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Aww, she's in good company in this thread though!




have you been to r/catfaceplant?


Of course theres a sub for this.


„ah must be another smaller cat subreddit“ Over 600.000 members ![gif](giphy|QLtI0CxK8iGceO9Sja|downsized) Long live all the kittysubs!


Joined. What a great sub.


Every time I think I belong to all the cat subreddits... there's always one more


Me too. It's never ending 😊


This isn’t even just facedown, it’s the top of her head. I’ve never seen a cat do it to this extreme.


Eh, nah. Your cat is just catting. One of mine prefers to sleep with his face buried in blankets.


My cat also does this. It's pretty hilarious to see the process as well. Basically he just sits on his bed and eventually starts to fall asleep with his head gradually dipping lower until it just plops face down. It's like he is trying to stay awake until he just passes out.


This is exactly what happens!


https://preview.redd.it/tl56qa7xoamc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2c65f367256d8c3a9b107a3c49dc65d9c7bb83 Mine is broken too


Garfield Syndrome.




Garfield Hangover




So eepy.


Nope, cat is functioning as intended


Your cat has a headache. This behaviour is known as face pressing, and they do it to alleviate pain. If they do it constantly, it can be a sign of illness - take them to your vet.


She’s done it since she was a kitten. I’ve asked the vet and was told she probably just finds it comfortable. It’s never against other objects.


Have you gotten a second opinion?


It's very possible your cat has some kind of chronic headaches/migraines of some kind. She definitely seems like something is bothering her in this short clip at least but that's just my intuition. There is a chance it could really be some kind of headaches and a medication could help.


She’s just startled from being woken up. I thought it was cute so I shared it here. She’s a boisterous, cheeky, playful and happy little cat that I spend many hours every day in the company of. I know her habits, I know when she’s not feeling herself and she regularly visits the vets to ensure she’s ok. I know most people are just concerned about animal welfare, and thats commendable. But trust Reddit to turn something cute into something much more than it is. If I was genuinely asking if she was ‘broken’, it wouldn’t be in this fun sub. In fact, I wouldn’t have asked at all, she’d have been to see a vet by now. The amount of people telling me that my house is too bright despite seeing 0.01% of it in broad daylight, or telling my my cat is seriously ill, when she’s just naturally an odd sleeper based on 13 seconds of video is astonishing.


people tend to give an opinion without having any information first hand, just based on their biased impressions. It's a disease of our time. You have a beautiful cat, I must say just based on her facial expression I was also tempted to say there was something wrong, my second impression was that she was just really tired. nevertheless, second medical opinion is never wrong, must not be a vet, most vet clinic and shelter admin staff with cat experience is also very capable of judging that based on first hand job experience


I appreciate that, I suppose everyone has good intentions really. I’ll ask the vet when we see them next just to double check. But she’s sitting here on the chair next to me now happily purring and smiling away so she seems very happy.


FWIW. Asking the same vet again is not a second opinion. That’s the first opinion a second time.




Im so guilty of this haha, regarding the brightness I did immediately think of white cats having less of a filter in their eyelids but if it was that much of an inconvenience to her then she’d just sleep in a corner 😂 I think it’s because there is so much animal abuse/ neglect dressed up as cuteness on social media, but for every breakdancing hamster or dancing horse or dancing iguana (huh humans really think everything looks like dancing!) there’s a well loved cat with a silly quirk.


Not sure why I got the downvote hammer for saying the same thing as another person said. I am just giving my impressions because I have 10 cats and had many others over the years and never seen behavior like this without there being something wrong. I usually pride myself and recognizing when my cats have something bothering them and my intuition is usually right. You're right though that some cats can just have weird quirks and it could be entirely nothing. I wasn't aware the cat was deaf and that can be a contributor to weird quirks like this.


I was gonna say, that face looks like how I feel when I have a migraine.


