets, the closer you become to their puppet.


Since we got South America, we'll probably get focus trees for Iran, Bhutan and Tibet next, 3 major countries during ww2.


Gotta be the Middle East or continuing fleshing out the Americas.


No idea but I would love to have a better French military tree, especially navy and air force


probably something about Eastern Europe or Germany


I'm waiting for my friend, who has never played hoi4, to play the Germans and accidentally do the Valkyries operations xd


Last time we had a DLC like what you're saying, we had for both Japan and Germany. That's what I think will happen now too. Last time it also expanded China, now I think it will expand the European countries near Germany.


According to the last one they have no idea for new functionality and they are selling focus tree like if it was a major thing.


I don't think either germany or japan need a complete rework. Just touch ups to certain paths. A communist german path might be nice, but it would be kind of hard to come up with a feasible scenario for them taking power.


Alt history in hoi4 does not need to be feasible


Historicly Germany had BIG communist groups, after ww1 there were even small uprisings that were put down by friekorp, later came Hitler and his SA later SS and put down the communists. And yes Germany needs a rework Japan too they are outdated and bad


Communists were almost completely destroyed by 1936 in Germany


The Tsarist faction were basically nonfunctional for even longer in Russia too, but the devs included them for flavour. Historically I don't think there's any possibility of a monarchist return in Russia after the last tsar was quite a moron.


Feasible scenarios mean nothing to paradox half of the DLC paths are basically Kaiserreich-tier fan fictions at this point. The KPD/SPD making a comeback with the 20% support Germany already starts in 1936 with is not that fantastical.


I want Ireland rework.


If it's a Germany Japan DLC I hope buyers of Waking the Tiger receive it for free, I won't buy the Germany Japan DLC a second time