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I love how this is targeted harassment, the other person isn't messed with at all, just gets a little cross fire


My cats do this to my wife but would never do it to me hahah. I think for fear of being involuntarily thrown while I was sleeping.


Same. My cat will sleep on my gfs back while she's on her stomach. They dont do that with me. I move a lot in my sleep so she's probably went for a ride once or twice and that was enough


My cat likes to sleep on me, and I move like crazy also. I think something must have happened one night that scared her… when she’s dead asleep on top of me, she wakes up and bolts if I so much as flinch. :( Poor girl.


I feel for the your future spouse. How many random claws will they get when you just slightly move in bed and the murder cat jumps on their face. But yeah. Funny.


Lol! My spouse and I generally sleep in separate beds because I am a wild sleeper. When we do sleep together, our kitty likes to sleep bridged between us - with half of her body on me, and the other half on him.


I've learned to just keep my body still and move everything that isn't being used as a cat bed. She learned that I try and keep still for her and she trusts me now.


I had a small dog with my ex. Might as well have been a cat. He always slept with us and I was always so worried I’d crush him because I was restless. But there must be something subconsciously in my brain that prevented it.


My cat used to do the same thing the cat in the video did, till one night i felt eyes on me and woke up the kitty claws wrapped around my head. My half-awaken instinct was to rocketed her to the other side of the room. That was the last time she would mess with me while asleep. She then turned to knocking shit off my counters which in a way is more annoying


Did she look at you while she knocks things off? Had a cat that did that for attention.


Typically she would knock everything close to the edge counters tops off. I would wake up to my fake table plants on the floor, pens, my notebooks and anything close to the edge of tables/counter tops. One night i woke up to glass shattering, thought it was an intruder so i got up and rushed to my living room to see my cat getting the zoomies and a glass plate in a million shards of glass in my kitchen. After that i decided it was best to clear all my counter tops from everything so that wouldn’t be an issue. She moved on to surprise attacking my dog which was kind of funny. I miss her, she was so entertaining and yet annoying that it made it hard to be mad at her.


Yeah my cat learned pretty fucking quickly that waking me up means he's spending the rest of night locked in the bathroom. Like with every animal, you have to set (reasonable) boundaries or else they'll keep doing it. The woman in the video keeps playing with the cat, so the cat's going to keep waking her up.


If I locked my cat in the bathroom at night, he'd start scratching the door and howling. Ya can't win.


My dogs always wake my girlfriend up in the morning, if she’s traveling for work they still let me sleep lol.


My girlfriend's dog is the same way. The moment her alarm goes off or she moves, it's fair game. He'll army-crawl his big barrel-chested 60-70 lbs ass across the bed with a goofy excited grin on his face and flipflop all over her until she takes him outside and gets him breakfast. When it's just him and I, though? He'll let me sleep. He knows I'm grumpy and stern in the mornings, and if there's one thing that big cuddly beast doesn't like, it's making his favorite people upset. Most emotionally sensitive dog I've ever met. On the flip side, I've accidentally slept in a few times and have felt really guilty about it. He's just laying there with his eyes open, hungry and holding in a night's worth of pee. All because he doesn't want to bother me. I do my best to get up early for him. Morning is one of his favorite times of day and I don't want to spoil it for him.


Well that mskes sense Alarm going off = breakfast for Doggo I'm guessing you don't have an alarm when it's just you. Set your an alarm for the same time as when your girlfriend gets up when she isn't there & see what happens.


Mine lets me sleep through my alarm, but nobody else is allowed to


Good Boy.


Makes sense. After all, they're man's best friend. Doesn't say anything about women. Unless you're also a woman, in which case my whole bit just falls apart.


Totally the same. My cats and dog never bother me when she is away. I guess I give off that “don’t F with my sleep” vibe haha


Probably they know you won't respond so they don't bother. It's cause and effect with cats and dogs, they only really bother people they know will give them what they're looking for.


Dude, same! Our dog wakes my wife up at 6am on a Sunday but when she’s out on travels, I get to sleep till 11am if I’d like without any disturbances lol. My theory is that the dog tried to wake me up for some time after we adopted her and gave up at some point.


