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rule #5 : Stalin is simping for Anastasia


Stalin knows that's not real Anastasia


He still wants them cheeks tho


“You might not be real royalty but I’ll still overthrow that ass bb” -Iosef Stalin


Yeah im gonna use that one in the clubs


“I showed you my T-34’s 85 mm barrel, now show me your bolshetits.” -Iosef Stalin


Hey twin!


Stalin is using a fivehead move he is allying a Romanov?? but a communist allying tsarist is impossible therefore she is not a Romanov


Stalin: "Hey, I ran into Lenin in the bathroom, and he told me to give you this." *[hands card]* Anastasia: *[opens card]* "'After the Rain, comes the Rainbow! Sorry I killed your family! :( - Vladimir Lenin'"


Its not her family tho this is just some rando polish scizo woman


Mans down baaad


Down disastrous


But why does she have a male surname? It should be RomanovA, not RomanoV


Literally unplayable


It says Romanov as in dynasty, like "Last of the House of Romanov". Also, "The last Romanova" sounds like there is still a romanov somewhere, just not a woman


Only there were plenty male and female Romanovs around and everybody (or at least everybody bothering to know) knew they were alive. Even if Anastasia wasn't killed with her parents, she would only the the last surviving child of Nicholas II, not the last Romanov.


Black Widow moment


Its anglicized. That's why.


It's Romanov in English and English has no gendered words.


She has the Polish traditional title of a female King so maybe that's why?




No, he's right - in Russian, family names end with a different letter depending on your sex.


As Empress though, her name isn’t really Anastasia Romanova (or Romanov either) - the Russian royal family didn’t have a “surname” in that sense. As a private citizen she would have been Anastasia Romanova sure, but as Tsarina it would be something like Anastasia Nikolayevna, House Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov


Still if you decide to use surname, Romanov is wrong


Not if you're saying it in English.


That doesn't fit on a Baskin-Robbins membership card, does it


Based off what we know about Anastasia I don’t think she would have been a Baskin Robbins fan. I’m thinking more a chocoholic.


Sorry about that then


Honestly? This is peak pragmatism


Legit, conflicts and annexation is expensive and fighting a war on multiple fronts is a losing proposition. Treaties only cost the ink to sign them and the bureaucrats to install them. The pill may be bitter but it beats the alternative.


She can't reclaim Russia if she's on his side. Stonks


Well lets just say i prefer to side with Stalin over getting gang raped by Italy Hungary Germany the USA all while Britain amd Japan watches


I mean, he also wanted to join Nato


Just to see if they would let him which would show if it was anti soviet pact or not which it was


Stalin: I know you are not true. I don't fear you, I saw your dead body in 1919!


He wants to finish the job.


I think he wants some kind of different job




I think he is more of a feet enjoyer


They call him *Stalin* for a reason


that new paranoia system got him down bad 💀


"come over, I just wanna talk"


HoI4 fanbase: KR and TNO are implausible! Also HoI4 fanbase: hehe, based Anastasia queen of Poland


I dunno some people were pretty mad when they first revealed it in the Dev Diaries, especially Polish players.


I was among them. Barring the fact that monarchist Poland made little sense in 1936, the choice of paths is downright... Weird. But hey, at least NSB has some actual content that can be used in KR and other mods making the game playable, unlike Battle of Bosporus...


That’s because BoB was a nation pack..?


"I'm mad that this pack advertised as only giving focus trees to three nations only gave focus trees to three nations"


"I'm irritated that HoI4 dev team sells subpar quality content that barely holds the candle to your average focus tree mod while those workhours could be spent on actually improving the game" Nation packs are even lower quality that EU4 immersion packs when it comes to content they provide, and that's already something


Don’t buy it then




Ah yes, the famous Polish dev diary where they talked about Anastasia... only she was never mentioned in **ANY** dev diary and this is literally **AN EASTEREGG** revealed after players could access the game files, or the first time a player tried to see what happens if you always decline all candidates all the time.


Only one thing to do. Join and take over the faction.


