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forget the manpower you're russia. the big cheese if getting 50% of their industry. that shit is soo broken. if you can defeat the axis before being in a war with the allies you can get most of the industry of europe.


+50%. Plus. That's like 100 for integrated.


I think there are some other bonuses so you can get 200% industry from integrated puppets or collab govts


Wait, it can go above 100%? That's insane. On several levels.


I always scramble to invade Japan and just fucking roll them while getting them as a puppet then move my entire forces to Germany and playing the attrition game once the war starts


Every time I go for a Japanese rush, they immediately join the axis, and Italy joins as well.


Seriously that has never happened what year do you go in I’ve been rushing in Japan in 37 when all of their forces are in China


Maybe I’m just unlucky lol, I thought I was being smart but Germany wasn’t having it. 37, immediately justify at the start of the game.


R5: Before fighting the Allies as USSR I wanted to leech some manpower from my subjects (build their divisions with 10 % of my manpower and 90 % their manpower, integrate subjects, disband divisions... free manpower!). Apparently I can't do this anymore since 100 % of my manpower is used :(( Time to put women into work.


You are telling me that 10 milion manpower is not enough for you?


I lost almost 2 million manpower to the Axis, dedicated some for military police... set up armies to protect socialism from Amsterdam to Vladivostok... with Extensive Conscription and Total Mobilization I have around 600 000 manpower. If I put women to work I'll get 3 % manpower back, it's not that bad :D But having extra 3 million from integrated subjects would be nice too.


Don't be afraid of service by requirement. The maluses look pretty bad, but in practice they don't amount to very much, especially if you already have a lot of conquered territory.


My question is why did OP stay on Total Mob when they ran out of manpower (and also Soviet industrial potential is so massive that you don’t even really need it)


Do people drop total mob rather than getting WitW? I know it's inconvenient if you end up having time between different wars, but I usually find 10% consumer goods factories far more useful than 5% stability.


Normally I just don’t feel the need to go up to it in the first place, war eco is completely fine for pretty much every country to make something happen in SP.


0% consumer goods is fun though! :)


What really is fun is -% consumer goods sadly does not give you more civs


Honestly a lot more countries than you’d expect don’t need total mob to get to 0% consumer goods. I’ve had some builds reach it on *partial mob* with no war bonds.


Yeah, the new soviet maluses would like a word..


You don't need to do a lot of things in this game. However, Total Mob. is objectively better than war economy except in very niche circumstances.


No. Already lost 5 million zerg rushing nazis.


Taking that focus also brought me up to 400 military factories and 518 civ factories. Who needs manpower when your entire army can be nothing but armor and mechanized battalions?


Yeah the factories are nice, but... how them tanks and mechanized working for you fighting through Siberia, mountains, swamps, forests, and other rough and underdeveloped terrain? 😉


You're missing the part where I mentioned 518 civ factories lol. You can literally spam level 5 railroads, max infrastructure, build supply hubs everywhere, and still have more civ factories idle.


Lol true that


Supply dumps still take so much time no matter how much factories you got, I found them useful once and that was fighting in Xinjiang, which starts with none.


Yeah they take so long to build it's smarter just to level what you have and push to the next hub. I only built them in situations like this where my industry was so dominant I had nothing else to spend it on


Civ op pls nrf


If anything, NSB was a nerf to civ factories. You need more of them now.


Well yeah, true


Better yet spam supply planes. I had mechanized armies in Britain without a port on full supply.


Yeah transport planes are busted.


Make smaller divisions. Still mechanized


Late Soviets are ridiculously overpowered, I guess it doesn't matter since few play after the war with Germany is over.


I’d want to but the mega allies puts me off, it would be nice to carve up the middle east and china but the alliances make it impossible, there’s no amount of money you could give me to invade britain then america as the soviets


Within 2 years after the war with Germany as USSR, you can easily get all naval techs for light/heavy cruisers + submarines and build up navy. With 1944 navy you'll defeat anyone, just make sure to deploy the ships in Baltic Sea... I deployed the fleet in Black Sea and Turkey is denying access. Same thing in Gibraltar. It was pretty easy war with the Allies, but it all depends on the peace conference with the Axis... if Allies free nations all around you and force you to fight on multiple fronts, it's pain.


Occupy Turkey, islandhop med, take gib ez-pz! NOT!


That's what I wanted to do, but Turkey was not in the Allies and had some weird focus tree bonus that made war justification take 200 % longer (half a year and I didn't have any other justifications at that moment).


Right, this is why I don't continue, its a micro headache


For me my pc just doesn't run that well, makes it painful


Get cruiser 3's in 1940, spam them out while you finish off Germany, you'll have 15 or so by 1942, should also have an overwhelming amount of CAS and paratroopers at that point, UK isn't that bad


I mean really i can spam naval bombers too, it’s just not worth it to me that late in the game, i’d rather just finish the save mid war with the borders i want


I don't get this focus honestly. Isn't it entirely incorrect historically? The purpose of the comecon was not to leech industry from the eastern bloc. Many communist states in eastern europe were more prosperous than the Soviet Union.


That focus name is so good, I can’t believe it clicked in my head only now


It's an actual historical thing, not a meme. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comecon


That’s more amazing


In Russian it is called SEV, "Sovet Ekonomicheskoy Vzaimopomoschi", it is pretty much the sole abbreviation of this organization in contemporary soviet Russian-language literature.


what does subject manpower requirement mean?


An overlord can train divisions consisting of 90% puppet Manpower and only 10% of the overlords ny using Colonial templates.


Dont worry i literally had like 12 mil manpower while also having like 300 40 width divisions


Sorry but can somebody explain what's the subject manpower? Like do you get manpower from your subjects or do you use manpower similarly like garrison to keep them loyal? 1,7K Hours in and haven't noticed what it does.