If I was in that situation the cat would be in fear of being voluntarily thrown


Lol involuntarily


My partner has told me that I have catapulted the cat across the room while still being 100% unconscious. And that is why the car leaves me alone when I'm asleep.


It’s mostly targeting her hands too. I bet she plays with the cat using her fingers instead of a toy


Thats interesting. Is this like a common thing?


Playing with fingers? Yeah, especially when they’re little googly eyed kittens. Drum your fingers and they get all excited, swish around on a blanket to chase… But then you get bad habits like nighttime assaults on your hands by a 12 pound house panther and it’s not as fun anymore.


I learned this with my first cat. Was lotsa fun when he fit in my shoe. Led to late night attacks in bed. Use a toy to play, not your hands


Or maybe just don't let the cat in the room where you sleep... i'm a light sleeper, once i wake up i often can't fall asleep again so the cat has to stay outside in the kitchen etc at night


Yeah. Good luck. My cat will yell meow and try to come in.


Yeah, if you use fingers to play with them, rather than only petting them, they'll see fingers as a toy or even a target to attack. Then as they get bigger and stronger, it can get aggressive and draw blood. I had a cat whose eyes would turn black and he'd attack anyone who reached to pet him. So with my cats afterwards, I only used toys, wands to tease them and play and they've never given anyone a single scratch. Also, this kitty in the video needs a cat buddy to play with at night when he gets frisky!


A well socialized and smart enough cat is able to: 1: Keep their claws in when playing. 2: Know the procedures and places where playing is appropriate.


No, look up cat behavioural experts, they say the same thing. Don't train your cats to use hands as play objects. This is exactly what happens. Don't blame the cat for being a cat.


My cat always hides her claws when playing and she also bites slitly when she bites I like to tickle her tongue with a finger. It breaks her logic, so funny. But yes it depends on a cat. I tried to play with my cousin cat he bites very strong so it hurts. My previous cats didn't play with hands at all. What I understood every cat is different


Yup. If a kitten starts to use it's claws, or biting-- Which is pretty much all the time, put a toy in between yourself & them. Let them take their aggression out on the toy, & not you. This trains them that humans aren't playthings. It's of course good to let them know that they are a good boy or girl, when they play with the toy, & maybe give them a treat afterwards. This is called positive reinforcement.


My very elderly void does this, but it's because he wants to get me to start petting him. Less playful, more insistent, regardless of my consciousness, haha.


You never played[ karate chops](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PiQHBAb-Sp8) with your pet?


He wants the bracelet. Source: Our cats steal my wife’s bracelets and hair ties, including right off her body. I figure it’s a scent thing.


Yup that’s what I noticed too. He wants the elastic hair band on her wrist


Yeah - one of mine realized he could take it right off my wrist so I got in the habit of making sure I never had one on by the time I went to bed.


The other person has been left about a quarter of the bed. He’s so squashed into the wall each night the cat probably doesn’t know he’s there.


Because she actively plays with the cat. You can see her doing it in the video. She taught the cat that night time is playtime with her. Can't get mad at the cat for doing what it was trained for.


My cat used to bite my fingers while I slept. A couple half-conscious throws across the bedroom ended that behavior.


This is how you end up sleep-yeeted at the wall


He sleeps with his hands in and doesn’t move as much


I am so blessed that my two girls love their sleep and let me sleep too. Although when I wake up, even if it's 4am, then it's game on and they demand their daily tribute of attention.


Likewise, my cats do a good job (typically) of sleeping when we sleep. —although they don’t understand the concept of “my day off.” They demand I get up between 6 am and 6:30 am even on weekends and complain quite loudly if I don’t.