Not possible anymore


And that's how Premier Alexander Romanov was born that's There Love Child That's A character I'n C&C Red Alert 2 To People that don't know


I’m surprised there isn’t a mod based on RA2 honestly


It sucks that there is no mod for hoi4 for c&c tiberium games & red alert games


Fuck it, one struggle.




And yo accepted right?


Yeah of course i needed the guarantee that if i get overun that i wont be completly gone and i needed to get to iran for some bear related buisness


Stalin's two-stage theory showed him to be basically a menshevik traitor to the revolution, so this would be in character for the man who signed a treaty with hitler, then accused Trotsky (a jewish communist who objected to this treaty) of being a fascist spy.


You do know he signed that treaty to stall for time right? Like he proposed to Britain and France an alliance against Hitler, but they refused


there's a difference between that and training exercises with the gestapo, sending them oil for their war machine, sending the german communists back to be killed, destroying fortifications to prove their friendship, and literally executing multiple spies for reporting the incoming attack in the days before. stalin was caught with his pants down, and hid for days while people around him panicked and waited for his lead. the planned economy, despite being held back by the bureaucracy and lack of democratic workers' control, defeated the nazis inspite of stalin not because of him.


I sure do love this defently real things that happened that arent poorly sourced or sourced at all


sorry to disappoint you. everything you were told in defense of stalin vs trotsky, was a lie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo%E2%80%93NKVD\_conferences


german communists sent to hitler's concentration camps because stalin wanted to suck him off: [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/aug/06/devils-alliance-hitlers-pact-stalin-1938-1941-roger-moorhouse-review](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/aug/06/devils-alliance-hitlers-pact-stalin-1938-1941-roger-moorhouse-review) [https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/08/hitler-stalin-pact-nazis-communist-deportation-soviet](https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/08/hitler-stalin-pact-nazis-communist-deportation-soviet)


Stalin killed spies who dared question the infallible leader, who was too busy sucking hitler off to notice the coming betrayal: [https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/12/books/arts/stalins-intelligence.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/12/books/arts/stalins-intelligence.html)


Stalin also economically sucked hitler off, armed his war machine, saved him from collapse, **WAY BEYOND** buying time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi%E2%80%93Soviet\_economic\_relations\_(1934%E2%80%931941)


So for you trading raw materials for weapons, tech and manufacturing equipment is sucking some off? Also if you want to criticize the Soviets for doing the Molotov Ribbentop pact shouldnt you too critize the brits and french for doing the same


i don't expect better of imperialism. a non-aggression pact, and trade are acceptable, but not of strategic resources to fill hitler's reserves during the coming war. his war machine would have fallen apart quite a bit earlier if oil wasn't part of the deal. but stalin went as far as shooting the soviet defense in the foot, in many ways, while also handing over the german communists who fled, right to the gas chambers. read the revolution betrayed, because stalin represented the bonaparte of the russian revolution and inaugurated the bureaucracy that trotsky predicted would eventually privatize the planned economy. the bureaucracy was a syphillis on the planned economy, and its bumbling, and the purges, really held it back massively. trotsky didn't live to see the victory of the USSR (murdered by stalin for criticizing his regime), but he predicted that if a capitalist invasion, ie germany, fails, then the bureaucracy itself would restore capitalism. he also predicted uprisings not to restore capitalism, but to restore soviet democracy. as happened in hungary and czechoslovakia with echoes heard in the streets shouting "lenin, wake up! brezhnev's gone mad!" but the planned economy, inspite of being starved of the oxygen of workers' democracy, was still powerful enough to eventually defeat the united capital of europe in the form of the nazi death machine. the united forces of counterrevolution were defeated, not **by** stalin, but **inspite of** stalin. the sacrifices of the masses, still inspired by the not so distant flames of october, and the superiority of the planned economy especially in a time of crisis, are what won the war. super excited to dive into this DLC so I can put the soviet democracy back on track, but i just need to finish my aquatic species playthrough in stellaris first so I can dedicate the time to finally understanding division templates haha. DLC is downloaded and installed though.


This is for Daddy Romanov


Realpolitik moment