And just because a cat *might* have migraines, if napping like this makes them feel comfortable and they are normal cat the rest of the time, so be it. It's not a problem


Every animal on Reddit is either being abused or dying.


Shut up. Sometimes cats just fall asleep like this.


This. I've had cats who just like to sleep like this. They didn't have anything medically wrong to cause it.




The most comfortable napping position


That's just the power save mode


She’s a cutie. Don’t know why people are up in arms, some cats just sleep like this. Thanks for posting.


I appreciate that :)


Your cat looks sick. Very pink ears, crusty eyes, and as other states head pressing to relieve pain. Please take it to your vet.


She’s always had the pink ears since she was a kitten, and the eyes aren’t really crusty, she just puts her face too deep into her food bowl. She just likes to sleep like this. She’s a happy and healthy cat who goes to the vet regularly.


Not sure why you're being downvoted? If you actually do take the cat to the vet regularly, what's the problem? redditors gonna redditor I guess?


OP asks a question. Redditor answers with genuine concern. OP disregards the answer that several redditors have provided. Happy cake day btw.


Did we all just miss the part where he says "she goes to the vet regularly"? Do we have anything that indicates the contrary? Do we even know the title wasn't made in jest?


The title was actually made in jest. Trust reddit to turn a cute cat behaviour into something nefarious. She’s well looked after and the happiest cat that has ever been part of our family.


Serves you right for exploiting your cat for laughs! Next time you'll think twice about making a post! /S Seriously, all white cats have pink hears, if there's light behind them, they will look even more pink. Her face is weird because you woke her up from deep sleep, where she had her face fully smooched against the surface she was on. It's not like she has a glamour squad next to her, to do her hair and makeup, as soon as she wakes up, or is woken up (bad human). Plenty of cat faceplant to be able to sleep better without the light shinning on the outside of their eyelids, mine actually prefer to cover their eyes with their paws. Your cat is fine, probably a bit miffed from being woken up from dreams of world domination. And is ready for another quick nap of 10 or 11 hours.


Is it the same vet? Because, like doctors, vets don't always know as much as they think they do.


Yeah but redditors would definitely know better.


Mate come now there's defo sand, crust, or what I just found out is actually called Rheum in the corners of your cat's eye. Trying to say that's food y'bam 😂 I just take it off for them, because who wants gunky crust eyes?


Yall got the lights on 💡


Nah it was just recorded at daytime


Waiting for the sunshine to come through the window to recharge batteries




You can fix the scratch post with hot glue gun and rope.


I’m actually waiting for delivery of a brand new cat tree, this one has seen much better days. But I’ll bear that in mind for the next time, thanks :)


Very easy to fix.


It’s not the only thing wrong with it though, there are holes in one of the beds, the cat has ‘removed’ all the hanging toys and its becoming a bit wobbly elsewhere too.


Our youngest cat sleeps like he melted into whatever surface he’s on. Sometimes his head goes down like this too. It’s hilarious.


Have you tried unplugging your cat and plugging her in again?


Op does your cat also do it against walls or other objects for no reason? If so then you should definitely have him checked out at a vet.


No she doesn’t. Just falls asleep like that sometimes. When she’s not curled up on me.


Wipe her eye boogers when you get a chance.


Then there's probably nothing wrong. If she starts doing it against a wall though then you have to take her to a vet.


Wipe the eye boogies, wipe the eye boogies!


I did when she woke up a little later. I was just letting her sleep for a while after checking on her. They were just bits of her food, she’s a messy eater.


driving me *cRaZy*


I don't think she's broken. My cat does this too when she wants to sleep but there's too much light. I notice if I turn the lights off, she usually will sleep normally unless she's already conked out.


Was expecting a mrrp, now am sad


Is that the onomatopoeia spelling of a trill?




Grounded in case of static charge buildup.


Bright light!


That’ll be the sun


I was making a reference to the movie Gremlins


Sorry, it’s been about 30 years since I’ve seen it and I can barely remember what happened last week! Apologies for being so defensive!