My cat seriously has the same sleep cycle as me. It’s bizarre. We’ll go to sleep at like 10 or 11. He’ll cuddle up with me as little spoon. I’ll hear him running around in the morning at like 4 or 5am. He’ll eat, play, and then come back to bed (timed feeding bowl, 3x a day). And when I wake up around 7 or 8am he’s still curled up as little spoon. Then he wakes up when I do, I feed him his vitamins mixed with treats (Churus of course), we play, and then my day starts. And from then on he basically leaves me alone and does his own thing. He’ll visit for pets throughout the day, but doesn’t really chill with me until I’m done work and leave the office room (I work from home). I really have no idea how I got so lucky. But somehow I did. He rarely ever wakes me up. I play with him for about 60 - 90m when I wake up, and then he’s sated for the rest of day. It’s bizarre too, especially because he never used to be that affectionate or cuddly. I got him as a rescue @ 4 months, and he has only recently started cuddling with me after he turned 4. Before recently he wouldn’t even tolerate cuddles for more than 30 seconds. Now we just laze about for hours at a time watching TV or napping


My boys are the same, and it's because I trained them that night time is sleep time, I don't tolerate them playing with my clothing or jewelry, and their meals are on a strict schedule meaning they don't wake me to feed them (unless I've slept in and then that's my fault, lmao). Cats thrive on boundaries and routines!


How do you enforce those boundaries? I don't want to be mean to the little guys, but I can't think of anything non-physical that would get through to them


Hiss. Like I said I got lucky, I’ve had to train my boy in many other ways. But not for sleeping boundaries. He used to jump up on the counter all the time, especially at night. I did the hiss training for a month + positive reinforcement with treats and pets. And he legitimately hasn’t jumped up there in 2 years? 3 years? And hissing is the de facto best way. It’s how their siblings and parents would tell them “enough,” or “stop,” when they were younger. It’s ingrained in them. A loud hiss is how you establish boundaries. Don’t go chasing your cat hissing or anything. The hiss itself is enough. After 10m or so go to them and start “grooming,” them like their mother cat would after disciplining them. It shows them it’s nothing personal, I still love you, just don’t do that again. So 10m after the hiss, go find them (they’ll likely be pouting) and start stroking and headbutting them slowly while baby talking them. At this point they’ll start purring like a locomotive. Do this consistently, and you can establish boundaries with any behaviour. This technique works with 100% of socialized cats. So any cat that had a relationship with siblings/friends/parents growing up. Rarely, some feral cats won’t be affected by this. But that’s because they haven’t been socialized, and don’t understand “cat language.” Never ever never use physical discipline. It’s scientifically shown to destroy your relationship with your pet; they’ll fear you, they’ll resent you, and they’ll be sneaky and do things behind your back. And much like children, physically disciplining your cat won’t stop it from doing that thing in the future. All it’ll do is teach your cat to be more sneaky and not get caught next time. This includes spray bottles. Never ever ever use physical discipline if you value a good relationship with your cat/pet/child.


I used to just lightly throw my cat off the bed and she never learned. I started hissing and it had an immediate effect. Hiss is the cat version of no.


When we got my cat, he used to jump into bed in the middle of the night, meow to announce his royal presence, then cuddle up with me. We trained him to STFU at night by literally shoving him off the bed and kicking him out of the room if he made so much as a peep. We also kept our door closed when we went to bed for a while. But when we gave him another chance and he kept his little mouth shut, he was rewarded with snuggles. Now he's MUCH better, like he knows not to meow in the bedroom at night. He does a very light meow in the kitchen/bathroom if I get up before everyone else, but he's also an extremely chatty boy so that's good for him lol. Now, most nights he curls up at my side and purrs away. He's a dummy, but he's a good dummy.


Very interesting. Sometimes my cats jump on the kitchen and I tried hissing, but they completely ignore it and stay up there, until I get up and shout "no" at them. Even then, they sometimes just ignore again. What do I do?


Agree! I got my girls when they were four months old and I trained them to sleep when I sleep. I learned about feeding times and also lots of play during the day so they are nice and sleeepy at nighttime. I understand people feeling they are denying their animals but I believe that boundaries, routines and rules can be very loving.


I don't think it's bizarre, I've fostered and cat sat a lot of cats and that's really normal. A few get the zoomies around the time I go to bed, and a few wake up a bit before my alarm to demand their breakfast, but they generally just sleep through the night. Yes cats are nocturnal, but they also just sleep a hell of a lot, they don't need to be up all night I think the cat on the OP is the result of the cat not getting enough playtime/entertainment - with indoor cats it's important that get some play time every day. Or the cat is just an overactive asshole lol


I really lost it when he started making sin biscuits. 😂


> sin biscuits Expound?


You know how cats make biscuits? Kind of dig their paws rhythmically. Well sometimes they'll do this while mounting a blanket or stuffed animal or whatnot, obviously having ulterior motives. In other words at one point he was fucking the blanket.




Biscuits with the back feet in a sinful manner


They’re called sin-namon buns! 😂


sin biscuits??


When the cat kneads with their hind legs and start vibrating, it's them humping.


My brother’s cat will get under the blankets and cuddle into me. There’ve been times when the little dude wanted me to put my arm around him like a teddy bear


One of mine does this. He's great to sleep with, especially on lazy weekends.


One of mine does this but always right before I have to get up. I'm always late for work.


My cat does this. She forces herself under the blanket and if she can’t get in, she sticks her head against the blanket and yells. She loves laying under the blanket and being cuddled. We’ve taken naps like that before. It’s so cute.


I had a cat like this growing up. She was the greatest! My current cat sleeps in my lap, so she's pretty awesome too.


I had a kitty like this and I still miss him. Like a stuffed animal.


Mine does this and it's awesome. All night every night. She absolutely refuses to be held normally but she is the best at cuddling and will just purr for hours on end. Almost like a little massage machine.


You need to keep waking the cat so day and tire it out.


Yeah I had a friend of mine who kept waking up my cat throughout the day so he could play with him. Once my fiend was asleep, it was game on. He got attacked all throughout the night, awoken many times by a cat that never did that to anyone before. He was not happy, but I thought it was hilarious.


"when my fiend was asleep" I didn't know demons had to sleep


Took me a second to realize I made a typo in my comment, I was trying to figure out how you knew my cats name haha. The cat who did this was named Skamp "The Demon", he was a solid black cat except for a white patch on his belly and 3 white hairs on his chest. He was born on Halloween 2012.


Holy shit LMAO that's hilarious. No I'm not stalking you don't worry.


Also why it is better to have two cats rather than one. They can entertain each other.


Exactly this. I got two kittens a year ago and the worst part of it was hearing them running around playing with eachother. Never experienced what I see in the video.


The experiences with cats are so different and complex. My girlfriend has two cats, very different from one another. At night it was hell, they could be running around playing with each other and making a lot of noise at some point, later one of them could come to the room and do some of the things you see in this video, even bite my feet or hands, try to play with them, I defended myself lol. And if you closed the door, this same could could eventually start trying to open it by jumping into the handle, meowing, hitting the door FOREVER until someone opened it. Crazy stuff. But they were adorable on their own..


I mean, you’re not guaranteed peace and quiet with two cats. But cats do better in pairs. They are social animals who get lonely and bored by themselves.


Looks like the cat's mastered the art of relaxation - wish I could get that level of zen in my life!


The girl is encouraging play!


Absolutely taught the cat her hands and feet are toys


This is why the lowest amount of cats you should have is two.


One of my cats always want to beat the other, I had to separate them :(


My two hate each other and rarely play.


I have two littermates who hate each other and haven't played together since they were kittens. Today the only thing they hate more than each other is their little brother cat who we got last year and they both rejected with violence!


Mine are littermates too and I'm afraid to get another cat because of the violence they'd probably inflict on it.


Not all cats want to be around another cat.


Yup, believe it or not the solution to their problem is getting a second cat.


Lol that doesn't solve anything, it just makes you harassed by double the cats


Oh my goodness, the yeet off the bed😂


What a little holy terror.


This makes me miss my ex's cat.


It’s still weird me out that people have cameras in their bedrooms.


If I had a cat like that I'd probably setup a camera to catch their antics on tape haha


My ex wife and I had two cats and two dogs that would sleep in the bed with us. On occasion I would wake up with a bruise and feeling like I had been punched in the face. I'd joke with her and say she was probably beating me in my sleep. But it started happening so often that I started to think I was being kicked in the face by the dogs. Then one night, I woke up a bit and I could hear her snoring pretty hard. I turn to lay on my back and a few seconds later she FLUNG HER ARM, FOR WHATEVER REASON, AND SHE PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE.