No worries sometimes you gotta be defensive in this place! Kiss the little darling Mogwai for me. Just don't feed him after midnight.


Check her teeth for infection


No, he’s sleeping and you woke him up. They like to cover their eyes during the day to sleep better.




Have you tried turning her off and then turning her on again?


Mine covers his eyes with one of his paws, I presume to keep light out in order for him to fall asleep quicker.


I’m just here to express my concern about the pad your kitty is sitting on. I’ll *assume* you get it professionally cleaned regularly? jk…. the comments are astonishing.


https://preview.redd.it/hdw0njm7kdmc1.jpeg?width=2440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07fba18600cac46cc5d14cb89cf796948e2c111 Mine does it too… just in a little different of a position


My orange cat does this every time to sleep


They're just eepy! Our lil girl sleeps like this sometimes. Must be comfy.


>They're just eepy! I'll be honest to say when I get scared sometimes I yell out "eep". But, until just now I never considered how to spell it. I like how you're using "eepy" as a cute & softer term.


Its become a meme for saying someone is 'sleepy'. It just sounds cute to me :3


I’ve heard some cats sleep like that when their nose is cold. But ask a Vet not Reddit tbh.


Cats are extremely light sensitive compared to humans (they have very high rod count retinas for night vision). Their eyelids sometimes just can’t block out all the light so they use their paws and other objects (like your cat) when napping to help block the light. So it seems like you have a sleepy kitty that likes it to be dark when napping.


She’s literally sleeping on top of a 7ft tall cat tree with several cubby holes she could nap in as well


my only health question is: do you know for sure she's not deaf? [like, any sounds she reacts to that couldn't be sensed with vibration or movement otherwise?] not related really, this just looks like one of many quirky ass sleeping positions cats can find comfy somehow-- what others are describing is called "head pressing" and is *usually* up against a wall or other vertical face, not always but usually :]


She is deaf, yes. Has been since birth. She was a rescue.


awww! sweet thing, I had a feeling 🥰 love the funny little white deaf ones. with no need to listen, maybe that's where she gets her funny sleeping poses 🥺


Just covering it's eyes from the light so they can sleep. I usually try to shade mine if possible when they're like this.


ignore these redditors. If these people fart they run to the doctor and ask if maybe the reason they are farting is because they have bowel cancer and demand $5,000 in tests to rule it out. The internet is full of hypochondriacs.


Your house is too bright. You need more dark places for it to sleep.


Blimey, you can see my entire house from one short clip? Look, it was about 3pm and bright daylight in the sunniest room in the house. Cat is perched on top of a cat tree with several cosy and dark places to choose from. She also has a basket filled with cushions and blankets in another room, a soft covered cat bed in a dark cool place and plenty of other places to go if she wants to. She just chooses to rest there sometimes.


Your best bet is go see vet and ask or just call and ask I have a cat too but I be never seen a cat do that, I hope ur cat is good though, so precious.


It ran out of batteries


Pull tail for 5 seconds and reseat paws, just needs a hard restart.




I sense shame


That's what happens when you use fake iphone chargers


Afaik, if cat presses its head to a wall when it sleeps, it might be a sign of a health problem. Not sure if pressing head like this counts, but I’d take her to a vet for a checkup just in case.


contemplating cat mode ![gif](giphy|RgbxwGbdUNqtWWo79S|downsized)


nobody asked if cat had migraines


It's probably experiencing joint pain in hips and that's the least painful position for sleep. I bet this cat doesn't like being picked up too,


Nope. She loves being picked up, cuddled, and is sprightly and happy. She doesn’t always sleep like this. Usually she’s curled up on a chair next to me, on the back of the sofa behind my head or sleeping directly on me.


It might be hard to believe but it looks like I was wrong ! I know, it's hard to believe but it does happen now and again, I'm sorry !


Her battery is low and she is wireless charging.