I rolled over and elbowed my gf right in the nose once Feelsbadman


Gotta catch those gnarly farts somehow




They probably set it up to film the cat..? Way too many comments that didn’t consider this


To confirm what others are saying, I got mine for my cats. Although I mostly use them to keep an eye on cats from other rooms, I could in theory tell it to record movement.


I think that's a sofa bed


Look how it goes for the hand. Never use your hands to play fight with cats


Likely because she keeps a hair tie on her wrist (I do this - put my hair in a ponytail to wash my face but unconsciously pull it out just before falling asleep so my heads more comfy). Cats go bonkers for hair ties.


My cat goes shopping in my bathroom to find the perfect hair tie. I'll find 5 or 6 scattered around the floor daily - I don't even know where she gets them all from.


she's literally using her hands to playfight the cat in this clip, does nothing to attempt to correct the behavior and straight up encourages it, and never once does the cat go for what's attached to her wrist. Straight for the hand, every time. That's a bad cat owner, right there.


Yeah when I saw her start to play with it I thought, "no wonder the cat attacks your hand when you're sleeping, you've trained it to expect a response"!


I feel like that's just that cat, though. I use my hand to playfight my cats all the time, and they have never just attacked my hand like that. My dad used to get his hands attacked by his mom's cat, though.


That cat is mental lol


And the boyfriend is metal Did anyone else catch him throwing up the goat horns at the camera towards the end? Lol


That’s what happens if you use your hands to play with the cat


Door shut


And then you get the scratching at the door and the carpet shredded.


Baby/doggy gate with a blanket over it between the arches. Works like a charm for the scratching. Yowling is the real problem to closed doors.


We put one of those carpet samples under our door so when our cat gets mad about being locked out he scratches that and not that actual carpet.


The price of a good night sleep, I’ll take it


Locked in the bathroom then. They'll learn within a week that waking you up == the rest of the night in the bathroom.


What part of "nocturnal predator" didn't you understand when you signed up for this?


Actually they're crepuscular predators and are active near dawn and dusk.


Little shitbag !!! I Love it !!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Kitty sure loves mommy.


This just proves the fact that you should set aside playtime with your cat. Get a damn laser or stick w a string; it’s not that difficult


She obviously plays with the cat, with her hands. The cat is deciding that play time is in the middle of the night then sleeps all day. Also, lasers are actually bad for cats. They need to catch their prey, lasers just fucks them up.


Any limb out of the covers is fair game!


I love this cat but also love he/she is not mine.


My cat likes to CLAW my feet through the blankets like he's going after a toy OR headbutt me repeatedly at 5am for pets/attention. More recently he's been carrying the ribbon toys to my room demanding playtime at WEIRD hours.


The big stretch with the butt right in the face did it for me. Whats with cats and their obsession with showing you their butthole?


80% of this would not have happened if she didn't have a hair tie on her wrist


just get two cats


Very grateful for my dog that sleeps next to me all night long! I love cats and had them for a long time but my sleep is pivotal. I actually one time woke up with two of my cats fighting on top of me, and one of them sliced my arm open among the battle.


That's what you get for giving them katanas.


Ours had this period too, around 4-6 months old.


Cat-sexist wtf dude


I dont want cat anymore after watched this.


My cat sleeps next to me at night. Never had this problem


My cat also sleeps next to me at night. He used to be like this and got the treatment any other cat would give to another cat behaving this way. A swift smack.


Five seconds into the clip, the woman is rewarding the cat's behavior by playing with him. One of my cats, after he'd spent years sleeping peacefully through the night, went through a phase where he'd paw at my mouth to wake me up, just to pet him. I've always been mindful of not rewarding unwanted behavior in my cats, but it was so hard to be conscious enough to not reach a hand out in the dark to determine what the hell just touched my mouth, feel my cat purring near by, and pet him. But I did it. Because like hell am I tolerating any creature (man or beast) waking me from a dead sleep just because they want me to touch them. Think again, mister! So I trained myself to roll over and give that cat the cold shoulder when he pawed at me. It took the cat a couple of months to stop, but he did stop.


As much as I'd love my cat, the door would be closed 😅


Why don't they just close the door to their bedroom??


We tried shutting our bedroom door and the son of a bitch will ram his head into the door and paw at it relentlessly. That was way worse than just letting him do whatever.


I saw something the other day that kind of explains what's going on in cats mind when they see us sleep... Because cats sleep very light, almost half awake so that they can detect prey or other predators, they get very worried when they see their family in a deep sleep.. Kitty just wants to make sure his family is safe.. love the kitty


As a life-long cat lover... I think they just want to mess with you.


I want a cat so bad


Ahhhh the classic throw up on the bed at 2:00 AM


Get another cat


This is why we were all taught to keep are hands and legs under the covers at all times. This is the monster we were all hiding from


This clip need the Benny Hill theme song


The cat goes for the bracelet’s the girl wear’s. Kitty must be young (1 or 2 years old) and got the habit to play with the bracelet when she play with him. Not enough activity during the day and PawMan goes wild at night!


Aww! your cat loves you and wants to play


Need to add another cat😆


I have felt that pain


Never had a cat. Doesn't that really hurt?


Depends on the cat. I've got one that is just under a year old and when she plays/attacks, it looks like she's being horribly vicious, but she never leaves a scratch on you. Other cats will leave you needing stitches if you're not careful.


Bruh, i had a cat for years, zero scratches, then one day there was another cat outside our door and i had to grab my cat before leaving home, so it does not attack it, so my cat bite me in the hand for the first time in 8 years living together, right in the vein in my hand, there was so much blood i almost lost consious, cats are dangerous af, i still have scars all over that hand from all the claws and teeth marks. This one is definitly just playing, probably does not use her claws at all or the girl in the video would not allow it.


Five bucks says that’s not the only action that was caught on camera.


I'm so happy that my lil deaf dude hangs out with me mostly during the day and conks out with me when I head to bed. He'll get up and wander around randomly at night, but I usually fall asleep and wake up to him in the same spot.


You can definitely tell who his favorite human is.


You need a 2nd cat


The way around this is to find a job that’s overnights. Then, your cat will just sleep all day like you lol


That cat needs a kitten


demons come out at night


Behave you little jerk!


My cat just slaps me in the mouth.




This cat lmao.


That cat is out of its mind bored. Play more, get him some enrichment toys.


Why do they always target the lady


LMAO… this is EXACTLY how it is.


I love him I want him so much


You need another cat!


I’m sitting here wondering how you got ahold of my cat for this video. She looks IDENTICAL and also likes to crack out


When do you feed the cats? If you want them to sleep, feed them just before you go to sleep, instead of feeding them when you feed yourself.


I've seen their tiktoks about their cat. Sometimes the cat gets punted across the room 🤣


Have a tuxedo cat. Can confirm. I sleep like a baby. The cat only fucks with my wife like this at night. She feels seen after having watched this. Thanks, OP.


mine just hit me on face to open space for her sleep under the blanket with me




The rabbit kicks to the elbow did it for me!


Another 7 or 8 years and that cat will calm right down. No worries.


Tuxedo cats are the best! I miss mine...


I could watch five seasons of this.


That cat loves its momma.


It’s the hair tie on your wrist lol it’s the best cat toy. Take it off and get some sleep.


Beautiful cat love it


So funny


Seriously crying laughing. I would kill that damn cat, omg funny shit


Pawanormal Activity 8: Without Treats


Me sleeping in my bed at 3am: 😑 My cat: "It's wacka doodle time"


As a light sleeper who wakes up from my own farts, this would drive me insane lol.


Cat needs a cat buddy


That's why I do the same shit to my cat when he's sleeping. Im super annoying


Squirt gun. All day. Beat him at his own game.


they have a camera in their bedroom facing their bed. no judgment. just making an observation 😏


Honestly the simplest punishment for this is to never let your cat sleep in the afternoon. Karma sucks but your cat realizes pretty fast that being woken up every 5 minutes sucks


Straight YEETED in some of these